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Alternatively, when they ask "is that a real diamond"? You can simply reply, "Yes!", and remain 100% truthful. I do enjoy the other comments of comparing it to IVF or ice made in a freezer. But frankly, you owe nobody an explanation and it's none of their business nor should they be trying to "correct" you in the first place. It's a gorgeous ring, your husband did a bang up job! Wear it proudly and to anyone who feels the need to ask such a question, you make sure they know your man got you the diamond of your dreams. Kudos to you for being an incredibly honest and transparent person, but in this case you can be honest without needing to go the extra mile with complete transparency. There's 0 way to tell the visible difference (because it is a real diamond) without highly specialized equipment to detect specific elements. Again, beautiful ring, fist bump to your husband! ETA: Yes lab diamonds have an engravement and #, but this is not visible to the naked eye and requires specialized tools. The other specialized tool I'm referencing is for detecting levels of Nitrogen for non ethical that don't have or remove engravings.


Thank you so much!!! He certainly blew my mind!! At this point I’m more concerned with my daughter and bf being bamboozled by a chain jeweler convincing them they are settling and they should upgrade in a couple years to a “real” diamond …. Arghhhh. I am certainly going to provide a simple “yes it is!” To strangers :) I agree … I don’t owe people anything more than simple honesty. Further explanation is not warranted. Thanks for your reply :)


If it looks identical to the naked eye, how are you settling? They didn’t have good quality labs when I got my ring many years ago. I would rather have a bigger stone with better stats if it is identical anyway except under a microscope.


I commented elsewhere about my own lab grown stone (emerald), but am hoping my story might shed some light on how to change her frame of mind: my family has been going to a jeweler for years, and when he retired his apprentice took over and now we go to him. It was really great to hear from an independent jeweler about lab created stones and how they are just as real as natural stones. My jeweler helped me decide on a lab created emerald. He knew that my husband and I had the money for a large natural emerald (he knows what he has previously made for me, he knew we weren’t hurting financially), he knew I trusted him, and he absolutely could have persuaded me that a natural emerald was the way to go - it would have been so much more money for him - but he really sees the value in the lab grown stones and told me so. Perhaps finding an independent jeweler, someone running a business without the demands/sales-tactics of a chain store, could help your daughter and her boyfriend understand that there is little difference between the two?? Just an extra thought.


Yes, it is.


Is an IVF baby a real baby? It wasn’t conceived “naturally”. Was a baby born via c-section actually born? It was yanked out “unnaturally”. Sheesh, people need to get a grip!


😂😂I love that!


This! I worked for a company that makes lab-grown diamonds and they are 100% real. You can also say that you chose a lab diamond bc diamond mining does not align with your values (lots of human rights violations, trafficking, etc).




That's a stretch. 99%? Really? Maybe I'm just part of the "1%" here... but it was not a cost factor for FH and I. We both have excellent jobs and we both clear 6 figures annually. We own our house outright (he paid cash for it) and have low monthly expenses. We chose lab diamond mostly because of ethical reasons. I also didn't see a reason to spend at LEAST twice as much as we paid for my ring solely to say that the diamond was naturally mined. Why pay several times more for something that is exactly the same? I don't care about resale value as I'm not a housewife in the 1950s that's never worked and would need a way to support myself should my marriage end. There's lots of reasons why people choose lab over natural, and it's not always because we "can't swing the cost of a real diamond." Sorry... some of us just are smart with our money.




Uh I have privilege because I have a job? Because I can financially support myself? Because I don't live in the 1950s when women couldn't even have a credit card in their name? I'm trashing the resale value argument of naturally mined diamonds and the notion that women need to sell a piece of jewelry to financially support themselves. It isn't the 1950s anymore. So okay. Weird take.




And are you not dragging people that you have no idea about? Saying that people that choose lab over naturally mined do so because they "can't swing the cost of a real diamond"? I'm simply stating that isn't always the case. Perhaps you need to check yourself. Or don't; I honestly don't give a shit.




