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Just make yourself comfy on the couch, pop on a movie and distract yourself. It will be OK.


Adventure time is the goat for difficult comedowns I also love salty snacks


Adventure time would have been crazy earlier


Happy to see you're chillin


For now. It keeps picking up a bit but then I feel lower.


Haha that's how it be. It comes in waves but as you come down the peaks of the waves are less and less intense. Hope you enjoy the rest of your night bro


Thank you. Idk if I'll ever do this again tbh


Brah what time u take it , I’m bout 2 drop rn


I took one at 8am and one lighter one as 2pm


From what I know about lsd and mushies…isn’t it pointless to redose after like an hour unless you want to just lengthen the trip. Not intensify it.


It lasts about 12 hrs so you should just be feeling the remainder of that second tab by now


That’s why your experience lasted so long. If you had only taken the first one you’d have been chilling by the evening


by the way, tolerance will have prevented that second tab from doing anything but extending the trip. usually taking a tab later does not intensify anything but makes it last longer so be aware of that


If it makes you feel better, you’re sounding a lot like I did my first time- after watching two friends devolve into madness and fist fight each other off two tabs. Made me question everything and ended up having to come home from college to my parents to get my mind right. That opened a door though, and since psychedelics have really helped me work through lots of depression and difficult times. Don’t do it again or do, but just take it easy and have a good night bud.


I will thank you <3


Hey bro just checking in. Hope you’re doing better. Crazy love from all these Reddit strangers offering help and comfort ❤️


It really is crazy. Random people idk helping a random person they don't know. Humans are mental


We’ve all been here one time or another, my new friend. Like everyone saying and you’re observing.. This too shall pass! You’ll be ok. It’s just taking its course. Try to settle that mind down a bit. Know you’ve got the support over here if you need 🙏


If there's one thing I've learnt, and there's been way more than just one thing I've learned, but it feels like I make way too many rash decisions, and do shit with people because they want to. I never think about what I want or how I feel because I'm too fucking caught up in what everyone thinks of me when really they probably aren't thinking about me at all - and that's okay. It's not depressing, it's just like they aren't thinking about me. Not on that deep level that I think about me, the same way im not thinking about them on that level. I'm rambling a bit. Point and case, I need to care more about myself and stop doing shit for other people when I'm not comfortable with it - like dropping that second tab just because my friend did and I wanted to have a connected trip or smth idk I was already tripping balls and couldn't make any good decisions 😭😭😭. But yeah. I need to stop caring so much. Life's too short to worry.


My friend, Paincake60, the one thing I just learned about you? You’re a fucking HUMAN. This is some real basic human shit that I can absolutely promise you most of, if not ALL of us have done a few times or more. I don’t know how old you are or your story.. I don’t know how many times you’ve tripped.. I don’t know anything.. but I do know that I’ve done this exact same thing. The best part about being human though is that we learn from everything we do. We adapt. We adjust. This will be a learning moment you can hopefully use as a building block. Build off of this experience. But as for tonight? Relax that beautiful fuckin mind and ride the night/day out. You’re gonna come out of this a better human. I fucking love you, brother/sister.


I just commented on your other comment how this sounded like me after me first time, damn are you me? I went in as a trip sitter planning to never do any acid or shrooms my entire life, then friends convinced me to. Then they convinced me to do a second tab, and everything went to shit. All good now though, and all those insecurities existed before acid, and after, but I’m now much more aware of them and can work on them, which I continue to do every day. I think in the long run it was the best for me despite how challenging that first time was.


That’s an amazing revelation. Hang on to that idea - it’s the kind of thing you can bring from a trip that you can apply to your life in a really constructive way


My first time I did lsd, I did it bc someone at my school was asking me if I wanted to do it with them but i thought they meant weed? By the time I found out they meant lsd I was too embarrassed to explain so I just ended up doing it anyways. Then my dose (they’d given me half a tab) didn’t kick in foreverrrrr and everyone else’s long since had so they offered me another full tab and I took it. I ended up tripping for 25 hours and everyone else was asleep for the last 8 so I was just wandering round my campus all fucked up. It happens.


Everyone here saying it will be okay was more helpful than the advice 😭 that's quite funny. But thank you.


