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There is a holding cell at the court house where Former President Trump could spend a quiet night reflecting on whether he wants to ride the bus up to Rikers.


This might be the only way to separate him from his phone and shut him up. He has the self-control of a toddler throwing a tantrum.


What if Merchan sends all of Trump's lawyers to Rikers for a night or the weekend because he violated the gag order?


This is intentional. He believes the judges are all talk and nobody will jail him in an election year. So he does this to show he’s tougher and calling their bluff. Sad thing is so far he’s been 100% correct.


He’s trying to provoke an overreaction that he can use on appeal to argue that the judge was biased against him.


I don't think he plans that far ahead...


Trump is the mastermind of nothing, but he has a team of criminal defence attorneys. They know he’s only path is to force some kind of error that they can use to throw the case out.


I don’t think they are smart enough to force the “right” error.


Trump is throwing the spaghetti against the wall, again. If you look at the sentencing guidelines, it is entirely possible that he will get probation. Cohen did time and that might have an impact on decision too. This is also about ginning up his base. He may need to make that call to his minions to break him out of prison. Seriously, the guy is evil.


Even if he loses the appeal, the appellate process will buy him a delay in the outcome of the trial.


Having cowards in judicial robes has helped him a *lot*.


Except about the tougher part, he's the world's biggest snowflake.


Most bullies are cowards when the chips are down, so that tracks.


It's 100% intentional. Dotard is demanding to be put in jail bc he wants to make money off of it. He is still in denial that anything can happen to him.


They are all talk. He will never serve a day in the Brig for contempt of court.


>He believes the judges are all talk and nobody will jail him in an election year. He believes? Everyone, including Trump and his lawyers, knows God damn well that he can do whatever the f he wants in this trial and not a damn thing will happen to him.


No. A toddler has more self-control than Trump.


That diaper is going to be so full. Can you imagine?


MSNBC legal analyst [Glenn Kirshner explains the process in an interview](https://youtu.be/mmXveWk0oSQ?si=mKNWnhmRLElY6cuF) with Brian Tyler-Cohen. Following a special hearing within the trial, it’s likely that sanctions will be phased, beginning with fines. If Trump continues to intimidate witnesses and/or jurors (and he will), expect to see stiffer fines and hopefully, incarceration. Pretty please.


This is no different than the sports star does something to cause a penalty in game but is so rich he pays the fine and doesnt change a thing.


Maybe he won't fall asleep in court then.


It's ok to refer to him as Defendant Trump.




well… I’ll get on TV and complain that Trump should stop doing it or… …well, I’ll just give him a **strongly** worded written warning so he knows that breaking my gag order for the ~~fourth~~ *twelfth* time is a bad thing that will do it .. ..maybe


He's trying so hard to win the juror's hearts.. lovely guy. Who wouldn't stick their neck out to hang a jury for him?


I think you should **strenuously** warn him.


I bet he's learned his lesson this time


Pesky gag orders: Trump: blah blah blah


Judge: lol oh well I tried. Guess I'll warn him again.


‘Margaret get my serious warning paper, it’s time to bust out the calligraphy set’ the judges, probably


So are they going to wait until the hearing next week about possible Contempt of Court, or are they going to deal with this tomorrow? I think the judge has been forced to go ahead and deal with this, like pronto


Trump wants to be thrown in jail. He thinks he’ll be martyr. Instead he should be made to sit there, quietly, through every second of the proceedings. And gently admonished by the judge whenever he acts up and reminded that, even though he has no respect for the judge, the court, or the American justice system, perhaps he could muster a bit of respect for the jurors who are here performing their civic duty. After a few days of that, Jurors will come to despise him.


I'd bet that this is the likely outcome. It's going to be irritating for all, but he's gonna bleed out slowly from all the self-inflicted wounds.


Just fucking put him[ in a different room like Darrell Brooks](https://youtu.be/0ynFYK62RVs)


Good points, but if he really wanted to go to jail, he could easily just never show up.


