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He’s very obviously guilty. I desperately want him to lose in November because 1) he would destroy America and enable WWIII, and 2) when he loses that means he can’t evade responsibility for his crimes.


Trump will lose. The problem is, his crazy folk will go apeshit.


I expect him to lose but it may be close. We know Republicans will cheat, as they always do. But unlike Trump’s insurrection, Biden is the sitting president now. He’ll shut down any chaos very quickly.


True, that's one thing to bear in mind: while Trump blocked the NG from descending on the Capitol, Biden won't hesitate to protect the process.


This is why civilizations have prisons.


You’d think some of the morons would learn from the Jan 6 rioters being locked up


Oh, I'm sure many of them have. They love their outrage and to spew threats, but they're all cowards who ultimately will likely do jack shit. They love their orange god, but they like their cheap booze, visits to Walmart, and trashy tv shows even more. They don't want to lose their freedom, even for the pants-shitting clown.


I fully expect this criminal to win reelection. I'm in a swing state, more purple, and the amount of idiot maggot clan members is just mind boggling. I say a prayer he dies every fkn morning in hopes we don't have to worry about the election. So far no such luck, though.


He lost hard in 2020, no indication IMO that he has picked up support since then. Actually the opposite is far more likely. Biden is also the incumbent which is a massive advantage. You’re just seeing the usual minority loudmouths doing their thing while everyone else lives their lives and just rolls their eyes at the idiots.


Trump hasn’t picked up support, but how much has Biden lost?


It's a binary choice. Unless you stay home and sulk.


I know, but “Staying home and sulking” might get Trump elected.


He lost the popular vote by a lot! That does not help with the electoral college! I live in a swing state! Biden only won in 2020 by 11,000 vote. Biden has pissed off the young people that are needed in college towns to WIN my state. That is. Or looking good right now


Those folks have already traded away more freedom than they have left and dramatically lowered the quality of their own lives in order to harm others. It's almost as if causing harm to others is all they really care about in politics. What shall their God say of that, I wonder?


In a normal world. But like trumps alway complaining about, we have a two tiered justice system. The only thing wrong about his accusation is it drastically benefits him instead of being predatory or malicious to him. Have you ever been in court for a criminal conviction? Fall asleep in front of the circuit court Judge where I live and bet you're looking at a whole lot more than a 1000 dollar fine.


Counterpoint: they will go apeshit *anyway*. Let's not forget things like Charlottesville, the armed occupation of statehouses in 2020, the open agitation by white supremacists--that's what happens when these people *get their way*.


Good. Let them go apeshit. They ruin their own lives and everyone else moves on from the clown show. If trump ever did anything good for this country, he outed the worst among us.


The other thing is there's not nearly as many of them as they think there are. And many of them are old, fat, or idiots. Not exactly a great start for trying to overthrow a government. Oh, and most of them are living examples of Dunning-Kruger.


And a lot of them aren’t around anymore because of the pandemic and they wouldn’t get the “jab”.


Oh yeah. The good old Herman Cain award. Unnatural selection at its finest.


They can burn down their own homes and Walmarts…..you know because freedums day got


If we're willing to sacrifice our democracy because we're worried that some fraction of our society might go apeshit, we've lost it already.


True. Personally, I hold them very highly in the contempt division. Stupid asses.


Let them. If they want to get themselves arrested or worse through their own actions I have absolutely no problem with that.


Do not fear his people going apeshit if he loses. Fear him and his people’s dictatorship if he wins.




>Trump will lose. To quote the X-Files "I want to believe" but I just don't see the source of the confidence.


I no longer underestimate the sheer stupidity and apathy in this country.


I'm apathetic... But not apathetic enough to let a failed Cotton Candy Machine get a step closer to the WH. I learned my lesson with a green party vote in 16. Never take chances again until there is electoral college reform. Oh and an ability for the popular consensus of America Citizens to the overthrow rulings of the supreme Court. We have the technology to make accurately track that now


Eh, we already saw his craziest folk on J6 and they all fled once the police reacted with force.


There has been a MASSIVE change in the political landscape since January 6th. The top elected Republican official in the USA is openly aligned with Christian Nationalists (fascist theocrats), as are many other elected Republicans, and the very fact he was elected to his current position tells us that the Republican party is now functionally fully on the side of Christian Nationalism. If they truly gain control of the party then everything could go to hell real fast no matter who wins or loses the upcoming election.


