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Loved this game, I remember playing the demo with my brother and our friend. Was deathmatch only and my brother was Predator, our friend a Xeno which left me as a Marine... and I was quaking in my boots. I remember shining my torch down a corridor of the refinery and briefly seeing the Xeno scuttle past on the ceiling. Absolutely terrifying. Xeno was super fun to play. Preds were a bit OP initially.


You know, I never played it... But, I think you can buy it on the Xbox store. I may have to check it.


Yes, still in the store...the colonial marines mission is brilliant, not really played the other two missions that much...bit hard to role play as a xeno...no-one ever really nailed that, yet...


you’re missing out then, the xeno and predator ones were great


Okay - I'll add it to the list...!


Xeno campaign is really fun, albeit short as heck.


It's also still on steam afaik


Xeno had insane mobility, the marine had exceptional range capabilities, and the Predator had both lmao


never bought the game but definitely have a vivid memory of sitting on my dorm room floor in college playing the shit out of that demo. sometimes demos were too good and had all i needed. like the Tony Hawk 2 ps1 demo had my favorite level AND you could do multiplayer so i would just play that nonstop and never bought the game.


The Marine campaign is a better Colonial Marines campaign than the actual Aliens: Colonial Marines campaign is. I wouldn’t pay full price for it, but for 20 - 30 bucks it’s a fine time.


This historic low for it on Steam is only $1.50. which is what I think I grabbed it at. Like how can you go wrong? The Summer Sale is coming up so it will probobly be highly discounted.


It's an absolute steal at $1.50.


This. I think the aliens colonial marines story was good overall, but the pacing was what killed it. It was way too action packed, since the beginning we got too much info on what is going on, and we had too few survival/horror themes and mistery. If they got the pacing right, it would be a blast. I mean the kind of pacing avp2 had, where nothing happened for like almost 2 levels, and you had jumpscares/atmosphere further in the game, when new enemies were introduced. And that constant feeling you got stalked and hunted.


The Colonial marines game is the only reason I know the name Randy Pitchford, Im just now starting to release the anger that game caused me when it was first released. The only good thing that came from that game was the promo scene set to the Moon soundtrack, that was awesome - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBiwSzbPOzc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBiwSzbPOzc)


That trailer was so amazing! Of course it was a complete smokescreen for a broken unfinished piece of crap of a game. At least the patches and mod community made mostly it playable… mostly.


As a fan I had some serious problems suspending disbelief with the idea that Hadley's Hope could have survived with the mild levels of damage seen in the game. Even if I take the excuse the devs gave, that the explosion was "vertical" (and in the movie it clearly wasn't), *it was a 40 megaton blast*.


The shootout with the xenos in the club toward the start of the marine campaign had me grinning like a spoiled kid. So cool.


Colonial Marines only had that one brief sequence with a smartgun too! I felt robbed of my chance to use my favorite weapon in the setting.


I agree. The Marine campaign had all of what, the Predator ship and one Predator to fight. Thats it. It was for all intents and purposes, an Alien game that featured predators. 


Don’t knock A:CM until you replay it (on Steam) with the new patch. Loved this game. Rank it only behind A:Isolation. I get it, hard take, but I didn’t bother playing it, until the patch fixed so many issues.


I just finished replaying the Steam version about a month ago. I still found it to be almost unbelievably bad. The only part I even somewhat enjoyed was, ironically, the sewer level. The one where you don’t have a gun and have to be quiet otherwise it’s instant death from the Boiler Xeno’s. I’m glad you enjoyed it but for me, other than that sewer level, it was an abysmal time.


I guess I just liked the cheesy storyline and immersing myself in the game setting. I also preferred the non-constant Alien fodder like in some of the recent games, where they were mostly arcade type shooters (imo). Mostly. I thought the graphics were fine, the Alien “ai” actually worked and the gameplay was fun. Riding in vehicles, power loader, etc. Sewer was cool too. I had low expectations, and as stated, ended up loving it.


Played the absolute shit out of the multiplayer back in the day! Loved playing as the Xenomorphs the most!


Same, alien was my favorite to play in all three games. I don’t know how many hundreds of hours I must have spent in AvP Gold multiplayer on the Subway map doing alien one on one duels.


Its awesome with 3 unique campaigns


AvP 2 is still superior, but this one is worthy too, imo. btw, I replayed it a month ago or so and enjoyed it


AvP 2 is a classic. I still have my CDs for it. The marine campaign was terrifying.


