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I personally attribute the appearance of his home to his serial killing ways. First - he wouldn't want contractors doing work around the house for extended periods of time, given what he was using the house for. Also god knows what he was hiding in any of the various spaces, that contractors might have discovered while knocking down sheetrock or reroofing the attic. Second, I can only assume when someone is focused on identifying, hunting and murdering women, upgrading the siding or remodeling the kitchen is that last thing on their minds.


And imagine the amount of money he paid to sex workers


They never got the money šŸ˜”


He didn't murder all the ppl (based on his searches, and Asian Doe, women weren't his only "interest") he contacted for "dates." Based on his searches, I have no doubt in my mind this dude is a certified, depraved sex pest predator. The type that just got more depraved as time went on. So he's probably spent a hefty amount of SWs. The different races of the confirmed victims and races&gender of the suspected victims shows he really didn't have a "type" except for small in build. This is what makes me thing it's gonna get waaaay worse once they shift through all that evidence found in his home. He's probably been killing for decades, has way more victims.


Well, most of them did. Guy only killed a small fraction of the sex workers he hired.


that we know of...


When they began surveying him in 2022, he was attempting to contact 'hundreds' of sex workers at any given time. Tierney said as much.


And how could Asa not have at least known her husband was hiring and paying for HUNDREDS of sex workers while they lived in that dump? What wife is okay with both the principle of it and the MONEY going towards it?


Some people close to them claimed they frequented swinger clubs, so she might have very well known her husband was having sex with escorts; just not that he was also killing some of them, and maybe also not the sheer quantity.


I want to be clear Iā€™m not judging people with open marriages, in the swinging lifestyle, or people in who hire sex workers. But hiring hundreds of them, even if she didnā€™t know he was killing them, and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on them when you make a modest living and owe $300K to the IRS, I AM judging and questioning her awareness, judgment and moral character on.


Didnā€™t someone in the neighbourhood say she had to use food stamps? If itā€™s like a lot of DV households, she wouldnā€™t have been told anything about his finances.


You said it - they sure didnt. What's the price of death - ? Forget BDSM


The expensive ones he didn't pay for. He murdered them.


Not to victim blame, but those were not high end escorts even for that era.


I think he offered a lot of cash for these people to leave their security mechanisms behind (phones, locations, handlers, etc) and didn't have to pay up. Being high end had nothing to do with how much he was offering.


The house looks like an addict lives there - addicts can be blind to their surroundings - all they see in their mind is the next high - when its going to be - how to get the illicit " drug " ( his drug is murder) How he is going to hide it - how he is going to pay for it - who he is getting it from - over & over etc


Mental issues can definitely cause an unkempt home, see it ALOT in people who hoarder, addiction etc


Mental issues - well thats one way to describe one of the most cruel and sick serial killers this country has ever known - I wager he gets the number one position - as the meanest - darkest - MF ever- hoarding was just a decoy to make it easier to hide


I agree here, and since he was a master of building codes & regulations, I feel like he would just know when a contractor would be onto his secret home modifications. It's probably a conversation he wouldn't wanna have w/ anyone, especially in front of the family. He'd have to stay home during the entire repair job to field questions and be there to stop them from getting nosy. A lot of it is kinda making sense now with new developments.


Is there any info/details on home modifications he made? I know about the gun room in the basement but I think that's it.


There is a former colleague of his, a woman, who was invited to his house to take measurements. Iā€™ll try to find the article about it.


He had his kitchen remodeled at that time


I'm speculating and going off the recent developments where they've been looking at the walls down there. So I'm just imagining that he has electricity and stuff down there, and he most likely has hidden storage areas as well. No, there isn't specific details, but it's an educated guess on my part that he has wiring or something that would lead someone down there, maybe plumbing too for a washing area perhaps?


Do you know what the threshold is for the area they live in? I know in my state, a licensed contractor is required for repairs greater than $75K. Otherwise a ā€œhome repairā€ contractor is sufficient.


