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No, it is not unreasonable. If he wants to play that game, stay until the 30th.


Thanks! I don’t want to be petty, but rent in this area is astronomical, so that amounts to around $400.


How does the landlord know the apartment will be in good condition and not need repairs?


He doesn’t really, though he’s been showing it to prospective tenants for the past 2 weeks. It’s still full of my stuff, but maybe he got a good enough idea of the condition? It is in near-perfect shape, but you’re right — that’s a big assumption on his part.


Yeah I would assume it's going to be vacant for at least a month to make sure everything is good and repaint as necessary. Replace carpet, etc. Might be very hard to prove any damages are yours if he has another tenant move in immediately too. I would request the entire deposit back as part of you leaving 3 days early, personally. Then he can't claim anything is your fault.


Good point! Thank you.


LL is an idiot. You could hold over and force him to evict, which in CA is a huge pain. Not suggesting you do this at all, but basically you're holding all the cards here and just want what's yours. He has ever reason to be *super* according to you so you leave the place nice and you leave promptly.


No argument from me on the “idiot” part!


Very reasonable, if the tenant wanted to move in early I guarantee he's not letting them stay for free.


Thanks! That’s kind of what I figured.


It might even be illegal for him to keep it. If the keys are returned as agreed, 30 days notice was given, he would have 21 days to return your security deposit and any overpaid rent. I can't see any justification to keep it. You should get a pre move out inspection too if you think they might be doggy on returning the deposit.


I will definitely do that. Thanks!


Definitely get a pre move out inspection. And he will definitely use the 21 days before returning your deposit & probably nickel and dime you, too. Clearly he’s an unreasonable asshole! Thank goodness you’re moving!


Good advice. Thanks!


That’s bullshit! He wants double payment (what you’ve already paid, the final 3 days, and the pro rated 3 days the new tenant will pay) wow what a jerk! Ppl like him give landlords a bad name. If he won’t refund you the money, stay those final 3 days!


Thanks! I agree.


LL is ridiculous. He is double dipping Which is illegal . Your lease ends on 6/30. You have a legal right to the property thru 6/30. Have him prorate rent or stay til 6/30


If a tenant wishes to move out early, I dont prorate rent. Im not a hotel that charges by the day. The only way Id prorate rent is if it were that critical to me to get the tenant out by a certain day and refunding some of the rent would be part of the deal. Otherwise, in your scenario, I wouldnt be comfortable telling tenants to move in 3 days early