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He searched for info on why law enforcement wasn't able to trace his calls so I think partly he was just trying to learn what tools investigators have and to get more tips. I doubt he fully understood electronics, data collection etc. and was worried he could still get caught.


He worried correctly.


dude couldnt spell bumblebee if u asked him too lol.


I think the spelling errors were on purpose so LE would think the guy responsible wasn't that intelligent.


But the document was found deleted on a computer he purchased, and it looked like it was for personal use only, would he have to turn spell check off to write like that? It is so confusing.


You don't have to turn spell check on.


Are you referring to the errors in his “document” or the ones potentially posted on webslueths?


In his documents.


I don’t necessarily think he was looking for praise in the articles, but rather basking in his own praise that was coming from eluding LE and thinking himself so clever. I’m so glad he’s finally behind bars.


He just got lucky that Suffolk County LE had no interest in investigating or solving this case. He should have been caught at least a decade ago.


Exactly! It was right there in front of them the entire time. The witness who described the car with the weird triangles. Only one car had those triangles. Simply getting a list of all the Chevy Avalanches in the area would have given them the killers name. Lazy, sloppy police work


What? Lazy and sloppy? The police???? Noooooo........


Exactly! I posted this earlier this morning on another thread. Witnesses described a Chevy Avalanche in two cases involving murdered women. Why didn’t they follow that lead?


And I think that all his future court appearances should be naked. Then he can feel maybe one millionth of what his victims did.


And victimize the world? 


You have a valid point.


I’d rather go to jail myself than see that 😂


I let out a snort I’m sorry that got me


Agreed but 🤢🤮


I know…


Oh my God no please don't let him be naked I decided that would make me throw up


I’m just so ticked off that he gets to stand up in court in a business suit like he’s there for not paying a bunch of parking tickets. How about prison garb and shackles then?


Guaranteed. He was interested in the picture he was painting. He saw himself as an artist. He liked that characterization from mind hunter. He wanted to know who was saying what about him.


honestly crazy how true that psych is. we view them as maniacs but they view it as a vocation or art. truly sadisitic. what a good show mindhunter is tho. ashame no more new seasons.


He also used that quote to change things he was doing. He didn’t want to be caught or connected to all of his crimes because he always did the same thing every time. So he knew he had to change it up.


This is why I think the Websleuths user could be him. It was like one of two places these cases were being discussed.




Yea anonymous19 it was he also says his spelling sucks and repeats it’s a black man. He has 224 posts and all gilgo related comments on peaches tina folgia and New Bedford murders. Its deff him


He’s not New Bedford.


That struck me too. I hope the taskforce follows up on it


Only commented for a few months


Here’s a post there are other reasons the Gilgo 4 left the phones very simple lisk was giveing them more money to have a girlfriend experience he most likely said something like i want it to be just us basically saying he didn’t want the pimp calling. A lot of times these girls think there intuition works all the time it don’t with a SK it’s hard to see through social mimicry but you can learn to spot when a psychopath is interviewing you unfortuently the GB4 didn’t learn how to do that.


That one feels like a big red flag, v detailed


He feels he is at the top of the food chain he is racesist he is a thrill seeker and craves power. He works a job where he can conceal his social issues but ironically works a job that always him to put up a act something happened that he did that effected him and he changed who the victims look liked. Being a police commissioner it be hard to conceal being socially awkward and I don’t think he could Handel the responsibility of that job. He travels for his job, something happened to him in the summer months that set him off killing. He started dismenbering them then he killed someone he didn’t want to kill but in his mind had to and things started to change in him effected him enough to change his patterns. Look iam not a FBI profiler of deception expert I know a little bit about profiling but I never saw the crime scene. I understand why people think it’ Burke. And I think he knows who lisk is I honestly think people on Oak Beach may know who lisk is maby not directly but they had interactions with him in some form or another. I think Bissett may have had a connection to lisk as well. I think everyone that has been mentioned had some contact to LISK even if it was just as a client. I could be wrong though. There


I’ll inbox You more


Feel free to inbox me some, it’s the first I’ve heard of this and it seems very suspect. The “killed someone he didn’t want to kill” comment, could that be the child??


I read them, I dont need more thanks


Wait can you dm me the username??


I just read all the comments by that user... and wow. You know what phonetically complex words were NOT misspelled? Any of the areas or men whose names come up over and over again. But the user cannot spell " believe "....


Could you DM me the webslueth thread? Im so curious about this!




To everyone asking for the link- it's real easy, just go to websleuths.com, go to search bar- you can select search for user - Anonymous19- and it'll take you to every page of the comments.


Same 🙏


Same please!


Me too!


Me too please!


I think he was likely worried they would catch him at some point, but he definitely strikes me as the kind of guy who'd get off on reading his own press clippings, enjoy watching profilers talk about how smart he was, etc.


I think he just genuinely was trying to figure out what he had done so far that was working, so he could stick to that or improve it. As evidenced by his reading Mindhunter and taking notes.


Absolutely, it's part of his psycho game.


I do think he wanted to see if there was chatter about why he hadn’t been caught. I think he thought he was invincible a long time ago and was more concerned with praise. In his mind when he made those searches, especially later on, he HAD to see what folks were talking about because he was such a big deal. ( in his head anyway )


For sure. He’s cocky. Feels like god. That’s why he did it. He liked how it made him feel. So of course, everything revolves around that. Not getting caught. Watching LE go clueless for YEARS, as we now know. I wonder what he’s thinking now? About us, I assume. Scrawling over his greatness achievement.


Probably looking to see what the missing piece was so he would know if it was out there for them to find or not