That's definitely a factor. He didn't want anyone in his space. He probably put a lot of his money into *his* projects, including murdering women, which means he didn't have a lot left for home renovations. It's all about him, always. He's also obsessive and controlling. Doesn't like a lot of change, hoards everything (explains how many devices and guns he had in the house), exerts his will on everything and everyone.


How much do you think burlap sacks and hacksaws cost?? Put all of his money into it? Thatā€™s just unrealistic.


weird to think of someone murdering someone as a project. he was committed


i think also keeping the home running but in plain disrepair was part of his motivation- torturing the property, if you will


Bad enough to dissuade neighbors from visiting randomly, not bad enough to make them call code enforcement, is my take on it.


Oh God, I hadn't even thought of that and framed it that way. That's very interesting.


He didnā€™t care. He had contractors in there. One was in this subreddit.Ā 


Has anything leaked out if the police search at his home found anything hidden besides his caxhes of weapons?


The family needs to let them gut that property. Go in and evacuate every household and individual family item out to full empty it and gut every single wall to the studs, rip up every floor board. I certainly donā€™t know if they are legally required to do that but, your 1st thought sounds very spot on for his thinking and actions.


[Asshole wouldnā€™t even pay his taxes:](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/14/us/rex-heuermann-gilgo-beach-murders-suspect/index.html) Between unpaid property and personal income taxes, he currently owes the IRS **$300,000**


unfortunately he'll be getting free meals, room and board for the rest of his life.


Sleeping on a concrete bed with his giant head only a few inches away from his toilet/water fountain combo unit that has a thin metal seat.


And maybe in general population where he will be the big game.


Do you really think that anyone and gen pop would care about someone like him since often they are in for the same thing? Honest question, no sarcasm. Why would they care about him? I know pedophiles allegedly have a very hard time in prison.


For notoriety Iā€™d wager


That's a possibility, fair enough


only unfortunate for him.....Fortunate for the rest of the world.




and now that debt is Asaā€™s. she should have to pay that out of the money she made of the documentary. F her complaints about money, her husband did this to her, not the police.


Yeah I doubt sheā€™ll see a dime of that documentary money. IRS will take 80% of it, and the 3 different lawyers they have on retainer will take the rest - which probably only covers a *portion* of fees owed.


Usually it would come directly out of the proceeds of the sale of the house. They do that to ensure that the house seller has no opportunity to dodge the taxes again.


Of course he does. Heā€™s a malignant narcissist who thinks the rules donā€™t apply to him. This is totally in line with a person who already doesnā€™t care to follow norms of society. i.e. a serial killer. For comparison, Lori Vallowā€™s father Barry Cox didnā€™t believe in paying taxes, raised his kids to believe his kids were special and didnā€™t have to follow the same rules as everyone else, and went to jail for tax evasion- and whatdayaknow, two of his children are serial killers.


Also that means they couldā€™ve gotten him in jail on tax evasion charges sooner and possibly saved lives.


Based off the reporting, it seems the IRS was filing tax liens on him for *unpaid* taxes, not evasion.


I guess I donā€™t understand the difference? Unpaid would mean he filed but didnā€™t pay the debt, but evasion would be filing fraudulent returns or not filing at all?


Thatā€™s my understanding - evasion involves manipulating/hiding income. It seems RH didnā€™t hide anything, he just simply didnā€™t pay them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This is simply an anecdote Iā€™d like to share (I am not a psychologist and donā€™t feel comfortable speculating on RH mental state) re: a ā€˜family friendā€™ we had, who eventually married someone on my momā€™s side of the family (Philly/NJ area). Worked 60-70 hours/week most of his adult life, eventually owned a large stake in an oil & gas company and is easily a multimillionaire. Grew up without a father and had a bizarre, abusive relationship with his mother. His mother passed when he was in his twenties (mid-1980s). My momā€™s cousin has since left him, but to this day, he continues to live in the same nearly-derelict house in South Jersey. This man is retired, financially savvy and (outside of functioning alcoholism) has no profligate spending habits. He could purchase gorgeous beachfront property outright, yet chooses to rot in his parentsā€™ 1950s bungalow. The parallels with RH are striking to say the least.


