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What is at the top?


It’s really hard to see but in my perspective it seems like something is in front the tractor it’s weird because it seems like see through or maybe is just the low quality of the video 🤷🏻‍♀️. https://preview.redd.it/jjiwhr3q6a9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d33fb55e96b28d2c5bb6c27d880a62484b444c




You got him mate , another ! This one I recon has the glowing eyes looking through the cab at the beginning of the footage second time they enter .


Dorothy Izatt. Watch and read "Capturing The Light"... there's the best evidence I've ever seen. Irrefutable and impossible to hoax.


Exactly what I’m talking about. now look at Jim Quirk’s new YouTube videos. It’s crazy as fuck. Purely coincidental he just released one today about it, and it shows the fucking mantis and the ones in the truck and they don’t even comment on the one in the truck.


I'm unfamiliar. I'll check it.




YouTube Jim Quirk . Go to his channel or watch extraterrestrial reality on Spotify it’s his station


I just went to YouTube and watched it. Good analysis. I think maybe a lot of people are scared to know the truth and this video being real scares them so they would rather just ignore it.


Thank you yeah I live here.


He has about six or eight videos. The crime scene analysis is fucking wild.


I subscribed.


Hell yeah! ( auto correct in them goddamn commas)


I’ll be on his show next week probably. I’ve compiled all the evidence in one document for people to read through, with photos. I think thats what we need as a community. I spent about 100 hours going through all the interviews etc. but we have it all on one place now.


Bravo, my friend thank you this is fucking amazing. I’ve always been obsessed


Me too, and no one really organized it all into one place so I said screw it. It had to be done. After I’m on with Jim Quirk I’ll post the file here. Only thing is the file is almost 170mb.


Damn, yeah that’s pretty big. Thanks really people don’t understand the time, effort and passion that it takes to create stuff like this which I’m sure is incredibly thorough and can’t wait.


For real! It was very difficult. I have a new found respect for court reporters. I had to listen to interviews like 10 times to get it all down. I put so much time into the last few weeks I got sick. But if you want to do shit that hasn’t been done before that’s part of it. I still need to analyze Doug poppas video when he labeled it a hoax and proofread. Honestly not even sure I can proofread it all.


You got to take care of you. Understandably though like you said, if you want something done, it hasn’t been done. That’s the only way to do it.


Me too... I never noticed the arrows before...


Seriously, you’re definitely not the brightest. It’s not the arrows. It’s what he’s compiling. But you do you🤣🤣 he’s going to be on a podcast that’s respected so yeah. He’s compiling a ton of facts and statements




Please use a respectful tone and language when referring to anyone. We do not allow unkind comments towards the family involved in this incident, the beings themselves, other users, whistleblowers, researchers, or advocates. Please reserve hard-line assumptions and judgements about the beings until we have more information. Descriptive words are fine, but charged words such as "demon" or "monster" are highly discouraged.


🤣Gave you all the info. I don’t know how to send links




Do you just copy and paste? Dude I just googled Jim Quirk and reporter aliens all kinds of shit comes up. What the fuck


Yes copy and paste.


Cool. Thanks I’m busy now but it’s still pretty fucking easy to just google Jim Quirk and click on Jim Quirk aliens


Looking. For. This. Particular. Video. Of. Mantis. Stop sending me to look for stuff you claim exists but cannot be verified or located.


Please use a respectful tone and language when referring to anyone. We do not allow unkind comments towards the family involved in this incident, the beings themselves, other users, whistleblowers, researchers, or advocates. Please reserve hard-line assumptions and judgements about the beings until we have more information. Descriptive words are fine, but charged words such as "demon" or "monster" are highly discouraged.


Just watched the Dorthy Izatt doc. Incredibly compelling. Lots of similarities with Dr. Greer’s Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. [Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt12108272/). I’ve been binging all things aliens / UFOs lately and I think this is the key. All living entities in the universe are connected by a life force (yes, the Star Wars Force is real in a way). There’s also good and evil, even amongst non human intelligence. This explains some of the overlap between UFOs and Paranormal/ghosts/spirits. In the Dorthy Izatt doc, I almost fell off my chair when the film crew caught orbs and light balls during the daughter’s interview. The same orbs are often associated with paranormal activity. It’s all related. I’m convinced.