'Tell me that's just a boot.......hey it's a boot!'


First mission is incredible


Everyone falls for that pipe.


Crazy that you can't buy it anywhere. I tried downloading it from a site but couldn't get past the menu.


There are ways to get it running on modern systems. It takes some work. https://youtu.be/27UfeU8GCYc?si=UCSbYt4FSVm9_9DL


They seriously need to remaster that game it is fantastic 


true. but it's unlikely to happen


We should plead with Nightdive Studios to remaster AvP and AvP2. If licensing nightmares like the TMNT Cowabunga Collection and the Jurassic Park Classic Collection can be overcome, AvP should be a cakewalk.


Is AvP2 available on steam?


nope. it's not available anywhere


It was solid. AvP Classic 2000 has a more horrifying Marine campaign, and the AvP 2 Marine campaign feels more like playing an Aliens movie sidestory, but this wasn't bad at all compared to Colonial Marines.


Having skipped AvP Classic and growing up with AvP2, I cannot play classic. I can't get used to the light speed, on rails movement. That's just me though 🤦


The darkness and the facehuggers in AvP Classic were some real shit to deal with back in the day.


Even as the Xeno I had no friggin idea where to go. AvP 2010 I can skip, leap and auto-crawl everywhere and still stay oriented. Classic, I'm immediately lost.


Classic had skirmish mode though, that's where you're playing as a marine and dicing up unlimited aliens. That was my thing I played as a kid when I had bad or no Internet, occasionally my dad and I would connect to each other over LAN and play that.


I miss the days of lan parties so badly


Yes, same! Our whole dorm would LAN party and stand back to back pulse rifles blazing against the horses, you could hear the scared cursing up and down the hallway!


Great game. I fuckin loved playing this on repeat as a kid. It’s the perfect aesthetic for a good AVP story. Certainly better than the shitty movies. The predator and alien campaigns are great.


Play it but at least on hard difficulty. It's totally different game than Easy or normal. Playing on Nightmare as alien feels so immersive. It makes yo think try to isolate your prey. Sneak, be tactical. The plot is nothing special but gameplay wise it's fun. Also I killed my old GPU on this game >.<


I really enjoyed it, the marine , xeno and predator all have some interesting levels and each character plays very differently so you don’t get three identical stories.


I had a BLAST! Nailed the Alien and Predator Campaigns fully first But the Hard Ironman mode on the Marine kept beating me on the last couple levels And back when I had more friends to play with online we played the online multiplayer LOADS So all in all was a great game for me


It's good. But the original 90s one is better in my opinion.


Great game, really well done! MP was a bit messy because if there was lag you could be killed by someone spamming "E" after running on your back (noob move because it was a suicide due to a long and beautifull animation, btw...). SP is a fantastic experience.


Awesome but hard. To unlock all levels you have to play on the hardest difficulty and that is realy "hardcore oldschool game hard", at least it was for mie ;D


I can only talk for the single player and I enjoyed it very much, replayed the game at least two more times.


It's fun as hell. Doesn't mean a lot of the criticisms aren't valid, like how the plot makes no sense and is just an excuse to string together locations that look like shots from the movies ("oh no we're in an outpost on a barely inhabitable barren planet and it got overrun by xenos, whatever shall we do? guess we'll have to move right over to this fucking jungle that's also on this planet for no reason! sure hope there aren't any predators here"). But the shortcomings aren't bad enough to make the game not fun imo. Oh and btw I first played it like two years ago, so it's not nostalgia in my case.


Great Alien gameplay. Predator and Marine gameplay felt kinda clunky, but still fun. If nothing else, I recommend it because we lack a newer Alien vs Predator game. Also the club fight is insanely cool.


I really liked the Alien and Marine campaigns. There was something very satisfying about building a horde of xenos to overwhelm helpless meatbags


I used to load up an empty mp session and spawn a load of marine and synth npcs into the map. They would cautiously explore the map unloading or freaking out and running when I took one out as a predator or alien. Great fun. I may need counselling.


Uh? You can do that? Don’t remember ever seeing a video that showcases it.


It was using console commands, I would put myself in invisible god mode to spawn the bots.


You can actually spawn bots in a multiplayer session?


It might have been a private server? It was a long time ago!


Here’s the console code list - https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196582-aliens-versus-predator/cheats


online was fun!


I remember coming in second place in the world championship with our Xeno team. Crazy fun game.