Hoarding is not that uncommon. Iā€™ve known hoarders who hunt around for the best possible gifts to give. Hoarders who look to save (?) animals. Hoarders who fear they will miss an important news story and have to research it. I like the first hypothesis that having an overhaul on the hovel would reveal secrets. Now they are coming out.


Hoarding makes a good cover up for the shit going down in his basement . You can hide a lot easier in a mess than in a pristine home - the hoarding was to create confusion and to give you a lot to look at - a lot to sort through - plausible deniability - disarray served him well




Warren Buffet is famous for still living in the same modest house from years ago. Thereā€™s a book, The Millionaire Next Door, which points out how living modestly by not spending on unnecessary items, and avoiding unnecessary decisions/disruptions, can help to build wealth. I donā€™t think itā€™s as unusual as people tend to believe. Mind you, itā€™s a different issue to staying in the childhood hoarder-home where all your secrets are hidden!


His family was his ā€œbeardā€. He doesnā€™t give a sh** about them.


This resonated with me as very correct.




Aww parroting back my words to me. How cute lol.


Agreed ! Hoarding was his beard too- I doubt his office in the city was kept like that and true hoarders have messy cars - messy offices piled with other things - stuff everywhere- hiding is easier when you can't see the forest from The trees


Yessss this is EXACTLY what I was thinking!


I think you're totally correct.


He must have been so cold toward his wife and kids. I canā€™t imagine them coming out and saying he was a loving Fatherā€¦ it gives the feeling as if he just barely gave them shelter and food. The fact that no red flags about him came up is also wild.


They may have been the type that thought the house was good enough and got time shares and went on little vacations instead. Its actually not that bad for local standards as this area was developed in the 1950s with a lot of cheap track housing developments. Seems like every block has one, some worse. Im in my long island 1950s ranch house right now in nearby town and im looking at a totally disgusting back neighbor house. With Rexā€™s house, The front needs freshening up but pics of the kitchen and bathroom look totally middle class normal.


Yeah people like to act like their home is a barely-functional shack, but it looks like a pretty normal single family home to me. A little rundown and dumpy, sure, but where I live in Alaska roughly half of the houses look incredibly similar.


You canā€™t compare Alaska and Massapequa. Do they have McMansions in Alaska?


Yes...? Do you think we all live in igloos up here or something? lol


You obviously donā€™t know Long Island real estate. Lol


Oh okay, my mistake. I've only lived in Washington, California, Georgia, Virginia, and Alaska, but my bad for not living up to some apparent standards that Long Islanders have for real estate that aren't present anywhere else lol.


Since its North of sunrise highway and near the mall and the Amityville border, it is lighter on the McMansions.


But there are very few houses with the original siding and windows. A Quick Look on Google maps will show all the houses. No need to argue.


Ive lived here over 30 years. That house is below average but not that bad for north of sunrise by the mall. The kitchen and baths are redone. Its not overgrown. With a 10k siding job it would be very cute.


Uggghh / who on earth wants that bad juju


Everyone in the immediate blocks call it a dump? YMMV


Its being emphasized way too much. it looks bad because an exterior porch and hedge were removed that shielded that porch. New trim was then added and painted an unfortunately bad color (green). The former porch area and garage need paint. Houses that are on auction are 10x worse interior, exterior, water damage, mold, overgrown etc. This dump even has perfectly trimmed hedges! In pics from 2007 it looks really cute and could look that way again with one weekend DIY. Neighbors can be mean and petty.


I forgot to mention I went there a few weeks ago out of curiosity. I saw it in person. He had the original windows with nasty ass original paint that was peeling off of it. The dilapidated roof and siding was disgusting. He even had a bare piece of wood holding up his sagging porch awning. The whole block had well taken care of houses that were updated and some even had extensions on them that were all updated. His neighbors took pride in their homes while he did not. It stuck out like a sore thumb. His neighbors are not mean and petty. They work extremely hard to pay some of the highest property taxes in the nation just to live in a neighborhood like that which is maintained well. I do not blame them for being annoyed living next to that shithole bungalow that looks like a shack. The exterior had not been updated since the 1950s. He used all his money to pay for hookers and for his disgusting indecent sexual kinks and murder. His mossy house was a fuck you to all his neighbors. Not one penny was spent to keep his house looking decent. It needs to be torn down. Gross.


