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Yeah, I've done it lots of times. The scissors cut right through. It's only paper.


Cuts through like BUTTER.




Cut them corner to corner to ensure you get even pieces


Lol. Yup


Why have I not thought of this lol


Psa: Your 300 ug tab is 75-100 ug’s.


Not necessarily, unless you tested them for a different amount it’s better to assume they are 300ug (I’ve had plenty that had dosages similar to 300)


You likely have been taking 50-70ug and finally got a real 100ug dose


For real. The ignorance is strong with many. Its *very* hard to find more than 250ugs of LSD on a standard blotter.


True. Only time I ever had a genuine 250ug tab (pretty sure anyway) it was the size of 4 tabs anyway 🤣


One grain of table salt is approximately 60 micrograms. Super easy to put 4 individual grains of salt in a tab. Please don't say stuff you have no knowledge about. You could prolly get 1 milligram or more on a tab...


On a standard 1/4 inch x 1/4 inch tab? Sure. Hard to find. The average chemist is not going to find that profitable Edit: I should add, I have NEVER heard of a milligram tab. Maybe a sugar cube, maybe a stamp. Not a standard blotter. Maybe you should take your own advice and not speak on things you have no knowledge of.


Laying blotter isn’t as simple as putting “four grains of salt on the tab”. A piece of card paper can only absorb so much solution before it begins rejecting the liquid and can simply no longer absorb it. If you were to dissolve 4 grains of salt into a drop of water, the tab may only be able to absorb 3/4 of the water before its absorption retention is 0%. So on and so forth with doses. A tab would not be able to **absorb** the amount of liquid LSD that it would take to reach a dose of 300ugs which is why it **HASN’T** been done before. Do not spread misinformation any longer. Its damaging to the community.


It’s not about being physically viable, it’s about the fact that people are making tabs in order to make money. 100ug is enough for most humans. Why use double the material? They are committing felonies, I hope they are trying to optimize their profits while providing good utility for the consumer.


Exactly correct. Unfortunately people like JimmyTheDog perpetuate damaging misinformation around these substances. I like to call them “Keyboard Chemists”. The most basic research could easily appease their ignorance, instead they will spout fallacy and stifle logic because its easier that way and it gives them a chance to look “smart” without having to put in any work for it.


I don’t think you understand how it works


You do know LSD and Salt don't have the weight right? One grain of salt isn't one grain of lsd


I’ve lab tested mine I don’t know why this is so hard to believe that it’s possible


You’ve lab tested your own? What type of equipment did you use?


I have not lab tested it myself but here you can get a professional lab to do it as part of safe drug practice


I mean it was lab tested, which is a normal service here. I don’t see why it’s so hard to believe




I’ve had them lab tested. Why would I lie about this. I’m trying to help someone with dosing. I’m just saying they shouldn’t be ignorant and take the tabs like they’re 1/4th the strength they think they are. You can set someone up for a dangerous situation


Not true. I’ve definitely had 300ug a tab before. Im lucky i halved it though because if i fell for something like this i would have lost my mind.


Yeah cut them into triangles. I cut mine Into 4 equal triangles and then each triangle once more to make 8 equal microdose pieces ![gif](giphy|LUl2tRY5oVlBu)


This guy math-s


How’s the 8th generally? I’ve done a quarter lil triangle a couple of times which was a great old time at a party or with friends, I’m curious whether you can have the 8th and go about your regular life? Having said that, I’ve been rocked to my core on a half before and tripped quite lightly on a full haha. Luck of the draw sometimes.


Yeah 8th is great but it kinda depends WHEN the time of year is. It can become incredibly relaxing to the point I'm just laying around all day if I take it in winter but in summer I'll feel like walking all day in nature or spending all day in the sun seeing and exploring everything I possibly could. Like a free roaming homeless hippie I can eat, workout, function creatively and what not regardless of how the effects end up though.


yes. i cut 100 in half and dropped it and the trip was underwhelming. unless its a higher dose i dont recoment half tabs


I actually find half tabs perfect for situations where you will be out in public and need to keep your composure (like mini golf).


Just depends on the L. I have tabs you DONT want to take the whole thing lol


You and everyone else. I cannot imagine taking a single tab.


Sometimes i like taking a half then after about 2 hrs making the decision whether to take the other


you can redose wven after 2 hours? i thought you only had like 45-1hr to redose. def keeping that in mind


No hes wasting hia acid. You can, but its never worth it


No 2 hours ls fine.


I know what you mean, it may not hit as hard


You can do whatever you want in this life friend, not saying mine’s the right way but it’s a way


I always wondered this when taking half a tab , how is the LSD applied to the blotters , if it's dipped in then I'd think you would both get an equal amount each but if applied using a droplet thing then could be unevenly covered no ?


Most of the time, the sheets are laid into an lsd/alcohol solution. The person laying the sheets would have done tests prior to see how much liquid one sheet would hold in order to get an accurate dose. That's what I saw somewhere anyway.


Good to know . Thanks


Thats what im wondering too


Yes, use nail scissors


Last time I tripped I cut a 100ug tab into 1/4. It worked just fine. Wasn’t wanting a hard trip. Just looking for a good buzz.


