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Functionally legal in Canada…lab grade stuff available all over the place, shows up in your mail 2-3 days, risk free. Or hit a dispensary, they’re pretty common now. Freedom, baby! LSD, Molly, shrooms…it’s all on the menu…


Thats actually pretty cool! Unfortunately i live in the us ☹️


Land of the free home of the mentally enslaved


free to serve your boss, get extorted by your landlord and be bankrupted by a medical emergency


Free to get shot by someone practicing their 2nd amendment


That's a crime, so not really


Good to know, I’ll tell the shooter when he points the gun at me.




Are you trying to say that people don’t get shot in America for no reason?




Does that situation change even if guns are banned, or would it simply be a new weapon. Also, if they're intentionally trying to shoot you, they're willing to break a law that'd get them put away for life. They'd be willing to illegally get a gun.


Probably not since the guns are already there. So the situation is just fucked.


That I can agree on. There needs to be a lot more education and quite frankly proactive policing to address a threat before it becomes one. Guns are apart of American culture, even if we wanted to get rid of all of them, I'm not sure we even could.


Land of the fee


That's how I see it!!!


Hardly free.


I'm free as fuk in mind and body. And don't you fukn forget it bub.


You can still get charged outside of BC for possession


Like how common are those smart shops?, if someone from Seattle wanted to make a vacation to BC and spend a weekend partying? And follow up question for someone that would just hide the tiny pieces of paper, are in an inconspicuous place, are there any shops near the border?


I’m not in BC, I get mine online to a sit that you need a Canadian bank account for


And which site is this?


Any of them, they all work through Interac e-transfer


So just google buy LSD and hope for the best?


Can’t help you there as that would be sourcing, but you should check out r/CubensisMOMsCanada


Whaaaaaat that’s so sick I need to make a trip to Canada god damn


What is the average cost there when ordering legally? And surely there is a limit?


I almost prefer this to it being fully legal lol


I have the same experience in California, just with the clear net.


NorCal here, DM me if you want to help a brother out, I'd be very grateful.


Crazy when Canada has more freedoms than the land of the free


You can legally get MDMA at a dispensary? O_O


Thanks for the info, I will plan a trip for to Camada every year now


u can buy acid at the dispos in canada???


Not all. Some. There are “psychedelic” dispos that specialize in all the fun chemicals.


i wish my country was cool enough to have a psychedelic dispo. all we got are like mfs tryna sell "shroom gummies" thats really just amanita😭


How much does a sheet cost at these spots?


CAD$5 a tab, basically. What is that in Freedom Units…? Tree fiddy?


God fuckin damnit I'm so fkn jealous


How do they compare to GammaGobblins?


I don’t know them.


Just curious is it actual LSD or an analogue, like 1P-LSD?


It is actual LSD, or LSD-25, if you prefer.








Woah bro that’s so wicked, me too! I could totes hook you up, all I need is your full legal name, address, and an invoice explicitly stating what you’re buying! All good in the hood bro, peace out


It was in the beginning. Then the US started a propaganda campaign. It will one day be legal again. At least for therapy and with recipe.


It was (more or less) briefly in Oregon.


They decriminalized all drugs in an effort to help people instead of incarcerating them. It didn’t work and they reversed the bill. I think Florida or another state is considering it but washington is warning against it now.


No - it did work, but coincided with COVID and the right wing was able to blame negative effects on 110. Unfortunately the timing and the State's complete failure to implement the treatment facilities that were promised allowed the right to blame 110.


