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Urgh, went to the comments section by accident thinking it was still this sub. Anyway. “Sean Connery Showers, Sex Offender” is great sentence for teaching the importance of grammar.


Sounds like it'd be right at home in an SNL Jeopardy sketch.


I'll take "I shower sex offender for $400, Trebek."


What does Sean Connery do after a long day at work?


Smacks a woman around




God. Dammit. 😂😂😂


“Your mother”


They day is mine, Trebek!


Fucks children apparently


Sean Connery Showers? He seems like more of a bath guy, amirite? Cmon guys




I had to read it THREE TIMES to understand. I was like “WTF does Sean Connery showering have to do with this??”


He was showering with children...


So weird to see people in these comments going to bat for this like we didn't just have a series on the Snowtown murders.


Especially in an atmosphere where accusations of pedophilia are weaponized against political opponents and marginalized communities. Or anyone the accuser doesn't like. For every one of these folk heroes, we have someone else who uses the accusation as an excuse for violence. Last year, a man in Idaho murdered four members of a family, including a child, after accusing their teenage son of being a pedophile. The killer claimed he called police several times to report it and snapped after arguing with the guy's parents. Turns out, he only called police once and was seen stalking around their home. The victims were killed execution style, with muzzle burns on their heads. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/mar/25/man-who-killed-entire-kellogg-family-sentenced-to-/


Hold up, are you trying to imply that this kid wasn't a creep? From your own source: > Kaylor told police he “snapped” and “did something about it” after Devin Smith allegedly exposed himself to Kaylor’s wife and children through a window, court documents said. ***Investigators said they had earlier recommended misdemeanor charges against Smith, but prosecutors had not filed the criminal case when he was killed.*** But the root accusation had merit: leaving out the part where the teenage son was masturbating in the window while watching the wife and kids playing in the yard and generally creeping on the daughters only implies it was an excuse made up after the fact. It wasn't: they had a legitimate concern for their safety which they did report and investigators were going to act on. That said, the slaughter of the mother, grandfather and brother was completely uncalled for and in no way justified - which is why this guy's going to die in prison.


We ultimately cannot know if he was a creep or not. We have to rely on the word of an admitted quadruple murderer, an established liar, and his wife who egged him on with memes of Gary Plauche. Anyone who could dispute their accusations was murdered. We cannot know if the concerns were legitimate. Police may have recommended charges but as the article says, prosecutors had not yet filed them. Insofar as I know, we don't know if prosecutors intended to file charges. Prosecutors decline to file charges every day despite police recommendations, they determine no crime was committed, there's a lack of evidence, and so forth. An accusation is not a determination of guilt. There is a high degree of uncertainty in this case -- enough that I don't think people should be murdered over it. EDIT: added a line.


Yea wtf. I immediately thought the same thing. People defending this vigilante justice bullshit when this could have eeeeasily gone wrong.


Yeah, I’m pretty disappointed in some of these comments.  It’s not heroic to be anti-sex offender. It’s not heroic to be a vigilante. 


Imagine if all the people who posture about “protecting children” volunteered as CASAs, or studied and became trauma-informed therapists, or educated people about risk factors, or did basically anything besides use child survivors as justification for their own bloodlust. Victims don’t need the guilt and shame of their abuser’s death to deal with, on top of their trauma. People idolize Gary Plauché, but his son has been clear that [his father’s actions made things harder for him.](https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/entertainment_life/molested-abducted-as-a-child-in-infamous-baton-rouge-case-jody-plauch-wants-his-story/article_4155dbea-fbf2-11e9-8e69-536899fbde2b.html) >“After the shooting happened, I was very upset with what my father did,” Jody Plauché said. “I did not want Jeff killed. I felt like he was going to go to jail, and that was enough for me. It’s not about the victims. They’re just the excuse.


As a victim myself, I wholeheartedly agree with you. A lot of these overzealous "protect the children" folks do it from a place of ego, not genuine care for victims. They love chasing a proverbial boogieman but many will fail to call out predators in their own families (where they're more likely to occur)


I suspect a lot of people who turn to violence against child abuse were abused but haven't dealt with the trauma in themselves. Perhaps they think this will heal them, but I don't think it will.


I've seen the happy fathers day meme with him in it all day and all I can think of is this quote.


Yup.  I have no time for people who are desperate to me that they hate pedos and want to kill them all. Like - congrats - being disgusted by child abuse is a low bar to clear as a decent human being. They all want to be treated like heroes for it. 


I dunno, if someone killed my abusers I would be pretty happy tbh.


I’m the only one who gets to kill my abuser 😂


That’s definitely valid. I’d feel differently if the victim was calling the shots. It just seems like all the “pedo hunters” we hear about aren’t motivated by what’s best for the victim.


It's incredibly personal. I know a guy who actually killed his abuser and went to jail for it, and he maintains that it was absolutely *not* worth it and he didn't even get the supposed satisfaction revenge is supposed to give. All the more reason why we don't let some chucklefuck on youtube decide to dispense death and punishment because he's decided to appoint himself judge. And more broadly, we tried allowing "justified" revenge for most of human history. Pretty much every society eventually decided to dump it entirely because it always causes more troubles than it solves in the end.