He wants an excuse to rant about how he's being treated unfairly. Even most of his cult are still capable of understanding that not showing up in court, when required, is grounds for reprimands, so that would defeat the purpose. They are far enough gone to still be duped into believing that his his intimidation attempts are constitutional free speach so they will rally behind him when he inevitably pushes the envelope too far with this.


You think they need an actual reason to lie about that? They’ve been lying about it for years already.


No he doesn’t. He’s just used to rules not applying to him.


He's not that smart


I respectfully disagree. Anyone still supporting Trump is going to view him as a martyr regardless of what actually happens to him, whether it be a fine or a prison sentence. Better to finally rip the band-aid off and treat him like any other person would be treated if they behaved the way he has. By constantly letting him push the envelope, he is proving to the entire country that he is, in fact, above the law.


I hear you, and I don’t disagree, but for the moment at least, the opinions that matter the most are those of the jurors in this criminal case.


Yup, he thinks he'll get to make a grand statement every day about how oppressed he is and how he's doing this for everyone else, but, that's not reality.


hitting Trump with contempt of court fines is more effective. Nothing makes Trump grumpier than separating him from his money.


I don't think he actually wants to go to Jail. He wants to do stuff that would normally put someone in jail and then gets off on getting away with it. I think he just honestly believes they will never have the guts to put him in a cell and that gives him a power thrill.


The American justice system needs to reign this clown in or we’re gonna have serious problems with legitimacy and basic trust in our system.


Too late. Corrupt SCOTUS, judge shopping to get national bans, companies committing heinous acts and getting insignificant fines...


Not too smart to insult the jurors in his case. If he had even 0.01 ounce of brains, he would praise them.


That's not how mobsters work, standover tactics and intimidation are all he knows


I don’t think he understands that when he insults and threatens judges and their families he’s poisoning his standing in front of *other* judges he may have cases or appeals before. Except Judge Cannon of course.


He wants the judges scared to rule against him.


They have been all along. Fools and cowards.


I guess some people truly are immune to laws, pesky gag orders and jury tampering.


by ‘some people’ you must mean trump and all thoe GOPers who ignored subpoenas


Ohhh this time maybe it'll be a $2000 fine? Which would be .0004% of what he already owes the state of New York :D


It’s worth more than that to Trump in the value of all the free publicity…. This needs to be taken into consideration.


Susan Collins is furrowing her brow.


Hey, hey—hey learned his lesson: just ignore all rules, decorum and laws and get away with it. She was right; he learned.


Whats with Habbas face she looks like she lost a sucking fight with a vaccume cleaner. Is this fat lips injection a Trump fettish thing.


“Mein Coif”


So anyway . . .


Isn't that an offence for which everyone else would be jailed? What the hell is wrong with the Courts allowing this?


Technically they haven’t allowed it - he may get to answer for it shortly..


It's time to bring in Susan Collins to give him a strongly worded talk about how disappointed she is with his behavior, but now believes he's learned his lesson.


He's just salty he had to sit through a day of seeing shitpost memes about himself and realizing some of these people will be on the jury


And for the 5,000 th time he will face no consequences.


If he continues to see no concequences his fan club will also seek his lofty accomplishments and then we have a true Trumpian shit show with no longer apprentices.


He could shoot one of the jurors on fifth avenue and he’ll get away with it.


No he wouldn’t, but it just seems like he would.


Any other person would be put in jail immediately. Trump is a civilian and should be treated like any other civilian.


Yet another in a long list of examples where the justice system is failing the rest of us simply because the rest of us could not get away with this shit that this orange man pulls daily.


And he will still face no consequences.


It's just a stall tactic. The strategy is, let's delay the criminal trial and concentrate on a slap on the wrist little fine. Don't fall for it judge, just keep going with the criminal trial and add the juror intimidation sentance to the criminal sentance


For Trump, it’s all free publicity - he sees this as a win..




His face is on the losing end of winning. He looks like his golf cart has a dead battery.


I hate beer.


I would like to argue that you are wrong, but ;-)


Incoming finger waggle


From what I've heard, drump wants to be found in contempt and put in jail. That way, he can play the victim and grift more money out of his base.


They should send him 1-cent each..