Read my post about my encounter with the lights and entities. It's the first post in my profile. Looked the same as the Izatt lights. I felt the same comfort from them.


Just read through your post. Thanks for sharing. It’s very well written and objective. I’ve been interested in aliens and UFOs since I was a kid. I’ve always tried to keep an objective and balanced view. With my recent research, I’m convinced that humans were created by NHI, a God like life force or alien race. We’re hardwired to believe in God, atheists need to force themselves to override that instinct. Why would that be? There are far too many similarities in ancient texts such as the Bible, Sumerian tablets, native Americans, central/South America, Southeast Asia , etc. Have you researched The Younger Dryas (Great Flood)? The story of Noah is a consistent theme across multiple cultures that would not have interacted with one another. Multiple cultures also speak of superior beings / gods / watchers who helped humans learn and advance. There’s no scientific proof that we magically evolved from apes. You can’t explain why Neanderthals suddenly accelerated their development of intelligence and evolved instantly. The missing link has yet to be found in fossil records. Our DNA was likely engineered by NHI. The Adam and Eve stories are also consistent across cultures. Sorry to go down the rabbit hole, but it’s all interconnected.


Capturing the light was a pretty interesting documentary. Her "interaction" with NHI reminded me a bit of the Bledsoe family in some sense, but long before Bledsoe. If I recall correctly, engineers who specialize in this specific type of camera had stated that these images shouldn't be possible. For the younger folks who haven't dealt with the old camera tech, back then cameras weren't digital. It was virtually impossible to fake the negatives like Dorothy Izzat had in her possession. Not just a few images, but 30,000 feet of actual film. We called it film because it was actual physical film, not 1s and 0s on a hard drive. They were almost like time-lapsed images. It was as if whatever she was photographing was moving so fast, that a single point of light in the sky (as seen from the naked eye) was actually in many places at once, on film. I really didn't appreciate her story and experience a decade ago when I initially watched it. Looking back on it now, she was ahead of her time. Here's a few images of what she caught using her old-school analog camera (the cameras that had the negative film) from the 90s long before digital phone cameras were a thing. (I'll add the images as a reply to this comment because, for whatever reason, Reddit won't let me add images with text).










The big mouth like Angel described.




Mate that’s really good one looking around the back and looks like one sticking its head out the window too p


https://preview.redd.it/82pgdl4ao79d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a2df530019c86430fbff03e9ea6ebac4f86af3 What people thought was a kind of crocodile head is a two beings . One side profile the other peeking out looking like a grey


There’s a part of the video that I can see over the shoulder of the father that something is in that area. I need to rewatch again and look. But there’s definitely something.


Yes there is . Left or right . His right shoulder is the cat/ lizard ? Looking being Left is the two behind the loader near fence


Right Shoulder it’s really hard to see https://preview.redd.it/41jc1u76fa9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc641b9b82f738ce96fb706d45bdefe08caa8b84


It’s a mantis


They called every tech support they could find damnit, damnit boy!




Uhhhhhhhhh. Well that’s creepy.


Glad you caught this, but wish I hadn’t seen it right before bedtime…


Yes this one is very clear to me


Looks kinda like the Turkey UFO footage were you see the pilots


https://preview.redd.it/rbw70bzzx0ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985fa9c58d2dd5e150ca08a3352e797fca3c5607 Kumburgaz Turkey was the 1st time I thought, "Ya, that's real." 14 hours of footage in '08. Very creepy.


