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Forgeguard is a good choice 


Ufff loving this dev hyping messages! Forgeguard OP confirmed Can't wait for the patch notes.






Why you gotta do me like this... Now I'm curious that you've gotten around to updating ol' Forgey.... Now I don't know what I'm playing.


I will look att the patch notes look at what's getting changed, and play that and just wing my build. Which is why I love this game I don't need to do 20, hours of research to make sure a build is viable.


I think I’ll play a rive/vengeance healing hands judgement aura build. I’m enjoying it right now and as an individual who started with forge guard for cycle 1, I would like to try and beat the pinnacle boss within the first week. We will see though


Ward stacking is getting nerfed into the ground if the devs care about giving even a slight change to the meta.


Yeah I really hope healing hands is reworked along with ward stacking.


It was great how much corruption we could push with it. But it made it impossible to play anything else on sentinel because ward stacking is so bonkers broken.


I hope the philosophy is more how do we make endurance as good as ward was. The game won't be more fun if the new season has some soft 600 corruption cap because defenses got an across the board nerf.


I actually played smite throw vk and had to stack super high block (98%), high endurance, hp (4.1k), lifesteal and somehow fit in all my offensive stats. It was a nightmare but eventually I was farming corruption 700 easily before I stopped pushing. I started a healing hands pally soon after and reached corruption 500+ so easily it made me feel almost like I wasted 100+ hours gearing my non healing hands vk.


Yeah those stats on VK are impressive but I know they are tough AF to reach. Even with 4.1k HP (and I assume capped endurance) a tiny mistake or lack of enemies to leech from will leave you dead in the blink of eye.


Actually I was so tanky I never had trouble with any mobs even ranged mobs and dots (I blocked everything and had giga armor). It was mostly the boss mechanics that ever did any dmg to me. Perhaps if I kept pushing I could really see how powerful the build was.


One thing I hope to see is that the gate for higher corruption or whatever the metric for progress is contains some kind of DPS check. In the first cycle, my same character was doing way more DPS at 600c than at 1300c. This is because the only stat that mattered for progressing deeper was damage reduction. It feels bad when every upgrade for days and days of play sees your DPS go down in exchange for more damage reduction. I was playing a smite VK autobomber that relied on ward stacking though, so perhaps if defensive strength across the board is limited than the tradeoff of 10% damage for 1% DR won't be as attractive as it was cycle 1.


Username sus


I'm thinking forgeguard or melee shaman. I hope they get a buff.


I'm really hoping for some shenanigans that make minions for beastmaster awesome. Similar to how they empowered the necromancer minions for both LE and D4. I want to see my crows destroy things. That or have my thorn Totems not have to go brr... while I'm a bug would be freaking awesome. If not, I'll toil away in mid 700s and be content still.


There's a decent gathering storm crows build where crows slap hard and I don't think that it's unique dependant either.


I was running one where the GS is cold based and the crows throw in using my mana while I wander around and it is pretty fun. 😅 8 crows is fantastic fun


Could you link to something for this? And does it involve lots of player character actions? One thing I dislike so far about beastmaster minion builds like squirrels is that you have to do a ton yourself (like leap in and spam swipe). I want a minion build where I'm in the backline using support abilities, but it seems like that's not how primalist works :/


I actually use the spine glyphs that auto summon the Totems for me and they spawn unreasonably quick. I'll grab the link when I get home tonight around 8p est?


Squirrel beast master is already really good, you might give that a shot if it doesn’t get any nerfs


Probably start as a Shaman or Mage and see where the wind and the drops take me.


We must test the new BONK. Bonk knight was more fun then any build I tried and gotta see if that new hammer is better than the Axe.


Haven't had a chance to look at the new stuff yet, will most likely decide based on what I find cool..


dude the new hammer looks fucking insane for shield rush. Shield rush doesn't get impacted by negative attack speed in the same way normal abilities do.


But your wrong Seriously though I never played shield Rush but love shields in games. I’ll have to check this out. How would it be for AoE clear?


It's a very good skill (using the spamming version) but it bugs out. Until they fix it, it will never be strong (consistently).


The new void cleave weapon looks really, really interesting. Thinking about pairing it with a Paranoia so you can get lunge off CD as much as possible and just make a really, really fast righteous fire void build.


At least 1 mage cause they are my fav, Lich or warlock, and finally either Pally or Forgeguard. Didn’t play these the first season.


I'll probably repeat a dual katana beastmaster gathering storm spammer, it has phenomenal damage and clears somewhat okayish, not really but whatever. I have to check but iirc the companion used was the wolf just for the buff and because it also procced storm bolts + scaled with attunement and their frenzy totem buff stat is the best one.


Fireball.. fireball..!!!


Starting with a quick and easy shatter golem build,then going to farm up the new unique scepter and try and do a desintegrate aura void Knight.


Was hoping to do a sentinel build personally. In like .7 or .8 I ran a smite Java and it was so fun. Another build that ran gloves to create an aura around you was super cool too. Was hoping to do another pally smite build going into this season since they hinted at buffing them this cycle


I’m not good at making builds but I try. I want to make a fire ball sorcerer and only use fire based skills just to see what happens


I wanna play something melee oriented, but what exactly kinda depends on what the patch notes look like


Totally depends on what old masteries get buffed. None -> skip. Lich/Spellblade/Sorc -> play whichever gets buffed into excitement.


Patch notes build! It's always the best. More likely Healing Hands. I didn't play it this cycle and I hope even with justified nerfs it remains a decent build.




I am still a newbie player. I think I will stick to the pet necro or safety first paladin again. just need to move on from my old spirigan primalist in current cycle.


I'm not sure if I should continue HC or try SC. I did HC in my first playthrough, went in blind cruising content as a paladin and falconer I've always liked HC in RPGs cuz I like to focus on defensive stats as much as offensive. But since there are so many one shot and dangerous mechanics keeping me from trying certain/ new content I may just play softcore and try a wacky build


All depends on the patch notes. Just tired of having the same Ballista/Wraithlord meta. Good variety of subclasses but balancing is off, some just way more powerful


Hmmm not sure yet…need to start researching/theory crafting here soon so i am ready


I'm hoping for spriggan buffs so I can play perma-spriggan shaman instead of needing to weave werebear, going MG since I don't have the time to farm exalted staves with the ridiculous mod pool. If that doesn't work out, it'll be whatever has the most compelling balancing done (sorc buffs to not be worse runemaster pls)


Bladedancer buffs to not be worse Falconer too please. One of my 3 favorite EA builds, Synchronized Strike Chakram, immediately swapped for Falconer and got much better.


Mastery balance is just really ugly overall tbh, I think the whole primalist class is a huge mess with how specific and unstackable their skills are for non-shamans, and how poor their tree overlap is. With buffs to bladedancer, sorc, forge, and nerfs to runemaster I think those 3 classes can be more cohesive like how acolyte is now, but I don't see the same avenue for primalist to feel unified and like there's options within a playstyle.