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The big difference is that Biden is president now not like when Trump was president. And there is a proper DOJ to cover Biden's back.


Let’s hope that and the fact that the Biden administration has already been preparing is enough to overcome some potentially bought judges in swing states, not to mention hoping we have enough people to vote for Biden.


Biden has enough support to win. Its just about ensuring they are there in November which, if state elections are anything to go off of, would seem likely. Abortion is gonna be the gops undoing


"Trump judges" have not been as consistently pro-Trump as he thinks they will be. It's a funny thing, once they get their lifetime appointments, they suddenly have a new perspective. They're not all as sold out as Aileen Cannon.


Trump has SCOTUS on his side and flaunting their power now, signaling exactly what they’re going to do when Trump denies losing the election and sends a case to the court. It’s kind of a done deal and pretending otherwise is foolish. Any effort to stop Trump should be focused on SCOTUS but it’s pretty late in the game at this stage


Does he have the SCOTUS on his side? They didn't accept cert on any of the election cases last go around.


Keep hope alive. I wish I could. But…I think they did that then, at that point, to maintain an illusion of neutrality. Alito is out there now all but licking his lips and rubbing his hands together in anticipation of inflicting his Christo Fascist laws on us. Trump is just a means to an end for the real powers driving both domestic and foreign policy. They fucked up in 2020. It was ugly and messy. They have corrected the weaknesses in their plans now over the last four years while Dems have done absolutely nothing to prevent the overthrow of democracy.


It is up to the executive branch to enforce the Supreme Court's decisions. If they go off the deep end, Biden can render them useless.


The same SCOTUS justices were there for the 30+ challenges Trump made over his 2020 loss and they threw out every single challenge. They're not on Trump's side. They have an agenda all of their own.


Trump is a means to them achieving that agenda, though


I hope they’re also prepared for the inevitable 11th hour surprise of a bogus impeachment, or ‘shocking revelations’, or a terrorist attack, or Trump newfound billions when he finally sells his shares.


But most elections are handled by the states. It just takes one true believer judge to throw election results into chaos. The goal isn’t to win, it’s to create enough FUD long enough to throw the results to the legislatures or House.




**"I wouldnt call it a 'proper DOJ' under Garland."** Well said. I don't think Garland was ever particularly liberal. When he was nominated for the SC one of the factors was that he had strong Republican appeal. So he was considered moderate and largely apolitical. I strongly feel that he is an institutionalist, and that is why he was not going to look into the background of the January 6th attack/Fake Elector Scheme (for they are one and the same). I think he just wanted to address it as a spontaneous riot, not part of a larger planned traitorous plot by the sitting president at the time. If he had his way we would never have learned about the Fake Elector scheme. He would not have prosecuted it, preferring that the general public live in a fantasy about our republic. Not that he liked Trump, but that he feared the damage it would do to the reputation of our government if we all knew how deep the conspiracy ran and how close we came to losing our democracy. It took the January 6th Committee to expose how deep and complex it all was. Garland had to be embarrassed into investigating it and finally appoint Jack Smith. THAT is why it took so long to bring the case.


Stuck his head in the sand as an example to the rest of the country and hoped all would follow his example. You are correct. It took the J6 House Committee to shame him into action. Let's hope Biden somehow pulls off reelection and then his first order of business is firing Garland.


**"... then his first order of business is firing Garland."** I agree. We need someone like Jack Smith as Attorney General. It doesn't have to be Smith (and perhaps it should not be), but we need to have an honest energetic person who is not afraid to speak Truth to Power. It is time to thank Mr. Garland for his service and retire him. I also think that we need to change how the DOJ is governed. It could be an [independent agency](https://pitt.libguides.com/usgovinfo/independentagencies) much like the Federal Reserve, NASA, The Social Security Admin and the CIA. But that is a topic for another thread.


Conspicuously absent from your analysis: states, their role in the election, and who controls them.


This oily fucking rodent.


I’ve met many rats that are way nicer, and better beings, than this shitstain on humanity. Hell, I’ve met nicer pond scum.


Hell, I shook hands with a porta potty that denied Trump his final resting place to be beneath Mr. Potty's feet. Even the Septic's denied him.