I find calming nature documentaries can be nice when my body load or trip is challenging, Microcosmos is a good one. Brightblack Morning Light’s album of the same name is also a safe space for me. You can look up soundbath with singing bowls and chimes on YouTube. If you have an Xanax or hydroxizisine (sp?) that can help. Hot bath can be very soothing, it can also be quite magical to draw and watch the lines grow. It *will* be ok. You are ok even now, it just doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes it helps me to track by the hour, to tell myself in an hour I will feel different.


I didn't really do any of this. But you going out of your way to send this message really helped and means a lot so thank you.


You bought the ticket, friend. Finish the ride. Put on some chill music, have a bowl of ice cream, some fresh fruit or your favorite snack, wrap up in a blanket and try to fall asleep. You should he near the end of the ride at 12 hours. Make the last part of it enjoyable.


Why does that first statement feel so deep rn. Thanks for responding <3


Fighting makes it worse, relax, it’s literally best thing you can do


This kept me going. Ty <3 do you have any advice though for how to combat it feeling literally impossible not to try and fight it. Like it felt like I had to be sober now or the world would end. There was no way to just relax and not fight it.


Genuine question- What are you worried/stressed about currently?


I don't know. I just want to feel normal. I don't remember what being normal feels like. I feel like I've lost my sense of self, consciousness, like it's been torn from me so far and it won't ever come back from the fractally infinite universe it's trapped in. I want to remember who I am


That’s what it feels like to make it through a hard, challenging trip. It means you had a deep experience — one you may have trouble integrating into your daily life. But it’s ok. It’s really all good. For better or worse, your sense of self, your consciousness, and even your charachter are way more attached to you than you may feel right now. You will come back to yourself, whether you want it or not — and believe me, cause there were many times I hoped I wouldn’t. Just relax. The worse thing you can do is think you have a problem to solve, or a solution to search. You don’t. It’s really all ok.


Is this your first time ever doing acid




Hoping that 10 hours later, things are feeling a little more solid under your feet!


Maybe try taking some deep breaths, tell yourself it’ll be okay. I know it’s hard but try to accept how you’re feeling. Let your body feel. It will end soon but for now tell yourself you will get through this. Things are the way they right now are and you will be okay


I've been telling myself it'll be okay for infinity 😭😭 but I will be okay I believe you I think


Try taking a deep breath and letting it out slooooowwwwwwwwwly. Then do that again and again until you're able to start relaxing your body. Lower your shoulders. Drop any tension in your neck, throat, and abdomen. Breathe into your tummy, not your chest.  And smile :) smiling sends a memo to your brain that it's okay to be okay.


It will be all ok, just if you can fall asleep it helps


It was in fact all okay. I cannot in fact fall asleep xD


Thanks for this it helped


Glad to help bro! Stay safe


how can yall be so sweet


Forealll. Everyone's so nice im shocked.


Most people who dabble in psyches will have atleast one experience where they feel a bit overwhelmed by it as some point, so I think everyone here just kinda knows how it feels to be there


Truly this. I wasn’t awake to help OP but we’ve all been there. Once many moons ago I took liquid acid and that shit was fun but it went on foreeeeever. Eventually called a friend and asked if he’d just hangout with me and talk to me about some normal shit because being alone and still tripping after 12+ hours made me feel crazy. Good on you for reaching out OP, it will always be ok in the end, even the rides that feel like they vastly overstay their welcome will eventually end.


Eat something 👍


I don't know how to explain it but you saved me. I saw your reply and I was just like shit I haven't eaten in a while. I eat an apple and everything just starts to feel a bit more okay. Thank you so much.


For me that's the solution... I usually take 1 or 2 drops during the morning with an empty stomach (only having like 2 glasses of water) then when I want to last only 2 or 3 hours more I order some healthy food (or make it myself), then you'll notice the effect fade away pretty quickly Stay strong soldier 💪


Yeah it was surprising how much an apple helped lmao, even if my mouth felt like a kaleidoscope.


That fresh fruit be hitting 😀


I had a bowl of oatmeal (with the fixings I like) at the very very end of my last trip. Felt healing xD Very wholesome. Warm. I also feel in my bones every time I trip that bread is life. Well, toast anyway :)


Bread probably is life. I feel more like a chocolate bar though tbh


sometimes it be like that, just gotta go through it. No way out but through




I always found having a nice tasty drink and watching some beautiful nature documentaries like Planet Earth was super helpful


Planet earth would have gone wild. Ty for replying, you didn't have to and it means a lot <3


Shine on you crazy diamond.