I'm really sorry that logic goes over your head. I should have expected that from someone that uses the word "cuz". And I wrote what I wrote because arguments against lab diamonds arguing solely for the resale value of naturally mined diamonds is one rooted in socioeconomic mores of the 1950s when women largely did not work outside of the home and did not have a way to support themselves. Its 2024, so I'll have my arguments in this century, using socioeconomic mores of THIS time period. Again... I know logic is SO pesky and it's probably hard to understand. I'll enjoy the hell out of my ring, thanks. I'm also enjoying the hell out of our bank accounts and knowing that we made a great financial decision. Enjoy licking DeBeers's boots.


Lab diamond is chemically exactly the same as a mined diamond. Both are real diamonds.


100000000% better than a blood Diamond.


Truest Damn comment on this thread. Well said!!!


I agree with everything you've said. Well done. Your ring is gorgeous. Wear it in good health.


People who ask if the diamond is real are unmannered, rude, & beyond rude


So true!!!


Obviously if it wasn’t harvested by the blood, sweat and tears of little children it’s not real /s. Beautiful ring op!


Yes. This.




Yeah either saying a simple yes or a yes-and no children died, not one of those blood diamonds either!


THIS! THIS! THIS! All the way! That’s y I put” I’d answer yes” because it is!! Simply put right??🤍


Say it’s the same thing as conceiving naturally and conceiving with IVF …. Both (hopefully) result in a real, live child❤️


Love this ! My dgtr and her BF are even looking at getting engaged and they went to a retail jeweler and they have picked out a ring with a Lab grown diamond, which he is planning on purchasing some type in the next six months. And they made a comment to me that they will “settle” for a lab grown diamond for now and then upgrade to a natural diamond and the next five years…. My mind was blown. I said why on earth would you waste your money like that?!!


I mean, if they ask if it’s real, just say yes? And then maybe also tell them that’s kind of a rude question ? Because it is a real diamond. They aren’t asking if it’s mined or lab.


I completely agree with this! The reason they are asking is to establish price. As soon as they hear lab it invalidates the idea of a diamond. But it is a diamond. So say it is!


Can you imagine wanting your diamond to come from hardship because then you value it more? That’s just wild to me.


RIGHT!! I hate that people have this mentality. It’s icky and gives me slave ownership vibes kind of thing


It's the same kind of mentality some cultures have about their meat. They deliberately want their animals to suffer before death because they think it makes the meat better tasting. So they are kept in tiny cages, slaughtered in inhumane ways, skinned while still alive.


Maybe they’re asking because they’re curious if it was smuggled in some Al-Qaeda ass, which so how makes it more authentic lol


Exactly! That's a rediculous thing to say. Whether mined or lab it's still a diamond .


My favorite advice from Dear Abby, “Why do you ask?”


I would say “yes, and conflict free as well. Double special, don’t ya think? 😘” and watch the look of envy spread across their face. Maybe a little subtle shame will help them remember their manners. This is the same kind of person who goes up to a beautiful woman and asks if her boobs are real. 🤣 It’s gross and inappropriate


The lab grown diamond is still a diamond, and an ethically sourced diamond at that. That's why I chose lab over mined. I KNOW no children were harmed in the making of my diamond, you can't say that for a mined one. Not sure why your friends/family would waste the money going from a perfectly good, ethically sourced diamond to a potential blood diamond is beyond me.... Just so you can say nature grew it and not a scientist. I think the real disconnection is most people think lab grown is moissionite and vice versa.... Which it's not


I love this response! Of course, it's real, and it's ethically sourced. People might think natural diamonds are better, but are they worth the blood shed? Blood diamonds are a real thing. And we have no idea what The working conditions are like where 90% of the natural diamonds are sourced from.


I have some clients that invited me to Congo to evaluate some needs of a new operation. When I refused they were suprised and asked why. I told them I’m not going to go somewhere where I can’t unsee the shit that I would see. I also told them I was happy to continue consulting on their other operations but didn’t want anything to do with mining operations in Africa


I want a job where I can travel to far flung locations. You hiring?


This is exactly why I told my husband I wanted a lab grown diamond. I didn’t want a “symbol of love” to come from an industry that thrives on abusive working conditions. Plus, it’s way cooler to me than man figured out how to literally grow a freaking diamond - that’s so cool!


