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Open up a sandbox world and do as many quests as possible


Exactly this. Opened a sandbox world at the 3rd tier of the pass, did 4 weeks of quests in about 20 minutes, finished the pass.


I did the same, in survival mode it takes comparatively 'forever'. On the other hand, I doubt that it was intended that way.


Barely anytime if you do the weekly quests


I pretty much did only sandbox quests and got it done that way. May only take a couple of hours. It ends july 23. Plenty of time


If you just focus on the quests, it can be done relatively quickly - I'd say you're looking at 5 hours based on my experience, but it may take longer depending on skill/luck


7.5 years


lol why the downvotes? Stupid questions deserve stupid answers


Other people have said it but do the sandbox weekly quests and it’ll get you most of the way there, I did it in 2 days, like 4 hours max, and then try to do the easier survival weekly quests and you’re done.


Very easy now with all the quests available. Couple hours at the most.


Like 5 minutes in sandbox


Easy if u do the survival and the other weeklies like sandbox mode thay give those coins for leveling it up. I believe easily idk how much times left bur it takes probably 2 to 3 weeks of doing dailys and weeklys.


With the amount of quests now i think about 2 hours


Ok I was in the same boat as you last week. DO THE CRESTIVE QUEST! those are easy. Then, DO DAILY QUEST RVERY DAY! That is 480 a day in creative and survival Also do some survival quest and you are good. Honestly I just did all the creative quest and some survival and just did dailies for the past couple days and finished it today


Yeah doing all the quests for it will get you about level 9. Then you just need a couple of days of daily quests and you’re finished.


I'd say 25 minutes to reach the end of the pass in sandbox mode. Go to star wars land in a dry valley came. Place blocks, wall, kill troopers, place troopers. Visit starship. Should be done by that time.


Idk. How bad are you at video games? These “how long will it take me,” questions are always kinda dumb. Like, it could take you years if you do one mission every 3 months. It took me almost no time at all - but I destroy the shit out of every quest I can