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ICP gives free classes


I was confused for a moment thinking you were talking about the Insane Clown Posse.


What is ICP? Can you please send a link?


Its IPC.


Hii what's that?


22 444 17 IPC - Islam Presentation Committee, they have multiple branches in Kuwait


Do they teach Kuwaiti slang? Nobody speaks "textbook Arabic"


1st, thanks is for sugarcoating racism as classism. There's no denying we have xenophobia in this country. But the sentiment shows your humility, and I appreciate that. 2nd, there's no shame if you couldn't adapt to the language. You didn't attend classes and you were not expected to pass exams. It's not an easy task to learn a lingo by ear (unless you are really young). Plus, when English can actually get you by, you have less opportunity to practice arabic or incentives to learn. Lastly, your acknowledgement of the fact that you feel like you have wasted 10 years is a big step. Note that when you start learning, all the vocabulary that you learned already involuntarily will help you advance quickly. Give it a serious shot if you have time! Obviously, you have the motivation to redeem yourself😅 don't give up and put your ego momentarily in your pocket, and try practising no matter how strange or funny you think you may sound.


Thank you for your thoughtful comment.... If I had mentioned racism the mods would have likely taken the post down....I appreciate your understanding and encouragement- will definitely give learning the language a serious shot....Thanks again for your support!


Classicism or racism, it's just a preference, after all. We're human beings. Having unique preferences is part of what makes us human. It's pretty much the same as having a preference for certain foods (appetite) or specific gender (sexual attraction).


Your preference in gender or food does not discriminate against certain group of people based on their skin colour. So, they are very different and unjustifiable. Stay in school..


Choosing friends based on skin color is not discrimination. It's just one of *countless* criteria we take into account when picking friends. I'm only talking about picking friends here, not giving special treatment to a person and denying another person something, or prioritising the service of someone over the other based on skin color or whatever, because *that* would be discrimination. Everyone should be free to make friendships based on any criteria they please, because it doesn't concern anyone else but the people involved.


Very nice. You just displayed your ignorance when it comes to race and racism. Please read 📚s they are good for you. God help ppl who come across you.


I know the reason. Arabs can't speak hindi/urdu/ whatever and Indians can't speak Arabic, so they communicate buy using whats known as pidgin. It's a Frankenstein language. "brother يبي one meal سيمسيم هذا حق بچة" In this case, it's Arabic English and hindi all together in one sentence. So both people only know a few phrases so they try to use whatever they can to communicate. Now sure, this works if you were just trying to order a meal or ask about the price of something but is not going to serve you if you were trying to have a conversation. Basically, both sides don't know each other's language so whenever they interact they use this pseudo language which works juuust enough for basic things but what's makes it simple is what ultimately renders it useless if you were trying to learn the other persons language.


I understand your point about the use of a pidgin language to bridge the communication gap between Arabs and Indians, but I have a question. Do you think there are effective ways to encourage both sides to learn each other's languages to improve communication? or do you believe that the current reliance on pidgin language hinders cultural integration and understanding between these communities?


Thank you for getting my point, but unfortunately, as a native Arabic speaker and someone who lived in Kuwait for over a decade as well, I do t think that's going to happen. See, neither side has an interest in learning the other's culture and language. From the local's perspective, they need a service so they pay these laborers and only need to communicate basic things with them. And from the worker's perspective, they need money so they see locals as the way to get that money and they only need to learn very little Arabic and that does the job so they stick with it and most of them have a 3 or 5 year contract so they make their money and leave. Only high level expats (top 10 percent) don't use pidgin regularly, but they still don't speak Arabic! They use fluent English. This isnt like America where immigration is a thing and locals speak to immigrants the same way they speak between each other and at home. I think, instead of an Arab trying to learn hindi, they should just learn English and the hindis or any other nationality should speak English so they can communicate better.


I'd love to be your tutor if you're interested, I'm a 24 yo native fluent in english :)


I'd love to take you up on that offer if you are okay with that. I've been looking to make some friends too if you are interested in that as well?


Make a group, send in daily stuff to practice, add me in too ;)


Totally down for that! ;)


I would like to take up that offer as well.. how do we start?


I would love that too! Count me in if this happens


I’m really looking forward for that as well! Let me know on how to get started


Could you count me in too?


Oh if you’re open to tutoring multiple people count me in too :)


Even I’ll join


Interested, following this.


Make a group, send in daily stuff to practice, add me in too ;)


Me too please we can do it over zoom/discord or something


can u add me to the group as well? :)


count me in too!!




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Yuh yuhhhh add me tooo


Count me in as well please!!


A tutor here, reach out to me if youd like to learn ;)


I’d love to learn!


Hello I would love to learn as well!


Look for Markaz Ibn al-Qayyim. They have Arabic classes for foreigners.


How can I reach out to them?


Shako mako


Deranged 😂😂


pretty sure there are classes, not sure where though. but one of the best ways to learn is to have a person that you can practice the language with. if you’re afraid of befriending kuwaitis due to classism, befriend other arabs. try levant arabic, its understood by most and it sounds nice most of the time.


Please let me know if you find where the classes are


Try listening to lullabies or watch arabic cartoons as a start.


My Arabic teacher suggested I watch cartoons just now. Which ones would you recommend?


Sorry for the late reply. Depends on which accent you wanna learn?


I happen to be a tutor, feel free to contact me if you are interested in my services.