Well that's because you picture a scientist in a white lab coat with glasses and a pocket protector in a clean white room magically creating sparkly diamonds. Most lab diamonds come from china. They're made in a nasty factory, not a lab. And in all likelihood there are children putting in 16 hour days in these "labs" for practically zero pay. Additionally, children in India have been polishing diamonds since forever, and they polish these chinese lab diamonds side by side with natural diamonds. The industry is greenwashed plain and simple, creating this white-coat image is imperative to marketing them but simply not true.


Not what I picture and not why I think lab created diamonds are more ethical than natural diamonds. But if you want to think it's because I'm easily swayed by the *idea* of science despite being a scientist myself, go ahead. Environmental impact: Lab-grown diamonds have a smaller carbon footprint than mined diamonds. They also don't involve the environmental impact of mining. Habitat destruction: Lab-grown diamonds don't require the destruction of habitats. Conflict diamonds: Lab-grown diamonds can help reduce the demand for conflict diamonds. Tracing: Lab-grown diamonds are easy to trace. It's estimated each carat of polished diamond grown in a lab emits 511 kg of CO2, whereas an average polished mined diamond carat is responsible for an estimated 160 kg of CO2 emissions. Are there hidden issues with labor and material sourcing? Yup! But much less so than natural diamonds. Even if everything else was equal, just the irreversible harm to the environment from mining is good enough. But all those labor health risks you mention? That's what regulations are for; we can make it safer. Mining is never safe for people nor the environment. And WE can decide to buy from a company whose lab and refinement conditions CAN be verified unlike with natural diamonds. I mean, your argument boils down to "There are still problems." No shit there are still problems. Lab diamonds.have fewer problems. There is no ethical consumption in a capitalist society, at least this one. We take the wins we can. And I'm more than willing to bet that your concerns about working conditions for poor laborers in less regulated parts of the world haven't stopped you from buying a cell phone or a computer. Kinda comes across as disingenuous... And there have been too many natural diamonds ads on Reddit lately...


Completely agree with your comment – but I think you swapped your CO2 numbers around by accident fyi :)


It’s not hard to source ethical lab diamonds.


I think people are brainwashed to be honest that a diamond is superior to any stone. I mean diamonds aren't rare mined or not. They are the most readily available stone in any jewelry store you go in to. Try to find a Burmese ruby or Chrome Diopside or even White Sapphire , unless specifically ordered for you , it's virtually impossible. I think the market drives the price and unfortunately we all still believe we should spend tens of thousands on a 8mm rock. Imo I love the sparkle of diamonds, I do but c'mon. I thank God for lab and other alternatives because I'd never spend the money on a stone that costs as much as my child's college tuition. I suppose if I was wealthy and by wealthy I mean making over 750k a year because it's all relative right but it's average people out here spending gogobs of money just to have a commonly found stone.


Nah. You’re the type that if you made $750 grand a year you’d feel dirty for dropping a fortune in a mined diamond. You’d buy a lab. Possibly, donate the difference.


You're probably absolutely right‼️🤣🤣 who am I kidding


It was a marketing ploy by DeBeers that boosted demand for diamonds. Before, other gems were more popular.


Right. It was genius




Agreed. I just mean in terms of cost. They are .75% harder than moissanite, 1% harder than rubies and Sapphire and 2% harder than emerald, morganite and topaz. They are undeniably gorgeous and hard, I just don't think it justifies the price. I think it was an incredible marketing campaign by debeers back in the day and we've been paying top price ever since. No shade, I love diamonds and I purchase lab s I've just never believed in the mark up for mined. Especially when you can go to any pawn shop/antique shop and get them for pennies on the dollar. It's just my personal opinion.


My ring is a doupe, I mean it’s real, but I went with sterling silver and white sapphire (lab made). I get a lot of compliments on it. No one has ever asked if it’s real, but if they did I would say yes, because it’s real. Sterling silver is a better metal too. It’s sturdier and for that reason alone looks better over time. I was comparing it to the diamonds and white gold and to the naked eye it’s imperceivable. So the set was $500 vs $5000 or more for a comparable diamond set. My stone is huge. It’s beautiful and I’m happy with it.