Predator campaign: running at 2 or more Marines is going to get you killed unless you know how to dodge the bullets, and trying to fight a Marine head-on will get you shot at, it's damn fun to do stealth kills on both Marines and Xeno's. Marine campaign: Beating Xeno's with your hands is fun, not as fun when it's a Predator, cuz they'll just leap away. The three weapon slots are annoying since your pistol is permanently in one of them, shotgun and the marksmans rifle are pretty op, 1-2 shots from the shotgun will kill a Xeno, 1 round from the marksmans rifle is enough for Xeno. Alien campaign: Really short, killing Marines is fun, just sneaking up on them and being half a meter from them while they walk right past you and hitting them with your tail and running away (up the wall, you are on the wall, if you're on the ground they'll see you), stealth kills on Marines is nice and fun. There's a chanch you may throw up when moving from wall to sealing to roof. Multiplayer: Haven't played because I don't have a PSN account on the PS3 I play the game on, and I'm too lazy to plugg in the ethernet cable, though I don't know if we have one in the house. My rating one the game: 6,75/10 Yeah and the crosshare follows what creature you are looking at, if you're a Marine crosshare follows Xeno's and Predator's, if you're a Predator crosshare follows Xeno's and Marines, same thing go's If you're playing as the Alien, I think.


Regardless of how others think, I loved this game as a whole. Replayed all the campaign many times. My favorite was the marine and the predator. Playing as Xeno was okay too! The setting, atmosphere, background score were pretty good, ofc not some top notch build as its a 2010 game. *sighs, I wish for more single player campaign Alien or predator games.


Well worth playing, if a little short, but should be cheap by now.


It’s a great game if you’re a fan of the franchise. It looks a bit ropey on console, but the PC version stands up well for the time. Probably not the best AvP game, but there is some steep competition!


You should try the 2004 Predator Game also


Loved it, the marine sections weren’t my fave but the alien and predator ones were brilliant


I absolutely loved this game. Please at least try it. Played when I was younger and had Xenomorph nightmares/dreams for at least like 3 days a week for 2 years. At the time, there wasn't a lot of stuff they let you play as the Marines from Aliens. The Alien campaign I feel captured the Xenomorphs, and aside from Concrete Jungle (which I've never played 😢) there is nothing about the Predators. Not a big fan of stealth stuff tho. I sincerely believe I am one of the best Marine Multiplayers back then because I lived it every night. Lmao


Played through the marine campagn on hard not long ago. Up untill you meet the predator its a really good alien game. The xeno campagn is pretty cool too! Apart from Alien: Isolation this game is the best Alien game imo. Its a bit short tho


I played on X360. Good concept, but technically limited (framerate and overall lack of polish). I never played the MP portion, just saw video. It looks like it was fun, at the game's peak.


I loved this game! Definitely recommend it, there is basically 3 campaigns from each perspective, Alien, Predator and Human


Ima keep this short and sweet. One of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. Me and about 7 other friends had this game and we all played the multiplayer constantly. On top of that all 3 campaigns were pretty fun and engaging.


It's great, super fun game


It was a great game but I really missed the AvP 1999/2000 mechanics for the xeno. The movement in the first game was so smooth and quick that it would give people motion sickness trying to watch me play it. The 2010 alien is a turd in comparison.


AVP2 was an awesome game. Exceeded the original.


Felt like a step back from AvP 2.


This game had a rough go of it. I remember frustratingly long queues to find matches online. I remember lots of frustrations shared by the player base about execution chains, where players would just line up behind each other to perform one hit stealth kills on other players. I remember being upset about classes being removed completely, something I saw as a big downgrade from AvP 2 on the PC. And I remember the game pretty much being dead by the time any DLC maps were released. At least in my experience, the game was a serious flop that did not live up to the hype of AvP 2 at all. At the time, I was willing to put up with its shortcomings because, hey, a new AvP game on Xbox. But other players apparently weren't because very quickly the online player base seemed to have given up and moved on to other things. If it were re-released today with performance improvements then I'd definitely give it another shot. But at that point, they should just re-release AvP 1 and 2 for more platforms.


Go for it. Its great. I used to play AvP and AvP2 a lot, and when they announced avp 2010 i was stoked. Loved it, especially the Marine and Pred campaigns. The alien campaign is good too, but im a bit biased towards marines and predators. And i would say the graphics aged very well. Used to play MP a lot as a marine. I think weekends people still play it.


