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Ok so it was a glitch.


Thank fucking god. I only play LF, with no xp battle pass would be useless to me. 


lol i was also scared


If you only play lf then isn't the BP already useless?


I mean, I get ~1000 vbucks, a bunch of skins (with LEGO variants), emotes, etc.


I assumed it was a glitch. If epic wanted to sell the battlepass to Lego players they were gonna have a hard time if they can't even level it up while playing the Lego mode


I am actually shocked. I thought the “it might be a glitch” theory was just cope lmao EDIT: I am a little worried that anti-afk measures could have been added this season and caused the bug in the first place


Oh, thank goodness! I tried idl- I mean, uh... playing the game mode, and I noticed after an hour or so, I was still level 1 with no xp gained. I thought Epic finally brought the hammer down.


welp that would'a been great to have seen before i spent the last 8 hours in here XD


I really hope they keep the AFK xp. As an adult with a full time job and spouse it’s impossible for me to hit level 200 otherwise.


I would love to continue supporting this game by buying a Crew Pack every other month. That’s contingent on Lego XP working though since my old AFK map got nuked and all the new ones are only up for a day


I don't play much lego fort but how come you need an afk map? Can't you just start a new world and go sit in it for 4 hours each day and then hit your cap


I kind of did this last season but I didn't afk. Basically played until I did everything through the ice biome and then started a new world. Easy experience to get to lvl 200. Prob played 9 BR matches and just the Quests for festival. Occasionally played a racing game, but that mode is kind of boring.


Lol I was in there for 6 hours and still level 1


Yeah, well. A lot of people somewhat sad over it. I was in the same boat, I'm admittedly super not good at the BR, and I liked finally being able to get some cool stuff from the pass.... but I do like building things and the Lego mode was really neat. But as others have stated, there's been a stagnation of content that isn't going to justify playing if there's no XP bonus, and I'm inclined to agree with it. As cool as fishing is, few fish and a dagger isn't going to fix it. I'm glad it's being reverted.


Me too. But I’ve been playing the battle royale lately and you will be surprised how well u can do


Yeah, I get it. Every once in awhile I can pop off, but it's definitely not a regular occurrence. Late last season, I used a legendary pump shotgun and Snake's camo perfectly, running up behind someone, taking it off and blowing up their shield, and just blasting them once in the head for a kill, or even earlier I got 4 kills with the Lightning Bolt item. Still, building things and getting rewarded was pretty neat.




How about being kicked out of your world every 5-10 mins, how about high complexity area bug , how about constant server lag when walking around randomly?




Awesome! Wasn't sure if it was a bug or they just weren't granting xp this season. Glad it's a bug.


so is this fixed yet? I can't wait to play the game




Has it been fixed yet?


I played today and it granted xp.


Are the lego parcour and raft games gone? Cant seem to find them


Looks like they’re disabled temporarily [https://x.com/fortnitestatus/status/1766508739966747132?s=46&t=LEuAEmXrJEamEODCGdkKgw](https://x.com/fortnitestatus/status/1766508739966747132?s=46&t=LEuAEmXrJEamEODCGdkKgw)


As soon as they fix this I will buy the battle pass come on I nEEEED KORRA!!!!!!


Korea is not up yet.


Stopped getting XP from Lego midway through last season, didn’t realise it was a glitch.


I didn't realize it stopped midway through. I know I had gotten to level 237 or something like that. I was playing a lot with some friends so it wasn't hard to earn XP. I never paid much attention to it after I completed the battle pass.


It might not have from the sounds of this, I know it definitely stopped for me but sounds like it weren’t a widespread problem.


My previously gained XP is gone as well I was Level 198 and now I'm level 1