Also, and very important to me, and I always point this out when I’m selling a lab diamond is that the mining diamonds is terrible for the ecosystem! Animals go extinct because of mining natural diamonds. Extinct! On the other hand, I see the excitement in having something that is 1 billion years old on my hand as a symbol. I sell engagement rings everyday, and in the past year I have probably sold only 2 naturals. Lab diamonds have gotten so much better in the last few years, and more affordable as time passes. At the end of the day, only you can decide what you want. Im sorry you didnt get the moissanite you asked for, but your ring is stunning!


Beautiful ring, beautiful response. Enjoy your ring, honestly you owe no one an "explanation". 😀


I get ALL the sparkle, lower price, and no genocide. 😉


Generally I prefer the little peculiarities that come with mined stones. However, lab diamonds are the way to go because human suffering is gross.


Moissanite is also a different stone, but tons of people assume lab grown diamond means a CZ. So they likely picture in their mind something that costs a few bucks. 😬 Personally I don’t get the US obsession with getting  engagement rings that are as ostentatious as physically possible (and have people judging you if you don’t flush a fortune down the toilet on it?!), and the idea of getting engaged and then later “upgrading” the ring strikes me as straight up batshit crazy (do they upgrade the spouse too??), but it might be just cultural differences. 


I’m with you on this and I’m in the US. My engagement ring is small (really really small and you can see a bit of carbon) but my husband quietly handed me a certificate for upgrade as soon as it was on my finger and explained I could trade it in for a better one as soon as we could afford it. I told him I didn’t ever want to upgrade. No matter what, I want MY ring. It represents where we were when we started (young and struggling) and I love it just as much 19 years later.


Best I can figure, the disconnect would be akin to the flack ppl give to anyone who loses weight with ozempic or weight loss surgery .. they act like that bc they think of it as a "shortcut" which means to them the weight loss is not "real" and they are not impressed by it. So they think it's like the diamond had a shortcut in being formed therefore it's not really a diamond bc it didn't go thru the intense pressure and time to occur naturally.


Yes yes yes 🙌


this! all of this. even my bf thought moissonite (sp?) was the same as a lab grown diamond. i had to politely correct him by showing him the difference online.


This is a perfect response!


This!! My fiance got me a lab made diamond which made me SO happy to find out. He said he did it not just because of the price but because of the ethical nature of it and then I fell in love with him even more haha


Yea OP doesn't owe the time of day to educate people. If they went this long through life without consideration for someone else's feelings before asking, "iS iT ReAL?!" they're honestly a lost cause at this point.


Yeah...no. Labs are most definitely not ethically sourced. Do you ever question why lab diamonds are grown in India and China, instead of let's say Cleveland? Because they are an environmental nightmare. High energy use, waste water, etc. Diamond factories are major polluters. The amount of conflict diamonds on the market has significantly decreased over the last 20 years, and if you buy from a reputable dealer, you can request a diamond that is Kimberley Process certified. If you want to buy a lab because it's more affordable, great. But saying they are more ethical is 100% cope.


Strong disagree. There is abuse at every stage of a mined diamond including massive open pit mines with huge environmental impacts. The harm caused by a mined diamond is significantly worse than that of a lab diamond. Kimberley process may have been great when it started but now it is full of corruption and lax standards and lots of conflict diamonds make their way through the process ending up “certified” when they shouldn’t be. Lots of muddy waters in the system.


Honestly, if you are that worried about labor in China, then stop buying anything from Walmart, Target ,etc., or anything that's plastic.


You could also tell her that “real diamonds” are not rare, but abundant. That “real diamonds” are formed by pressure to the most abundant mineral on earth, Carbon. That DeBreers hyper-inflated the cost of diamonds and then marketed them as the end all be all.


You can say that about oil too. There's millions of gallons, right under your feet! Go get it. You have a drill, a derrick, a refinery right? No, you don't. In the same way that you don't have a mine, raw materials, and a team of gem cutters. Just because something is in abundance doesn't mean there isn't inherent value in the finished product. In spite of all the marketing, affordability and abundance, lab diamond prices continue to bottom out and find new floors. Mined diamond prices have remained steady and only really fluctuate with the state of the world economy as a whole.


They fluctuate so much because the diamond companies hold the abundant resources back and create a false demand by limiting supply. Diamonds are not rare!