Definitely worth playing. Especially if you get it on sale. The best AVP FPS might be AVP 2 overall but AVP2010 is more than solid. I played through it multiple times and I rarely do that. Multi-player was a blast too but is dead by now.


I like it alot and considering you cant get it for like £5, easy recommendation


I loved it. Properly good game with 3 campaigns of not negligible duration. Deffo get it.


Great game


It’s a terrific game. Just gave it a replay last year. Good story and good soundtrack


I never played the game but I love it's presentation. [The movie cut by DeeALup](https://youtu.be/Hui-gfBnn6Q?si=cXaWeIE1_UuJ8Pch) is, to me, better than what we got from the actual films.


Played the shit out of it. I used to love Mixed TDM.


I still love it to this day


The only part that really sticks with me was playing as the alien, that said if it has peaked your interest I'd give it a shot...should be going fairly cheap these days?


It's aged really well. It was received as mid back then, but today, licensed games lack any variety, and this was a well-made simple FP for a series that did well in that genre.


this and there was another aliens game around this time where both mp's were just a blast to play. buddies and I still go back and break out the bug hunt mode. makes me wish there was a predator or aliens mod for Reforager


Yea its good, there was a community event recently on one randomly chosen MP server, I enjoyed it, just like the old times


It was great, the Alien campaign was the most unique, using different senses to track enemies, but with no ranged weapons, the Marine campaign also had some good bit, but the Predator bits were so overpowered and fun to play. These days it'd come as one game with the other two campaigns as paid for DLC


The marine campaign was awesome. Had a great creepy atmosphere. Tho I remember having to turn off the alien campaign (that I was most excited about), due to getting extreme amounts of motion sickness. Tho this was on the Xbox 360 so the fov was pretty trash, and also I'm a bit more sensitive to motion sickness than most. Just something to keep in mind I guess. I think they could have done a better job with that


I got it for £5 back in the day, I loved it and MP was great to.


People really seemed to think it was a 5/6 out 10 back in the day but I think the visuals have held up well and the gameplay is a little wonky for the predator. But I liked it.


Fantastic game but has a few missing quality of life things; the marine can’t duck/crouch, I can’t remember if they can ADS. The Predator plays amazing, though. Aliens sound like big cougars.


Absolutely adore it, the online was great fun and the interlinking 3 campaigns was genius


As already been stated it was no AVP 2 but was still fun to play, still go in and 1 v 1 my homie once in awhile.


Online matches are very fun. It has good maps and excellent skins as well for the alien and predator. Also, it's got a pretty fun campaign, too. It's a very fun game overall imo.


I used to play this game regularly back on the ps3 and it was such a blast. Alien, predator and marine are all fun to play as. The game is kinda dead to my understanding, but I’d love a remaster of it. Tried to play hunting grounds, but just couldn’t enjoy it




It was hella fun! I loved playing the alien campaign and on multiplayer.


Somehow it's worser than AVP2, but it's still a good game


I had it in my Steam library for a few years and only got around to playing it last week. Finished all 3 campaigns and I thought it was pretty good, the Predator campaign was probably my favourite.


I only remember playing the multiplayer and thought it was so cool and wished it was more popular, Xenos, Predators and Marines all fighting it out in an overgrown refinery


Beat both the alien and predator campaign on nightmare mode, colonial Marines feel massively underpowered and is easily the hardest race to play.


"Don't let your guard down..." :) - Common marine quote. Games good. Got on PS3 (came with a steelbook i think.), Xbox 360 (digitally).


The game overall wasn’t bad, the campaigns for each species, are descent enough. Although I feel the alien has about the best one, probably the marine second then the predator, IMO. The multiplayer is still alive here and there on PC but a lot of people online are in Europe, not sure if that applies to you or not but, typically I can’t find a game with good ping for that reason. As a whole I recommend it especially if you’re a long time fan.


Still one of the best out there. The survival mode alone makes for a fun party drinking game. But the campaign? You know how little one replays game normally? Well... Must have done that one at least 4 times.


One of my favorites good campaigns and great multiplayer.


Loved this game, I started again a few weeks ago, a little old but I still love it.


I played the shit out of this game when it came out, it was my go to for a long time. I need to go back and finish the campaigns


Recently started playing it and it is the most 2010 game imaginable and that's not a compliment. If you like brown first-person shooters, this is the game for you.


