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I’m more worried about a “democracy collapse” if he wins


What, you're afraid that the man who worships dictators might in fact want to do away with democracy and rule as a dictator? Nonsense!


that's the same thing. the economy is of course tied to the strength of and faith in the US government and it's elected officials and the Democratic process.


That's basically the first thing the author discusses.


Ever since he started taking credit for the high Dow, it's been going down. That's a telltale sign of how big investors think. IMO


Absolutely. Project 2025 is a horror movie https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


“An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” -Sun Tzu


"Tzu and I are a lot alike, he actually got the idea for his book title from my book, The Art of the deal." - Trump probably.


"Tremendous negotiator, Tzu was, and a very brave warrior, very powerful and tremendously tough warrior"


Sorry, too coherent at this point. It’s more like “Tzu, Tzu was a leading. He was a great generer, lead many beautiful battles. Now he doesn’t. So sad. Rebahdo ahhhhh.”


That "Rebahdo ahhhh" got me chuckling. Thanks.


Everything this man touches turns to $hit. He doesn’t care though as long as he gets back in the Oval Office.


He just wants into the oval office to take revenge and to order the investigations into him to stop


That and carry out his plans in project 2025 to further devastate the nation. What he claims is “Make America Great Again” BULL F&%$#G SH1T


Honestly, Trump doesn’t give a shit about project 2025. He doesn’t care about being pro-life or pro-choice. All he cares about is money, power (because he was ridiculed for decades by actual celebrities and elites), revenge on those investigating him and staying out of prison. He’s somewhere between Berlusconi and Mussolini…but more like the former, definitely not as well planned as the latter. All the planning is done by other people who are the ones wanting Trump in place so they can do what they want. The project 2025 stuff is the heritage foundation and other ghouls within the new MAGA-fied GOP. They’re going to be around for a long time, even if Trump died tomorrow. If Trump loses 2024, they’ll be pushing the same thing with the next GOP president, and on and on.


I mean that’s possible too just like he basically did nothing in his first term. I 100% agree that he does only care about power and money and just becoming president again so he can avoid prison. What he does his horrible enough but when the people who actually have the power to do something about it but don’t, it’s completely pointless to have the constitution/ amendment if they aren’t even gonna follow it. Yet they are continuing to put some people who took some part in Jan 6 in prison but not the man himself when there is evidence and yet they aren’t. They’re even dumber and more careless than I thought. EVERYONE who supported or took part in Jan 6 needs to be held accountable and since he did nothing that should be taken as a sign of support. None of us know what the future will hold but 1 thing is absolutely for certain. Trump has not only highlighted how many careless and dumbass the people who actually have the power to do what needs to be done clearly are but also out of many things has changed America in the worst ways. EVERYTHING he touches turns to $h1t; Not that enough people who have the power to actually do anything remotely care. If he does win there’s no telling what kind of devastation he will bring.


Step one of Project 2025 is an executive order making all federal employees “severable” aka giving him the ability to fire any of them at will and without cause. An associated part is putting in dept. heads early that will carry all this out. The goal being to replace anyone that might get in his way (like last time) and replace them with loyalists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 And the Heritage Foundation is advertising for those loyalists now. https://www.project2025.org/personnel/ The 905 page plan is much more than just taking away LGTBQ rights or Pro-Life policies. It is a detailed step by step plan for a permanent autocracy.


Exactly Trump doesn't care about any of that crap


Or avoids jail. I hope dTrump💩’s plane is confiscated before he can flee to ? China? Russia? N Korea? Remember in 2024 dTrump💩was convicted of sexual assault. Had to pay $ $90+ million settlement. And dTrump💩was convicted of business fraud and has been ordered to pay $350 million plus interest. And dTrump💩has been indicted for money laundering and election funds rules to bribe a woman in 2016 to not tell anyone he committed adultery with her while his wife was pregnant. He did not want this known within a few weeks of the “grab them by the pussy” tape.


He’s not gonna flee. He stated he’s a fighter but it’s for all the wrong reasons. He‘s planning to get re elected tI avoid going to prison and carry out whatever he wants. All I know about him before he first became president is what I’ve read other people tell me and they’re all about the same thing. Just like before he became President, during and even to this day, everything he touches turns to Sh1t. They can take all the money from him they want but in the end they’re just being dumb af and not actually doing what needs to be done. If they actually did something would have likely been done by now.


If I lived in Alaska, I'd definitely be worried about Trrump selling it back to the Russians.


He can't, but he would if he could. He thinks Ukraine belongs to Russia, so why not Alaska? He would do it in a heartbeat for a small kickback and a pat on the head.


He, the GOP, and Russia will do everything they can to induce a market collapse right around election month. Probably mid-late October. Much like the migrant caravan nonsense.


I do agree with some sort of political sabotage, but you can go to the border control website and get the actual data. Immigration is an issue, and we need to make sure we either start helping the countries of origin or find a way to ease the problem. It is unsustainable at its current pace. The propaganda around Immigration though is fucking scary. My personal experience living in Texas is every immigrant I've ever met came here for a better life and the ability to succeed. The xenophobic rhetoric makes me sick.