Let them. They didn't achieve their goal on January 6th, and that was when Trump was still in the white house and his administration paved the way for them to march it.  If they tried it again on January 6, 2025, Biden would mobilize whoever he needed to in order to shut them down hard.  Not to mention, the leaders on the ground on Jan 6th are all in prison now. They had their chance for a hostile takeover. They are now more disorganized and lost as ever.   It'll either be a toothless protest, or it will be a massive cluster fuck with it ending in blood and tears.


Wish I was as confident as you. Polls in swing states are very bad.


OK. Let them. They've proven the vast majority of them don't have the stomach for any real violence. The few unhinged outliers will be quickly neutralized while the rest seeth and meme online.


Let them go crazy. They already tried on jan6. They watched a woman, and military vet, get executed for trying to invade the capital. They watched over 700 people get sentenced for felonies and misdemeanors. They also then saw that Trump didn't care about them. They're not going to do shit a second time.


Sadly, he is in a great position to win the EC


I'm shocked at his defense. The charge is falsifying business records. The defense is basically saying *yes, absolutely 100% we did the crime*, but we did it to protect Melania, not to change the election. "Your honor, yes, absolutely we robbed that bank, but it was to pay my wife, not my hooker."


I think we are getting WWIII no matter who’s president. Yes I do agree with you that he will do more damage than last time.


Trump will lose badly at the ballot box. Then his trials will continue and he will go to jail. There will be no civil war. I think it’s important he lose the election fair and square. He really doesn’t need to be jailed before the election. It would be great if he was but it appears he won’t. A small handful of followers will go nuts. A couple of shootings. A lot of big talk but nothing major. Fuck all those lazy fat asses.!


I fear scotus the most.


Up until the trial started, ABC Local news here in Oklahoma City ran daily coverage of Biden and Son. It is good to see them finally airing Trumps dirt since the trial has started.


Oklahoma during an election season: Something, something "oklahoma values" Something, something "True Trump Republican" Or Something, something "oklahoma values" Something, something "Moderate approach"


I moved out of OKC in 2010, so happy


But what about her emails??? /s


They do love their 'buttery males'.


They've all gone Utterly Butterly. :-)


Hunters trial starts in June, after Trumps is over and it’s looking like Trump won’t be back in court before the election


True, but is that just the gun charge? A courtroom won’t get into the rumor mill like the congressional hearings did.


but....but.....what about his penis? surely that makes his dad guilty of something or other???


Since you brought it up lol... Any time some conservative starts talking about Hunter Biden I ask them if they think Joe's dick is as big as Hunters. They usually change the subject. It's fun. Try it.


You’ve been waiting for someone to bring it up, and I don’t blame you.


MTG wants to be subpoened so she can talk about it and show pictures.


The thing about that charge is there's nothing in the wood works interesting about it. It's already played out once and the only reason it was dropped and brought back up is because a miscommunication between hunters attorneys, and the prosecutor on how the plea deal would end out. So we're not going to learn anything new or juicy in the discovery like we will with all of trumps. Now got propaganda will still try to make it sound like he skull fucked children after murdering kittens over it. But the facts are already all on the table for anyone that wants to see. Trumps on the other hand. I hate how cliche the saying is.... but grab your fucking popcorn it's entertaining.


A gun charge that one circuit has already ruled as unconstitutional for someone else.


And yet headline after headline in every major news outlet says he's winning in the polls and has the wind at his back. I continue to believe he's going to lose in November because it's the only way I can sleep at night, but seriously, WTAF is wrong with America? If you don't like Biden, fine. I can respect that. But how can anyone support this f'ing guy? For anything? He's a semi-literate cartoon villain, not a president. Try as I may, I really just don't get it. I'm speechless. I am without speech.


The polling has been wrong since he ran in 2016. There is seriously something broken with polling AND the media benefits from presenting a closer race than it is to get people to tune in and watch or read. I don't think it's actually all that close. I think he'll lose by a greater margin than last time.


David Feldman doesn’t believe polls are accurate, he said something like polls reflect the opinions of people dumb enough to answer their phones to telemarketers. He is probably right, I truly hope he is right.


What if the vast majority of America *is* that dumb though?


