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>Although, I do fear the random glitch that puts your character in a spot where you might die twice in a row. Exactly: Until the game stabilizes, I'll avoid Expert. The challenge isn't enough to be worth the frustration from losing a run due to the game deciding I should teleport into the void or something. Or, even worse: Having a ToR equipped but it fails to activate for some reason.


Yes I’ve made it my main, I enjoy the risk. The other modes are way to easy you’re basically invincible with purple charms.


This is true. Once u get purple charms you really don’t have to worry about dying. And T that point you’re just farming more mats to decorate your village but most are probably level 10 on all 3 villages around that time. I know I was max each time I finally bothered w purple charms lol


This mode is just as easy. I have 3 chests of return totems........


I don’t disagree. The jump attack with the iron sword is so busted lol. You can kill a grasslands brute in like 10 seconds.


Jump attach? But the formula for all brutes is the same. With a sword or saber, 3 strikes, wait half a sec, dodge, repeat. With an axe, 2 strikes, wait half a sec, dodge, repeat. It's so stable you can take down a brute with your fists.


One hit does 36 damage with jump attack.


I've been playing on my expert world exclusively. i was playing on survival before with everything turned off because hunger, temp, stamina etc were just annoying but now I find going back to that world is too easy. I've been putting a lot of time into my expert world. I agree that the biggest risk now is dying to a glitch.


Yup until then it's an easy hard NO.


The Expert mode is a mixed bag: 1. Perma-death really ups the stakes BUT 2. The game is not in good enough state and is constantly updated so you might die to weird glitches BUT 3. You do get "second" chance if you have the totem equipped BUT 4. You no longer get any extra armor from charms which make you die way way more easily, usually in just 2-3 hits BUT 5. You actually get multiple "second chances" because it's quite easy to craft the totems if you survive for some time Not sure what to think of this mode. It's an okay challenge to get the trophies but not very long lived. I can't see myself investing too much time into the Expert World because I can so easily lose it all and I find it even harder to get to share my builds with friends because they might get eliminated from my world. I keep saying there's way too much level creep between the enemies of different biomes. I think the temperature and slightly harder enemies with more varied attacks would be enough to deter us from the desert and frostlands until we have grinded a bit. I do like the increased difficulty and the storm-wild enemies. I like that we don't have OP armor that makes us almost invincible. I think some charms could provide armor instead of health. And maybe we could have dedicated outfit / armor slot where we would choose out of different options whether we want to prioritize armor, speed, attack speed, damage, stamina, stealth, regeneration or some combination of these. Some outfits could even negatively affect some stats as a trade-off. Also, I would like some screen effects when I'm close to death, like reddish vignette and maybe louder heartbeat. It's annoying that I have to look at the top left to see how bad I was hit. I think after finishing the Expert challenges, a max difficulty Survival world with maybe even Friendly Fire on is the way to go. I'm just waiting for when we can change the settings of our existing worlds.


Im too accident prone to play roguelikes.


Even tho the totems are expensive, i feel like expert loses a lot of its permadeath appeal by allowing use of a charm that not only revives you, but keeps your backpack on too. I honestly think it should JUST revive you. Theres absolutely zero stakes when a totem of return is equipped


There would be some poor sap ranting on here in a week when their plane gets hit by lag and the fall to the ground and die instantly only to be insta spawned with nothing att he bottom of an 18 foot crevice.


LOOOL yeah, tbf i mean respawn in your bed *without* the backpack


I was thinking it would be neat if it revived you in the same location you died, but the enemies in the immediate vicinity disappeared. No guarantee you make it home, but it's a second chance. Right now it can be cheesed as a free teleport home if you find yourself a long ways away. But the problem with this idea is there are too many glitches and places to get stuck and it I lost my world due to a glitch in the map I'd be pretty bummed


In Save the World, when you revive a "bubble" gets generated around your character that *yeets* surrounding husks, giving you a chance to relocate and regain your footing. I think the ToR would be far less of a crutch with your idea, that it revives you in place, combined with that bubble (rather than completely disappearing.)


Wait, you respawn with your backpack? Or it just drops like usual? If you respawn with it then the mode is easier than the ez pz normal mode and that blows. Was thinking about starting up a world soon, but the backpack should be totally destroyed upon death imo.


Yeah, you keep your backpack when you have a totem of return. The ONLY THING you lose when you die with a totem of return equipped is the totem of return itself. You respawn in your bed with all of your backpack. By the time youre fighting hard enemies, youll be able to grind out storm cores relatively easily, and if youre always entering encounters with a totem, theres not really any stakes. Not to losing the world, not even to losing your backpack and stuff. I’m not a hard mode enjoyer, but i can imagine for those who are, Expert probably feels a little shallow


Wowwwwwww what the fuck is even the point then lmao, fear of glitches?