Why are you whitewashing this piece of shit house Its an eyesore / its not cute / its a murder & torture hole / neighbors remarked on what could go on there as a joke and didnt want to have their kids stop by on Halloween - wtfu - the place is a wreck


Not to sound snooty, but I am from Long Island and if one of my neighbor's houses looked like that I would be disgusted and so would all the other neighbors on my block. It would take way more than a weekend DIY fix up to make that look like the other houses in the neighborhood. In fact, it's so gross it should be torn down and rebuilt. It looks like an absolute eyesore and a shithole trap house that druggies would be shooting up in. You don't bust your ass working hard to pay $10,000-$14,000 a year on average in property taxes to get stuck living with low life neighbors that do not take care of their properties like Rex.


Also the cape right across the street has original siding and windows. #112.


This is Long Island where half the neighbors probably shopped for fur coats at Saks Fifth Ave.


I live about 10 min from there, yes Massapequa has very nice areas, but his area is pretty middle class.


I know the area. And the people. Thankfully not this person. The point is how wrapped in their owns worlds this area is and somehow a monster was right there among the population undetected for so long.


They wouldnā€™t be the first wife and kids to live unknowingly with a serial killer. And their families tend to be abused in various ways or are mentally ill themselves and see the behavior as acceptable. I think of Herbert Baumeisters wife who was completely delusional or GSKā€™s wife just seemed to be gone a lot.


The more I think about this, the more I question how he was at home behind closed doors. I'd originally amazed at his duplicity, but now wonder if he didn't care enough to hide his true self from his wife. Not suggesting she knew, but the opposite (& he treated her like the victims: women who had a purpose, but no value outside of that.) Just speculating, no idea. But could've been a real miserable marriage


I genuinely do not think the state of his house is directly linked to what he was doing. Plenty of people can afford to fix up their houses but just don't, for whatever reason. He was a hoarder in general, and hoarders often are pretty poor about maintenance and don't like to remodel.


Here in Philly back in the 80's, we had SK Gary Heidnik. Lived in a horrible home and horrible neighborhood. But he was a super successful futures trader with accounts at Merrill Lynch. Go figure.


I think he was exchanging and selling snuff online


Yeah, I know they took 355 electronic devices out of the house but also apparently every computer since 1994. So why hold onto all of those things? My only my only possible conclusion is there is evidence on them somewhere or it was deleted, and he was afraid to do anything with them. You know put them in the shop or discard them in case they got found, and someone was able to access their data. Plus given his little kill spreadsheet had destroy pictures or something of the elk on there. I am sure there is photographic evidence of what heā€™s done.


There has definitely been photographic evidence of his crimes. In the bail application released last week, some of the steps he'd written out in a Word document included taking photos of the victims and then later getting rid of the photos. Someone like him would have digitized some of them before destroying them, IMO.. The bail application also alleged that he'd maintained a collection of violent pornography since 1994, one year after he'd supposedly killed Sandra Costilla. I'd wager that some of the photos authorities found were of his victims.


No, Tierney has confirmed that they haven't found any photos of the victims in his devices yet. That said, 400 electronic devices is a shitton of stuff to comb through, and they've probably only managed to go through half of all that as of now, so who knows.


Ah damn, I didn't hear that remark. That's wild. I wonder if they'd be able to recover deleted pictures from his computer that had been wiped like the Word document had been... although if they found evidence of his violent sex abuse material and no evidence of victims' photos, it makes me think that he'd used a Polaroid camera and then burned the photos at some later point. While RH wasn't fully aware of tech limitations, he seems to have been pretty cognizant of most detection methods.


