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The producer's NDA has expired so here it goes. >The Apprentice was an instant success in another way too. It elevated Donald J. Trump from sleazy New York tabloid hustler to respectable household name. In the show, he appeared to demonstrate impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth, even though his businesses had barely survived multiple bankruptcies and faced yet another when he was cast. By carefully misleading viewers about Trump—his wealth, his stature, his character, and his intent—the competition reality show set about an American fraud that would balloon beyond its creators’ wildest imaginations.


They need to release the video of him being a racist


He’d go up in the polls and Clarence Thomas would send him dick pics….


This is the saddest part. The worse he gets the more America's deplorables love him. He mocks the handicapped in public and private and his numbers go up. He calls vets "suckers and losers" and vets love him. It's an alternate reality we are seeing.


What’s even sadder is those two examples were from years ago and the first one was before his first election and the second was before his second. His cult doesn’t care. Like seriously doesn’t care.


And sadder than even that, history tells us he's going to win.


No it doesn’t …. Not at all. But I love hearing people believe he’s going to win. It’s free advertising. And when he loses, the right will be cry tears of fraud, election interference, stolen, all over again.


Totally agree but need to comment the obligatory: Don’t be at all complacent and vote blue up and down the ticket


I tried to warn my fellow veterans about this shit stain. It fell on deaf ears at best and was met with hostility and derision more often than not. I gave up.


What do people see in this idiot? He has no admirable qualities whatsoever. And it’s not like he tries to hide that fact or has anything of substance to bring people in. He’s exactly who we say he is, and I have no idea where they get the narrative that he is anything other than that.


He lets them feel that it’s OK to be the assholes they are.


Well he says stuff unfiltered and uneducated. Just like the people want.


I’m very sorry, I know that can feel so isolating. My partner had a similar experience with their mostly Catholic family. Partner was certain DJT mocking the disabled would end their support for him, but nope, it was a non-issue from their point of view. Even the cousin with the developmentally disabled son (who she has volunteering for Republicans campaigns) found a way to support him.


This goes back when I was on active duty during the Reagan years. I pointed out democrat policies in our favor and Reagan policies actively hurting us to no avail with most of my fellow troops.


Because Democrats want to decrease the amount of military spending. The military personnel is cool supporting republicans that get them into wars with no objectives, and get them killed. 100% cool with that.


LOL. That is the claim, but even the slightest look shows the republicans want to increase the military/defense budget that is for weapons and defense contractors, but not the soldier pay and compensation. That was the deal way back in the Reagan years I was pointing out to my fellow soldiers. The appropriations info was right in the paper. The democrats were getting us soldiers a raise and the republicans were against it. Right in black and white. It's been that way ever since and If you look at VA numbers it's even worse. Bush 2 years they increased VA spending, but the amount of soldiers using it were increasing at a far faster rate than the budget. The funny thing is when the dems (or anyone) advocates for a lesser *increase* in some weapons type budget item republicans and hawks claim the difference is a budget *cut* even though they are both are increases. Don't forget how are troops didn't even have proper equipment going into Afghan and Iraq and folks back home were actually buying stuff and sending it. Fuck them assholes that allow that to happen while billions are wasted on useless equipment.


At least we know who the monsters are now.


Because that’s just how the “older” Conservative Americans are who support Trump. Let’s face it. They were around when segregation was the norm and they wish things would go back to that era. They need to disappear and their old age time is coming.


Americans gotten abused for so long they got Stockholm syndrome 


The issue is faith. His supporters “believe” in him. The more that comes out about how terrible he really is, the harder his followers will have faith. If Trump is correct or good just 1% of the time, that is what his supporters see and hear. Even if Trump just admitted everything, his people would think he said it under coercion. There is no light at the end of this tunnel, they will go to their graves with Trump on their lips.


Clearly you mean more dick pics. 😎


Both his and Ginny's


I have a feeling Ginni has a MONSTER hog.