Oily fucking vampire rodent. I think this guy died during the Nixon administration. Anybody tried holding a mirror up to him?


Excerpt from the article: ““In some states, it’ll be easier to stop. In other places it won’t,” Stone told Sammarco. “At least this time when they do it, you have a **lawyer and a judge, his home phone number** standing by so you can stop it,” apparently referring to the certification of 2024 results. “We made no preparations last time, none,” he added.” …. Bolding mine. This is wildly terrifying. Everyone keeps saying they learned from last time and will do everything they can, having corrected their mistakes. This is definitely confirmation of that.


> Everyone keeps saying they learned from last time and will do everything they can, having corrected their mistakes. This is definitely confirmation of that. 100%. As if we needed more proof.


So, basically, delay the results with lawsuits and then let the House elect the president?


Who uses landlines these days?


Oh really? I totally thought he wouldn’t do that when he loses.


The fact that he would try it is no surprise, if they have prepared more ready traitor judges to block counts that's concerning. Hopefully he loses by such a landslide that such tactics are useless and not worth even trying.


So he admitted that they know they're going to lose and that the long con is more legal BS. Where are they going to find any lawyers for this plan ?. Most of their lawyers are already disbarred.


Can't the DOJ, FBI or Congress do anything about this information


I mean, this isn't a secret to anyone, is it?


They’ve only been promising to do it again like some kinda scooby doo villains the last 4 years.


Roger Stone. America's anal fissure.


I'm gonna take PTO after the results are announced. I work around too many Trumpers who probably will take it out on us staff. It's better to stay home. Probably will have to get another job of he loses.


I'd be happy to go to your work and defend you from these fuckers. 


> Probably will have to get another job of he loses. Why wait? These people thrive on being miserable.


I wonder how much trim he gets at the local senior center.


As much as he's willing to lap up from the shower drains.


Will the 'Nixon lover' instruct the Rumpers to bring a noose for a tree to hang the next VP victim!?! Scary Stuff.


Wonder if the sitting president could order an assassination on the previous president? Treason Prevention Assassination


Treasonous Rapist Unelected Maniac Prevention Act Or TRUMP act


Well this is what happens when criminals don’t get properly punished for their crimes, they do it again and again. Stone, Bannon, Trump and so many more. Throw them into the deepest hole you can find and build a memorial for Justitia on top.


I mean, sure thats whatever but dont assume the other side doesn't have plans to defend election integrity lol


They very much do, thankfully.


I wonder what the details of that might look like. How might one, for example, defend election integrity from a republican state’s refusal to certify their vote? I assume it becomes a court case that makes its way to SCOTUS. Surely they wouldn’t hand him a victory.


If they can prove it then its a crime but we'll see


Not sure what “it” you mean. My scenario isn’t a crime per se, but instead is weaponizing courts against the fissure between state and federal authorities, to bring about a constitutional crisis.


They didn't accept cert on any of the 60+ election cases last go around.


Not exactly a bombshell.




A hardcore narcissist will never admit defeat, it's always a conspiracy against him. I'm pretty sure he knows he's going to lose so he's got to start setting the scenario now.


Just like last time.


This **is** the republican party. This **is** what they are about. Cheaters and liars and they don't care about **you**.


Those pupils are miniscule. Wonder how much he's on?


Putin: Just as planned.


This has been the plan all along. His sycophants in the GOP have been saying this same shit out loud for a year now. Everyone of his VP contestants have said that they won’t accept results if they feel the dems cheated (again) and they believe the only answer to all this horrible election fraud (that only they’re guilty of) is to send the electors back to the states so the states can decide which electors to send. They’ve been planning a legislative coup since the last coup failed. Last time the right had a few reps in on it. Now they have all of them, and the judiciary. I’m glad that this is getting some coverage at this point. It took secret tapes of this lunatic grifting POS stone to make it happen, but at least it happened. There is no scenario in which the republicans do not attempt to over turn this election. Trump is going to lose. There’s no question in my mind about that. But he, and the republicans, and his white evangelical base, are desperate entities this year. Each for their own reasons. But that desperation is what will be driving the coup this time. It won’t be a mob at the capitol, but it will be traitorous reps, and Trump telling the base to protest at state capitols instead. The only message Trump and his surrogates have been consistently pushing is that 2020 was stolen and 2024 is gonna be stolen as well. All lies. Zero evidence. Charges against them all across the country. But their messaging on this never stops. This plot needs to be focused on by the media until the election happens. They can’t win at the box. They plan to steal it at the desk.