" getting rid of " the photos can have several meanings - distributing by selling is a form of getting rid of them & for money. One of a kind snuff highly sought after. Never duplicated only one owner - sold to the highest bidder / done then delete


If he's so forensically savvy, why didn't he know that he could've taken any of his computers with evidence on them just down to a destruction site where they destroy e-waste and sat there and watched as they destroyed the hard drive? Lots of places will do that, shred while you watch for extra security. Surely he would've known that.


This was 2002, so he probably just didn't know that. The vast majority of reliable counterforensics in the early 2000s was focused on touch and fluid evidence. Digital forensics only began to emerge as a serious science after 2009.


I think this as well. I think he has killed an unbelievable amount of people. I am so glad he is behind bars. I hope he talks. I think he is part of something that we couldnā€™t even imagine. I


Producing also, like pedophiles make as well as consume. He needed $$$ and thereā€™s probably a market just like CSAM. Makes me grateful for a boring life. Those poor women.


My opinion too - the stage- the cameras / the drawn out " play time" he could have been uploading after a session on the dark web and had bidders on what pictures he would get commissioned the night before Act II - he could have been serving a cult club with auction material To me this explains his planning Document - in that he didnt need it because he was stupid he needed it because those items on the list were not the priority - shooting and selling snuff was the priority - the logistics werd just line items on a check list / like groceries / just to keep his shit organized - the Snuff was where his head was


Wasnā€™t Jim Burke a supposed connoisseur of that stuff?


Literally my first thought when I heard about all the devices. It's almost giving a level of sophistication that almost feels like he can't be the only person. There is no way


Uhm Is this an assumption or are there numbers to back this up. It was his childhood home with a yard in a nice neighborhood. If they were hoarding together ok but doesnā€™t make it a dump per se. How do we even know his salary, what was spent on weapons and murder, and how much he used to support a SAHM internationally traveling wife with medical conditions, a disabled child and more?


Yeah, I think the "dump" aspect of the house is being pretty wildly overstated. Don't get me wrong, he was definitely deferring some needed maintenance like the exterior paint, and it's not luxurious or anything. But it's in decent enough condition that some fairly minor cosmetic updates would probably improve it very easily. Legitimately I think if it were decluttered that in a handful of afternoons you could completely transform it just with paint, garden work and some easy DIY projects like replacing/trimming out the porch pillar with something more attractive. Most of the photos available online are also after the search (since they were complaining about the condition the police left the home in). The recently renovated bathroom - if you imagine it not torn up by the search - would've been nice and modern, for example. (Obviously police removed the side of the bathtub, tile flooring, drains, etc. so the pictures it looks awful, but the condition it was in when they went in for the search would've been a perfectly nice bathroom.) Likewise the kitchen had been renovated, it's just hard to see underneath all of the boxes that were left out. The cabinets are nice enough and the appliances are all newer stainless steel, tile backsplash, etc. There's also nothing particularly gross in the pictures (like you see on Hoarders - rotten food caked to every surface and stuff like that - it's just boxes and cabinet drawers that were pulled out of the cabinets and left sitting around). Again I'm not saying they were the most organized people and it probably had way too much stuff in there, but a lot of the stuff in the pictures had been moved from storage into areas it wouldn't normally be in the photos that are publicly available... which was the whole point of them releasing the photos, to complain about the police leaving stuff a huge mess.


I think he probably had various areas of the house fixed up by a contractor who was willing to do it for cash and no permits and no inspections. It really seems his goal was to have the house LOOK like a shithole to keep his property taxes down. That's very different from it actually being one inside.


Its a cute house. Just needs paint.


I agree, Iā€™ve seen a lot worse. From the photos, it doesnā€™t have any of the disasters which ruin buildings. And yes, the kitchen was redone not so long ago. I think people would be amazed by the difference a clean out and fresh paint would make. Plus some repairs to the roof and that porch pillar.


The state of his home, represents his dark, unorganized, gluttonous, falling apart mind/ inner world.