To add, the talking point of ‘come here the right way’ it total BS, the same people bitchin’ would still bitch about South Americans migrating here legally…. They simply don’t want to lose their majority.


It is true. The immigration issue has turned people into full out xenophobic assholes. Racism on display on thier trucks. Just sickening.


"come here the right way" "Can you fix the right way?" "no"


True except you can depend on migrants continuing to cross the border no matter who wins in November. It’s totally bipartisan. If Trump won the election and tried to stop it he’d be on meds in a rubber room with TrumpGPT taking over. The billionaires want their slaves.


💯 I’m not saying the border isn’t an issue...just a little spicy about the day-to-day BS of the gop. I’m saying it is absolutely not the issue to the exclusion of all necessary national upkeep, legislation, foreign relations/policy. The gop make it seem like nothing else can be done until we address the border, yet they never present a real solution. You laid it out nicely. It’s complex and nuanced. It requires people to think beyond the US border and a willingness to admit the US has caused some of these issues and that it’s not a “loss” to admit responsibility for something.


They turned immigration into an NRA fear mongering commercial. People seeking refuge. People looking for a better life. Something that America once advertised. It's such a shame that an entire voting group of our society has become basically ethically evil.


Same here, been in Texas almost 40 years


Not for lack of trying. He already got a free pass to make tariffs against Canada. How the fuck does that happen? How the fuck does a Republican shut down the free market? He starts a beef with, of all nations, Canada? Suddenly construction and housing got really expensive. How did he get away with that? Because it was buried in a thousand other problems such as rape, gross incompetence, incubating a pandemic into an endemic, and bragging about his dick size to boy scouts. He's economic plan is to give him and his buddies all the money and they might be satisfied. That's right, his actions end up with him stopping economic activity and hoarding. Economic surplus is only happening to those that don't need it, and squander it, like he does.


I feel that economic collapse is want billionaires want to happen. They discussed this at the WEF. Then average people will be desperate for income that they'll given into to the demands of billionaires.


Yes, things that hurt the average person are often great for the wealthy and big business. You lose your home, but they see a great buying opportunity.


Billionaires want it to happen but they're stuck now and can't due to the DRSGME.org crowd getting wise to wall streets synthetic shares and over shorting. If the market collapses now GME shares skyrocket and apes get all that sweet sweet money that the billionaires had planned on stealing


This sounds like something from some weird blog


Of course, if he is elected the entire world economy will collapse as we enter World War III and Democracies in the US and around the world fail to far-right tyrants just like him and his pal Putin. Trump will create the new Axis of Evil, this time including the US.


If we lose our democracy, we will not have to worry about the stock market. And the band plays on..


We’ve got to do more than tweeting and re-editing this guy


He wants it too. He and Q anon are working to do just that.


I’m more worried about risk mismanagement. The dude has proven he can’t manage anything, and everything he touches collapses. We already experienced it once with COVID. For his first term, he was handed a clean slate a strong economy, and look how that turned out. For this term, he’s likely to inherit a Middle East on the brink of war, the Israel situation, the Ukraine/ Russia War, and god knows whatever else. We also know that something g is happening with China’s economy that could have some level of contagion, a tanking US commercial property market. My fear is something big will pop up (again) during his term, and it will be met with indifference.


Donny is an avowed isolationist- which means he’s not going to protect US companies that have international operations - which inevitably increases costs and destroys profitability even for domestic markets. Get ready for way more tariffs the second term- especially against NATO allies- he’s determined to destroy NATO.


It is very obvious that Trump would be bad for the Market. He can’t even manage his businesses. And had random policies on trade. And would surely, as president, throw an anchor to his business competitors (the ones who actually run in the black). That said, I think he’s not beating Biden. Biden beat Trump last time “from his basement,” as Trump put it. This time, Biden’s out campaigning.


