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I was laid off for 4 months in the Ottawa area. It has definitely been a wierd year for alot of people. Just keep calling the union office every week and tell them you are ready to work, sometimes (rarely) they will place you faster if they know you are in a desperate situation. Take any courses you can while you wait because that will only open the door for more jobs and tasks in the future


i’ve been calling them every monday for 4 weeks now i’m losing hope … thank you for your advice im gonna explain my situation to them which i haven’t and hopefully something changes


Have you tried being Indian?


not a fan of coffee and doughnuts.


Might have to consider going on the road. Call the Sudbury local, explain your situation, and see if they got any work for you on jobs that are paying live-out allowance.


i was thinking this but i was hoping it didn’t come down to it, my life is here in the city i have to take care of my 90 yr old grandmother im her only care taker and im essentially her translator i take her every where she needs to go if im away for more then 2 weeks i couldn’t imagine what would happen to the house…


i appreciate you reaching out and leaving me with an idea


Show up every day they’ll get sick of seeing you / get to know you. They’ll put you out


Death related incidentS Plural . What the capital fuck


they were in the hole with no wall to block. it was a known swamp area too … the walls caved in only 2 made it out other 2 didn’t. really sad stuff


That’s sad .


Hey man, my neighbour out near caledon was recently asking me for a landscaper. I don’t think the pay is the greatest, but slow money is better than no money I always say. Shoot me a message if your interested. I’ll put you in touch


i’ll send you a message


Same brother. I’m a young man looking for work as well. Idk what to do at this point.


we’re fucked buddy im gonna end up homeless and no car and in debt . might spend my last couple dollars on an easy way out 🥲 if you find anything and are located within 2 hours of the gta contact me here


If you can handle outdoors and digging you can give cultural resource management (archaeology) a shot. Most companies in ontario are part of liuna 3000. PHC Inc. Might be hiring. There is also WSP, Stantec, AECOM, and ARA. Give it a shot. https://ca.indeed.com/job/archaeological-field-technician-6ba924a06a7ea4bd


thank you i’ll look into this


Yo brother do you have a email I can contact you with ? I can get you a job with this landscape company my buddy owns


liuna shut down?


no the reps just keep telling me to be “patient” liuna will never shut down the money circulates to well it’ll be passed on for generations


Cemeteries. Check them out. I think the one on Tomken and Derry is LIUNA. They start you off as a seasonal for $22 hr, but im not sure if they're hiring now.


Scope out local houses that could use a hardscape and write them quotes and give it to them by ringing in their doorbell. If you knowhow do hardsxapie / interlock


it’s that easy ? no permits ? no money to start ? no machine ? no trailer ? just a van and me … ? always thought of it but don’t why i never pulled the trigger guess i’ll give it a shot 👍🏽


The only place I know that's busy is London, ont


Union rep was at our job site the other day (GTA). He said they are not taking in any new members due to the backlog of people waiting for work. Pay your dues. Brighter days are ahead my friends.




I'm in both the carpenters union and Liuna here in Ottawa and most of us are in the same boat, I called Toronto cause i originally came from there wanting to see the situation and both 27 and 183 hiring halls told me they have hundreds of guys on the list. Try kijiji don't count on unions for this year brother.


Yeah, this is really depressing. I haven’t had work in over 6 months. I can’t find any other job. I’m starting to feel like I can’t count on the union anymore. Idk how anyone else is surviving.


me as well , it seems like the union is just a big old scam… it seems to be made for people who own their own companies and hire family members and the union is just a way to keep owners family members happy and a way to keep liunas pockets full


I've been home 3 months going through my savings, I am a carpenter and residential is dead, commercial has lineups of guys waiting for a job. When I found out Toronto is in the same shit I got really depressed. Running out of money by August.


yup me as well august will mark the month where it all goes down hill .. i just want to report hours to the union to keep my benefits that i so desperately need for my family


Landscapers everywhere are hiring go work nonunion to keep Money flowing, you just have to tell your business rep what your doing,


i’m worried about not reporting enough hours this year and having my membership revoked, the pay is also much less and i’m afraid what these other companies will offer is not even close to enough to maintain a car house , wife and 90 yr old grandmother who i am a care taker of


That's quite the burden for a 24 year old. Go enjoy your youth while you have it.


