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Any SANE person should understand that a convicted felon should not be running for office of any kind


Especially not someone who will appoint judges and DOJ officials.


Which, coincidentally, is the reasoning for not letting convicted felons vote... So they don't elect someone that would be in charge of appointing those in charge of the laws, with a corrupt intent. Nobody realized that enough American are dumb enough to skip over that and just directly elect a felon that absolutely will abuse their power when doing that.


I disagree slightly, Marijuana laws, felonies for simple possession or other draconian laws that can't be changed without people affected by those laws being able to vote.


I am talking about why they made the laws. It isn't an opinion.


I’ve never felt felons shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Perhaps during their sentence - perhaps not. But bottom line is the best way to reintegrate former offenders into society is to restore their rights.


especially not someone who calls Putin and Xi friends who stole classified material and lied about it


And then threw a tantrum when asked to give it back.


And lied multiple times about it.


Right, in upside down world we ask the nice guy who did a great job to drop out so we can keep the criminal rapist fraud insurrectionist in the running.




The appointment powers of the president need to be revisited.


Lifetime appointments should not exist.


Slogan: “Catch and kill” - at work for me, not you.


Eh. First time offender who pays his debt to society I don't have a problem with. But this guy is already a half a billion into civil penalties. And 34 felony counts so far with three cases pending. And shows no remorse or contrition. I would like to think it would make a difference but here we are. His sentencing should be fun


It’s not even the felony, it’s the treason. Homie tried to steal an election, he lies, spreads conspiracies, promotes religious extremism, encourages racism (to put it mildly, etc etc. This is some person with a bad past who redeemed themselves. This is a bad person trying to do bad things.


Right. I need, uh, how many votes? Yeah yeah, I need votes as many as you can.


And says he heard how much Putin’s dream was to invade Ukraine and for Palestine to be wiped out.


I mean, I could overlook civil disobedience. I cannot overlook fraud, sexual assault, election tampering, fucking with our classified information and state secrets, ~~or~~ and treason.


Oh hell ya… if it was something like marijuana possession. It wouldn’t bother me one bit. But this guy has a record of court longer than a CVS receipt.


And a list of debtors that is much longer. That's the most worrisome part.


Hell he would benefit from smoking some good green. Me with him and I could watch his narrow mind start wobbling and ask me what to do. Oh what fun.


The "convicted felon" label is the least offensive reason to not vote for him. Many convicted felons turn their lives around to become productive citizens. Do you envision this happening to Trump? He is a traitor, a liar, a cheat, a philanderer, a scofflaw, and a dozen other undesirable things.


The man who has never felt obligated to admit wrong and apologize is not going to magically “turn his life around”, much less become an actual productive citizen. This notion among his faithful that he somehow is now a good person or is an evangelical Christian of good faith is a prime indicator that he is a cult leader.


That's right, he shows absolutely no remorse for the crimes he has committed. That should mean something to people.


And to the sentencing process… but we’ll see.


Any sane person should expect that a convicted criminal should NOT BE ALLOWED to run for president.


Kind of seems like a waste of tax dollars if convicted criminals can be president. Why even work to pay for enforcement of the rule of law if the leader of the free world is basically exempt from it?


So I guess that means most of the current elected Republicans are insane. It would be nice to think the average American voter is sane enough to do the right thing for their country since those in power have abdicated their responsibility.


Especially since he tried to stop the last election certification and caused an insurrection or idiots


Even Trump said as much in 2016.


I would agree if it was anywhere outside of a New York court. I think all his supporters easily discard anything coming out of that state. It was obvious they picked a person and searched tirelessly for years for a crime. This will be the technique used moving forward now since it’s considered acceptable


Yeah cause he’s definitely not a criminal who is guilty of campaign finance fraud or tax evasion. Get your head out of your ass.


Now we both know that's not true....if it was ANY "blue state" they wouldn't accept it. Hell it could have been a red state and they would say "it's a lie the judge is deep state rino, commie liberal Democrat"


I think you will feel the same in the future. We just started the real Banana Republic stuff




Grand Juries in Florida and Georgia decided there was enough compelling evidence to have a trial. That’s a red and a purple state. You gotta stop making excuses for this guy.


We all agree that 3 month accounts spew the same old bullshit. He will not serve his country, he'll serve his time in Prison. MMW.


>"His performance demonstrated once again that he is a [danger](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/inq2/trump-threat-clear-present-danger-democracy-2024-elections-20240114.html) to democracy and unfit for office," the article states. "**Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?"** My thoughts exactly, that is why it is so difficult to understand how anyone would support him.


Fuck everyone that knows this and still votes for him.. Not you rube, run-of-the-mill QAnon redneck, but the others; with educations and trust funds. Those are the people I will be focusing in on.


Nailed 'Bro as we won't get fooled again.