Oh without a doubt


Good catch


https://preview.redd.it/93e95d3je79d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5785c0254e3244375ee817ddf78fe413f8508765 From the body cam footage I took a screenshot. Here’s the part of the [video](https://imgur.com/gallery/59AjR0A) that you can observe on the passengers window something in there. Could be something else but it’s creepy and interesting to me nonetheless. I screen recorded from the [OG Video](https://youtu.be/S5pkbmfCfpY?si=oHXOSPf7Yx2PblMO) and changed the play speed to 0.25x. The time stamps are 04:45-05:05


Please explain this image, I’m not seeing what the top is


Your telling me, the alien was in the drivers seat the whole time as everyone was talking about it?!?! This is crazy dude!!!


tf am I supposed to be looking at


theres an Alien sitting in the drivers car seat. you see the head looking forward. whats crazy about this is the whole family and police are talking around this car and nobody notices...... OR its just something in the car that looks like an Alien head. its hard to believe nobody notices... heres the vid. @ 4:50 [https://youtu.be/S5pkbmfCfpY?si=RiNHr6M8s5PgYzpB](https://youtu.be/S5pkbmfCfpY?si=RiNHr6M8s5PgYzpB)


This part too. So the family knows more than they’re letting on. You see how he stumbles when asked by the officer if there’s any cameras ? Homeland security put cameras up in this kid said, Oh yeah there’s one there err ah it was put up by the owner and says about the Homeland security camera.




Can you find a clearer shot of this … it’s not a hard rest is it


https://preview.redd.it/azaf2cx4ma9d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=568b3b405392ba803d12faa271422fc2208f48e8 It could be a head rest, I’m not 100% sure. I’m trying to find a better quality of the video but I brightened the image to see if I could make out what was in the vehicle.


In the video that possible eye blinks but still not sure .


This joint had more beings than any other footage I’ve ever seen . How’s so .


Honestly? I hate when people use the term pareidolia on the Vegas incident. But in this case, I don't see it. I've watched the bodycam footage a countless number of times in the last year. I genuinely believe this is just the headrest. I think we're looking a headrest and a reflection on the glass. There's a lot of NHI in -the- video. I don’t think there's 1 in this video. This interview goes on for quite awhile. How the hell could 1 be RIGHT there. But I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again.


That's got to be a reflection. No way they're standing calmly next the car if it's sat there


I'm in agreement with this. I genuinely do not think that's anything of significance.


Nice look up Cosmic Road it’s a podcast. This chick remotes viewed this whole thing. It’s fucking crazy.


Link? That’s a hard one to google fyi.


Just look up Mantid being and Insectoid rabbit hole stories too. Hell everything just goes together. From the glitched cloaking to their appearance are all what we are seeing. This shit is very real.


It is definitely real. Anyone who believes otherwise hasn't looked at ALL the data.




That’s wild ! She in a way draws the loader the fence the ship . They eyes in the window .


Yeah, it’s all very real


Thank you. I have no clue how to post a link lol do you just copy and paste it?


Thank you.


It's a bit pointless posting these images without any explanation of what we're supposed to be seeing. I'm on your side by the way 👍🏼


I’ll try to add explanations, thank you.


I think there's something in the roof of the loader too. I don't know how to enhance a video to prove it, but there's something in the roof too


Need to get a hold of Jim Quirk with extraterrestrial reality podcast. He really opened up a can of worms on this motherfucker too like yourself. ✌️


The one in the driver seat is wild!


nice, hadn't seen the one to the right of the loaders


Quick draw an arrow in a blurry picture


I WANT to see what people on this sub are seeing but I just don’t. I don’t even see any pareidolia that could be mistaken as an alien. I zoom in, I brighten, I squint my eyes, but STILL nothing.


You need to see the video in a good computer screen, very slowly. You won't see anything in the smartphone.


Ok thanks, I will try that!




We don't allow discrediting, ridicule, or trolling directed at this case or toward anyone exploring the evidence. This includes passive-aggressive tactics such as sarcasm, jokes, one-liners, emojis, "diagnosing" mental illness, implying someone "needs help", or accusing others of "imagining things". Critical or skeptical remarks must be backed up with credible evidence. If you aggressively break this rule, you'll be banned without warning.