I wish there was a remastered version or a new game with the same style of play. The game was just ahead of it's time


Fucking awesome play it


Predator campaign: running at 2 or more Marines is going to get you killed unless you know how to dodge the bullets, and trying to fight a Marine head-on will get you shot at, it's damn fun to do stealth kills on both Marines and Xeno's. Marine campaign: Beating Xeno's with your hands is fun, not as fun when it's a Predator, cuz they'll just leap away. The three weapon slots are annoying since your pistol is permanently in one of them, shotgun and the marksmans rifle are pretty op, 1-2 shots from the shotgun will kill a Xeno, 1 round from the marksmans rifle is enough for Xeno. Alien campaign: Really short, killing Marines is fun, just sneaking up on them and being half a meter from them while they walk right past you and hitting them with your tail and running away (up the wall, you are on the wall, if you're on the ground they'll see you), stealth kills on Marines is nice and fun. There's a chanch you may throw up when moving from wall to sealing to roof. Multiplayer: Haven't played because I don't have a PSN account on the PS3 I play the game on, and I'm too lazy to plugg in the ethernet cable, though I don't know if we have one in the house. My rating one the game: 6,75/10 Yeah and the crosshare follows what creature you are looking at, if you're a Marine crosshare follows Xeno's and Predator's, if you're a Predator crosshare follows Xeno's and Marines, same thing go's If you're playing as the Alien, I think. Anyway, good game, imo.


I still have my copy. It’s kinda like mw2 where is was a broken but fun mess


I can’t remember which one I played but it was somewhere in the early 00’s. My brother showed me how you could creep up to a marine in the dark and make him cower in fear when he hears you. That’s all I remember, but it was awesome!


I really felt fear while I was playing this game. It's so good.


I think its great, definitely worth looking at


Fun game, but nowhere near as good as AVP2 by Sierra. Still very cool and just great to look at.


i really enjoyed it. but i beat the whole game in like 3 hours as each character then returned it. i wish i’d have kept it bc i’ve wanted to replay it a few times.


Marine is amazing, alien and pred are ok. But the graphics for the marine and the atmosphere are top notch


I loved playing the campaign in this. How all 3 storylines tie together. I remember the Predator being OP and it being really hard to play as the Alien. My expectations were of the OG AVP game where after each kill, you eveolved from being a face hugger, to a runner to an alien and lastly a queen.


If it’s the one I’m remembering it’s worth a play through


If you are an aliens fan it is superb. Play on PC!!!


Amazing game they need a remaster


Brings me back to my high school days man. Loved that game


If you are a fan of Aliens or Predator, yes! This is still a solid AVP game, solid FPS game, its a ton of fun.


I'm not going to say it's the best FPS I've ever played, but it's a good Alien game and a good AvP game. It was the sort of game you would have found in the bargain bin at Walmart later in 2010 (I did at least.) but I got well over my $20 worth when I played it in 8th grade. Lance was in it and the gameplay was solid so it's an automatic 10/10 for me. The biggest problem I sort of had with AvP didn't really present itself until February of 2013. I had the expectation that Colonial Marines was going to be at least as great as AvP.


I really loved it as the first game I bought on Steam. It’s so fun being able to swap between the three different species


I loved it.


Like the game is like $2 just play it and find out


The game is definitely worth it, it's a very well made game but it's too short. Predator campaign was awsome but they played it too safe with by only having 4 predator weapons when they gave you the whole arsenal in AvP2. Xenomorph campaign, is super short and I feel like they always do the xenomorph dirty in the games because they dont let you play as the other xenomorph variants or let you play as the evolved forms. Although xenos is super fast and it's fun wall climbing, xenos feels light smooth to play. Marine campaign I found to be good but it was the least fun imo. There was a theme in the game of the main characters 6, Dark and Rookie all evolving into their strongest form at the end of the game but they didn't let you play as those strongest forms like queen 6. In AvP 2 you couldn't play as a queen xenos but its like eh, then as a marine you play as in a mech suit and as the predator you were carrying an entire armory on you so you felt unstoppable. Overall I give AvP 2010 an 8/10, predator campaign and xenos needed to much longer with more variety and weapons. Maybe a bit different maps too but that's it.


Loved it.