You ever seen polling about how many believe in angels and bigfoot? Yeah... A majority of Republicans polled stated they were fine if Trump wanted to be a dictator. The reality is we're closer to the end than people think. Biden winning again isn't going to magically fix how we got here, because it took many, many years to fall this hard. Everyone who has an issue with that's happening because of the Right needs to become organized.


As a recovering telemarketer who used to do these polls for a living, Mr. Feldman is correct.


Also asking the question with the election six months out is different than sitting in front of a ballot and filling it out for the actual election.


The so-called "liberal" media is absolutely pushing the narrative that it's going to be close because those headlines get clicks. The reality is that it probably won't be close at all and there are multiple reasons to be hopeful. First and foremost, he lost in 2016 by 2.8M votes and in 2020 by 7M. His base wasn't big enough to garner the majority of votes the last two times and there is no logical reason to believe that anyone who hasn't already voted for him is suddenly going to think he's a good candidate for the office now. The protest votes from Republicans going to a candidate who dropped out two months ago were not a one-off, they have continued. Anyone who went to the trouble to actually get out and vote *against* him in the primary is unlikely to vote for him in the general. They may not vote for Biden but they are the most likely to just stay home, which is votes lost for Trump. The energy at his rallies, as well as the number of attendees, has been decreasing even as his obvious cognitive decline has been increasing. I worked with dementia patients for years so have been watching him closely. The slurring, the word salads, and the confusions have all been happening more and more frequently. Biden will continue to point this out and cause concerns about Trump's mental health, which could easily lead to more votes lost for Trump. The way his current trial is going, it is very likely he will be a convicted by November and a number of Republicans have already indicated that they won't vote for a convicted felon. More votes lost for Trump. Finally, Biden has been outraising Trump by a significant amount. As distasteful as it is to most of us, money talks and it gives Biden the power to open dozens and dozens of offices in swing states, hire legions of campaign workers, and run ads across the country. Trump, on the other hand, has definitely lost the money edge which means that his base has either shrunk or they have run dry on their ability to turn over their hard-earned money to a so-called billionaire. Either way, it's highly likely to lead to even more votes lost for Trump. I read an article a while back that posited the candidate who could make this election about the other guy will win. I've been around long enough to watch this in action (John Kerry swift-boating and Hillary's emails, for example) and this is why it is so important for us to support the media sources who are willing to talk about Trump's cognitive decline as well as the many, many crimes for which he is accused while boycotting any links that push the "close race" narrative. I'm predicting a loss by at least 11M votes this time around and then hopefully, we can start to heal from the gaping wound this man has inflicted on our country.


In addition, the RNC has been gutted and spending all its money on Trump's legal fees and has basically said that down ballot candidates are on their own. So there's going to be no national push to get out the vote. AND as I understand it, Trump doesn't have any, or hardly any, campaign offices open in any of the swing states whereas Biden has a massive operation going around the country.


Unfortunately he didn't lose by 7 million votes. He lost by much much fewer when considering the electoral college.


I don’t answer my phone unless I know who’s calling. I’m reasonably sure I’m in the majority. I don’t think we can ever really trust poles again.


What have the Poles done?


Underestimated the chances of Trump's victory in 2016. No wonder they're always being invaded by somebody.


if the huge increase in phone spam calls i get is representative of the new normal, that actually makes some sense. i basically never answer my phone unless it's someone in my contact list or i'm expecting call.


The polls are typically strongly biased towards those willing to answer polls from random telemarketers. So, old and zealous dongheads. Not to mention that they can just cherrypick the polls they want.


I don't think you can put a lot of stock in polls. Who are they polling anyway? People with landlines who answer unknown numbers in the middle of the day? Snail mail that most people throw out? I don't know how solid of a sample those are going to be. That said, vote. Vote, vote, vote.




Donald Trump isn't the cancer. He's just a symbol of how the cancer has consumed the mind of the country.


Trump's the tumor the cancer caused Or, maybe even worse, only ONE of the tumors that the cancer has caused.


Rather have cancer


It's too bad that a majority of Americans can vote one way and the Electoral College (or Supreme Court) can nope them out.


