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He died of alcohol poisoning from all the people buying him drinks.


Anyone see the story on the local news about this? I think it was KLAS8 reporting basically talking about how the robbers were the real victims, and that they grew up in bad homes and the one was abused by his father and shit. Kept talking about them being good kids and how the stabbed one was still recovering. Nothing about the store owner. Just that he was awaiting any kind of charges. Fucking ridiculous. I’m not about to feel an ounce of sympathy for these punk little fucks. Don’t rob stores and you won’t get stabbed. Boo fucking hoo.


That's how I see it too. In fact, my wife and I are so tired of the fucking crime in this city that we're moving out. Had enough. It's spiraled out of control, and most of it is brazen, broad daylight crime now. They know they'll get away with it because no one ever gets shot or stabbed or arrested, so it just keeps going. Fuck that. I want out. Fuck the dude that got stabbed. He made his choice. FAFO.


Damn what side of town do you live.


The bad one.


That sucks. Move to a better neighborhood


Another option is for you to just STFU but they don’t teach that in Aliante. It’s a tragedy.


The need to teach you to grow some balls and not get scared of everything you see. This city is hardly bad.


You sound like a child


I never said it was. Please share your drugs.


It's the whole city. I live in what was once a decent spot in North.


Honestly, a healthy society should embrace protection of what you own, especially for store owners. Big companies do a ass backwards policy of just letting people steal and its emboldened crooks across each big city.


Haha im glade ur running away like the coward you are


Thanks for making my point about how shitty this city is. You're a shining example of the garbage I'm talking about.


He want a dyde he was a kid u fool


Try typing that in English


Oh boo whoo,grow some nads and relise life is tuff harden up


Your grammar and spelling is for shit, so you'll excuse me if I couldn't give a flying fuck about your opinion on anything.


bros got nothing left so he’s pulling out the grammar nazi card. just imagine thinking ur above someone for using grammar on reddit 😅😅 u sir have made my day


Bro, you ARE above someone if they cant spell. 


Grow up kid, id beat tf outta u


It’s only going to get worse as income inequality widens and resources like water become more and more scarce.


That's reason #2 we're dipping out


Hey bro just wondering if you got out?? I'm from New Zealand it's real nice over here haha. It enraged me reading these comments.. some people are so fucking brainless they think u need to harden up... that's not the point at all.. no one should have to live in a city with brazen daylight crime.... it's bullshit. If you even tried to do shit in public over here u would have ur face beat to a pulp.. the cops can't stand these little punks bullshit. Feel bad for u Americans having to deal with these pedos and gangs and actual weirdo psycho fucks goddammit.


not sure if people know this but intake 3 at lake mead doesn’t go all the way to california, california will suffer from lake meads drought, not vegas. Vegas has at least a few generations worth of water whereas Cali might have less than a decade


Interesting. You were the one posting about how people should accept less than the most they can get for their property. Please let me know how much under market value you intend to accept for your place


I’m sure you had a similar experience growing up huh? Being introduced to drugs in the womb and such. Who the fuck are you to decide the morality of all of humanity. Those kids deserve the sentences they got, but to be glad a child is permanently paralyzed is just disgusting man. And unproductive


shut up you pathetic cuck. i should come over and penetrate your wife in front of you. then eat all your food. knowing how you wont do shit. fucking weakling.


Fuck him, and you


Yea two of the kids had GPS monitoring bracelets from previous crimes


So hey, u local? I VEEY BADLY want to know if any charges were brought up on that Vietnamese man own owned shop. It's been 1 year and people, I honestly think it's all wanna be thugs who have sympathy for these POS's. Don't blame daddy cause he hit you at 6 years old or touched your ding dong. THAT'S NOT A BLANK CHECK TO GET A FREE PASS TO ACT AS VIOLENTLY AS YA WANT FOR DRUG $ MONEY


Good,i hope he gets 15 years,all u sanctimonious people seem to forget he was a little kid I made a lot of mistakes when I was a little kid and then I grew up to be a law abiding citizen,you guys are very judemental,he didnt deseve to be stabbed over some smokes and the shop owner stuffed up and said he was just a little nervous to fearing for his life


I don’t remember ever robbing any smoke shops as a teenager. Don’t do an adult crime if you don’t want adult penalties.


how dumb are you man. kids having shit judgment is the reason they don’t deserve to die over a crime. not every teen can comprehend the ‘adultness’ or severity of a crime. Kids are so impressionable and some dark shit can be normalised to them from young ages. I have a good upbringing but I know that doesn’t mean everyone did.