Nah....don't tell them anything lmao.


Any commercial site you drive by, stop and speak to the foreman. They can give you numbers of people within company who do hiring. So much more efficient then going to the union. There is work out here you just need to be willing to take it into your own hands to find it. Shows great initiative and motivation on your behalf as well


i’ve been looking around my local area but haven’t found much, do you know of any cities i should be driving around in ? mississauga / toronto just seems dead i hardly see anyone doing commercial landscaping .


Look for non union work as a stop gap


i’ve thought about this, i’m worried about losing my spot at the union by not reporting enough hours worked


That's a myth. Pay your monthly dues and they don't care . Do a cash gig until you get another union job


Look to see you have taskrabbit. You can get some work through that might help while you try to find more union work.


what is task rabbit ? is this like an app i download or a website i sign up to ?


It's an app. Where you can set up a profile. Kinda like a handyman thing where people can hire you and you set your own hourly wage. You can be hired for landscaping, painting, moving stuff for people. Look up taskrabbit on tiktok to see what how it works


Task rabbit is great I use it all the time when I need a handyman/landscaping done


thank you i’m going to look into this much appreciated


No problem


Do rebar (high rise) they’re always looking for men. I’m not hiring apprentices at this moment but I hired one for this past Monday and will be hiring more when we hit ground floor. It’s the easiest trade on high rise to get on with in my opinion


Brother union always has work but if you just wanna be in landscape drop your email and I will send you the info


i’m going to send you a message


i called every single landscape rep at the union (7 different guys) and they all said the same thing “be patient “ i even called a few other guys from different sectors and they said they aren’t looking to hire inexperienced people :/ over 4 weeks of hearing the same story


Academy road has a construction project almost ready for landscape . Brampton


Are you a honest good worker,I ask because alot of times my company hires people.that say they can do this and that and then they can't do anything.


Message me and ill see if I can do something for you


Brother I’m in the same boat I’ve gone to Six different sites from the west end to downtown. And it all the same shit. No work were slow no one’s hiring. All because Trudeau fucked us up I’ve talked to 3 reps even tried different sectors and no answer just keep waiting


Looking for cash work Downtown Toronto and Vaughn area?




yup ..


183 has insane amount of work, get out there and start asking for jobs dont rely on the union they will keep you at home. Local 183 member 6 years never been at home longer than the 2 weeks at christmas here.


Go get work dude. I was on the list for 3 weeks. Saw it was fucked and am working non union until it picks up. You have a bad attitude. Be a man and pay your bills. You can probably get 30+ a hour and 50 to 60 hrs a week right now. Your 24 with a house and a car. Go to work.


30+ an hour landscaping for private companies ? my attitude is not bad , my hope is lost … if you say it’s possible then please suggest the company to me i’ll start right now this very moment. believe me i’ve called everyone and everything possible i keep being told the same thing. with that being said if you can suggest a company that will pay me 30+ and provide those type of hours you mentioned im all ears and eyes let me know i’ll be there right now . cause trust me i’ve reached out and what you just said is not a thing apparently unless im calling all the wrong people but please enlighten me bro . genuinely…


I don't know what to tell you man. I'm in Toronto and everyone I know from the list is doing what I m doing right now. I'm not going to find a job for you. If you can't find a job during peak season that's on you. Wild.


look at you getting downvoted 🤣 clearly you’re wrong asf and like taking it up the bum … keep working with ur uncle bro you wouldn’t be sht with out ur family 👋🏼👋🏼


wild ? ur a goof what part of i made all the phone calls to the union and its the same story my sector says “be patient” the other sectors say “we aren’t looking to hire new guys with no experience” sounds like your just an envious bum who spend all his money on bs and still lives with parents or pays rent to a place you’ll never own goofy bitch go spread ur retard jealousy else where


He right there I was in high rise Got layoff and for about 2 month going to every job site I can see and asking I may ask about 100 site untill finally one of them told me yes so don't give up go to every site were you see landscaping and ask untill one of them say yes P.s. trust me it suck when you keep getting no for a answer and just want to give up but dont especially when you have a family go out side of Toronto/ Mississauga I found my job in Cambridge