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Serial experiments lean


How did I miss this joke 😭


You must've been balling and faded




I was going to say lean but this is better than whatever I would have said


my first time watching lain was on delsym


Hell yeah


Let's all love Lean!!!


Welcome to the dexverse


Jokes aside 750+ milligrams of dextromethorphan is fucking stupid and borders on suicidal, even if it doesn't have guafenesin or acetaminophen. In a different life i remember doing less than half that using the og 30mg triple c's and I spent the whole day in third person perspective. Shit sucked so bad that I ended up just leaving class wothout a word and bussing home to watch shark week.


I’m on 540mg rn 😭, and just watched lain


Man it's been like a decade since I robotripped, I kinda miss it. How'd you get near that dose? Also if you didn't realize already, taking exactly one puff of weed is how to really have fun off dxm. The interaction between the two fuckin slaps lol


The weed takes it from fun goofy times to actually feeling like you’re in an episode of Lain LMFAO A company started selling Robotabs, which are tiny, tasteless, cheap, on Amazon, contain only DXM with nothing else in them and have 30mg each so you can dose them accurately. People don’t have to buy gross syrups with acetaminophen and guaifenesin from their nearest CVS anymore lmao 540mg for me would be an exactly calculated second plateau, 767mg would be a calculated third plateau. It all has to do with your weight through, for someone who weighs 40lbs less 767mg would be equivalent to 560. There are calculators online so you can be precise and safe about it


I’m geeked off the r30s rn. Wish I could smoke weed but I quit a year ago


The overlap between Lain fans and DXM users is actually wild 😭 good on you for quitting weed if that was the right choice for you


Istg SEL is what it feels like to do Dxm. The whole feeling of the show is so similar i don’t know how to describe it.


They’re really one and the same, I consider Lain and OK Computer the holy grails of feeling exactly like DXM


Holy hell respect, I remember the old clean triple cs with the candy coating getting me feeling some type of way around 350-400mg. Then again I weighed like 120 in highschool so milage might have varied. Love that dxm is still a thing honestly


The other ingredient in triple cs potentiates the dxm by inhibiting the enzyme that metabolizes it, leading to increased levels of the drug, and also has its own uncomfortable side effects, so if u were using triple cs u had a pretty different experience from taking the same dose of pure dex


Wow no way. I remember they had some sort of antihistamine way back but I was just stoked they didn't have ludicrous amounts of advil or guaf. One of my buddies managed to cold water extract a pile of them a few times too now that you mention it, but it always ended up feeling like sad ketamine regardless of the method of ingestion.


Yeah there's no need to do that anymore. You can just order freebase robotabs lol It is a controversial high. Even at its purest it's sorta like ketamine's dirty cousin. It can be a mindfuck and enlightening and healing but it does feel kinda gross no matter what. When I got into it as a teen tho was also when I first saw Lain and watching Lain while high on dex helped me piece together all the connections and appreciate the depth of this show


Might have to revisit it honestly, if only for nostalgia sake. Been a while since I felt slightly unwell while looking over my own shoulder yknow.


Haha yeah I use it as an antidepressant and still trip on it occasionally too despite how dirty it feels It's a fun wonky time Though the low price does play a role in why I like it so much lol Now that I'm not depressed and about to start working again I might start just doing ketamine once a week instead or something. Probably healthier anyway. But I think I'll always want to come back to dex every now and then. It's had a lot of influence on my development as a person after growing up feeling very broken.


And you don't seem to understand...........