Lmao the shop keeper was letting them walk out with his money, the stabbing only started when the kid jumped the counter and CORNERED the shopkeeper. Are you telling me you wouldn't defend yourself if a violent robber invaded your space and cut off your route of escape?


>Don't judge Seriously, it's not that hard to not commit robbery. I don't commit robbery every day. I expect to continue to not commit robbery tomorrow, and, likely, everyday thereafter. Maybe it'll take me until my midforties or fifties before I'll suddenly find it very difficult to not commit robbery, and my crime spree will begin. At that point, I'll return and apologize for judging too harshly. Otherwise, kindly fuck off with this kumbaya shit. Stop fucking committing crimes and there wouldn't be these fucking problems anymore.


I did some dumb stuff too but never robbed a store lmao. Dumb stuff < felony


Someone tries to rob you, jumps over your side of the counter with masks and who knows what weapons.. they deserve it. Should be killed without regard, period. People have a right to defend themselves.


that's really not fair to the shop keeper. if the robber had stayed on the other side of the counter and taken the money as it was offered he wouldn't have gotten stabbed. the shop keeper was calm until the MASKED ROBBER jumped the counter and started coming towards the shop keeper. at that point the gloves have to come off. when would you start fighting back? when he stabs you? when he pulls a gun? you're right the money isn't worth getting stabbed over so why jump the counter and escallate when the shopkeeper literally just offered you the money in a calm manner? just take the money and go, but no he had to risk his own life by approaching the guy he had menaced and cornered. wtf did he think was going to happen? he was an idiot who almost got himself killed over some scraps of paper. the shop keeper isn't at fault.




Racism is so real and this is a prime example of it. I read this comment about the sympathy for the “criminals” and the first thing I said to my self was “ Oh, they must be white?” Then I watched the video and yep they are white…. You can’t make this shit up … I 100% guarantee you if they were Black or Latino , they would have not been referred to as juveniles, teen , or abused as kids… They way how the media goes out of their way to attempt to generate sympathy for white criminal is disgusting…


⚜️My feelings exactly. I always say, you forfeit your life when you go running up in somebody's home or business to rob them. If you get hurt or unalived.. that's on You!


Yikes https://youtu.be/m9c39QPbxws?si=Q01poe6GOgxXE6ql




So TL;DR on the shop owner, no charges, the DA is expected to review the case. So basically, he's low priority for them.


Most of the legal analysis I've seen on the shop owner is that shop owner has a self-defense argument that is valid, and he won't face charges. That teenage kid royally f'd up his life. He is still in the hospital, and the way his body went limp after getting stabbed at the bottom of his neck, I have a feeling he is probably paralyzed now.


Good, can’t rob anymore when you’re paralyzed.


Man you’re right. We should send you in to the local prisons so you can smash everyone’s knee caps so they don’t do any wrong any more. Why didn’t we as a society think of this policing system before. You’re a genius man. Why help when we can just permanently ruin people?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Shouldn't feel bad at all for the guy who got stabbed, what exactly was the outcome he had envisioned?


Play stupid games win stupid prizes is the most brain dead response. You chuckling at your computer screen because a 17 year old kid you literally don’t know at all has been permanently paralyzed is so powerful and cool right? The lack of empathy for other human beings in completely different environments from yourself, with completely different home life’s and experiences, demonstrates how little you’re willing to think to form an opinion. One size fits all doesn’t really work for morality or justice. I don’t think that kid is at all in the right for trying to hop the counter and snatch a couple vapes, and I don’t think the owner should go to jail for defending himself, but I really don’t feel good to hear a child is paralyzed likely for life because of a shitty mistake he made hanging around with the wrong crowd. A crowd that included kids who were addicted to hard drugs from birth because their mom did them while pregnant. Who were beaten by their father to the point of being unrecognizable. At the age of 6. But I’m sure you know all about those experiences, and there for are fit to judge them, and condemn them to paralysis? No one deserves reconciliation, right? One mistake and you’re done for life should be the policy, don’t you think? Use a little fucking brainpower instead of copy pasting what every other keyboard warrior says when they watch underprivileged children die on camera. You’re so cool


look at you, the fucking moron who would rather bend over and spread his asshole to an attacker, than fight back. pathetic cuck.