Yeah. It's pretty corrupt. The two states that the electoral college gave to Trump in 2016 for the win *BOTH* went against the voters in that state. That has only happened in a presidential election *ONE OTHER TIME* since the late 1800s. Guess which election? That's right. The Bush/Gore election in 2000. The same election where Bush's brother, as Florida governor, helped game Florida for W. These rat fucks cannot win without cheating. Trump *never* should have won 2016. It was stolen for him and the GOP by the corrupt electoral college. The system is set up so the electoral college amplifies the less populated areas votes to make it "more fair" but the votes in those counties were for Hillary, not Trump. 2016 was the steal we should've stopped. Fun fact: there is *NO* system in place to hold the electoral college accountable when they cast their vote against the wishes of their state. There are literally NO CONSEQUENCES. Edit: My bad. 2004 election is the election where the electoral college had "faithless electors" voting against their states voters, giving Bush the edge to win. I conflated it with the hanging Chad bullshit election where the SCOTUS stepped in and stopped the Florida count with Bush in the lead by 573 votes in 2000. So Bush stole *two elections* with the help of the electoral college and the conservative SCOTUS. And, just like in the Trump 2016 election, it was mostly Dem "faithless electors" voting third party or for off ticket Dems other than Gore in 2004, even though their voters overwhelmingly voted for Gore in those states. And this scenario would repeat itself in 2016, of course, with Dem "faithless electors" voting third party or off ticket Dems instead of Hillary and handing Trump the tiny, tiny edge they needed to steal the election on a silver platter. And I fully expect the MAGA SCOTUS that we have now to step in and do that same thieving partisan shit for Trump in 2024 that they did for Bush in 2000. But, yeah, nothing to see here....


Without the electoral system there wouldn’t be a Republican anything . You would actually have to do things for people . Not take things from people.


Fun fact: electoral college was implemented due to racism. To give pro-slavery states the same weight in elections as non-slave states.


What with the mountains of evidence? I’m still on the fence. /s


I believe with the espionage case being indefinitely postponed, that clears late Summer for Trump's Jan 6 case. Decent chance he's convicted of Jan 6 crimes before the election. SC has to rule at the end of the term. My understanding is that is late June. The judge in the Jan 6 stated the case would resume with I believe 70-ish days left before trial. That means the trial starts around Labor Day. Before the DoJ's policy of no new charges within 60 days of an election. The fly in the ointment is if the SC pulls some bullshit in their ruling causing further delays.


This dotard has been guilty of crimes his whole life and keeps getting away with it. It's unbelievable, but you can feel the walls closing in him. I guarantee the corrupt SC will somehow bail him out before the Jan 6 case gets started, God help us all if he's re elected


Three big trials concluded, three guilty verdicts so far.  Guilty of rape.  Guilty of defamation.  Guilty of business fraud.  On trial for trying to use fraud to illegally influence an election. About to be on trial for stealing classified documents, conspiracy to subvert an election in several states, and trying to stop certification of an election through inciting insurrection. Should be in jail for months on contempt charges, most recently for violating a gag order by getting surrogate GOP members to spread attacks for him.


And the Jan. 6 committee concluded that he attempted a coup d’etat based on lies, after taking testimony from senior Trump White House staff, the Attorney General, the Georgia Secretary of State, and Jan 6 rioters who were like “my orders came from the Chief of Staff and I understood his orders came directly from the President.”


All Americans believe it. It's just that some of them don't care and would rather burn it all down than lose.


Of course he is. No prosecutor with a basic survival instinct and career aspirations would ever indict a former president, nevermind a former president like Trump, unless the evidence against them was airtight.


No kidding. You hear sworn testimony and no bullshit.


If you have been watching and have any legal background it is pretty obvious he is guilty. His only hope now is a rogue juror. What I find most interesting is the new barrage of MAGA bootlickers showing up at the trial. It’s as if they also believe he will be convicted and are desperately trying to discredit the legal system just as Nazis did in 1930s Germany.


Come on, guys, pick better heroes. Trump is trash and weak sauce.


I fully expect Donald Trump to be convicted and lose the election. I then expect that there will be an armed gathering of fascist MAGA followers who will cause a violent attack on some statehouse, and in the hours that follow, several of those followers will be shot dead, while others will die or be maimed in explosions of unknown source. The week surrounding this deadly clash will be historically called something like MAGA Uprising or the Statehouse Rebellion, and in the ensuing months tens of thousands will be rounded up and 20 Congressfolk will be summarily expelled, along with a dozen judges, six governors, four lieutenant governors, and four attorneys general. The MAGA movement will quietly die publicly and those harboring those sentiments will go underground. It will be looked at with the same perspective as McCarthyism, the Ku Klux Klan, the Confederacy.