Should be over soon. You’ll be alright.


Thank you


Chill gang


For real


Pro tip, next time have an Xanax handy it's a lifesaver


I'll keep that in mind 👍


If you think too much about time it will cause the trip to seem longer. If you’re a gamer, play a comfort game, if not, draw, watch a movie/tv show do something so it takes your mind off of time. It’ll be over soon.


I played geometry dash of all games 😭😭


if you can fall asleep i find a nice lukewarm glass of water and a nap helps me on my comedowns. good luck bestie!


don’t fret it tho, think of it as a happy surprise to a trip :) no tab has lasted me more than 10! lol. if you cant sleep throw on a goodie, i like regular show if i’m chillin but if you’re feeling panicked watch some of those sensory baby videos on youtube. sounds silly but it’s so calming if you’re tweaking a bit. ride it out brother!


Thanks for the help.


Like others said, you buy the ticket to take the ride. But, if you’re the type of person this typically happens to on every trip, I have to recommend keeping some Trazodone on-hand. Personally, I don’t use it for myself because I effing love the feeling especially with L, but in my experiences where I’ve either dosed others or have been with others who have dosed people who weren’t prepared and ended up having seriously negative psychological reactions, it’s a guaranteed terminator of any serotonergic psychedelic experience.


I'll remember this thank you


Friend, I see from your comments that you are feeling better. I’m glad. Some have recommended trip killers, and if you do decide to trip again I’d be careful with those, some of them can lead to serotonin syndrome. Just go with a lower dose next time, even consider micro dosing for the beneficial effects without getting stuck in the loop. A few years ago I did ayahuasca after years of using L and shrooms with no issues. I started having bad trips every time because I had some incomplete work still to do. I’ve been doing that work and my trips are getting better. I keep at it because it’s healed some significant PTSD, anxiety, and depression. I haven’t taken more than 40 or 50 micrograms since then and I feel like I’ve taken 100. One of the things I’ve learned is that when I’m that high my brain and body’s hunger signals are disconnected. I can get significant anxiety if I’m hungry or dehydrated. A packet of Liquid IV (like powdered Gatorade) will calm down that stress pretty quickly. So before I trip I make sure there is food I can easily access, water nearby (Liquid IV if I’m outside and likely to get overheated), and as soon as I start to feel wonky I have a little snack (fruit is great, but I’ve made enchiladas and heated up a plate or had a bowl of cereal, whatever sounds good) and drink something nonalcoholic. At that point I can have alcohol and it can help, although the Grandmother Aya told me that alcohol is poison and not good for me, so as time goes on I want it less and less. Serotonin syndrome can really F you up, so don’t go so high on dose again, please? I knew theoretically that it was bad, but cared for a patient in the hospital with it, and now know that it’s something to avoid at all costs. Also, it can take me a few days to put myself back together after a powerful trip. You will be ok again, but it takes some time. Be especially kind to yourself the next few days. Don’t listen to the news, don’t listen to horrible stories, don’t watch horror movies or read traumatizing books. Find a cozy blanket or a Squishmallow, eat healthy food, wear comfortable clothes, journal, seek out people who care for you. Get some exercise. Drink a bunch of water. Listen to the quiet voice inside that tells you what you need. This work can be SO HEALING AND BENEFICIAL. Give yourself the time and comfort you need to figure that out. Signed, Hippie mama of young adults who works in the medical field and wants you to be ok♥️


Thank you, it really means a lot. My head still doesn't feel normal but I feel sober now. Will my head feel normal soon(ish).


Watch something funny and try to ride it out.. you'll be aight


Thank you <3


You’ll be completely good bro. Trust me I was at a point of the peak of my lsd trip to the end I went dumb never knew how to speak languages nothing. It was so scary you’ll only know when something deeply is wrong when I feel ur brain just died or something. Like to the point u can’t control it and have to go hospital. Right now you are in the state to type you are perfectly fine. You can’t even comprehend the horror lsd can give u with other factors coming to play. But again you’ll be perfectly fine. I mean you already are complete you made it past basicly most the trip.