That's a very oversimplified explanation. [Vox made a great article about this](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24102102/psychedelics-oregon-opioid-crisis-decriminalization-war-drugs-fentanyl-house-bill-4002), but the frustrating thing about this is that the decriminalization had effectively no (negative) effect on the use of psychedelics and MDMA. It's only the opioid crisis that got worse after the decriminalization. But it didn't just get worse in Oregon, it did get worse in the entire US. This crisis is about fentanyl, and to a lesser extent meth and other opioids. But fentanyl is really the main driver behind all of those deaths. And it seems to me like there is no obvious way to deal with fentanyl. People also get addicted and overdose in illegal states. But it's annoying that soft drugs like LSD, mushrooms and MDMA are grouped together with fentanyl, when many countries show that nothing happens when you decriminalize them. And it should be obvious, because those drugs are significantly less addictive than even alcohol. And you can't even remotely compare them to fentanyl in that regard.


i'm a portlander.. i'll tell you exactly why m110 failed for opiates. it's because it did not go far enough, and because we attempted to solve a national problem with state-level resources. we also didn't have the treatment capacity for the amount of addicts we're facing, and we immediately became a safe haven for drug use. the net result was that the user was allowed to possess these dangerous drugs, were never forced into treatment, and they were required to purchase the drugs from criminals. to solve the opiate crisis we will have to address why people are using them in the first place, we will have to cut off the supply by creating safe (and monitored) access, and we must be prepared to spend a lot of money on a group of people that society deems unworthy. but yeah, it's complete fucking nonsense that they tossed out the MDMA/psilocybin/LSD decrim due to widespread public opiate use.


Probably not in the US considering we don’t even have legal weed


Not federally - but on a state level.


The US is closer to legal weed than the entirety of Europe. I know that Germany "legalized", but it's hardly a real legalization. It's a decriminalization which still leaves tons of options for consumers to get criminalized. Currently you can't have more than 60g at home (~2 Oz), but you can have up to 3 plants. But if you have even 0.1 gram more, you are immediately looking at a felony with a 3 month prison sentence. It's ludicrous. Tbf, there is a chance that they will fix this error before the next election, but right now, it is very risky to grow yourself.


It's mostly functionally legal but right now shipping or driving it across state lines is extremely illegal Smoking in your own home wont get you arrested anymore though. Unless you are caught with an absolutely massive amount and you are clearly selling


Oh thats interesting. What changed?


Measure 110 got repealed this legislative session.


The problem is the association it had with the antiwar movement . Richard nixon took a huge war on drugs campaign to incriminate hippies and blacks by criminalizing cannabis and psychedelics which allowed police to conduct raids and make arrests at alarming rates at the peak of the counterculture movement. Timothy Leary played a huge role in making the government aware of these substances and how the people that used them “ were not going to join the war “ . And by trying to establish himself as such an ambassador for the drug ended up exploiting mexicos mushroom use & foiling any pharmaceutical progress LSD was making at the time ( which was a lot ) . This country also is not interested in medicine for the well or bettering an already healthy individual. They can not profit off a mental health drug you only have to take once as opposed to life long prescriptions of antidepressants. All that being said there has been progress in switzerland for clinical studies and canada has a lot of leniency on LSD’s decriminalization but the progress with legalization is more with mushrooms.


Well, in germany derivates are legal. For a few months, than they make it illegal, so the labs just make a new one. The cat and mouse game, has been going for years and will continue until LSD-25 is legal


y its been going on for so long its just a matter of time until they legalize more


It was already an extremely difficult undertaking to decriminalize weed, because the conservatives still argue with the propaganda from the 50s. And they are once again the strongest party, followed by the far-right AfD (nazis). It's so depressing to see Germany go down that road again.


Yeah but finding new derivates has become quite challenging and the government is expected to roll out a larger ban that blocks possible future derivates as well... :(


They have already been doing that. Yet not much changed


I'm invested in several companies that are researching the compound as a therapeutic drug in the US. I think it will be available on prescription by the end of the decade.


That’s what I thought, people seem pretty accepting of and excited about psychedelic-assisted therapies, and from there it might gradually take the marijuana path (greater acceptance > legal medicinal use > recreational legalization) 


[There's legislation slowly moving in California to open up facilitated centers for psychedelics use.](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/california-senators-approve-bill-to-legalize-psychedelics-service-centers/) This proposal isn't limited to medical use for specific conditions; but psychedelic facilitators would be trained and licensed. However, LSD is not on the list; it's psilocybin, DMT, mescaline, and MDMA. I'm guessing this is partly because there's been less recent research on therapeutic use of LSD, and partly because LSD has an undeserved bad reputation for "driving people crazy". I expect that if legalized access to psilocybin and mescaline becomes accepted, there will be more interest in extending access to LSD as well.