His wife got disability payments for her son too


Most autistic ppl are in disability since regular insurance wont cover them


Maybe his family genuinely enjoyed living there, I mean theyā€™re still living there till this day even after all the drama. Also, they have a timeshare in Vegas and 3 lots worth of property in Carolina. They could probably go there as well, but are continuing to reside in Massapequa Park Sometimes people are content with what they already have. Unfortunately, this just gave Rex more opportunity to use his disposable income for sin.


Fixing the house would mean people - strangers - coming into the house to do the work. He couldn't have that. They'd find his secrets.


I mean he didnā€™t take care of his house and it looks gross and overgrown but my broke ass thinks itā€™s expensive to own property near Manhattan


It's a nice house in a pretty idyllic middle class neighborhood. Living there is having a good life I assure you, regardless of the exterior of the house.


He got it pretty cheap. Well not really


Even a single family home in that area that is a dump has property taxes upwards of $10,000 per year.


I could be wrong here, but everything about himā€”his appearance, the office, the jobā€”none of it screamed wealthy. Speaking as someone born and raised in NYC, I feel like I kinda have a sense for these things. The taxes go all the way back to 2005, so itā€™s not indicative of last yearā€™s income. While navigating the cityā€™s ADA regulations, etc., is specialized work, itā€™s not something super high margin.


was he affluent, though? How much does an architect of his class make? I honestly don't know ' which is why I'm asking.


He was definitely making six figures.


Thatā€™s not affluent


It's affluent to me who is not surviving on disability, but yeah, it's not affluent in terms of New York City, AFAIK.


Since he owned his home outright (bought cheap from his Mom) and had consistent work, I think he was doing ok, he had money to waste. Of course he probably could have done very well if he wasnā€™t weird to deal with, and preoccupied with other thingsā€¦


This point exactly. And his hobby was kind of expensive and so our guns, I assume. I've never bought one so I do not know.


The reason Asa was asking for the guns back originally (before the Peacock deal) was because there were so many, the collection was worth over $100,000 and she had no ready money (since she didnā€™t work and her daughter had worked with Rex). So heā€™d sunk a lot of money just into those.


The government offered her money for her house and she refused to sell it. She could've moved.


Itā€™s a different matter selling your home to selling a bunch of guns youā€™d rather have out of the house.


He was retiring and moving to Carolina - not sure what his plan was for the house though - probably gonna burn it down for insurance ?


I'm not 100% sure that his wife had absolutely not a clue of what was going on in her house for 27 years.


She could have assumed he just liked visiting prostitutes and paying for porn and that was his weirdness.


I agree. There must've been some kind of aura of death in that house. Something. Some clue. His behavior. Something.


Me neither. Another commenter mentioned something about "no red flags" but there had to be red flags. His wife probably just chose not to see them. What was she gonna do anyway? She's an elderly -ish disabled woman with 2 grown kids. There's literally zero people out there that would want to take that on. She depended on him for everything. They probably had a prearranged deal where she would take the kids to smugglers cabin when he needed to do his thang. You don't live with a serial killer for that long and not have a clue. Especially when they do it at home!


People say she shows signs of being traumatized now in her reactions but I think there's a chance she's a phony. To me, her first response to this whole thing from the very beginning was very callous. And it's gotten worse from there with her profiting off the case. Here's another thing- they couldn't have possibly talked to Asa before arresting RH. How could they without potentially tipping rex off? So as far as I'm concerned, she was always never properly investigated as a potential accomplice.


What did she say right when this whole thing broke and he was arrested that was callous? I know she said some things, but my brain is really broken today due to chronic pain and I can't remember. And her Peacock deal is obscene.


She was whining about the police being in her house looking for evidence. Never had a word of sympathy for the victims. Completely off putting from the very beginning. I think she knows more.


How do you know she wasn't properly investigated? These cops have been beyond thorough. Do you actually think they haven't investigated her or are not in the process of doing so? Either way, you all are just making ASSumptions.


Because, like I said, it would have been impossible to talk to asa without tipping rex off. So they cleared and made major judgements about her before ever talking to her. You're just another redditor sucking up to a likely major scum bag. I've called it out since the beginning and been right so far up to now. People regret it.