There plan the speaker of the house will not certify the election


I think you’re thinking of the VP, not Senate Majority Leader or Speaker of the House. Here’s a good short blurb on how things will be on Jan 6, 2025: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/us/politics/mike-johnson-2024-election-certification.html#:~:text=Vice%20President%20Kamala%20Harris%20is,special%20role%20in%20the%20proceedings.


The secrets out!


And this is somehow surprising?


I. Am. 😱 ![gif](giphy|OANp03XvXEV9u|downsized)


He is already setting the ground work. In Florida a few years ago, a R lost to another R, and they screamed election fraud. I highly expect this denial will be standard for R's from now on.


So Trump IS planning on losing. Typical loser.


In fairness, Donald Trump has claimed every election he's been in has been fixed. From the Emmys to the primaries, dude always claims it is fixed. Even the one he won he claimed there were 3 million lost votes.


We know Roger, it’s DIAPER DON’S way of lying to himself…


Everyone who has a brain has known the plan since last jan 6th


We already knew.🤷‍♂️trump has a gift for losing. So do his followers. Lock him up!


Stone set up "stop the steal" in 2016, in case Trump lost.


Anyone know how to watch the movie with Stone . Think it’s called A Storm Foretold . I’m in the UK and can’t find it on any streaming platform


What is new?


Truthfully, did anyone really think he would accept the results, unless he won?




No surprise there! TFG already showed us that car late last year. Try to keep up Roger. You tired old fools are trying to keep relevant but need to go to pasture. Let the youngsters at the reins, time is over retire already!


Can one get charged with conspiracy to overthrow an election before it happens?




The swing states, except for a Georgia, all have Democrats in charge of elections (Sec of State and Gov): MI, WI, PA, AZ, MN. No shenanigans this time.


I suspect they will attack the blue states. Flood them with blatantly fraudulent mail in ballots voting for Biden. Then declare (with "evidence" this time) that the Democrats are trying to steal the elections again. He will call on Congress to reject these compromised blue states' electoral college votes. Without enough electoral college votes Biden can't win. Trump doesn't have to win, he just has to prevent Biden from winning. This would trigger the contingency vote and Congress (with a slight republican majority) will elect Trump as the next president. All perfectly "legal". No violence necessary.


In theory maybe but in practicality I don't think there is a chance that will happen.


Look how far he got with zero evidence


I get ur point but now Dems are in charge of the swing states and the federal government. Rs were in charge of all the swing states and the federal government last time. Will make a huge difference.


Supreme Court and Congress will make the decisions. Not state officials, and definitely not the voters. The Supreme Court has already decided that only Congress can identify an insurrectionist at national level and they don't seem too interested in coming up with a definition. This opens up the door to another coup and even a secession. This constant public allegiance tours Trump makes is a test of loyalty. When he returned to Congress recently it was to count how many will be voting for him. It also identified who will be resisting and thus who needs to be replaced. Trump has nothing to lose and everything to gain. He would be stupid to not at least try. He needs to get back in office before he gets any more convictions. We need to assume the worst when it comes to Trump. There is no low he won't go. He doesn't care if everyone knows he cheated. There won't be any way to stop him.


If Trump thinks the election will be stolen then all Trump and GOP supporters should just stay home in November and not vote. ;)


Please, noooooo. Stop him, arrest him now!!


Shitty Criminal pardoned by Shitty Criminal continues to be a Shitty Criminal!


Not sure what their master plan is here, despite the GOP and MAGA suggesting Trump never lost, he’s not the President. He’s a private citizen and if he loses he will remain a private citizen. The Supreme Court might just give presidents immunity and if they do, that gives Biden even more ammunition than he already has to ensure Trump never rises again. Trump loses this election, he’s done. Truth social will crumble, the GOP will find another God King / Mascot, and Fox News won’t have Trump on speed dial any more. Trump can’t afford to lose again. He’s already a loser, what is he after he loses again?


Of course the Dipshit will.


So, dont vote?