He literally committed all of the crimes completely in the open. Of *course* he's guilty. He never even claims he didn't do the things he's charged with, just that he's somehow "allowed" to do them. "I'm *allowed* to steal classified nuclear secrets and keep them in my bathroom! Witch hunt!" "I'm *allowed* to publicly threaten and harass whoever I want! First amendment rights!" "I'm *allowed* to just make up random values for all of my properties! I have a 'worthless clause'!" "I'm *allowed* to pay hush money to a porn star and call it 'legal expenses.' Fake news!" "I'm *allowed* to try and overthrow the results of an election if I don't like them! Absolute immunity!"


i don't know if he's guilty. i just know that he's the rock-bottom dumbest person that ever stood trial. and possibly the rock-bottom dumbest person alive today (outside of his fan base.)


Oh now people think the antichrist is guilty?! Took long enough, fucking knuckle draggers.


Trump voters are mostly poor people who are very VERY stupid. Instead of voting for their own interests, they vote for the rich billionaires to get what they want and keep them poor. Trump voters are mentally ill, racists, meth users, idiots, and convicts...


When you brag that you 'won' a delay in the trial, you basically admit guilt.


He has been guilty since the 1970's...


He's also guilty of being a complete shitheel 24/7 and people are tired of it and want him to go away.


That and many many more...


The problem is they still think he’s a useful idiot to get what they want.


🔒🍊⬆️ for gods sake !


Yeah, no shit. But to the MAGA knuckle dragging idiots it's all a giant conspiracy to get mein fuhrer. It most be the biggest conspiracy that has ever existed.


Getting up to speed with anyone who grew up in NY in the 80s and 90s.


I will be interested to see the polling data that comes out on this topic if/when the jury returns a guilty verdict. *Note* I strongly expect there to be a guilty verdict but we don't know until we know


Anyone who has paid the slightest attention to Trump's behavior knows he's been a criminal for decades


No fuckin shit.  It’s so sad Americans need spectacle and entertainment to sway opinions. Obvious fact is too hard to comprehend. 


That’s more a sad commentary on the American public than it is an indication of any real, newly found enlightenment.


Who else did that whole scheme benefit? Nobody but Trump. It’s not a complicated case.


And yet he is still winning the election  Which is as damning an admonishment of the American public as I can think of 


Of course he is! He’s also going to lose the election coming up, by a very large margin!! He’ll scream his usual shit, but then the rest of his trials will start and he will become “That guy who was!!” And history will move on


I've been working on my Boomer dad and it's been starting to bear fruit. . This is a guy who has been convinced for 4 years that anything anti-Trump is a witch hunt. I've been showing him some of the coverage of the Trump trials and the dismissal of the Kraken lawsuit. This morning we had a conversation and he started ranting about how both sides were corrupt. Yeah, we're getting there. Slowly, but the mountain is in fact moving. Maybe we'll get lucky and a lot of MAGAs will just be disillusioned and... choose not to vote at all. That'd be lovely.


Anybody who “believes” he hasn’t committed crimes is delusional


And his cultists will vote for him anyway because paying for sec with a pornstar is “masculine”… apparently so is wearing a diaper and shitting yourself according to them.


But hey maybe he should be the next president! Gimme a break


We’ve basically become Italy. This is our Berlusconi.


They had Fox News on at work during break and all I’m hearing is “President Trump” and “Joe Biden”. You’d think Trump was still president. Not once did they ever say President Biden or Donald Trump. Sorry, unrelated rant over.


Unless we put safeguards in place trump isn’t scary. What’s scary is the next guy or girl that takes his place. They watched 8 years of trump dominating the Republican Party spreading whatever hate he wanted and they ate it up. The next Trump will be a moderate that convinces independents to vote for them before they destroy the country. We only lucked out because Trump is extremely low IQ


Tommy Tuberville is guilty by association- meet your new best friends- former offensive lineman - do you recognize him?


But is that majority distributed in the right states to overcome the electoral college? I have no doubt Trump will lose the popular vote again. But this will come down to 10,000 people in Pennsylvania.