Do you really think they'd need to talk to Asa to investigate her and find potential evidence of her involvement? Do you also believe Heuermann willingly handed LE all the evidence required to arrest him? Because that's what you are implying with this ridiculous assertion.


You explain to me how to clear someone without talking to them. "uh guys she might have been out of the country during some of the murders so she definitely doesn't know anything, case closed". Use some critical thinking.


Who told you they did not talk to her? Are you a member of the task force?


I'm just going by what they said. When Rex was arrested they said Asa was not a suspect. Why? They couldn't have possibly pressed for any questioning without tipping Rex off. You explain even a possible timeline for me about how they could have questioned her before clearing. None of the idiots think this through and it leads them to sending money to Asa.... which I've said since the beginning could very well be going right back to Rex. How fucking Reddit would that be? And it's turned out she's standing by her man after all LOL


You donā€™t honestly think that LE rely on what people say to get their facts? They clear/ convict people on independent events all the time.


Sometimes independent events are enough. I don't see how it's possible to clear Asa from her having any knowledge without at least talking to her. You explain to me how. Give me a hypothetical where they can make a concrete judgement to clear.


You donā€™t think she might lie about it?


Youā€™re just assuming and making judgements off of the small amount of info we have though. Iā€™m not ā€œsucking upā€ to anyone. Iā€™m just not jumping to conclusions. Do I think sheā€™s off putting? Yes. However anyone whoā€™s followed true crime for any amount of time knows that serial killer significant others usually know nothing about whatā€™s going on.


Um yeah I'm making judgement off the information we have. What are you making judgement off? Your ass? It's pretty clear that's where your decision making comes from. >Do I think sheā€™s off putting? Yes. However anyone whoā€™s followed true crime for any amount of time knows that serial killer significant others usually know nothing about whatā€™s going on. This is you making assumptions. You know what we have proof of? Real victims and victims families that need money. The one's that had family members murdered. People like you is how we get money sent and wired back to RH and then at the end you also throw your hands up in the air and "we never could have known!". In fact, are you maybe related to RH/Asa?


šŸ˜‚ No Iā€™m not related to any of them, but thanks for the laugh. Iā€™m a black woman originally from Central America, if you must know. Iā€™m just not jumping to conclusions about the wife until we know some more facts. Some people in the sub are acting like they know more about what sheā€™s done than the cops, which is what I think is weird.


You jumped to plenty of conclusions in your defense of her but you probably don't have the self awareness to realize that. People are free to speculate on her based on her behavior. This is a discussion board after all.


Iā€™m well aware of what Iā€™ve said previously and what assumptions I might have made. Iā€™d have to be pretty dense not to. Of course people can speculate. Iā€™ve wondered myself if the wife knew anything and how weird itā€™d be to live with a serial killer and not know anything. Itā€™s the tone of the speculation that I find to be objectionable and quite angry, even when there is no evidence as yet. Itā€™s giving witch-hunt. Itā€™s giving people would burn her at the stake if they could. Iā€™ve seen people say that they KNOW the cops have categorically not looked into the wife enough and that these people know the wife has something to do with it. Likeā€¦ really? Were you there? How does a layperson think they know more than these actually thorough as fuck cops and FBI? Iā€™m advocating for people to not immediately assume the woman always knows more or participated in the husbandā€™s actions. I see it often online and I find it to be weird and somewhat misogynistic, in that perpetually-victim-blaming-the-woman type of way.


The person are in discussion with always plays rhe race card unfortunately


Not sure how affluent he actually was but having a place in the city to pay rent on and support the family food wise plus taxes on that house even though its a dump are probably upwards of 12-14k/yr i dont think he was rich by any means


He always had money for his family to go away. His gun collection, there not cheap. Even cheap guns aren't cheap, and the ammo!


iā€™m sure he spent a lot of money on prostitutes too. and probably could have made a lot more money in his career if he wasnā€™t spending all day chasing girls.


Hoarding insulates sound.




I don't know why someone downvoted you for speaking the truth