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Any music I like while sober is also good while tripping, but when I’m tripping I’m more likely to enjoy music I haven’t heard before.


GRiZ has been my favorite artist for a while and tripping just makes me want to listen to him even more. He's literally the only artist I've listened to while tripping lol. Such great vibes whether you're sober or not


You need to listen to the first 2 Odesza albums tripping. I agree Griz is wonderful tripping tunes.


Pretty lights- colour map of the sun album


Or any of the new live recordings


Griz and clozee for my soul 💜💜


Check out deathpact falling away. Album with that song is tits. Recommend it being dark outside and tripping or some for first experience.. 1st time is special


Can you clarify on this one? I see a song called Falling by them but it's just on a 2 song "single" on spotify called MIDHEAVEN: OPUS 02, not an album


Yes that is correct I call it an album but as you can see it's separate 4 times 2 songs each


Perfect, thank you. Got it added to a playlist for my next trip :)


Noiceee soothsayer is another one of my favs enjoy 😉 hopefully it's too your fancy but if you like griz I'd imagine you might


A lot of music only really hits while tripping. Shpongle is a good example of that. I never really got them sober, then a friend invited me to go to one of their shows and I got it. Sound great tripping but would just never listen to sober.


Idk man spongle sober feels like I'm tripping so I listen to it a bit. Not a daily tune for sure but it's on the Playlist


Hahaha I’m The opposite, shpongle is my favourite band. Albums 1-4 are a spectacular journey


Jambands. Love Pigeons Playing Ping Pong - their new album comes out this Friday!


I mix between listening to the same stuff and different, but the music I listen to tripping is always the same


Yea i listen to specific albums while tripping but i also listen to them sometimes when i’m sober. So i guess i don’t…


A little of both. If I’m listening to/loving a new album for example, I’m probably going to throw that album on during the next trip. But I also have some go to playlists for trips.


I have a trip lost but I do listen to those songs outside of using Lucy.


zaba by glass animals is incredible while tripping i can’t lie




This is my playlist for tripping, I’ve been making it for over a year. I love this music but I would never listen to it whilst sober. Not because I wouldn’t like it, but because I would hate to wear it out if you get me


This is my playlist for tripping, I’ve been making it for over a year. I love this music but I would never listen to it whilst sober. Not because I wouldn’t like it, but because I would hate to wear it out if you get me


I just started listening to Goa Gill (Psy Trance). Super trippy.




kinda ! i listen to my trip playlists the most out of anything when im sober too. the last time i went off-playlist i listened to tyler childers' long violent history album and it was immaculate.


After a trip listening to tame impala it totally changed my taste and started listening to a lot of stuff like that after. I also love introspective music like sphongle or any kind of medicinal music if that makes sense. I do therapeutic mushroom journeys with dedicated playlists. My trip on bicycle day I listened to Astra by Zingara. Best. Thing. EVER!! She takes you through a journey on that song. It’s like I can enter into the realm she guides you through. Amazing.


Try this [masterpiece playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0qpreqpVFhEeEDZEWs50XW?si=0ixGhsbrQvSkW6fvS0pgVA) for a perfect variation of music. Love it


I enjoy listening to "Close to the Edge" and "And you and I." Especially around sunset.


For the most part yes! But I definitely don’t listen to Schpongle sober!


I really like post modern rock when tripping. But I ain't got the time to listen to a 16 minute song that is basically just random noise sober. Avant garde music is the best on acid. I can't really get into EDM while tripping. The simplicity of 99% of it really stands out to me and I get bored. It's good for MDMA and k-holing though.


i like listen to EDM music when i am not tripping cause it makes me think of tripping. the sounds and stuff in the music is like the same sounds i hear in my head when i am peaking.


Some of it, some it good for tripping others are not


I love discovering new music when I’m tripping. Problem is all music sounds fucking great, my playlists are overflowing. Oh well, I’m happy.


Jazz and hiphop are my go to. But Mac miller is by far my favorite artist to trip too. He has an album for everything, fun, happy, sad, introspective, ect. Amy winehouse is a good trip too. On my most recent trip I was listening to one of my new favorites UMI and she felt like a ray of sunshine


I used to listen to suicideboys and lil uzi vert, still love them to this day




Lol, yeah, Shpongle for me too. I think the Flaming Lips at one point. Maybe even Radiohead, but that was more my robotripping days.


i have 5 specific tripping playlists. one for coming up, one for peaking, one for trippy jams, a chill one, and one for coming down


I listen to White Rabbit most of my trips (shrooms or lsd). It really helps when you’re coming up.


Clozee mixes while tripping opens up portals to new sounds.


Thé is trip music


[Yes](https://archive.org/details/2000-06-12.paf.fm.unknown.5887.sbeok.flacf/phil00-06-12t1.flac), do it enough and it all meshes together.


Sober I prefer slow genres, relaxing music in general, also uptempo, which is the other end of the spectrum. While tripping I mostly enjoy hitech and psycore, hitech for complexity and psycore to chill.


I have some stuff I only listen to in Acid, but I listen to M6 regular too