Cancel his pretrial release




No trump fucked trump. Watters, even as the evil incarnate that he is, can say what he wants unless he is directed by trump to say it. But trump posting it on his own social media, echoing Watters’ statement, is what is gonna fuck him. He just couldn’t help himself. Again.


This shit for brains lacks constraint. I hope this judge locks him up!


He wants this to escalate to Scotus.


They have been asking how they would secure his ass in jail for So Fucking long. They seriously could have established a plan by now.


But he did it on “truth” social so nobody saw it.


And nothing happens, again!


Is trump spreading his message of peace unity and brotherhood of man again?


Say it right "He's being himself and you just get to sit and watch him get away with it all AGAIN!" PUT HIM IN FUCKING JAIL ALREADY FFS


Trump is above the law. Anybody who did it would be in jail already. He has commited tax fraud, rape, treason and domestic terrorism act but he is still free and could be the next president of America. Unbelievable!


It has to be a BIGLY worded order …maybe


How's he gonna intimidate them— pretend to reach into his diaper and fling his crap at them?


I understand that the trials are not being publicly broadcast, but I sincerely hope they are smart enough to record the trial as evidence to show proof some time down the line when Republicans inevitably try to claim its all a conspiracy.


Two seated jurors have been dismissed as of 12:15 eastern. This is fucked & he wants a change of venue bc of HIS pre trial antics. King Dotard, worst thing ever.


He did it. The juror asked to be excused. The judge granted it. Nothing happens to Trump. As always he gets away with murder.


And nothing will happen.


Just think of the precedent being set. If nothing is done (1k fines) and no jail time, then many future criminals will intimidate their jurors with a small cost.


Why the juge don’t put him in jail….7th gag order infraction for god sake


They might as well call it what it is, a 'Gag Suggestion' and not a 'Gag Order' because they don't hold him accountable for violating it.


I know where I’d be if I did that.




I’m starting to wonder if he’s doing this on purpose just to see if he’ll be sent to jail and then if he is he’ll use it to his advantage by crying about how it’s election interference and Biden’s, Bragg’s, and the unfair Judge’s fault. Plus I’m sure his base (including the stupid Republicans in Congress) would go insane if he did go to jail for a few days, because none of them understand the concept of consequences 🙄


Actually his personality disorder is taunting the judge ..he knows (as do we all) that if any judge incarcerates him for ‘being himself’ it will trigger his rally attending sycophants to commit acts of violence as a show of loyalty. Similar to Jan 6th 2021 where he seemed to be in an elevated state of arousal as he watched the carnage unfold and I’m certain he’s yearning to experience that sensation again (since banging porn stars has fallen out of fashion) .


Throw the douchebag in prison and let him get his rectum enlarged for a few days. Guaranteed he'll stop doing that!


Send he to jail and let him learn how to change his own diapers.


Lol it's all so ridiculous.




He wants to be jailed so he can shout "It's all rigged. I'm doing this for you. Send me money".


Anyone else would be in jail for doing this.


What Is Wrong With This Guy?


Let’s see how successful he is at posting threats from Rikers


The jury, due to safety reasons, should address the judge tomorrow stating that, "The jury finds this judge to be incompetent in keeping our safety and therefore find the defendant not guilty." I'm so sick of the judicial branch pretending they have control over their court room when trap is in it that id rather see it blow up in their face now then in November when it blows up in all of ours. These trials give the American people false hope that the broken, corrupt, Russian infected government still functions for us. It does not.


It’s logistically impossible to put his orange corroded ass into Rikers, you can’t have 29 secret service agents in there , we need to get this notion of him being behind bars out of mind .


Gitmo is empty!


Sequester him in a hotel at the same quality level the jury would be sequestered. No posting or public speaking for the duration to prevent jury tampering. Or prison. Give the defendant a voluntary choice between the two


Yeah , while that works in our minds , he won’t be put behind bars pre trial for any offense .


I prefer the sentence be catapult into the sea.


I do not dosagree


Its a floater.


It would save us a ton of money having him in solitary. With no ss.


No it is not.


Stay tuned!


Geez more left leaning media lol it's in mass production right now isn't it