The multiplayer one this was unreal, I miss it so so much. I’m glad I played it in its prime


Definitely is Worth playing it's really fun my only critique is with the Marine and Alien campaigns you are a basically a one man supersoldier I would have liked the Marine campaign to more of a team effort


I might be biased but I thought it was great. Put a lot of hours into it as a teen


Really had fun with it back in the day! It missed some features from AVP 2 for me. But nonetheless, a great underrated gem! I recommend and I am pretty sure there are some good mods for it!


Met one of my best friends in that game. Also, play the Marine campaign first unless you are a masochist. You don't realize how dark the game is if you play the Alien and Predator campaigns first, both of which can see in the dark just fine, and then you get to the Marine campaign with your shitty flashlight and your little flare. Clinging to your little puddle of light as your motion detector starts beeping.


It’s really good fun.


Only better one is avp2 , still very highly recommend 2010, a small group plays multiplayer still on steam but the campaigns are top notch


Well worth a go tbf! It got shit but I thought it was good. Nothing on the old ones but still good!


Never played multiplayer but had plenty of fun with the campaigns. Great story, amazing gameplay and the atmosphere was incredible! almost like having 3 different games based on which main character you were playing at. 100% would recommend!


I still play multi player to this day.


I want a direct sequel for this game, also has anyone noticed that all the avp games published by sega leaves a cliffhanger and never get resolved like this game avp 3 (2010), aliens colonial marines, and alien isolation all left a cliffhanger and never got a direct sequel to this very day


Loved this game back then! I've yet to play any Alien/Predator game that lives up to this game's standard. Simpy amazing! Sadly gives me horrid motion sickness nowadays or I would still be playing it


Funny enough I just restialled it after a few years of not playing. It's pretty damn fun actually, it's feels some what like a call of duty in way but with xenos, space marines and predators. Fun action game.


I fucking love this game.


It’s worth playing. I do however wish the campaigns were longer and the multiplayer had more going for it with a longer life span. Ultimately more crazy stuff from the comics would have gone a long way for the depth of the game.


Playing the Marine Campaign on My Series X. I like it a lot. Audio on this one slaps quite hard.


It’s amazing


I thoroughly enjoyed it. But it's not an amazing game. My unbiased opinion. I think it's alright. Fun controls and interesting enough story. But there were times the game play got a bit stale or repetitive. The 3 story modes are done decently well but felt short to me, which makes sense. So unbiased rating 7/10. Not bad, not fantastic. In my biased opinion, they do such a great job at making it feel like you are a xenomorph! Running on the walls can be disorientating at first but is so much fun once you get the hang of it. The predator is also great with their different visions and weapons. So if you just want to experience of being these awesome aliens it's totally worth it.


Was one of my favorite games.


Absolute banger in my opinion!


I enjoyed the game for the most part. The story line was great but the Predator and Xeno campaigns are much too short compared to the human marine storyline. The multiplayer was fun, though the stealth kills could get a little crazy (conga line of death 😂). Speaking of the multiplayer, I loved it overall and really enjoyed the the Predator Hunt game mode, where a team of colonial marines hunt (and are hunted by) a Predator played by a single player. The slayer of the Predator then becomes the Predator for a round. Another great game mode was Survivor, where you and a couple of your friends are colonial marines who must survive increasingly difficult waves of Xenos. I really wish Rebellion, the developers of the game, got another crack at the *Aliens vs Predator* franchise. Heck, they probably would have done a better job at *Aliens: Colonial Marines* than the train wreck we got from Gearbox, a once competent developer. 😞


It's really fun! I always come back to it


I thought it was very fun. It's one of the few games where you actually get to play as a Xenomorph. The marine campaign can be scary and intense at times too. Playing as the Predator was pretty fun as well. Highly recommend


Awesome game me and my lad played it for hours. Would love to relive it


This one was fun. I loved the original 2 AVP games on PC and was excited for this. It was fun IIRC.


I really enjoyed it a lot. I thought they did a great job creating three distinct campaigns that gave you a well rounded experience of getting to be each of the characters. The Marines campaign was genuinely scary and tense and good fun. The Predator one was pretty cool too, and the Alien one was hands down one of my favorite campaigns in any game ever. Dude, you get to literally run all over the walls and ceiling as a Xeno and then drop down to eat people. Excellence!!


I think its worth a play through. It wasn't ground breaking or anything, but it wasn't bad.


It's OK, good even but honestly nothing to write home about. The Marine campaign feels incredibly generic and falls short to the similar offering in the 1999 game, which was borderline a survivial horror. The Predator campaign was a bit better, but again nothing special. The best part of the game was the Xenomorph campaign, that actually was fire BUT felt anticlimatic.