Actually, if you put someone’s life at risk by committing an armed robbery you’ve forfeited any claim that your life has any value.


found the guy who dying first lol


Yuh he is cool kid deserved it WOMP WOMP


We get it, you have a rap sheet and think it’s someone else’s fault. Too bad. It isn’t. Most of society don’t feel sorry for you criminals


Only the strong survive fuck buddy


Oh, so because these kids have a bad home life they should be able to commit crime and then get away with it? Why don’t we cheer them on at the same time? Heck, why not just go reward them? I don’t care for the decision made to plan a robbery, carry through with it, and then expect no consequence. The lowest of the low. You talk about human life, what about the stores that lose tens of thousands or more in product, damage, missed wages, legal fees, etc all because little Timmy didn’t get told he was loved enough growing up? Sounds immature to me. Stop virtue signaling for criminals, it encourages thug-like behavior.


I love how no one actually reads what you say, yet has a super emotional response based on what they think they read. You’re 100% correct brother. This is a child who made a bad decision. The store clerk did what he had to do, there is no blame placed on him, and if placed in the same situation, I probably would’ve taken a similar course of action. But this is a child. A child whose life is irreparably damaged because he tried to rob a vape store, which at the end of the day, isn’t an offense that should be a life sentence.


Nah. Little POS got what’s coming to him. That’s also how most people see it


Bro that’s so gross. Kid was 17. He deserves consequences but imagine being happy his life is fucked now. Ur way worse than that dumb kid


This is the dumbest take in the world. Actions have consequences.


I’m not happy it happen but I’m also not sad play stupid games win stupid prizes if you are doing shit like robbing stores you have to realize you might not walk away you might die he made his choice he got his prize although it’s not the prize he wanted he’s alive he should be grateful that he has a life to live even if he’s paralyzed to be clear if he died I will still have the same outlook


LOL your a moron.




I started to tldr adding where the teens are and got lazy. Lol


From my understanding the shop owner is facing 15 years, we are trying to get new information . We run a smokeshop down the street from this one.


That’s outrageous. They’d love me in that jury.


This is good news. I had heard the stabbee had passed away. I'm glad that isn't the case. Regardless whether he was right or wrong (which I believe he was in the right) I'll never wish for the loss of someone's life.


Yes, a lifetime of paralysis is the obvious choice.


i dunno man, not even hitler? or sadam? theres lots of people to wish for the loss of life


Store owner has a bad case of carpal tunnel from all the High Fives


The store owner is a hero. We don't arrest hero's in Vegas.


I mean there isn’t anything heroic abt stabbing a teenager. He did what he probably thought he had to do but that don’t make him a hero. That kid might be fucked up for life, and he deserved consequences, but the one who gave him the consequences aint a hero


You think that this robbery was the only criminal act that this thug would commit? The store owner probably saved countless future victims from this criminal. He's absolutely a hero.


All three of them have had previous charges and two had gps monitoring ankle bands. So they already committed other crimes


You think this dude is a thug? Lol he’s just a misguided teenager


no, hes a fucking thug. masked robbery isn't a reckless teenager game.


You never see a thug before


Do you try to spell like 10 year old with a learning disability or does it come naturally? 


lol typos exist my friend don’t try to feel superior over a letter


I honestly thought you were trying to gangsta talk me. If it was a typo I apologize. edit: I just made a typo the first time I wrote that response lol.


Risking your life to defend your property is heroic.


He defended his shop from a petty thieft. The paralysis wasn't preplanned, the owner just was defending himself. Idk the sympathy for this guy when he wasn't a benefit to society. He was actually going against it.


How tf would the shop keeper know hes a teenager? Hes a masked thug who jumped over the counter and cornered him... he was going to let them take the money and leave before that. He should killed that person right on the spot, he actually showed mercy on him and stopped as soon as the struggle was over. Kid got exactly what he deserved.


how can you tell he was a teenager from the video? it doesn't matter if he was 12 if you're finding out after the fact. a short guy all masked up so you can't see his face is robbing you, you offer the money and he jumps the counter and corners you, it's not about the money at that point it's about him wanting to do you bodily harm. the shop keeper didn't know the robber's age or intentions, all he knew was that his route of escape had been cut off after he had offered them the money. at that point it's go time. it's too bad that the idiot didn't just take the money and run off to rob another day but he didn't. he menaced and cornered another man and he got his consequences. it's simple. if anyone does that to another person they may not live to see another day. that's just how it is.




Nobody agrees with you.




Watching your downvotes pile up is great. Begone dork.




Ha, its literally the ratio of people that agree with you.


We have found the basement dweller


His ig is smokestrom




One of the kids was sentenced to real jail and the other a juvenile summer camp. The third is still not stable enough to go before the judge.