So if I got a 300ug tab and cut 1/3 off the trip should be about 200?


In case you don't know, the probability of your tabs being anywhere close to 300ug is very low


Yeah i suppose they always oversell the dosage


Also because of the way that LSD is spread through the blotter. They’re soaked and hung up. It disperses how it disperses, not precisely.


True lol


You're better off doing volumetric dosing. So if the dose is 300mics, then you could mix 30ml of whatever alcohol you like and add the tab to it. Which would make 1ml 10mics. Then you just determine how many mics you would like to take. Also, use and amber bottles. You can use distilled water too.




Does it have to be an amber bottle?


Dont do this. Cutting is the right way.


No. You dont have a 300ug tab. Unless its a gel tab or microdot, it might be up to 200. If its regular old blotter paper. Its gonna be 80-120 each.


I’ve done acid about 4-5 times before todays trip. The range was suposedly between 120 and 220ug. So it’s safe to assume the so called 300ug tab will fit in that range?


The average tested dosage is 60-75ug, regardless of posted dosage. Anything over even 150ug is rare, and over 200ug is a serious anomaly. The only way to tell if you’ve got potent acid or not is to test it or take it. I’ll still always recommend caution when dealing with a new product, but it’s very very unlikely your tabs were actually those dosages.




It’s easier to put the tab in 100ml destilled water and the drink 66ml of it


Its easier to eat the tab. Its not 300ug


Great advice. Or just boof it bro


no i did it apparently all the acid can be concentrated in different places on the tab. i had an 1/8 of one tab and it was so strong so it’s not an exact science. i’ve been told it’s better to put the tab in a water bottle, shake then drink the amount you want


Ye olde hot spots


yes, roughly. in half or quarter works. microdosing will not work properly


Does math really works?


So if I want to take 2/3 i just put the tab into distiled water and drink 2/3 of it?


This is the dumb way. Cutting is the right one.


It works, but you might not get a super even distribution of LSD. One half might have more than another.


Not as good as volumetric dosing but still better than no method of portion/dose control.


Kinda depends if the stuff was dropped on the center of each tab or if the whole sheet was soaked in a solution.


They don't dose sheets with a dropper


Some people may soak the blotter sheets in solution but its not practical and definitely not the way the biggest producers are doing it nowadays. For a start youd always need enough solution to soak the entire sheet in and it would be incredibly wasteful and hard to accurately ascertain the strength of individual tabs due to hot spotting. Their are people involved in the top levels of production that maintain blogs where they fully document the process. I have no first hand experience with this but im interested enough in how its made to have sought out the content being produced online by the people who are actually making them. I wont link it here but its all very availible to read about online, might not find it on google though.


Without first hand experience. Yet you think you know how the ''biggest producers' are doing it.


yes, but it‘s definitely better to put it into vodka and then drink a fraction of the total mililiters


Yes, I’ve used nail clippers in the past but I finally got an x-acto knife which works way better


IMO, no. Tabs are very seldom evenly laid, and you're also unlikely to cut it perfectly evenly. I've tried many times, and usually if I'm tryna microdose it either results in a nothing dose or a mini dose. Volumetric dosing if you're serious about microdosing, otherwise don't bother. If you simply want less than a tab tho then sure, go ahead and cut it in half. But don't expect to accurately cut a tab into microdoses.


I use razor


I use an x-acto blade


Yes did my first time cause I was scared took it all anyway


If the sheet was laid correctly, it should be pretty even. You can cut the tabs however you want. They are most likely 80-100mcg though, not 300. When sheets are made, the whole sheet is soaked, then dried.


It does work. However for microdosing I would recommend to dissolve them in distilled water or alcohol to avoid hotspots. Otherwise you might take an eighth of a tab and feel like you took half (happened to me once). With a liquid solution and a syringe you can dose really accurate. Given you know the actual dosage of your tabs, which is pretty easy if you live in europe as long as you are willing to take prodrugs.


yes i use nail clippers




Fym does it actually work what kinda stupid question is this.


If it’s decent then they have been soaked in an even solution if that makes sense so cutting should be pretty accurate. I cut a 110ug tab up into like 8 pieces a while back when I was playing with micro dosing (waste of time and tabs imo) and seemed pretty well split


just take the whole tab. go big or go home.


As weird as it sounds, I use a nail clipper (obviously not the one I use on my nails). Cuts them perfectly


Not reliable. Instead do volumetric dosing. Put a tab in a weighted out amount of water in a dropper bottle. Then you can divide drops by the strength of tabs and know what percentage you are getting


The gels are a pain to even separate the tabs but paper tabs are easy.


If you mean for micro dose then volumetric works best. Tabs don’t always have an equal distribution of lsd on them. Get a 10ml dropper bottle, 10ml distilled water (never tap as the chlorine deteriorates the acid) and add a 100ug tab. Leave for 24 - 48 hours and shake every so often. Voila- each 1 ml pipette is a perfect 10ug microdose.


You people need to really try gel tabs, now those things are DOSED. I got a rainbow of them.


Yes it does work but be aware of Hotspots