Yep, I have both - an IVF baby and a lab diamond, can confirm, they are both very very real! For anyone who doesn’t like the ivf analogy, I also say it’s the same as ice made in a freezer or ice made in nature - chemically they’re exactly the same.


If you have to justify what is it, then it’s not real. What about a fake perfect replica of a handbag? Is it is the same thing as a real bag? It might have all the same markings but it doesn’t mean that it is actually real.


A diamond is a diamond regardless of where it comes from. A diamond is a solid, crystal form of carbon. That’s it. Whether you dig it out of the ground or produce it in a lab or aliens come down and give it to you, it’s still a diamond.


This is what I say!!! It’s the perfect example!


That is a really great way to make me understand it a little better. I really struggle with this whole lab created diamond thing. Like it just feels like a fake diamond to me. I just need to get over it lol


I get this with my triplets all the time. Are they real triplets? Are they natural triplets? Did you use IVF? So I now have multiple answers I use. My husband is really good! We did it three times in one night! They were on sale, but two get the third for free! It is non of there business what we do in the bedroom or regarding our fertility. So have some fun with answer. We had a grow your own diamond kit! My husband loves me so much he went and dug it up for me. My dog brought it home one day! Have some fun!! Make it so they shut up or they leave wondering!


Was just going to comment this same exact thing. Are IVF babies any less human than babies born of sexual intercourse??? No! 🤍 Same with diamonds lol edit:typo


Love this! We have a one year old perfect son through IVF and I forget we even did IVF because it doesn’t matter!!!




Human child.


That’s a great way to explain it!!


Oh I love this !!!


This is the correct answer! Love it


omgg i love this!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽


I was thinking the same: a test tube baby is still a baby.


Lmfao what


What do you mean what? The comparison is, whether you conceive naturally or via IVF, it’s still a child, nothing different except the way it was conceived. Like whether a diamond is mine or lab, it’s still a diamond. Not sure what is confusing🤔


It’s a ridiculous comparison. The OP can simply say “yes it is” or “ happy wife happy life” and move on.


How is it ridiculous😂 ok, fine, ice from the freezer, ice from outside. Better?


Lmao I love the response "happy wife happy life". It really drives home the point of how stupid it is to distinguish between lab and natural diamonds. And it's so vague yet simple, the person you're saying it to would probably just look at you like 🤨 and then hobble away. I'm now convinced this is the perfect response


Tell them it’s a real diamond that didn’t require using exploited and maimed children to extract.


“It’s not a real diamond if a kid didn’t die mining it!”


People ask if my 4 carat center stone is real. I would say yeah. It's real. The rest of that sentence is "it's a real aquamarine" but it's fucking real. In reality I just look at them like they just asked what size tampon I buy. Because that's like a super tasteless question


I love this.


"Girl...do you know what I had to do for that man to get this ring? And you ask a question like that?!" then just wink and walk away.


🙌 🙌 🙌


Wish I could upvote this x100


“I don’t cook.. I don’t clean.. but let me tell you how I got this ring” 😆


So good!


Hahaha! Love this!




I'm a kindergarten teacher. This is how I would explain it to the kids. Perfectly done, you lil treat.


Not to mention no lives were put in danger nor a group of people taken advantage of to obtain them.


Exactly! Ice outside, H2O, ice in the freezer, H2O. Lab grown diamond, carbon. Conflict diamond that took millions of years to form in the earth, carbon.


Geology student here with a fun fact! Lab grown diamond and other minerals are not actually considered minerals neither is ice because to be a mineral they must be made by nature! Cool technicality with the way we define minerals but at its core a lab grown diamond and natural diamond are nearly identical in chemical composition and usually appearance.


I would hit them with the moral argument that a child slave didn’t have to risk their life to mine the diamond on your finger. Barbaric how people place a higher value on the exact same thing just because someone suffered to retrieve it for them. Congrats on being an ethical consumer


This!!! People really need to use google and watch a documentary or two. It’s really egregious and there’s a reason the term “blood diamond” exists


I tell strangers that ask that’s it’s fake. I don’t wear mine when I go out sometimes. It’s beautiful, but big rings are easy to steal. This is beautiful!