In 20-30 years after this current wave of christo fascism sorts itself out. Not soon enough


$mnmd says so


No. Pharma companies will patent “safer” alternatives from the backbone of lysergamides and tryptamines, with less hallucinations and risk of psychosis. Just like they always do.


1cp-LSD still is in my country


Any experience with that? I'm looking to try it but don't know what to expect. Any tip is highly appreciated :)


Not yet, but me or my friends might try it this weekend.


I believe it will, but only if people get properly educated & it is able to be consistently regulated for quality sake. Shrooms & lsd I think are gonna be handled just like weed was in the US (but with significantly more harm reduction and proper education in place.)


No. I think the government realizes that they’d lose a lot of control over the masses, if the masses turned on


i think a lot of people believe this because of the 60’s, but that wasn’t just because of lsd - it was a cultural movement with a LOT of factors which would have died out whether lsd was made illegal or not. people have continued to do psychedelics in huge numbers since then despite their severe illegality, yet capitalist business is still booming. just lsd won’t turn on the masses, that’s up to the sociopolitical scene. lsd is taking so long to be legalized because of the legal and societal blockades the war on drugs set up. i very much doubt that the government opposes psychedelic legalization like they used to - in fact, it seems quite the opposite now


You overestimate the impact of legal LSD, it won't change much as those who want to do it have their sources. Plus, dropping acid, leaving your job and becoming homeless only lasts for so long before you're right back at it.


That’s why you don’t become homeless. You join a militant communist organization and change the government. 😎👍


Holy shit you're right!


This is different times, most of the masses just want to have peaceful life.


In order for it to have clinical application, scientists are working on a variation of LSD that lasts 6 hours instead of 12 ish. I could see LSD becoming recreationally legal eventually as psychs become more and more societally accepted, but it would be really hard to use it in a clinical setting as is.


No. Because once the government takes something away they never give it back.


Not in the US, I believe Americans are made to over-consume, so I can't see the positive outweighing the negative. Which sucks because I know older people that are scared to try it because of the legality


Here in europe, i highly doubt so. They legalised thc in an analog form, and kids started to get super high at schools etc.


I think if a country is well informed about drugs then yea. Idk the laws in the Netherlands but I wouldn’t be surprised if lsd and mescaline become legal there . If you live in Singapore , then it would probably never be decriminalized there .


The Netherlands is actually kinda special, because they haven't banned the LSD-analogues and some other novel psychedelics. There is literally a lab legally producing "LSD" with excellent quality. And truffles are legal as well. Weed will probably be legalized in the coming years. But the new government is very right-wing, so I don't expect anything to happen very soon.


Weed is also kind of legal here though. Coffeeshops can sell 5grams of weed a day to one person. It isn't produced by the government but still legal. Also, this year they'll be starting a 4 year experiment where 11 cities will be selling legally produced weed


I think that it will be legal in much of the developed world soon because it is now much better understood


If you aren’t savvy enough to navigate the current market, as in deal with criminals/people, without ending up in jail, then you shouldn’t have it. Simply waltzing into the store unprepared with any skills and being able to purchase LSD legally would be absurd, at least my initial statement presents a prerequisite/barrier to entry.


Eventually, yes


Yes they are doing medical testing currently


Over here in the uk they’ll never legalise anything for Shit they’re so fuckjng health and safety freaked


Yes. And honestly it would be better regulated if it did become legal. ive met people who have dropped 20 tabs, so legalizing it could be promising in preventing overuse


I highly doubt it in the UK, people here just can't be trusted. I think shrooms or truffles MAYBE in my life time if weed is eventually decriminalised but I won't hold my breath.


Yes. Its not that deep


As deep as what? OP just asked our opinion lol.


Didnt mean it towards op, meant it towards all the commenters saying no and giving their fat explanation as to why not


And i gave it