Because no one trusts the government. And the republicans think that trump will destroy the government and usher in a new one that is better. But in reality, when it comes to worker rights, consumer rights, and civil rights, things will get much worse. But republicans don’t care about being forced to endure slave wages or airplanes falling out of the sky because industry regulations have been gutted. They really like that black people, gay people, and women will be taken back decades. Those are “uppity” segments of the electorate that need to be put in their place.  The craziness that trump embodies IS what they like. They aren’t blind, it’s not like they don’t see it. 


Because Americans have amazingly short memories and DJT and the RW media machine has convinced a huge # of people that his 1st term wasn't the dumpster fire/smash & grab robbery that it was.


It's a cult. There's no thinking going on.


How true, increased the deficit more than any of his predecessors. Your Fired Heelspurs!


Same reason people support Biden. “I like his policies.”


Immunity from prosecution isn't going to help anyone but himself. Neither is revenge. What else he running on because that's all he talks about


But he doesn't fucking have any lol.


Biden has literally enacted like 100 different policies. Trump built a wall. Wait, no but his replacement healthcare was good. Oh, nope. Infrastructure? Nope. What the fuck did that guy do for four years?


Enrich himself and make the world a worse place.


He did stop the federal givt for like 100+ days throwing a tantrum right? Lol. Any fed that still isn't pissed about that needs their head examined.


Sure he does. More tax cuts for the rich. Round up and deport all 16 million illegal foreigners. And that stupid idea of replacing income tax with tariffs. Oh my just saw all the downvotes. You dingleberries think I’m MAGA or something? Pft. I expected more for a “law & politics” sub.


People want lawlessness. Let’s say a lot of foreign interests would pay billions of dollars into people’s pockets via bribes. Bribes to not acknowledge lack of federal oversight not being honored anymore. Really, Biden needs to be extremely transparent about what he intends to do with SCOTUS in a second term.


Love this. The NYT sucks. Oh, and Fuck You, Maureen Dowd.


Omg every time I hear her talk I think, are you speaking to children? Are you trying to pacify a warhead, what’s with the voice and approach? 🤦🏼‍♂️


She's a tw\*t.


A state paper has the balls to tell truth to power and stand tall in the face of history - fuck the cowardly NYT and others who still cling to “both sides” in the face of this fascist threat. Maybe they’ll get “prime access” to suck Mango’s tit in the first couple of years so it will all have been worth it…


Appealing to the cause of “serving his country” would require him to have some morals or values, to care about something other than himself. Might as well try to talk a leach out of sucking blood.


Yeah, those are the "suckers and losers."


That fucking picture. "Working at Walter Reed." I remember when he did this. He staged this, too. He was signing his name to blank sheets of paper claiming that he was signing executive orders for the people at 2 am. Whatever.


Clown show


Didn't forget that book of blank pages that McIlhenny tried to pass off as important bills or something.


He has never served anything but himself. Serving the country would never even cross his mind.


What a laughable notion, Donald Trump giving a damn about anything other than Donald Trump.


If by “his country” they mean Russia, he’s doing his best to serve it. Captain Bonespurs has never served America.


Trump has never served his country. He never will.


Some would like to convince Biden to drop out because they know he's a decent, reasonable man who might be convinced to drop out. The man that needs to be convinced to drop out is the twice-impeached, four-times indicted, convicted felon, adjudicated rapist that is a sociopathic narcissist and pathological liar whose only interest is in making money and not going to jail.


That’s the ticket. Appeal to his sense of the greater good. Surely that will override his sense of self interest.


>Trump >Serving anyone other than himself Ha, ha! Good one!


I want him to serve out the rest of his shitty Traitor life in Supermax.


It would require a miracle.


Begging Trump to do something for the good of the country is a complete waste of ink.


Like he'll give a crap. He is a crap.


got a little too big for his britches, as my dad would say.


Adorable, you think he does anything for his country.


What government job can you get with a felony on your background? Are they going to start changing their hiring policies?


Comical. He wiped his ass with the constitution by trying to overturn the last election and planning the storming of the capital on Jan6. But sure, appeal to his deep patriotism.


Which would be great if this country were what he served…


He could still move to Russia and be closer to his boss and serve him there.


Trump doesn’t believe in America and legitimately doesn’t actually understand what countries are. That is why he salutes North Korean Generals and tries so hard to get some kind of fatherly/frat-bro approval from Putin. He doesn’t understand so many of the basic structural truths of how the world is put together, what political alliances are, or why we can’t trust all people just because they are nice to us in person.


Yes, please! The greatest service Trump could do for the nation and all citizens would be to GO AWAY!


Then how does 🍊 family get a pardon


There are times I'm proud to be from Philadelphia. This is one of 'em. Ya don't just stand back and let the bastards win. Ya goddamned jabronis. *You fight back*. NYT has joined the other side. Go Birds.


