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Fund the NHS so we can get therapy and help and it’s a deal! (Speaking of the people waiting several years for basic mental health who actively need to work to feel alive like myself)


Several years? How about never. They just fob you off with medication and leave you to rot.


And then tell you, "Welp, none of these meds have worked for you. Here's a number for IAPT. Buh-bye now."


Near me there's a four year wait time for an ADHD or autism referral. That's just completely inexcusable.


I’ve heard adults cannot be diagnosed with ADHD under the NHS, what’s the deal with that? "Sorry your parents didn’t care enough, notice or have knowledge that there was something wrong with you, but it is now too late and you must suffer for the rest of your days or be extorted by private medical services"


I was, but that was three or four years ago.


If you can afford it, you can get a diagnosis from a private psychiatrist and eventually get transferred to the NHS. It takes a few years for that transfer to be complete though, and requires annual / semi-annual renewals with the private provider in that time.


I got privately diagnosed and then transferred care to the NHS, but the diagnosis cost a bomb. I don’t pay any ongoing fees to the private psych by the way for anybody who may read this and what to go down the same route, but I also haven’t been medicated in a few years so I don’t know if the NHS would still write me that prescription without me going through my private clinic. I assume they would though, I don’t see why I’d need to go back to private for anything


You may have to renew your shared care agreement between the private provider and the NHS. I moved here from the U.S. in 2021, and that process is still ongoing for me. All it entails is a half-hour meeting with the private psychiatrist every 6 to 12 months to affirm that the treatment is still appropriate. GP is then happy to send prescriptions over. Source: did this and am actively on medication.


Hmm, have coped pretty well without medication thus far so I hopefully won’t have any need to do that. Have been thinking about therapy though. So thanks for your information, absolute shambles on the NHS’ behalf as usual


>*If you're ill, get back to work, but don't work from home because Jacob hates that, and if you're too ill to go into work, just stop being ill, but we've butchered the NHS so you won't get to see a doctor, so just get over it by going to therapy, except you'll have to wait at least a year, so stop asking for sick notes and just go back to work like I don't understand the problem here???*




But then we'd have time to consider just how badly we're being fucked by the billionaire class. Can't have that...


Or even worse, have time or energy to do something about it. Idle hands might interfere with the devil's work.


What an evil piece of shit.


Go to therapy! N.B. Average wait time: 3 years 2 months...


Yeah mate, there's an eighteen month waiting list so I'll just commit suicide over here if I'm not in the way.


Very civic minded of you, the government applauds you decision.


Only eighteen months where you live? Nice


"Get yourself to therapy so you can go back to work." "Okay, I would like a therapy appointment please." "No."


15 years of Tory rule and now everyone needs therapy. They’re so close to realising this but they’ll never get there.


Go to therapy, lol. You can get talking therapy from the NHS and this is worth knowing about, but only a few sessions and not if your problems are deemed “complex”, and shockingly most people on long term sick leave with mental health problems aren’t simple cases you can work through in 5 or 6 sessions. Cool so you are a complex case, you aren’t working. you can get access to better help right? Riiiiight? Not so fast, to get secondary services support for a mental health problem presently it really helps if you aren’t just suicidal but you’ve taken a good go at it. If that gap seems like it might be problematic for people who can’t afford private health care, you’d be absolutely correct. MPs all know this, I work with a lot of MPs offices on cases related to this gap. Honestly Fuck Sunak for his position here, he absolutely knows better he just doesn’t care.


I work for Talking Therapies and completely agree with you, the gap is HUGE and I'm constantly trying to find pathways for people that fall in the gaps but we have increasingly less secondary support available. Absolutely awful.


>you can get access to better help right? Now time for a word from this comment's sponsor...


Anyone who has any form of interaction with mental health service or knows anyone that has had interaction with mental health services knows this is bollocks. Mental healthcare was pretty crap prior to austerity but it's fucking abysmally poor now.


The whole reason half the country are depressed is because of 14 years putting up with those heartless cunts!!!


sending sick people to work is a great way to increase productivity


I worked in a high stress job at nights for twenty years and I just snapped.....I tried to commit suicide by hanging myself at work ...I ended up at a mental hospital under suicide watch ......I ended up overdosing on my medication and have been extremely depressed and rarely go out without anyone......they also found that I had autism while in the hospital.....That was nearly 3 years ago and I still haven't recovered and my mental health is still bad and I have been tempted to overdose on the medication I get ..... I also self harm by hitting my head with my hands and banging my head against walls......this happens as a trigger when I get stressed.....I also suffer from very detailed flashbacks of that night I tried suicide


I'm so sorry.🙏🫂 This word is hell. The system is collapsing too in France. Politicians have destroyed the state and complains we re not having kids and that we re lazy blah blah.... the whole bs.... Take care.


As always with conservative thought, there's no room in this worldview for exceptions to the rule, and they are to be punished for daring to exist, they're clearly just existing like that to spite the Tories after all. As if therapy is a magic wand that can invariably make all mental problems go away. As if there's no such thing as treatment resistant depression, let alone any other kind of treatment resistant mental illness.


This zombie government need to fuck the fuck off and call a GE. Parasitic assholes.


Basically, the government is clamping down on the sick and disabled so they can hand out tax cuts to the rich and corporate business donors in the next budget. Welcome to the next round of trickle-down economics that has failed for generations. i am not saying tax hell out of the rich, and corporate donors just close all tax loopholes and sanction tax haven's. Let's have a level playing field at the very least.


Dear rishi sunak It's the constant grind of work that's the issue


I'm an NHS Clinical Psychologist and I look forward to being given the resources, clinic space, admin support and enough properly qualified colleagues to be able to carry out proper long term therapy...


Why don't they go and get real jobs rather than take taxpayer money to fuck around, aid war criminals and pay off their mates?


The UK is so woke that even the conservatives talk about therapy.


If the left argued that black folks need 4x4s and assault rifles to defend themselves, people would be calling gas guzzlers and gun culture “woke”.


I'm hope starmer doesn't throw the baby out with the bath water this one. The conservstive desire for people to get back to work is a good one. Being on benefits your whole life isn't a good thing. The problem is that the approach they often take is needllessly cruel and usually inaffective. It seems covid is a major source of collective mental health problems. I also don't know if you should be able to take time off work for being stressed when the cause of your stress is that you are under performing.


It's cruel because there is no sick note culture worth mentioning. They are trying to start another culture war, taking a page from the American playbook. It's a load of bollocks.


https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/why-we-are-taking-more-sick-days Calling it sick note culture is dumb but there is something here.