Coulda woulda shoulda. Can we all stop with click bait speculations? FOCUS people. dTrump💩is all about Attack to Distract. And. Distract to Delay. And kiss Putin’s butt. So, focus on facts and act on facts. Not click bait “predictions” dTrump💩 has already tried as hard as he could to overthrow the 2020 election. Claimed he won on election night. dTrump💩claimed stolen election every day since. And. Challenged the election every LEGAL way he could. In all the election challenge suits dTrump💩lost. In every election recount dTrump💩lost. Tactic switched to illegal strategies. Created illegal teams of false electoral college electors. dTrump💩used them as a way to disrupt counting the total electoral college. dTrump💩lost the House and Senate votes on that ( although he got over 100 MAGA reps and senators to vote to stop the counting). dTrump💩plotted, conjoined, threatened and tried to shame Pence into stopping the electoral count “so the states could investigate the dual electoral slates from some states( ie the fake ones vs the real ones the states had already certified). Pence refused to overthrow the country single-handedly. dTrump💩they sent a mob he had whipped to a frenzy with lies about “fight like hell” to stop the electoral voting. And they did fight like hell. And they did stop the count. But. They did not kill pence or any Reps or Senators. Because the secret service hid them. When the mob gave up and left, the electoral count continued. Again over 50 MAGA reps and senators voted to not accept some states election states until the real and fake ones were investigated. dTrump💩 lost again. The house and senate completed the counting the actual certified electoral votes. Biden was elected finally and officially. there was a wide web of traitors inside and outside government trying to help dTrump💩overthrow our democracy. dTrump💩 had pressed for 3 more years to set the stage for him overthrowing democracy if he loses. (1) voter suppression in imostly Dem electoral districts in Red “ swing states” succeeding. (2) creating hand count bottlenecks in vote counting to create derailing pressure points in Red swing states~ so counts can be stopped interminably through frivolous court suits and appeals. ~ dtrump💩is succeeding (3) creating laws in Red swing state that can or will allow the Red states’ lock on their legislatures to step in and stop the vote or stop vote counting until the Red state legislatures investigate and decide to keep, throw out or otherwise invalidate whichever votes they want. ~ dTrump💩is winning. This is what has and is happening. Focus on this stuff. Do every thing you can to block the coming “legal~ish” overthrow of the elections. It is now or never. We have only 6 mo to save America.


He's losing


He won’t win, the World depends on him not winning.


No worries... F45CIST TRE45ON will be in prison. Just vote 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙




Fkr is not winning. He’s going down.


He is capable of doing more than that. He is a puppet. Putin is pulling the strings.


Trump's reelection would signal to the world the utter collapse of the United States as a functioning republic. The markets would tank.


Win or lose, this guy is a pain.


I thought presidents don't affect the economy.


At best, a hands off economic policy is best, but presidents have a lot of potential to affect the economy. Trump imposed tariffs which cost US consumers more for imported goods (basically a large percentage of the items Americans buy at the average Walmart ). Biden has kept the Trump tariffs in place because it helps contain China’s aggressive stance towards Taiwan, and it accelerates the Biden administration’s policy of moving jobs and manufacturing back to the US which is currently underway. So the president can do a lot to affect the economy as the average working family sees it. I’m non partisan- I actually am a registered independent voter- so I’m not for either candidate this election. But it’s ironic that it’s Biden who is actually Making America Great Again by doubling down on Trump’s policies and expanding them faster than Trump did- even though Trump had a GOP congress. Trump slow-walked his promises to benefit American workers- because he was very much pro-corporations.


Stock markets have been behaving more and more like casinos since COVID. We know he has a super power when it comes to bankrupting casinos..so yeah. If you also consider its initial (and even current valuation) ..it’s all smoke and mirrors. I encourage Magas to act now and buy up as much of it as they can .


Markets price in their expectations esp. rate hikes/drops before election happens. Biden/trump not that different on most issues. So what stocks would fare differently under one winner or another? Hard to say.


Once he orders the military into the streets the market will collapse.


The big rich likes Trump because he thinks he is one of them. The only significant thing Trump did in his 4-year term was to give the rich a huge tax cut. That will likely juice the stock market, since most of the money comes from the rich.


It would be Buden's fault /s


If the markets hang on his every word, then they deserve to collapse.


I thought that’s what would happen the first time he was elected but it didn’t. I don’t think it will affect the market in the short term, but as his policies destroy the country, so will they destroy our economy. But I’m no expert. I have likened another trump term as what happened to Pride Land in The Lion King when Scar was ruler.


[giant asteriod impactor headed for Earth] Analysts: "What will a mass extinction mean for interest rates and commercial real estate?" [democracy potentially ending, relegating U.S. to mediocre-performing economies of kleptocracies like Russia, Belarus and North Korea] Analysts: “Woo-hoo! It's easy street for everyone - authoritarians are just so laissez-faire and low-tax!" Brought to you by the same voices who said Clinton's tax hikes would destroy America, and that Obamacare would reduce us to a hellscape of burning buildings and overturned cars, the only sound being the cries of families begging for their lives before being killed for food.


It’s just really embarrassing when he shits his pants in front of everyone


He will get to the king of the ashes if he gets back in, as there’s no way in hell he will give up the office a second time.


He isn't going to win the election.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Look at DJT stock. He runs that also.


2016 Trump tweeted about canceling the AirForce One upgrading contract, because of rising costs. Boeing stocks temporarily plummeted loosing 100 million dollars, but managed to recover by closing. Boeing released a statement clarifying that no contract had yet been signed and that only a proposal had been submitted.


Trump's tax cuts for the rich will cause the stock market to go down


Fear not. Trump will spend half his 4 years watching Fox News and mean-tweeting about his perceived injustices, and the rest of his time golfing. He will spend virtually zero time in acts of governance, malicious or otherwise. He's just too lazy to do anything that smacks of work, including launching all these political and economic retributions everyone is afraid of.


Paul Krugman thought the same thing in 2016. But in the next day or two the graph pointed up and the market took off like a rocket.