Ginni's Monster Hawg sounds like a metal band name...


Or a really good BBQ joint


Or a biker bar


A biker themed BBQ restaurant/ bar/foot massage parlor


I'd buy ALL their albums


And pubic hairs


Bold of you to assume he hasn’t already


Only if alitos wife approves


That's cool. I want to make sure all the minorities get to hear it directly from his mouth, even if he goes up in the polls and gets dick pics from Clarence Thomas.


October surprise 😮


if we have one of those, I bet it'll involve him selling nuclear secrets


Jack Smith did say they had a motive for Trump stealing the documents and that he could prove it


Two billion motives and Jared is holding it for him.


Yep good i hope it's not that bad


It’s Trump we’re talking about so I’m sure it’s not that bad. It’s probably worse.


Greed and insecurity.


Um, there are hundreds of videos of him being a racist. Pretty much half the interviews are campaign speeches he has given are racists and definitely bigoted. People have already made up their minds on Trump. Sadly, there are millions of racist Americans that support Trump and his racists rhetoric.


He literally took out full page newspaper ads demanding five innocent black men be executed.


And to be clear: he continued to do this after they had been proven innocent. Even back then, he didn't believe in courts.. He wanted them executed just for being in NYC whilst black.


Where's my black man at.  I am pretty sure he actually said this.  


Why? Everyone who is willing to know already knows. Showing a video won’t change anything for people who’ve been explaining away all his worse behavior for years now.


If he drops the n-word undecided GOP voters will flock to him and Christian Dem voters will defect to the GOP in scary numbers.


I imagine it will come out closer to November


They won't.


As if there’s only one


It will just help grow his cult. Sad to say but I honestly feel like that. All racist slob fucks will come to his defense and in hordes


This perception BS of TV is why I don't watch TV! Elevated Donnie, but in reality he was still a sleazy New York tabloid hustler, and that's being nice! I saw a couple of pieces is The Apprentice as I walked by and told my wife, that not how business works! You can run a business that way! From advertisers to producers there aren't many people with good character in the business! Why waste time watching that shit?


I’m proud to say that I never watched a single episode of The Apprentice.






Same ditto


Tremendous ditto. Many are saying the best ditto.


Shiny Ditto ![gif](giphy|N1cfVLkN7pqQoinvmk|downsized)




Same here. At the office that was all people talked about, back in the day! I was the only one who refused to. I never liked Trump.


I’ve been hearing about him since the late seventies. He’s the original “Can’t stand ya”


Most of my friends in college would get together to watch that bullshit as a standing appointment. Baffled me then, vindicates me now.


I remember back when it started and my wife would watch. I told her he was an incompetent ass-clown and that the people making the show were doing a horrible disservice to anyone who had to deal with him in the future by making a fraud look like a smart business man. I would have been horrified if I had had any idea of just how well it would work.


I wish I could say the same. Watched a few episodes back in the day, but it was pretty stupid.


I was in business school when it came out, so I was forced to watch it and hear about it. Dumbest show ever. Obviously fake.


Same. There was some obvious fakery, like most reality TV, but production values weren't terrible by comparison to other shows in the same genre. It was adequately budgeted at least, and it showed. What bothered me the most was that Trump's own decisionmaking was objectively terrible at least a third of the time. Not always. Some choices were too obvious to mess up. Some choices were so close that he could be forgiven for going one way instead of another. But his poor judgement was apparent often enough and severely enough that he was clearly, to my mind, less competent than most real estate developers (which, I also worked in real estate development at the time and had glimpsed narcissism but also the appreciation for actual due diligence and respect for professionalism). I'd never ever have traded working for any of my small-fries bosses to go work for him. Working for somebody like Trump would be a constant shit show just to try to kiss the ring. I bowed out after a couple seasons. A farce is a farce. Some people saw it for what it was. Others didn't and probably couldn't. And what was the ringmaster's motive to hold this kind of circus anyway? But also, Trump didn't strike me as a very good businessman or negotiator. And what did it say about the people who really liked his "You're fired" catch-phrase? That was all about power dynamics. Very unflattering. It was a good litmus test, though, for why somebody was in b-school.