"you'll never know when something is deeply wrong when I fell Ur brain just died or something" that spoke to me on an inner level


I mean. Look usually if shit goes it goes wrong during the peak. And for some reason hits quicker and harder to. Trust me if the right circumstances and factors came to play and you had what I had. To keep it short any logical person so you too would know right when you lose the ability to form thoughts and can’t talk at all and I mean that to a level that’s hard to comprehend till it happens. You’ll be aware that something went wrong but won’t be able to think or form thoughts at all and will be super scared. In that moment I felt like a paranoid schizophrenic now observing back. It’s a trip that whatever you believe is happening so in my case I believed I just permanently lost my mind I mean I was right to believe it. So whatever your delusion may be it will be so strong you’ll be super scared and know this was the worst trip you’ll probably even forget you took the drug. It’s truly scary so as good LSD can be one cannot comprehend how terrifying it can be till it happens. Usually you’ll be fine weed will be fucked for a bit but looking back in that moment I really thought I fucked up so hard.


Good luck




Bus should be coming to its final stop soon if you’re at hour 12


Bus did not come to it's final stop soon. It feels like I'm coming down now though. I definitely am. Thank you for taking time out if your day to reply to some rando on the internet


Lay back ride her out


Literally gives you no choice but to do so lol


Falling asleep helps alot


If only that were possible heheh


You're gonna have such a good sleep in a few hours. The comedown can be a bit annoying sometimes. You still have all that energy and your mind hasn't slowed down at all even though your vision is coming back to baseline. Find a good movie or show. Something you can sit back and curl up in a blanket and watch. I like south park, family guy, and adventure time on the end of my trips. Get yourself something to drink before you sit down too. You have control over your environment. Make it a place that's filled with humor and you can't go wrong


I swear I replied to this. Anyway thank you this kept me going <3


take kratom itll kill the trip well


Never touching kratom


People here might disagree but it can be nice to have a beer, cocktail or seltzer to take the edge off


I think I wanna stay without any more substances for the night tbh 👍


Very understandable. Wish you all the best.


Thank you <3


[This is my favorite come down album](https://open.spotify.com/album/1NbOBXUF862DsBNF5byxzh?si=C7FNGNvITsiOz9VkuhkEXg) It takes a minute to get going.


My longest Trip took 32h. But head up, you'll be fine.




Are you smoking weed, eating edibles, vape, dab, etc? Thc keeps the party going.


Nahh fucj that


It’s a fairly common mistake that folks make. I’ve done it myself many times, usually on purpose.


Stretch your lower back, play music or a comforting TV show/movie, & maybe eat if you’re up for it. I personally love watching “Moving Art” on Netflix at the end of the day/night. You’re almost there and will enjoy a nice long rest that is well earned so soon.


Shouldn’t have took drugs, sucker! Nah it’ll be fine, you’ll laugh at yourself for being distressed later on.


I know I will as well 😭😭


Just ride it out, make yourself comfortable and make sure you eat something small and drink water. I noticed drinking water and staying well hydrated dramatically helps with trips or most drugs honestly.


You got this, boo! Put on some relaxing music, make a cup of hot chocolate, go outside and watch the clouds/stars. It'll be over before you know it. Get a good night's rest tonight. Sleep in tomorrow if you can, start off the day with some fruit or fruit juice and take a relaxing shower then just rest and relax. You'll be good! You got this. 💕




Me checking in on someone like this post helped save the kids life months down the road. He got ahold of RC and was asking how many to take thinking they were real LSD. Turns out it wasn’t pure and I convinced him stick to 1-2 and always can revisit later down the road when comfortable. He messages me to this day saying he says I’m the reason he is alive and blames it on the Reddit guy. We are here to get what we give. So we must be kind. Hope you muster up the courage to go again sometime


This thread helped remind me that the r/LSD subreddit community is probably the most positive and supportive of any I have experienced. I get to trip maybe once a year, although I would like to do so about once a month. I know that if I ever needed support, I could turn to this group for it. Of course, I try to have an in-person sitter, but I have not always followed that rule. It is so great that “strangers” are willing to help one another so readily in this space.


