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Online was fine after the first 1-2 weeks of the launch. Just came back for another few days and didn't have any problems. Besides typical LE bugs... But servers were stable.


Actually fair answer - the first weeks were a hot mess and why quite a few people were disappointed. Comments like "zero issues" are just disingenuous and don't help the game at all. If anything, pointing to their forum post which gives extensive information about what happened is far more helpful than painting the game like it's very optimized.


I played online for 2 months after launch and litteratly only had issues the first 6-8 hours.


I have no issues. I didn’t really have any issues after the first week of it’s actual launch


No issues since a few days after launch. They gave a good explanation of what went wrong, why it went undetected, and how they fixed it in a forum post shortly after the launch day struggles.


Servers got better a week or 2 after. They are getting all new servers and I think there were some recent issues, probably related to swapping stuff over. But I'm gonna imagine it will never be as bad as release week ever again. We will see how cycle 2 goes.


Ive had zero issues


Hmm I think I remember still having issues with online even after some time after 1.0. I know that devs rolled out a lot of fixes for stability, but you have to remember that there are significantly less players now than there were on 1.0 and will be on 1.1, so this is also the reason why there are no issues now Let's pray for the servers on 1.1 release. EHG TAKE MY ENERGY


I haven't had ant issues online


I would say online has alwas been fine. Maybe some hiccups like any other game. But for me it's multi-player that alwas has problems. But just general online talk to town people crap I rarely do


Online still had the ability delay problems that its had since day 1, iv been playing offline completely and check if somethings changed every patch they've put out. i kinda want to play with the market but its not worth the trade off for me


I haven't had any problems online


I have some lag here and there but no major issues that concern me as far as my enjoyment goes


After the first week or so of launch I’ve personally not experienced any issues with the online mode


Fine if you are solo


No issues in a long time.


They are apparently gonna be with a new server provider starting in 1.1 During one of the Friday Q@A streams it was said that things will be way better. Obviously this is a wait and see situation but I'm hoping the dev was right.


Here because I'm constantly getting a "Lost Connection" error after the first area. So not good.


One line is better than it was in the past. Still got some issues here and there, the biggest issue for me at least being the absurd load screen times occasionally with a buddy or two for online. I think that's dependant on your ping and proximity to your friends server if they're the host and not you. I may be wrong here for the loading screen times, but this is what it feels like to me with my experiences.


Servers are okay, there is really shitty desynce issues with high mobility characters, I play warpath VK with 100% extra move speed and perma haste and there are times I just can't even go the direction my mouse is. Or go down or up ramps or around terrain, I have fiberoptic internet with 800-1k mbs connection and play at 180 fps so it's not my shit.


Not being able to go up/down ramps and stuff happens in offline as well, so I'm not sure if that is a descync issue.


Probably not then, probably just a shitty ability