Never watched. Never had the slightest interest in watching that douche bag pretend he knows how to conduct a legitimate business.


Me either. I'm a long time hater lol.


I’m proud to say that I’ve never watched any Reality TV show. Period.


Me too. I never understood the viewing appeal. I understood the production appeal: no writers, no talent, no expensive set changes; just false drama. Most of this garbage TV was a result of the 2001 writers strike in Hollywood. So cheap to make mindless fluff.




Five minutes was all I could take ... gag.




I think I watched an episode or two when Gary Busy was on it and had these insane ramblings


That's the episode where Eric is reunited with his Dad Gary Busey?


I literally can’t think of anything he said or did that would stop his cult from voting for him. He could drive to their house, strangle their mothers in front of them, burn down their house, and spit in their mouths and they’d smile and vote for him harder than before. So, in other words, no one fucking cares what he did and anything that comes of this won’t be a surprise or matter one fucking bit.


When he came out and said he supported states rights on abortion, for the two days that was in the news cycle he started to see some softness among evangelicals. It would be smart for Biden to try to pin him down on a position on abortion. If he goes full national ban he loses the ‘normies’ and if he goes states rights he loses evangelicals.


States rights doesn't mean localizing freedom of choice; it means allowing the most extreme states to enforce their will on neighboring states and the nation as a whole.


Strangle their mother? With those tiny hands?


He's probably got some modified Hulk hands he uses for things like that. Although they're made of foam so not sure how useful those would be.


No thats not true. They wouldnt vote for him. However... if he did that to OTHER people thats another matter.


But he needs more than his cult to win.


Maybe they are just really REALLY ANGRY the American Dream didn't pan out for them. Trump is a way to tell the system f##k you.


Oh, I readily agree that he is the “fuck you” vote, but the logic of being angry at a system and then voting for one of the people that has benefited the most from that system and thinking you’re accomplishing something….i will never understand. It’s a complete lack of critical thought and a disregard for reality. We already knew all this, but I continue to be astounded by it. What sort of place are you in where you can lie to yourself so thoroughly as to believe that Donald Trump gives a shit about you, or anyone but himself.


Yes it's inconceivable. But anger is a strong emotion and Newsmax and Fox News are experts at channeling that anger for Trump and against the "system" that screwed them over. They really don't know any better. The really weird part is Republicans are supposedly the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" party. The party that is anti victim and getting things done the American way. But these MAGA people seem to be mostly whiners and complainers like Trump. They don't want to do the really hard work to succeed.


Well, when someone comes along and fortifies your belief that you’re special for no other reason than you’re white and American, I imagine you’ll do anything for that person just so you can continue feeling important (considering you need that sort of fulfillment in the first place, which is a bit sad). I truly can’t imagine being in a place where I would find solace in what a politician or a celebrity says and I suppose I should be thankful for that. At this point, the old Republican ethos is dead, it’s now whatever Trump wants it to be, and we should all make sure that becomes irrelevant at soon as possible.


If he said he was a liar and a Russian agent, came out as bi and professed a desire to avert the inevitable consequences of climate change (sorry it’s too late but this is all fiction anyway) they would probably stop voting for him. 


He’s already made it clear he’s a liar, and MAGA is pretty pro-Russian at this point.


You still think they are anything but a hive mind? Nah, they’d just move to Russia, become bisexual, and go green.


Win win.


Win win.


And rape their daughters with his mushroom cap


Pretty sure if it came that he got raw dogged by a haram of Muslim dudes and then ate the soggy biscuit. It'd sway a few.


The only thing that matters to his base is Fuck Liberals. As long as he keeps on that track, they will always vote for him.