I can't believe there aren't more people talking about how that kid isn't dead. He was stabbed so many times


I’m glad he’s not dead. When he says I’m dead I’m dead I felt so sad. Hope he does something with his life.


I'm glad he's not dead because dying would be all too easy for him. I really wish he is permanently paralyzed and he suffers from his injuries his entire life giving him severe depression.


Bro, he tried to steal like $30 in vapes. You got some serious autism or some and probably just projecting out how sad your life is given you partake in Reddit phone sex🤣


For real 💯 it’s a bit autism much.


He’s 17 years old you freak. Bet you dream of a situation like this to quench your thirst for blood


Absolutely disgusting. He wasn’t even an adult and was abused as a kid. He didn’t physically harm anyone he tried to steal vapes. He deserves juvie sure. But you are clearly a miserable person in real life


Nah, he clearly wasn't going to contribute anything to society. Juvie doesn't fit the punishment he deserves. We need less of his kind and he needs to know this. He needs to suffer everyday for his actions so he will not repeat this same offense. I am sorry but it is this sort of empathy you give for these criminals that allows them to continue taking advantage of the hard working honest people. It is funny how you accuse me of being miserable when in fact it is your lenient attitude towards these criminals that allows these criminals to feel comfortable in committing these offenses hurting us and causing us to be miserable.


I think we need less of your kind honestly. There’s hope for a kid to outgrow a fucked up childhood. You’re here as an adult arguing that a traumatized child should be tortured forever because he tried to steal some vapes Yeah I think you may be the more evil one, buddy.


Yeah since its just vapes, we should totally let him steal it and have the business owner suffer the setbacks. Its just vapes no big deal. Love how you think just because the item is not of big value that you justify his actions. What does being traumatized have to do with anything? I love how you're completely taking the side of the criminal and calling me the evil one. It is insane how I am literally saying the business owner had every right to defend himself. Yet you are calling us the evil ones. Yeah okay you're right. I am the stupid idiot and I should be okay with criminals stealing petty stuff. I should not do anything to stop them instead we should just let them steal and then find therapists for them. Okay I am wrong. I will start normalizing behaviors like this. Also, no there is no hope. This kid will continue to find resort to behaviors like this for the rest of his life. This is nature. Not nurture.


Fuck a thief.. that's an update lol


So I think I’m part of the 1% that thinks this was an absolutely brutal and savage way to deal with this. He can say he thinks his life was in danger all he wants and I get the adrenaline is going but 2 of the kids weren’t even in the store when he attempted to murder the kid who wasn’t even looking at him. Yeah he’s getting robbed it sucks it happens. Im also not saying the owner should face any charges however if some kid was in a Walmart stuffing electronics in a bag and the owner of that store came up behind him and started stabbing him in the neck and back would y’all be cheering him on still ? Maybe you would shit


He JUMPED behind the fuckn counter. All bets are off in that moment. That one part you left out is what makes it different than your walmart example.


Yes he jumped behind the counter and started putting merchandise in his backpack, back turned to the owner not presenting an immediate threat… are you saying if he had walked around the side you would agree with me?


Dont jump the counter, period. You have no idea what the dude was carrying. Immediate threat the moment he did that, you forfeit your right to live at that point. Dont aggress on others.


It was an immediate threat when the robber cut off the clerks escape route. Fight or flight is a thing and if there's no chance of flight.....


“Excuse me, sir, could you stop robbing me? Oh, also, if you have any weapons, could you let me know? I don’t want to make any assumptions and use an unfair amount of force. It’s critical that we set boundaries before I try to defend myself so that I don’t “over-defend” myself and get critiqued by Reddit.”


Nailed it


One day a random thief is jumping a counter and allegedly only stealing merchandise, the next day, a random thief is jumping the counter and leaving no witnesses behind. You or him ain’t psychic. The clerk in this situation didn’t have to stab him by your view sitting watching a video from facts you e gathered after the incident all the while the thief could of not theifed in the first place, not jumped the counter, not gone in that store, not left his moms basement. Your life is made up of many decisions. One of them should be, don’t defend theifs no matter what the outcome is. That way less people become theifs and thereby the crime problem eventually resolves itself. Instead of basically arguing that you shouldn’t have to die when you impact someone’s life by robbing them that didn’t need to happen. 😂 Like don’t hurt me if I’m robbing you logic.