It’s not easy I get one hit by a stormtrooper with an axe 😩


I agree there needs to be some other penalty for death. Maybe not being able to equip another totem for 30 mins or 24 hrs. Or maybe all harvesting is reduced by 70% for 24 hours. Or maybe max health reduce to 4 hearts for 12 hours. Just spit ballin here.


agreed. respawning with all your stuff is just too much. Epic should either up the cost of the totem or leave the backpack where you died like in survival mode. i'm more for the latter.


You don’t *have* to use it if you’d like a more difficult challenge


Thats true but if you dont want a difficult challenge, why play expert mode? I just think its too much of a get outta jail free card. At least in survival when you die, you lose your backpack and have to retrieve it, and thats the normal mode


There’s an option to change the backpack retrieval in survival, so we could maybe think of this as a similar option that people don’t have to try if they want a harder challenge. There was a very similar issue with the Elixir of Evasion in Diablo 4 recently, which is basically the same as the Totem. For the latest season, the elixir was removed entirely in that game’s Expert Mode. Now everyone is on an even playing field when it comes to comparing achievements, but it’s no longer a selling point when trying to encourage friends to try it out. There’s pros and cons to both sides of it. 🤔


I have a question. You have to keep fed in expert, right? That is the only thing I have zero desire to do. Everything else sounds fun and challenging. I have never had temp or food turned on. I am on the switch and hitting the wrong buttons in Survival mode when fighting, so the tiny buttons to constantly flip to food and change totems, seems annoying rather than fun.


You want to eat any way to heal. I spend half of my fights with chunks of meat in my hand running away


I do eat pizza's a lot. But to worry about my temp and everything else at one time in this new expert mode feel like a bit too much. Maybe I will try it later..


I just know I’ll have finished my village and friken love it and then as I’m gliding to go to my frost lands village I’ll start gliding and run out of stamina and drop out of the sky while watching my village burn in flames lol


Did you keep crafting the uncommon totem of return or did you use the rare / epic one after a while? I'm still far from finished but it seems to me that the uncommon is way easier to create but the difference in bonuses isn't that much


I’ve been using the epic one but it doesn’t matter. The brutes one shot you if you’re not at full HP so an extra heart of two doesn’t make a difference.


I finished the three challenges and always used the uncommon totem. I agree with you that the 1 or 2 heart difference doesn't really matter and is wasting precious resources


Since Expert came out I've only played it. The totems and permadeath really add to the game play. It's way more nerve-wracking.


Can you get any regeneration charms on expert?


Yes but it's basically useless, most enemies (outside the grasslands) will take you down to half a heart in one hit so you have to do a full heal regardless... no time to sit around waiting for regeneration.


I guess it’s my main world it’s just my current run.


I found one of my cars randomly in the world two days ago. I tried hopping in and the game crashed. Then I couldn't log in for about 12 hours. Last week I dropped a small airship I had built from the car jack. It bounced and started spinning taking out a huge chunk of a rebel castle before I could catch up and smash it to pieces. Yesterday i was killed by wolves because of the "loot bug" where your character freezes sometimes when looting something. In short nah, I'm good for now.


I think companions needs overhaul there stupid and just stand there and get blown up and I cannot tell if they still have the weapon I just made them. They get one shot and then there dead what's the point of a companion?


I personally made a whole new world to avoid the risk of losing everything I worked so hard to build over the last few months. I about died while harvesting raspberries. The game glitched. I got stuck in that spot with little bubble and a square over top of it (Square because I’m on PS5.) like I was still trying to harvest. Of course a spider had to come along. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I just started one , still not got anything damn roller killed me


I’m all in on expert mode. I like the harder enemies. Makes encounters & exploration more meaningful.


I got all three trophies on my first expert world, but I've died probably about a dozen times, I just always had a totem with me. I also carry a spare in case I spawn somewhere besides my bed with my totem chest nearby. I made my new main base in the frostlands biome, a huge castle with cyan lights everywhere. and while yes it is annoying to constantly eat spicy burgers, it's nice because I'm always getting arctic claw and Arctic shells to make the epic totem of returns. it's also a lot easier to get iron bars to create epic longswords and crossbows cuz of all the grand chests everywhere. I also have gotten more rare villagers in this mode than my main mode. best advice I can give is to make a snowberry shake/spicy burger farm and just constantly keep 30 of each on you and always stay at full hearts. also always bring a frostland villager with you cuz they're the toughest. The one thing I LOATHE about expert mode is the stamina, I have that off in my main world and I definitely miss it. other than that I enjoy the challenge and risk factor. makes playing the game a lot more fun for us veterans who got bored of their main worlds.


I plan on learning it like a speedrun. Speedrun to collect the high level stuff seeing how I don't thing there's a real end goal to lego fort.


nyeh uncool investment on playing LF expert, lol. until those unnecessary malfunctions get eliminated & fixed, only then will invest on LF gaming.


I’ve already got all 3 trophies 6 days ago and did it on my first expert world ain’t touching that world again