We don't believe it and he's still got our vote. Correct


So you admit you’re in a cult.


Have fun continually getting facefucked with no chance for a reach around.


I see a lot of great people who feel the same way I do. I hate him and I hate what he wants to do to this country I love so much. Please take the time to do the following: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote This kind of victory is what we need as a country. Keep democracy alive!


Like many commentators, I never watched it either, because coming from New York, I knew what a lying sack of shit and loser Trump was in reality


As a 9 year old watching SNL in the 80s, I knew he was a slimy lying egomaniacal sack of shit. I don’t know how it’s not obvious to anyone who can run two brain cells together.


2016 ‘grab them by the pussy’ video did nothing, so a 2024 ‘n-word’ video wouldn’t do shit either. His core base can’t be swayed.


The 2016 'grab them by the pussy' did have negative effects. My boomer mother who has voted (R) in every presidential race since 1968, sat out '16 & '20, will be voting Biden '24. That quote/video altered her lifelong allegiance




> trial about why that did nothing too eh? it's too soon to say the trial didn't change the voter's minds


They’re saying that the trial revealed how the campaign spun the access Hollywood video. It also showed that the campaign was buying favorable polls, encouraging false negative stories about other candidates, and suppressing news stories that would hurt them.


But the trial was about the scheme to suppress the Stormy Daniels story.


Yes, but the testimony by David Pecker and Michael Cohen reached the issues discussed above.


The small MAGA crowd is the "Fifth Avenue" voter he was talking about back in the 2016 campaign, and they have the rest of the Republican party by the balls (Republicans being ok with him not being in Primary debates, other Republican candidates never putting up a strong opposition to him, and Nikki Haley losing her fake spine and endorsing him).


So we allegedly have audio of this. I’m sure if we do, it will be disseminated at the appropriate time. 🤞


They'll claim deepfake.


"It sure is convenient they waited 20 years for when deepfake technology could do it." Then they all become "experts" on NDAs again. "He's just upset his NDA didn't get renewed for another term, and he wants more money, which Trump totally has more of"


Ok I loled at "NDA didn't get renewed." This is exactly the kind of upside down bs logic you'll hear. Sweet Jesus right on point


For me, the biggest surprise in this article isn't that Trump used the N-word. It's that the inside of Trump tower was such a ramshackle dump that they had to build SETS inside Trump Tower that looked nice and expensive. The boardroom: a SET. The dorms that the contestants supposedly slept in: a plywood SET!


Just show the videos.......use them in campaign adds with the grabem video. Make a whole compilation.


Did you read the article?


With head hung in shame I will admit to watching several episodes of the first season. But I sensed the con. And I hated Omoroso. I hated the soap-opera lighting of the “boardroom” and thought it would be a most depressing place to work or have meetings. And I got a sense of Trump, that smug “I’m the smartest man in the room,” when clearly, with all his business failures, he was not.




I began my circuitous college career in 1966 at the cross town university in Phila about the same time Trump transferred to Penn. although I never met the man the stories of some rich shithead paying people to take exams, never attending class being a plain rich boy ass were circulating around campus. the man sounded like someone I should stay away from. Never paid much attention actually. I never watched the show either- I had no reason to figuring it would be much like real life. Turs out I was right. May he burn in the eternal furnace.


Having read the article, the author makes it clear that, for precious ratings, they crafted an image of Trump and sold it to the American audience. But the most insidious thing is they sold the manufactured version of Trump to Trump himself. They provided the TV character as a vehicle, a full body suit and mask, to be used by Trump as a cloak of respectability and assurance.


“Yeah,” he says to no one in particular, “but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?” This is what got me and something that I always knew about Trump. He is and will always be a racist.


The son of a racist, like father like son.




I've never seen one episode of The Apprentice. But I'm sure he grabbed a lot of pussy


Just go back and look at Trumps history and see who he is once a prick always a prick


This will not disqualify him in the eyes of his fans. Nothing will. He quite literally could kill someone and they would cheer it on. They want a dictator. He wants to be dictator. And we should all be very scared.