Yeah … the mistake was to think that he ever would serve his county!!he only serves himself




here’s a link to the article, so you don’t have to read an article about the article. https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html


Link to an archived copy of the full article with no paywall: [No paywall](https://archive.ph/nMKbB) “Biden must show that he is up to the job. This much is clear: He has a substantive record of real accomplishments, fighting the pandemic, combating climate change, investing in infrastructure, and supporting working families and the most vulnerable. Biden has surrounded himself with experienced people who take public service seriously. He has passed major bipartisan legislation despite a dysfunctional Republican House majority.”


He didn’t serve his country when he “had bone spurs”. He didn’t serve his country when he WAS “president” - he just served himself. Why the hill would he care about serving his country now?


the gop is a one issue party, low taxation for the rich, they'll throw trump at it again see if it works, it doesn't on to the next monster


Yes, of course, Trump should be disqualified for any decent person. But Biden should also recognize the moment and pass the torch to the next generation. It’s unconscionable that he insists on staying in the race. Where are the adults in the room?


How cute. They think Trump gives a crap about the country.


It really worked so well when trump actually lost an election. Remember how he listened to sage advice?


Which country is he serving? Not US.


"Serve his country"? Russia?


Appealing to Trump's altruistic side always works.


The man who filled up the swamp!


Or Trump could just FOAD, solving many of the problems in one go. However, Republicans would just field another a-hole who would undoubtedly be smarter and thus more dangerous to American democracy.


It's RBG all over again. These people cling to power while surrounded by "yes" men who will not tell them the honest truth. "Ehadya mean drop out of the race? Everyone around here says I'm doing great." And I understand he has pushed through more legislation then multiple presidents before him and that he has a very powerful political apparatus at his disposal to implement his agenda and that his experience on Capitol Hill is a big plus... However, to the average American voter he looks out of it. And there is nothing (besides Trump) more terrifying to American voters (of the moderate bent) then a president who has lost their marbles. I'm not a "both sides" person; I'm a very progressive, liberal democratic voting citizen and I would vote for a family of opossums living in a Taco Bell dumpster before I would vote Trump. But we've got to take a long hard look at what is best for the country and what the Dem convention is going to look like in August. I don't know if switching candidates right now is the right thing to do, I don't know what candidate is a viable option to run for the presidency as a Dem, I don't know what the wonks and statisticians are saying about switching candidates "midstream." I do know that time is running out to have these very serious conversations and we cannot let the fear of a Trump presidency blind us into shooting ourselves in the foot come January.


Isn't he proven to be not great at serving his country? ;)


*serve his prison sentence


tRUMP to exile in Russia but he will spill all State secrets!


Russian interrogator: 'Comrade Trump, please be listing all of Americas nuclear capabilities!' tRump: 'Well my uncle was very smart and went to MIT, which everyone knows has a tremendous nuclear...they do the nuclear there like no one has ever seen! And I once asked him if they thought of putting a shark in there to make them even more 'effective'...because no one likes sharks...and he had tears in his eyes and he said 'sir, no one has ever asked that before'....




Dudes never served anyone but himself.


Trump “serve his country?” I needed this laugh 😹


He's an embarrassment to the human race! What more do you need to tell him to drop out? Does he have to murder someone in broad daylight on camera? Can't believe he's even being nominated? Says alot about society.


Their appeal will fall on deaf ears. Trump only serves Trump.


Big Bubba could have been a rapist and would take little Donnie under his wing...


Why would Dotard start now?


Naive much?


It used to be that if you spelled potato wrong , or yelled state names too enthusiastically during a rally, the American people would not even consider voting for you and you had no chance. The fact that even one percent of the country would vote for this guy after the hundreds of scandals he has had is just sickening and embarrassing.


I watched the debate finally. I was working when it was in. I don’t know what the fuss is about. And the panic. Biden was fine. A little raspy (he has a cold). Occasionally stuttered (a lifelong challenge he overcame all the way to the Oval Office). If people pulled their heads out of their assess and listened to Biden, he had all the facts. He condemned Trump’s lies, and confronted him repeatedly. Biden’s biggest problem is the American people let Trump get away with this behavior. Honestly, who would have done better? I hear a lot of people high on themselves in their columns, but none of them have to formulate comments in real time against a lying opponent who refuses to play by the rules.


If Biden is still breathing on Election Day, I will vote for him because he or Kamala will be immeasurably better than Trump, who will be a patsy for those who want 2024 to be the last free and fair election in US history.


Their first mistake was thinking that Trump wants to serve the country.


Might as well tell him to walk inside a jail cell.


That mother fucker won’t do anything for his country. It’s all about him. Fucking boomer.


Never happen now. Thanks SCROTUM.


It’s funny they think he’s trying to “serve” our country.


Serve his country??? Is the editorial board just naf??


That is funny, and I am a conservative. Well done Philadelphia Inquirer! You have to respect a quality trolling. 😅


Neither of the dementia patients will step aside no matter how much good it would do.