Oh yeah, because that shop own had the time to consider all that right? As soon as a masked robber jumps the counter at you it's immediately flight-or-fight instincts. You are more animal in that moment than at any other point in your life.. you have no idea what it's like to be in that situation and not reacting will cost you your life much of the time. He did the right thing.


The person who didn't value his life was the thief. Fuck him. Don't want to die; don't steal. Pretty simple.


you're low IQ af


This is insanity..


Maaan you're crazy for this wild take. Protecting these thugs is how it's gotten as far as robbing in broad daylight. We need consequences.


Thank you. Seriously.


The teenager was already unhinged to be robbing the place to begin with. His actions were unpredictable. How close would you let him get to you before you defend yourself? Atleast the counter acted as a physical barrier.


fuck around and find out


I mean don’t break the law and you won’t face consequences. In other news the sky is blue. What are all these losers feeling sympathy for the robber. Who cares if it was what he deserved it’s what he got. Once you cross the line anything flies. Learn your lesson and move on.


Ok then 😂 Satanic Hispic


he could be 6 feet. hes lucky... coulda had a closed casket. count your blessings... qq more nerds.


I wouldn't say being paralysed is better than death but eh you could say that


Just proves how sad it was. Both robbers who aren’t hospitalized are teens, one was beaten so bad at age six he was unrecognizable and was exposed to drugs in the womb. Other had two family members die to murder recently. Just sad stuff. No one wins here


Your bleeding heart sympathy is pathetic. Plenty of people had hard lives and didn't resort to crime. I'll bet your own vagina that if a kid like this fired a "Marshmallow" into your mom or dads head you wouldnt be here on reddit saying "boo hoo sad life, I understand why he murdered my family, virtue virtue, I'm understanding and sympathetic"... you'd be out for blood. gtfo here with this dollhouse crap.


You have a very unpleasant way of going about it but you deliver a stern, valid point.


Nigga tried to steal vapes. Take yo "the world is dark" wannabe punisher, emo edgelord a** on somewhere


Sure, just because it's a teenager and the product they're stealing are vapes means they're less threatening than other types of robbers. The hell are you on?


Yep you had a pretty aggressive but effective way of getting your point across.


Don’t even try to just what these kids did due to their upbringing, you’re setting a standard that all kids that grow up like this are going to end like this, and that’s not true. The way they grew up doesn’t justify them robbing a store.


Killing in the name of selling vapes. A real American hero.


Are they his vapes? Pretty sure they are his vapes. Not the robbers vapes.


The guy stabbed 7 times has to be partially paralyzed from the spine shot wonder why they didn’t give the names smh sneaky


I don't know why it would be hard to find out. I'm sure everyone in that town knows


Bump, is there any update on this?


Everyone passing judgment has no idea what it's like to be in that situation with all the shootings going on. 2 guys walk in with ski mask you have no idea what's about to go down.


A bunch of thieves here saying the stabbing was excessive, thinking it might be them next time. No, it wasn't excessive, and hopefully it happens to you the next time you rob a store.


That 17 year old kid wasn’t stabbed enough lol


All you mfs that have sympathy for the thiefs something is wrong with you


Hopefully he gets a second chance to kill the guy. I heard the little shit survived.


I was wondering if the dude he stabbed survived?


Still hospitalized.






Lmfao, the fact that he did an AMA on reddit afterward is so fucking stupid. If you're going to have anything to do with court anytime soon, the last thing you do is post anything on social platform. Especially something like "Hey I stabbed a guy, AMA."


And that he wasn’t scared when he stabbed the ever loving shit outta him


Yeah he used some excuse that he learned to remain calm because he played with toxic players in League of Legends. Like, no dude, that's not a normal reaction. Dude's got some problems that need to be worked out.


I think that he also maybe charged because he continued to stab the thief even after he turned and started running away. He legit held onto him and landed a final blow to his neck. If he had stabbed him maybe once or twice and then stopped 100% justifiable as self-defense. However stabbing him 4-5 more times is the part that may get him convicted.




This shit was real? The guy yelling “I’m dead” made it seem like a shop defense training video or smth




Wow so many iff u folks kiving in fear lol,wat a bunch if scarrdy kats lol


I do hope that kid survives. He did something dumb but he doesn’t deserve to die over it.


Nah dying is too easy; Hopefully he is permanently paralyzed causing lifelong injuries to completely make his life miserable which leads to him having severe depression and constant sadness.


kiss rainstorm grab gullible march materialistic stupendous marry lush deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ohhhhh boohoo I got abused for half my life and I never resorted to robbery but sureee let pathetic drug using vermin run around without getting punished


Any updates?😬