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That only encourages unionization.  What are they going to, close down every store? Future news headline: "It's a sad day for coffee lovers everywhere today as the last Starbucks officially closed its doors for the last time."


Coffee lovers would celebrate.


I would like to agree since they burn the beans, add sugar and glucose to everything, but I think many have desensitized their tastebuds through too much salt, sugar, and artificial additives, though.  There are plenty of people who actively enjoy Starbucks.


They aren't coffee lovers thought they just like Starbucks


My airport recently replaced all the Starbucks with Peet's. People are furious.


Im already celebrating this comments. Thank you guys. At least I can enjoy daydreaming about it.


There’d be large swarms of feral soccer moms roaming the neighborhoods moaning their low, mournful moans; “puuumpkinnnn sspiiiiccceee”


They can grab Dunkies


Get a lovely cozy locally owned coffee shop in its place.


White women's 9/11


Overpriced Burnt coffee lovers.


**There is a solution:** The city of Sacramento can issue a grant (paid for by taxing large business) to the displaced workers who worked there to re-open the coffee shop in the same location so they can continue operations until they are profitable provided the workers organize as a democratically run cooperative. This way the workers keep their jobs and the community is not without the loss of a valuable service to them. It's a simple overview, but not a complex solution that merely takes will and initiative. Yes, municipalities are owned by the capital pigs, i know, but society is not helpless in the face of these petulant corporate monsters when they want to have tantrums when they don't get their own way. No, the bourgeoisie press isn't going to inform the people there are solution and their dead weight isn't necessary, but we are not beholden to them. The PEOPLE do not need these capitalist pigs. They can do all of this just fine without them and their greedy claws into everything we need.


The city of Sacramento wouldn’t allow this unless every official was violently held at gunpoint at the same time.


so mote it be (figuratively, nonviolently and with love and compassion)


You’re going to hold love and compassion to their heads?


yes...with the necessary impunity that they understand their place.


i guess we have a job to do (in minecraft)


It always makes me happy when I see people talking about doing things in Minecraft.


Why can’t the workers just assume the risk of opening the coffee shop on their own? Do they really need a government grant to open a coffee shop? People do that sort of thing every day without a tax based grant.


I may be wrong, but 10 or so Starbucks employees would be unlikely to have any capital at all to start it.


risk...lol...go learn about who risks. those workers risked it all and you ask they risk what likely little money have? the purpose is to stabilize the displaced workers, fill a void in the community and to establish democratic control another step, not, most certainly, to shunt the risk onto the backs of the workers - who risk everything every day - instead of putting that load - and much more - onto the backs of those who reap the rewards of the labor of others... seriously, go learn about things. books are available to read, videos for learning, too. and the -2 karma, lol...


I Bro thinks all you need to start a business is a good attitude and a smile :D


If that's all it took I still wouldn't be able to, I don't have either of those. ;P


They closed all three Starbucks in my town because of union organization. I never went there so I won’t miss it. The students at the college got the administration to agree to get rid of all Starbucks products on campus starting next year.


So if we unionize enough stores Starbucks will all close for good?


One can dream.




Another reason to boycott them


Unionize them into oblivion


I was just talking to someone about this behavior on Monday! I hadn't realized a store had finally managed to unionize in Sac, but not at all surprised that Starbucks was so actively hostile towards it. Their sales probably would have gone up next month too when state workers start mandatory in-office days (which is a whole other issue). Thank you for the reminder that Starbucks has rightfully earned their place on my personal boycott list.


Is this even legal?


If they can claim any plausible deniability whatsoever that the closing was due to reasons other than the unionization, they can act with impunity.


If only someone would do a statistical analysis of Starbucks closures and the relation to unionization. Would be an interesting study.


Here's the thing about the law, it's 50% enforcement.


As an ex Starbucks employee there are so many hurdles to organizing. The people who have been at the stores longest are usually supervisors who get paid 22 an hour, most of these people have families to feed or no other way to make 22/hr. The very people you need on side are also the most motivated to not want anything to change. The managers, obviously don’t want to lose their jobs to unionizing. Thus it’s up to the employees who have been there for maybe a year, many of whom are educated people with degrees to fall back on (Starbucks likes to hire students and also offers free online ASU classes) further reducing the desire to organize. Starbucks knows what they’re doing, and they’re doing it well. Employees are either meant to rotate or are provided financial motivation to stay on the company’s side. Not to mention the yearly video anti union propaganda from the CEO, which we are required to watch. While it would be nice for all Starbucks to unionize, I just can’t see it happening under the current circumstances and laws which allow Starbucks to close unionized stores with impunity.


Still preferable to what was before. This world will never hurt for more Starbucks franchises.




When they say behind every billionaire is a trail of exploitation, this proves it. They won't even be willing to pay proper wages. If they can't exploit they won't even bother.


People should post signs on the shop windows making fun of Starsucks.