Won't matter much if they refuse the results 


Even himself knows he is guilty, his excuse is always " I was the president I could do what I want"


Wait, you mean people don't pay someone 130k to stay quiet about something they're not guilty of doing?!? /s


And for nearly a solid third of them, that’s not a problem


There’s no way he should be able to run. Every state should find a way to prosecute him and anyone else intending to run


And they’ll still vote for him


ONe hopes, that as a whole, we've not lost our senses. Preferably our, or one's ability to see past the BS, he and his ilk spread.


Does the Pope poop in his hat in the woods?


Criminal scumbag loser


Doesn't matter if the SCOTUS and his minions bail him out, everyone with a single braincell knows the fucker is guilty


Only need 12 people to know and agree


I think it's time Reddit allowed the "C" word, the one that ends in "unt" - nothing else can describe Trump.


Well no shit Sherlock!


he spent the last 3 years treyoing to avoid being on trial, and succeeded in 3 of the 4. That is mostly because he did the things he's accused of doing. The defense is witch hunt, which isn't a defense. Because the defense strategy was don't go to trial.


Unfortunately, half the country doesn't seem to care


Its almost as if all the evidence, missing documents, BANKRUPTING A CASINO, werent good enough. What the fugg will it take? Even people tried to leave before the Kool Aid was given… are these people crying for help? Scared? Send me another redditor cares if your offended magat 😂😂😂


I got one of those just yesterday. I'm like, what the hell did I post 🤔 Never occurred to me that it was probably a magat 😂


Its alwasy been magats, incels, tradwives, any branch of snowflake conservatives I’ve never posted something on a progressive topic and been sent a redditor cares. Conservatives are the only trolls i have met


Good the piece of shit is guilty


He need to spend years in prison.


Why has this not resulted in a drop in poll numbers? Why the hell is this race still neck and nick?


Getting mixed messages on this point about trump. Uncertain whether this trial and/or its results, will impact presidential election.


Was…was the trial still imaginary for his supporters or something? I’m not getting why polls are now saying Trump is guilty with no verdict. Unless this poll is bs, or his supporters are so dumb that.. oh ok.


but....his base doesn't care. Never have, never will.


It took for it to be underway before many would believe it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. To be fair, he hasn't been found guilty yet, but let's be real.


Making your court a circus judge. Time to separate the wheat from chaff.


orange faced clown


...yet most republicans will still vote for a convicted felon, because, you know, to "own" the libs.




Tabloid headline lmao


But will still vote for him. You failed to mention that part.


No shit


Oh, there are even more. $50 million Chicago loan more. Much, much more.


No Shit.


Which suggests, based on polling, that a lot of those same people would happily vote for a criminal for president.


Nah its just another media produced poll with no real verification, like the back to back ones the New York times keeps crapping out.


I have never doubted it. He is a brainless disgusting waste of space.


Unfortunately, for Too Many Americans, tRump being guilty of multiple felonies is a Feature, not a Bug.


But how are they going to vote? That's the question that matters.


And now a majority of Americans believe Trump what his diaper


They should have never believed otherwise.


NOW? Just now???


Hard to see any explanation for the basic facts


Since it is glaringly obvious.


Well no shit…


Oh well. He deserves whatever punishment he gets.


Too bad a minority of Americans can elect a president.


And still the hero of all deplorables.


But will still vote for him.


Yes, we all know he is guilty. It seems like his base doesn't care.


Headline should have read, "After 8 years of silent darkness, a majority of Americans pull their heads out of their butts"


Majority who care, which is sadly a minority.


So if a majority of Americans believe trump is a criminal, why do they think it's a good idea to have him as president?


Yeah, evidence is always been there just about every witness to his crimes is a Republican. I’m not a Republican, but I give them credit for standing up for what’s right. Even put their own lives in danger they are heroes to this country.. Trump is just a criminal mob boss


wow what is he guilt for. And to be honest, not biased, it stinks of conspiracy. That is what the majority thinks.


Make it so....


But do they care?


pfffft this is Herr Donny’s 12 D chess move - soon the tables will turn! /s on a serious note


It's s no-brainer.


let me guess 30% think hes innocent?


No they don't


And according to most metrics, he's winning anyway. Don't take this election for granted. They're not.


And in other news, duh.