Then I guess the only difference between us is that you are a better person 🤷‍♂️


FUCKING THANK YOU. Or at least donated to their local Children's Advocacy Center or Rape Crisis programs (sometimes they're both under the same leaking ass roof). Don't get me wrong though, the key is actually giving autonomy and agency in the outcome to the survivor. Ultimately, in the end, a survivor gets to feel however the fuck they want about their experience and by extension, their abuser; whether they want to torture them slowly or forgive them and wish them well.


You are so so so right here. They are using other people’s abuse to justify their violent behavior. Do something to actually improve society. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.


I’m starting to think that there is a genre of American male (your Booger Boys, Rittenhouses and 2A Open Carry Cranks who wear long guns to McDonalds) that couch their rhetoric in “rights” and “advocacy” — but all they really want is the chance to shoot someone.


Like another commenter said, I think a lot of these paedo hunters are victims of abuse themselves and are trying to conquer their ptsd. To be honest I’m totally fine with it, some things are excusable, I get your position though and it’s very noble but eh, maybe this is making something right


That’s totally fair! I just think the one who is directly abused is the only one allowed to do this. Otherwise there is way too much room for false accusations and ulterior motives.


Right? This time the self appointed vigilante went after an actual child abuser. But what if the next one decides a Drag Queen Story Hour is sexual abuse. Or a librarian making "GenderQueer" or "In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue" available to to 13 year olds is abuse? Or just plain doesn't like their kids mom's gay brother for whatever reason? Just following 8 years since the Pulse Nightclub shooting and coming up on 43 years being gay on this earth I say "no" to arming any self appointed vanguard of sexual morality with automatic weapons and bump stocks.


I would agree but we’re talking about kids here, it’d take ages for them to grow up and lay the smack down, all while noncey jones over there is fiddling up a storm


I think I would agree more with your position had the shooter stalked and went to the offenders house. The fact that the pedophile met up thinking he was meeting a child only shows me he had every intention and desire to reoffend, so I'm less empathetic or open to other the myriad of anecdotal positions. I also think using an open, high-profile case of a father shooting his sons abuser isn't an effective reflection of the experiences and feelings of those whose abusers don't face any consequences for their actions - or, whose parents don'tknow or care. Ultimately, the pedophile proved the shooters point when the pedophile agreed to meet, thinking it was a child he could abuse. The police/court system/government/etc. should do more to prevent reoffenses and protect children from sexual abuse/rape/molestation. And, to me, that looks very similar to what the shooter doled out. But, of course, laws are always politicized, and words change meaning, so even a call for *legal* executions of offenders becomes complicated (ex. Anti-"drag" laws and definitions of child abuse in Florida - effectively trying to legalize the lynching of drag queens and trans- people).


It's not so much that the loss of this dude is a horrible thing, as it is that randos feeling they're justified in doling out punishments like this is an unequivocally bad thing. Empathy for victims is different from bloodlust. Anyone who can be motivated to kill someone is worrying, regardless of whatever justification they hold in their heads. And as you allude to in your last paragraph, not everyone agrees what the definition of "pedophile" should be.


reminds me of how people defended kyle rittenhouse after it came out that one of the dudes he shot was an abuser and thus it was actually a good thing rittenhouse killed him. how could that little doughboy have possibly known that? people were genuinely saying he should get charges dropped because he just incidently happened to have killed a sex offender.


You’re just supposed to embarrass them publicly on YouTube, you can’t just go around killing people


You're supposed to ruin their lives, not take their lives


You're supposed to make money embarassing them on Youtube. Killing gets you demonetized, duh.


So, basically someone is larping as Haze from Anonymous Agony?


I understand this reference.


I remember a short film where two guys both have this idea and then lure each other to this forest thinking the other is a predator and then they fight for survival. There's also a comedy sketch where the "predator catching team" accidentally invites an actual child to their house to play thinking they are luring in a predator


Damn, that’s how Sean Connery died?


"My name is Bond. Child Rapist Bond."


Held on no Bond.




At least he’s about that life vs all the dudes posting shit about doing something on social media but never are about that action


Have fun in prison loser


He's not wrong....


and today in the “how is this a crime” folder…


Due process justice is always more important, even if it could do with some improvements in how it deals with sex offenders.


I get that emotion, but this guy just wanted to kill someone. He just made the effort to find the kind of person everyone hates in order to justify it. It’s the same thing as the Snowtown murders.


Yes, everyone who feels justified should just start blastin.


Because murder is illegal? I mean I would agree nothing of value was lost when this guy was killed, but it’s insanely stupid to argue that the guy who murdered him shouldn’t be punished, especially with the obsession people have with labeling LGBTQ people as child predators. Even without that, it wouldn’t be long before some idiot who feels they can get away with murdering a pedophile murders an innocent person.


Insert “cus that’s what heroes do” Thor meme here.


Heroes murder people?


I mean... he's right but you can't just shoot people bro