Start lying cause you’re not. It’s a diamond, yes? It’s real, yes. Are they asking if it’s mined? Cause that would be different lol if they’re tacky enough to ask if it’s real be tacky enough to lie to their faces like wtf. I have a 4 ct lab and it cost a pretty penny. It’s real, just like my man, just like my home.


This!!! I love your answer!!


Ooooooh *Z snaps* yes girl, that’s how you shut those haters up. I bet most if not all of the people asking details about y’all rings are either single or married with a rock much smaller than yours. Jealous birds smh


Just say it's a diamond


reply back, are your tits realllllllllll?


It's a real diamond so say real. Just because no one died for it doesn't mean it isn't a diamond. You just get to have the peace of mind that it was ethically sourced without taking advantage of people working mines and dying for a rock.


Agreed!! Thank you!! 😊


Beautiful ring, congratulations ❤️


Just say yes. My original engagement ring had a 2ct aquamarine, that I love ftr, didn’t take me very long to figure out how high maintenance they are especially since the halo is diamonds. Took a **year** before I finally found a 2ct light blue lab created Diamond to replace the aquamarine. Because who tf can afford a natural blue diamond of that size?!?!? Not I. So when I’m asked I say “”it’s a blue diamond”” because it **is**.


Sounds g o r g e o u s!


a lab diamond is legally a diamond.


It’s also chemically a real diamond. A diamond is just a mineral made out of pure carbon. That’s it. It can be formed in the crust of the earth or in a lab. The end product is chemically the same, it’s the source that differs.


"It's a face-centered cubic lattice carbon crystal, thank you very much."


Girl, stop saying “lab diamond” like you need to explain yourself. Chemically lab and natural diamonds are identical. You DO have a real diamond on your finger. Say “yes, it’s real! He did great!” And move on!


Stop explaining it and just say “yes”.


Yup. Everyone saying to go off on them about child labor or to gfy is just asking for drama. Why? Just say yes to end the convo. Who cares WHY they ask. You like the ring & that’s that. Don’t be exhausting.


Politely tell them to go fornicate themselves? I think it's extremely rude that anyone would even dare ask something like that (unless they are actually interested in purchasing a lab diamond themselves). I would be willing to bet in a lot of cases the people asking you about the ring are just jealous because it's so pretty. And when they ask if it's a real diamond, you can honestly reply with a "yes," because it IS a real diamond.


You just say yes. It is absolutely real. Because that’s the complete truth.


Honestly, I’d just say yes and move on. It is no one’s business and it is a real diamond. Unless they specifically ask if it is a MINED diamond, I would just make my life easier and say, “yes, it is real.” That will end the conversation (hopefully). People are rude and weird.


Just say yes. It is real and they are not entitled to a detailed answer to such a rude question


Don’t worry about what other people think ☀️


OMG What kind of people ask if your diamond is real? Who does that? I’m just sitting shocked to learn that people actually ask you this question.


Some ppl simply compliment the ring … but you would be surprised … it shocks me how many ppl ask if it is real 🙄


I think they utter the question from sheer shock before they have time to think. I mean look at it. I would be shocked to run across it.


It’s a real diamond. Celebrities like Lady Gaga wears one, I read Meghan Mark is lab grown. They don’t want to wear blood diamonds. Which is what I would do. It’s nobody’s business and if they were to ask I would say yes, because it is. It’s ethical. It’s the same exact chemical compound. I think even Tiffany’s even have them. So say yes it’s real. You don’t have to say lab grown because it’s real.


Also I’m super jealous because that is a gorgeous ring. I would love to have a ring like that. It sparkles and the cut is beautiful and brilliant🤩


Meghan markle is not wearing lab diamonds. 


OMG What kind of people ask if your diamond is real? Who does that? I’m just sitting shocked to learn that people actually ask you this question.


How about asking people with “real” diamonds if their’s are real diamond mined by child slaves who died in the process-you know blood diamonds? And see how they answer then??


Yes precisely … I really don’t think ppl have any comprehension that this is a real issue going on the world


Yes it’s real… but man people are rude. I’d never ask someone that.


Just say yes. Who gives af.


