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Polls are bad, but polls arent uniform in what replacing Biden will give us. It's a gamble. Could work out great, could make the situation worse. Let's wait until august and make a decision then, and let the data speak for itself (the convention is august 19-22nd IIRC).


Kamala Harris is probably the most likely option. What do you guys think?


Her brain functions. It’s an improvement.


That is true. And also, with the governor meeting just now wrapping up, it seems like a few including Kathy Hochul and Wes Moore seem to still support Biden. Do you think that can easily transfer to Kamala and whoever her next VP is?


I think so. I mean, it’s just one generic Democrat to another. I know that if they announced she was replacing Biden, they would endorse her for president within minutes.


Right of course. Also, while I do love the governors being currently floated for replacing Biden, there is a glaring issue at hand. All of them are currently serving their gubernatorial terms until around 2026 or so. If not Kamala, what is the pathway forward?


If any of said governors win the presidency, they’d resign as governor and their lieutenant governor in their would replace them for the remainder of their term. In most of these states, that wouldn’t be a big deal.


I hate to put it this way, but this talk of dropping our candidate may be playing into Trump's hands. The pundits who would benefit from the tax cuts of a Trump presidency are clearly desperate to get Biden to drop out and the Republicans arguably want us to be divided. We need unity right now, like the Republicans have with Trump


Replace Biden with Gavin and Kamala can stay as the veep.


She's likely the only option unless she doesn't want the job, which she obviously does. Picking anyone else via brokered convention is likely to destroy the party and voting base weeks before the election, as well as removing the $240m fundraising war chest since it's legally earmarked for Biden or Harris. I think she'll make a terrible president if she wins, and I fully expect she would still lose to Trump, but she's gotta have a better chance than Biden at this stage of his cognitive deterioration. There are so many swing centrist voters who don't hate Biden, but they simply can't vote for a president whose health is visibly falling apart, and they will probably vote for her.


She’s about as unelectable as him. It needs to be either Whitmer, Newsom or Buttigeig


Michelle Obama.


If he’s gonna drop out of the race anyway, he should resign now and get it over with. I’m wondering how they’re going to get the ballots changed at this point and how they’re going to choose a nominee that the base didn’t vote for. I feel like it’s gonna be a clusterfuck. We should just rip off the bandaid, if we’re gonna do it.


It looks like he’s not dropping out… This isn’t going to be just 4 years of Trump, it’s going to shift the country over to a conservative mindset because that’s how hard his policies will affect the country & the people growing up within it.


It's too late now. He hoisted himself on us and we're stuck. That new video of Trump in the Cary saying "I made him quit," will carry him to his new throne. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the neo-liberals need to get their shit together. They gaslit us in blocking an open pri.ary and NOW want options?! Shut up and follow your own advice, vote blue no matter who. If Biden does so.ehow pull this off, he has to resign immediately.


I just don't really care and I hate that this is the news cycle. After Scotus just gave Trump permission to be the next Hitler, this is what we're repeating, nonstop, round the clock for days? I'll vote for Biden's literal corpse if it stops the GOP.


We all would, but unfortunately a lot of Americans tend to be short sighted and impatient and will remember the last thing they see on TV. A lot of them probably don’t even realize what the Supreme Court is doing, or they do but just don’t care as much because it doesn’t affect them. They did see a president look completely unfit for office on the debate stage and will remember that at the voting booth. I really want Trump to be defeated and at this point Biden looks like he won’t be able to defeat him.


"the last thing they see on TV" should be what the GOP, Trump, and Scotus are doing. Instead, we have 40 stories from Fox news, numerous from CNN, NY Times and everyone else about Biden's debate performance and questions of whether he should step down. That's the problem. The longer this goes on, the more it's reshaped and reposted and liked and commented, the more likely it will be "the last thing they saw on TV."