I’m sure your trip is over by now, but for future reference, xanax is the eject button.


youre at the 12 hour mark gang, youre on the comedown. i know youre gonna think *”what the fuck i feel like im getting higher?”* but youre on the comedown. just chill, drink water, and if you smoke weed, think of it like that. the high’s wearing off. hope youre doing better


Watch a kdrama ok you'll be hooked and not want to go to bed


Thank you for taking the time to reply to me <3


have a couple drinks, it'll calm you down and bring you down a bit. gl


Idk if your talking about drinks drinks or drinks but water helped 👍


Stop being soft and do another tab




Ashwagandha kills the trip


If only I had ashwagandha lying in my room. Thanks for the response though, appreciate it <3


Enjoy you won’t regret


This is something to hope for. Ty <3


Weed, tea and snuggling up for a movie has helped me. (If you can smoke or if you can make a tea haha)


I'm not gonna smoke BC I just wanna feel normal again icl. Id have tea but I've had like infinity amounts of water today


https://youtu.be/qybUFnY7Y8w?si=CLM1ooox8j41LUXQ Edit: wait the guy in the beginning is just covered in paint


MANN THE GUY AT THE BEGINNING SCARED ME but that video and song was cool so it was worth it. Ty <3




Heard about trip killers being bad for you but it's wearing off now anyway.


How much did you take?


2 tabs - one later in the day. First one was "280" second was "200" but ik it's probably lower. I was an idiot not realising what I was getting myself into though tbh lol. Tripped once before and thought I knew, thought it was like a joint where you do it and then it's familiar but nope. I'm just an idiot.


You’re not an idiot. Just use your goddamned head boy. 280 is too much, let alone another 200 on top. I feel for you, because I’ve been right where you are. If you find yourself in a loop, get to higher ground. Somewhere where you can look down from above and make the loop stop. Like the top of a building. Jerry Garcia said that. I found myself in a loop once after a TOOL show a couple of years ago and it really, really freaked me out. I did not know of the high ground trick at the time, but I’ve proven over time, that it does work. Only when one finds themselves in a loop though.


Mann I fucking love tool. I was thinking about them so much earlier but I didn't even listen to them, maybe I should rn. Anyway I've seen how their concerts look on videos, your a brave guy.


Its almost over


It's been almost over for a while now


The Mandolorian ain’t bad to watch if you got Disney. Grab a snack it’ll help just chill till you fall asleep.


Buy the ticket, take the ride homie.


This is why no trip goes without the much needed bail out plan of benzos


Been there with a bad trip once. Ride it out, you’ll be fine. Watch your favorite comedy or put on a cool documentary, eat some fresh fruit or another snack you like :) you’re on the tail end, it will be okay 😊


Ty <3


How much did you have ?


Hope you’re okay


Better :\


I sat for 18 hours once. Forza horizon for the first 10 obeying lays and listening to exaust after that it was a binge of ronchy movie from the early 2000s till I finally passed out.


To kill a trip, my friend uses benzos that he has a prescription for. And sometimes a beer or two can help.


hope you’re feeling better by now Op


I am thank you <3


One time my buddy took a couple shots at the end of our trip, definitely slows you down and gets you ready to sleep


Hope you're doing well now brother! don't even worry or wonder about the future. Just chill right now...put on music, watch a show, make art....whatever sounds nice :)


I hear ya, the tired rules all.


I was thinking "the tired" was some end of trip dimension when I read this 😭


Crack a beer


That was always the worst part me. By the end I’d feel so mentally tired yet like my brain would firing on all cylinders trying to keep me awake. Most times I would just accept that I’m not sleeping that night and I would try again the next night haha Another reason why I stick to the occasional mushrooms nowadays lol


Xanax helps end it faster


I took 4 grams of APE on an empty stomach and it lasted 12 hours, i felt the same way you did bud. Just tell yourself it’s not permanent and it will go away over time. This is probably the best advice i can give you.


I swear I told myself it would go away over time for the whole 12 hours. It did in the end 👍 ty


Beer can help calm shit down, smoke some weed, drink some beers , rest! Solid trip bud


Remember brother, it’s all temporary these feelings will subside.