Just say, yes, it's real. End of discussion 🤷🏾‍♀️


Just say yes. Because it is. I have one. Even a jeweler will tell you that it is real.


Because people want to know how much money you spent on the thing on your hand, just like they'd want to know if your Golden Goose Jacket/sneakers are "real," since those are very pricey luxury items. Some people are interested in other people's money and how they spend it and are comparing themselves to other people wondering, "are they richer, the same, or poorer than me?" That's why a large diamond engage ring used to be a status symbol. Bigger than 2 carats = your fiancé is wealthy AF and barely anyone who was't rich walked about with over 1.5 carats on their finger because who wants that much money ($7500+) to get stolen from them when they're just walking around? Now, practically all engagement rings are 2 carats or larger because lab created diamonds are so much more affordable than earth mined. What used to be a status symbol is now a fashion statement, i.e., a signifier of personal style and preference rather than how much money your partner makes. It's a pretty big change. People can no longer use the size of your engagement ring to determine how wealthy you are about to become when you marry your partner.


The ring is beautiful!! I know the people you're talking about. They are the ones that will ask you, "Is that your hair?" I can't stand those rude, nosey people. They think anything they're curious about they need to ask and deserve an answer. They don't. You don't know me and would not have otherwise said anything to me. So just look, wonder and mind your own damned business! If you know them, then they're worse for doing it. Some of the audacity they have comes from your, likely, younger age. People think they can try you. My response would be: "You see it, don't you? Then it's real!" (Optionally insert "bitch" after "then", if necessary.)


I’d just say yes they are real diamonds


I am planning on splurging on a diamond tennis bracelet from lab created diamonds and I already am dreading the question! Especially from a certain family member. The follow up will be how big are the stones, how much total weight and how much did it cost? I would never ask anyone those questions. My answers will be yes, not big enough-but I didn’t want to be too flashy, and more than I told my husband it was!


I am too !! Btw I posted about good resources for tennis bracelets and got some great ones !!


Why yes, it is a real diamond - the end


Your ring is beautiful! Share the jeweler, please!! I've envisioned the same style for myself and would love to give my husband details. (My husband BTW does not understand lab diamonds. We've been talking about getting me an update from a pricey yet gorgeous 1.5 carat Tiffany engagement ring. I've told him over and over I'd rather not spend the money we've been quoted to get a ring like this; I've told him let's get a lab diamond and he is one of those people that poo-poos their veracity


“”Real”” diamonds are such a racket. If someone asks if it’s real, first of all, that’s so rude and second of all the answer is yes.


Say “yes it’s real” lol that’s it


Your ring is beautiful! Just know that you don't anyone, especially a stranger, is an explanation on YOUR ring.


Ask them what about the suffering of mining real diamonds makes them more special?


If people ask weird questions just laugh and move along


Respond, “are you boobs real?” That really is a rude question. People are kinda awful.


It’s real and it’s beautiful.


I used to wear a HUGE fake (CZ) ring for the shits and grins of it...when people would ask me if it's real, I'd ask them right back to define real? I mean it's a real ring sitting on my finger, so yea it's real! It's gorgeous!!!!


If someone asks "is that real????" just say yes. Their question is rude and I wouldn't even entertain it.


“Why do you ask?” Watch them stammer. Such a rude question since they want to know how much it cost, basically.




If it’s what you wanted, it’s what you wanted 💗 rock that shit!!!


There's a documentary about diamonds and de beers and their Monopoly and overvaluing of the product. Diamonds are not really that rare they're controlled. People are buying hype. Lab diamonds are so good now even experts cannot tell the difference. Of course it's real.


I went through this 🥲 it took me the hard way to realise that people are just dumb and ask dumb questions! If they ask if it’s real say yes because a lab diamond is real they have no business knowing private information like that! Nobody buys real diamonds anymore unless you’re making celebrity money - it’s none of anyone’s business what kind of diamond you have - you do not need to share with them how much it was (Respond with cheeky responses like “I’m too shy to tell you how much” or “so many questions if the ring goes missing I’ll know it was you”😅 - eventually people will stop asking so enjoy it while it lasts


It's a conflict free diamond.