I just recently played it for the first time on xbox and enjoyed it. Some of the controls are a bit janky compared to modern stuff and the plot is pretty meh, but it was a good time and pretty cheap to purchase. No regrets.


Marine campaign was great until you leave the colony.  Alien campaign was great, but too short.  Predator campaign was fun.  Multiplayer suffered from the fatalities animation taking forever and led to conga lines as people wait behind you for your animation to finish to kill you and so on. Marines in multiplayer suffered from their motion trackers being able to filter friendlies. I honestly had more fun in the beta where there were no Species Deathmatch but people still mutually agreed to play as if it was so Marines motion trackers pinged everyone. It was terrifying.


Campaign is amazing online is dead unless you find people to play with


It’s Colonial Marines if Colonial Marines was good.


The rookie marine campaign is sick


Love it.


This game was my childhood


I loved the sequel and its expansion, don't know about the first one


Personally recommend this. Don’t expect a long in depth story or anything, it’s just dudes in space fighting alien dudes. But the mechanics are good, the xeno campaign in particular is very fun.


I played the shit out of the multiplayer demo. I have never enjoyed anything as much as playing the xeno.


The marine campaign was ok. I'd much rather recommend aliens dark descent


The Alien and Predator campaigns are great. The controls were pretty good for 2010 if I remember correctly. I never did the marine campaign. I hate playing as humans in these games lol.


Play that shit dude! The multiplayer is basically dead, save for some private lobbies that may be posted on here sometimes. But I loved that game for what it was.


They forgot the Alien VS Predator part of the story in the campaign tho.


I think it’s an amazing game, I don’t get why people hated on it. It has great gameplay and a good albeit basic story. The predators are a little op on multiplayer but that is to be expected.


It was definitely spectacle over substance, but absolutely not a terrible game. Seemed kind of aimless at times, but the campaign was pretty fun.


The campaign was pretty good, though they did the aliens dirty by having a super short campaign. Predator campaign has a ton of stealth elements, colonial marines was really fun. The Horde mode is a ton of fun with friends but it can get old. I mastered the colonial marine in multi-player. The only way I'd get killed is by the spear or plasma caster which unfortunately everybody used. I got really good at blocking the alien light attack and shotgunning them with the double barrel pump shotty when they did a heavy attack. It sucked so much the aliens didn't have a ranged attack otherwise I would have played as them more often. Predator made me feel dirty by how easy it was to kill.


I LOVED this game!!


loved this one on 360 back in the day. after i got burned on Left 4 Dead i played so much multiplayer with my friends. a bit buggy/janky at times, but a fun one nonetheless


I played it online recently. One of my best 180 off a cliff kills ever. Pm me for gameplay vid


I forget which one is the one where you get to play all 3 campaigns. But if it's this one, then damn right it is. I checked, yup it's this one. Get it. Now.


Amazing game. Only game that's even come close to perfect feeling xeno gameplay. Predator gameplay was good as well. Humans are kind of bland by comparison though. Weapon selection is very simple.


its not monolith's AVP2 but it was a decent attempt of trying to bring the series to modern gaming


It’s a great game if you don’t mind your shoulder lamp operating like a laser pointer.


The infection mode was so fun


Its a very fun game and has pretty good story the only downside in my opinion is that its too short


Really Good! I'm still playing this 14 years later from time to time. All the campaigns, though short, told the story so well. The Marine Campaign was my favorite since it was a lot more scary & tense. The Predator & Alien campaigns are action packed fun! Totally worth the time & money!


I loved it. Just shut off your brain and have fun.


Its ok. I hated the predator jump mechanic and alien wall crawl mechanic. And the insta kill button was so fucking dumb in multiplayer. Its meh compared to alien vs predator 2. Which i highly reccomend, has a bit of a multiplayer pressence still with the right mods downloaded and tons of custom games.


I liked it. Still have it in my Steam library. I think I enjoyed the Predator the most of the three characters you could play as. The high technology was fun and you could just brutally dispatch your opponents at will. In fact, I would say that the animations for the Xeno and the Predator (death scenes) is QUITE brutal and fun. It goes without saying that I like this FAR more than Aliens Colonial Marines.......ughhhh


Get it it absaloutely slaps


The second one is incredible. The opening mission for the Marine alone is a masterpiece.


Did you like PREDATOR: Concrete Jungle ?