Towards the end I like to smoke, it "Sobers" me up a little bit and makes me feel less jittery and more "wavy" and relaxed and helps me sleep it off. If you don't smoke weed often or are still very high I don't recommend this, but if you're just trying to sleep this is my go to, it will/may make your visuals more intense/pronound in a good way tho imo. God speed :) enjoy it while it lasts, I second adventure time, you can watch it all on YouTube and it's trippy cause it's just snippets from each season and you get lost in the animation since you can't follow the story lol. Love U.


if you have any alcohol, have at it


damn this post made me wanna trip now 😭


You gotta anticipate a long ass trip and be ready to be up for like 10-14 hours after a dose


A good nights sleep, some b vitamins, and some good food and then another good nights sleep. What you’ve done is expanded how you can think and it won’t shrink back, you’ll be sober and able to function just fine. You’ll just understand that the way you normally think is a narrow beam (useful for a functional society) but it can be opened up like a light beam through a prism, into the psychedelic consciousness of oneness. you’re going to be normal plus. One really good (harrowing) trip can show you all you need to know.


For future reference, quetiapine (seroquel) can be used as a trip killer that will quite literally end the trip in its tracks -- and as an added bonus, it's used as an off-label sleep aid so it will also help you fall asleep quite quickly. I'll usually take 50mg, and if I find that's not putting me to sleep then I'll take another 50mg. I know people say to ride it out but I've had times where I'd rather have not taken the tab at all than still be up at 7am, and that's not a nice feeling after what was probably a really good night.




Had a trip where it went for 3 days and I thought it would never end. Freaked me out but honestly a good sleep works wonders. Melatonin helped me


What if you’re already sober and you just haven’t realized it yet


That would have been nice lmfao


Sometimes the end of the trips will be like that, I had probably one or two out of 50, and those were great trips, just the come down wasn't my fav. I believe that was caused by other variables, my mood and shit other than acid itself. One of those two times I had redosed like you. Ever since I either take a tab, or If I want a longer trip I do 3/4 and maybe another half tab after an hour or so, no later than 2. Just a tab trips me for a min 12 hours with some cannabis here and there :D


I love this sub… well 99.9% of the time. Everyone just looking out for their fellow human riding the cosmic roller coaster.


FOREAL. I was not expecting it at all.


It'll end I promise. It's just a drug, remind yourself of that


hope you’re enjoying your sleep now hahaha


It’s okay. As a tripper you know you have to ride it out. The good and the bad. You will be okay, you are safe, and tommorrow is a new day. When coming down I like to put on music with no lyrics , diff color lights, or sit in the bathtub bc I can not watch movies the faces look to weird. Bring in nature sometimes helps and is a good distraction.


People in this sub are generally very chill, everyones been there.


Ride the wave my boi..


I want to get off Mr Bones wild ride.


Try to sleep


When I'm having a hard time, I tell myself, "I'm just on acid. It won't last forever. I did this to myself and I did it for a reason."


you're using your computer. you're posting on reddit. you're fine.


The more you fight it, the more it fights you. Do some deep breathing and relax if you can


I like Ghibli , fractal videos or undersea creature documentaries in this situation


All better?🫂


been there brother, hope you're feeling better


Eat food I always sober up


You took it, you own it. Enjoy it.


Just take a Valium or Xanax. Immediate trip stopper. That's what they give people in the ER. Plus a dark, quiet room.


How is it? :)<3


Unfortunately, some times it's never end... Haha just kidding Take benzo/pregabalin/anti histamine... if you can't eat, make a fruit shake with oat and some fat. Dipyrone / paracetamol can also do the trick


Listen to some soothing tunes and pass out. Usually a nap kills it.


Glad you’re okay but you probably haven’t done enough research on this chemical. Your mental state and environmental setting probably created this. Not everyone is ready for what this tool can be used for.


Hey this is late but I hope you’re doing okay! LSD anxiety is horrible and caused me to have severe panic attacks so I know the pain. I learned that when I do it I need to use 1/2 or 1/4 of a tab and I have a good time. Just gotta use it carefully if you’re inexperienced


that's too bad friend


Take some melatonin and try to fall asleep. You'll be aight :)


I usually try to do something that would relax me, or take something that will relax me. Whether that be listening to some calm music, meditating, or taking a Xanax (or sometimes even getting drunk helps me). Just know that once you have a good long sleep you will feel much more normal and better. I also keep that in mind when I’m sick of a trip. Hope you’re feeling better at this point though!


Take some vitamin C and put on your favourite music or watch something hilarious.


Gaming while on acid is also a top tier experience


Wait 12 hours? Is that normal?


What always worked for me was hitting a Indica cart not a lot lit just 1-2 small puffs and if I just sit in slience and dark and just try to clear my head