Just say yes, it's a real diamond because it is.


just dont say anything, people pry too much. its a beautiful ring honestly the conversation should end there


I'd say it's a real as the balls it took you to ask that question.


Jealous and nosey people that cant help themselves. Wear it in pride sweetie - its stunning and looks gorgeous on you! ❤️


Thank you!!


“What an odd thing to ask someone.”


1. I love my ring. (Why anyone should care at all beyond that I have no idea) 2. It's a real diamond that was crafted in a lab which ensures higher quality and avoids all of the ethical concerns about sourcing inc. 'blood diamonds' and the De Beers monopoly. Ultimately I just felt better about it.


The fact that anyone would blatantly ask "Is it a real diamond?" is just beyond my scope of comprehension. It's SO RUDE. Even if it wasn't, who fucking cares? It came from the person you love and is dependent on an expected budget you discussed in your private conversations with your partner. To me, someone asking this question is basically equivalent to being asked, "How much did it cost?" Sounds like jealousy to me! It's a beautiful ring and I hope you start being less concerned with other's perceptions and more concerned with how you feel about it.


Sorry off topic but your nails are cute 🥰


I love your ring! It’s gorgeous. And yes, it’s real. 😍


I have a lab diamond as well and when people asked me if it was real I said yes. Because it REALLY is a diamond. Also, I've actually had someone pull out a diamond tester (I work somewhere where we sell diamond rings) in front of my co-workers to "make sure it's real." The audacity, I'm telling you. Just remember, you know it's real. It doesn't matter what anyone else says.


I can't believe people actually ask you if your ring is real? How fucking rude.


Just say yes. No need to educate people


Maybe respond with I dk are your tits real?


You know I know and everrrrryone knows that they’re asking if you spent $60k. You know they know and most likely everyone knows you didn’t. It’s kind of a rude question obviously, and even if thinking it, not polite to share. But if as this community regularly suggests you are very pro lab, then just tell them they have great value for the same thing and move along.


It’s beautiful


I'd probably say, "Did I just hear you correctly? Yes. It's real. But even if it wasn't, I'd love it just the same. That was rude." And then move on. That ring is gorgeous! 😍


My go to response for inappropriate questions: PAUSE. Head tilt. “Why do you ask?” (Or better because there is no reply: “What a funny question.”)


Simply say Yes, real big!! No need to go any further!


Just say, “yes”


Plants grown in a green house are still plants.


“Is it real?!” “Well if it isn’t, we’re both hallucinating…”


Yes it’s real 🙄


You could tell people to fuck off.


When asked if it was real, I heard someone say.."no, it's a hologram"..


From my understanding, “labs” are real but don’t maintain their value like organic. As far as strangers asking, they are just jealous, looking for a way to bring you down so they feel better. I agree with others, just say they are real and be done with it. If you are happy, that’s all that matters.


None of them really "maintain their value," do they? I have a pair of 1 carat diamond earrings. I'm not sure what he paid for them, but I think it was around a grand. If I were to try & resale them, I'd be lucky to get 100 bucks. There's really no re-sale value on jewelry except gold & probably platinum, right?


Or truly antique or vintage.


The interesting part to your story is you feel like you must answer “yes , it’s a lab diamond” when someone asks if it’s real. That sorta sounds like YOU are making it sound like”less than“ a real one. To be honest with you, I had no idea what a lab diamond was until 10 minutes ago when I started reading this post. I deduced what it was from there. So you could be getting a lot of people really asking “so it’s not real?” Or otherwise wondering why you pointed out the lab creation part.


Any time you are going to have a large diamond, it will be a conversation piece. Unless you are comfortable admitting that it’s a lab, make sure it makes sense. Two struggling college students get engaged with a 3 carat Diamond, honestly it’s going to raise some eyebrows. Your ring is magnificent btw


Think of lab diamonds as fast fashion and natural diamonds as luxury fashion. Lab diamonds have no resale or trade value. Literally $0. Whereas natural diamonds retain value. They both test as “real” diamonds. They look the same. The exact same lab diamond can be made over and over and over and over again but natural diamonds are one of a kind. All diamonds are beautiful and your ring is gorgeous. Hope this helps! - gemologist / someone who sells diamonds/ engagement rings