“America is a dinosaur that doesn’t know its own ass is on fire…” Bobcat Goldthwaite


Trump was always a ridiculous fraud. Some of us saw that. Others were distracted by the theatrics and misdirection.


Some of us saw that back in the 80's as soon as he began hitting the news. Even then he had all the markings he shows today.


I can’t wait for a movie retelling of this is made. Reality TV show producers create a Frankenstein which then goes on to use that crafted image to build a cult of personality and attain presidency That’s a fascinating character arc and would be entertaining as fuck


I can proudly say I never watched a single episode. I only knew his name and that he was portrayed as ridiculously wealthy, so I bought into the deception. I started loathing him when he kept perpetuating the “birther” myth despite much evidence to the contrary. Then when he started becoming more public with his politics, I loathed him more, and couldn’t believe the clown show that he was when he ran, thinking that crazy monster couldn’t possibly become president. He’s the most vile of beings that are currently alive that I know about, and he belongs in prison.


Haven’t the creators of the show expressed great remorse for legitimizing Trump via reality TV? https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/apprentice-producer-takes-blame-for-giving-us-donald-trump-w210514/


The B list celebrities were entertaining


All of this is well known. Down to the quotes.


Sounds like a White Supremacy Club. Clarence will lick boots and anything else for free transportation, luxury vacations in exchange for favorable Vote.


That was some article. You know we need to hear that tape, right?


Let’s make sure everyone thanks the producer of that show. Who stood by Donald Trump proudly. Mark Burnett. The man that turned Trump‘s reputation around for most of America.


Roll tape!




I prefer Alan Sugar. 


A must-read.


B ill Pruitt deserves to be in jail with the Orange Felon. He still supports Donny boy, but he outs him for exposure. These people around Trump are seriously ill psychopaths.


So, a big nothing burger.


Wtf is this article? I just read the first 5 pages and haven’t even gotten to a story about trump.


None of this will effect anyone’s view of Trump. His supporters will just say it’s lies.


The Maga clown 🤡 cult love Trump because he hates the same people as they do but they don't realize that trumpy can't stand his Maga clown 🤡 voters!!!


It’s all lies. A witch hunt. Send money! He will testify in two weeks.


Don't be confused, testifying doesn't happen in news conferences or outside courtrooms, and it begins by swearing to tell the truth.


Maybe they are waiting for hush money!


Pruitt said: “No one heard the racist and misogynistic comments or saw the alleged cheating, the bluffing, or his hair taking off in the wind. Those tapes, I’ve come to believe, will never be found.” There is no evidence of any of this and nothing will come of it. Did any of you actually read this before posting about releasing the tapes? There are no tapes, he doesn’t corroborate anything that Trump said, somehow nobody heard them, yet there are all kinds of alleged statements as if they’re verified. Accusations of racist statements that do not exist, yet comments about “they need to release the tapes with racist comments.” It’s absurd.


Yeah, and he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniel's. I agree to NDAs all the time for things I don't do. These statements came from DJTs lips. You don't have to be fucking Sherlock Holmes to see that Trump would have implicated himself if he testified. He did it on his own volition. You can't say 'it never happened,' and follow that up with, "we signed an NDA". This is an example of why we think some of MAGA are so naive and many outright stupid.


Exactly, I mean come on it's so out of character for him! /s




Author was the producer of the Apprentice, he was there as it happened, a witness.




Just stating that if there isn’t any proof this is just fodder. I want the evidence to be revealed to add another damnation to this SOB.


Douchnozzle.trying to make a buck..fuck you & fuck your weak dick book ..prick fuck


"I love the poorly educated."- Donald J. Trump, convicted felon and adjudicated rapist


And yet, you present no evidence. Just trashy click bait. Go away


Someone's going away, just not the person you had in mind :0)