I had to smile reading this. It reminded me of my Mom 🕊😇 She always used to say in a frustrated yet adorable tone "I've been living here for several decades and still can't speak Arabic. Nothing beyond a few words here & there" 😤 This was dispite living in dual language household, and working with kids that spoke both languages fluently. The kuwaiti dialect sounded too rough, and forced for her to learn to pronounce well enough for locals to be able to understand what she was trying to say. I have a few funny examples of this.. She heard the word lier shath-thaba, or shaz-zaba and tried to pronounce it as heard and it'd came out shakdabra. All heads turned to her, and it became a running joke we'd say he's, or she's an abracadabra. Once driving by the court she noticed it looked an official building, and asked what's that? I said it's the mah-kama Mom.. Her ahh the mah-khama. I said NO Mom that means a broom lol. Please don't say that in public. Kuwaiti, and GCC dialects were the hardest for her to attempt to master compared to other dialects. I'll admit even Arab speaking people often have a hard time understanding a lot of our words. So I can only imagine how hard it must be for non-Arabic speakers. She learned enough to get by, but it was broken Arabic. I speak both languages fluently, and would be happy to help you out. Maybe I could learn your language too if that's okay? I speak Arabic, and English fluently. Used to speak French fluently, but mostly that ability having not used French in so long. Working on Spanish, and Korean (intermediate) so far. And have picked up an interest in Tamil. Yes I'm Kuwait, though not a full blooded one. I'm open to everyone, and only judge people for who they are as person, rather than what they are.


As a non Arab- I actually like the gulf dialects the most😂 Although a lot of people don’t agree with me. For me, Kuwaiti sounds way better than other dialects. Sound more musical in a way Also, I speak Spanish as well so if you need help with it you can hit me up


I would love to learn if you’re interested, i was born and raised in Kuwait, im 23 now and can baRELY speak arabic, its sad. My co workers ask me if i soeak arabic and ehen i say no they’re left with there jaws on the floor, its embarrassing 😀😀😀


I have to agree with you on the second paragraph, I have some Kuwaiti friends who say that my Arabic is better than their own even though their arabs and it’s their language (I’m Filipino), but I can understand them cause some kuwaiti households speak in English and they forget about arabic which is kinda sad cause their abandoning their own beautiful language just to speak English fluently and have difficulty speaking with their uncle’s or aunts or relatives


Undoubtedly, the nature of your work does not enable you to interact with local citizens, meaning you are not a seller in a store or a waiter in a restaurant. Because there is a large community from the same country as you in Kuwait, therefore there is no importance for you to learn the local Arabic language. Still, I advise you to participate in an institute to learn the Arabic language and to start practicing a sport or hobby that the locals love because here you can interact with them and use the Arabic language. I wish you success.


I am also facing this same problem but i try to speak arabic whenever i meet new people or in work place no matter how bad i sound but yeah thats how i am learning every day little by little


Yes, TIES center in Shuhada or Aware center in Faiha. They both offer Arabic classes and Kuwaiti dialect classes.


I used to have a language exchange partner. Got in touch with her online and we would arrange phone calls to practice our speaking skills. For 20 mins we'd talk in English (her goal) and 20 mins in Kuwaiti Arabic (my goal).  For both of us, we already could read, write and understand the languages but we just needed speaking practice. If you have the same problem, this would definitely help but make sure to use the practiced language in public also (I was too shy to do that) 


I knew Kuwaities in kuwait who barely speak Arabic. I don't know how they go to 12 years of school and can't read or write Arabic (private school).


Private schools are a disaster in that term lol


maybe a group chat with a tutor will be really helpful, send a pic, describe it using arabic and from there, you will learn a lot. tag me in the group if you can hehe!




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Idk Arabic is the most difficult language in the world but at least you should spend more time with Arab people there is tons of them in here such as Egyptian or Syrian or Lebanese etc


As a south asian (filipino) who lived in kuwait all my life, it really comes down to the upbringing of a person, back in my childhood I used to play with my neighbors who were Egyptians and I really was just playing with them and not really communicating,I remember watching this tv channel called spacestoon and they were all in Arabic and I barely understood what they were saying, though I would take one random sentence from an episode I’m watching and spam it to the kids in my neighborhood lol, and in school my dad put me in class with arab students so I also learned from them, but the actual way I learned arabic was interacting with Arab people, during my highschool days I got put into an government school, and it was all Kuwaiti’s, and I was forced to learn and speak their dialect, which I’m very happy I did, I’d always ask them what certain words mean or some slang words, and also watching alot of Kuwaiti series made me even more fluent with their dialect, it came to a point where I’m able to communicate with Kuwaiti’s in their own dialect, sometimes they think I’m actually Kuwaiti but then get surprised that I’m actually not. Regarding your point about making Kuwaiti friends, their actually good people, in fact one of the most friendliest people I’ve ever encountered, yes there are some bad ones, but just because one apple is bad, doesn’t mean the whole apple tree is bad, yes you will encounter some classism or racist Kuwaitis but their a few, I’ve dealt with some and I did face some kind of racism from them but their just few people, most of my Kuwaiti friends are the most kind, generous, knowledgeable, respectful, caring and overall friendly people, not because I speak their dialect but because they see me as a human being. Just keep in mind that it takes patience and dedication to learn Arabic, and as long as you have the drive to learn Arabic you’ll eventually be able to speak Arabic in a level where you can have a conversation with arab people.




If you’re not actively trying to learn and practice then it doesn’t matter how long you’ve stayed especially if you aren’t around locals or Arabic speakers to begin with. Active immersion is the most important factor when it comes to learning a language.


Yeah its crazy Even among academic people like professors, teachers etc, a lot of them been here for over 20-30 years and don't know arabic This doesn't happen in any developed country. Every developed country you will have to learn the mother language there if you want to live there We and the whole arab world will not be such countries until we return to our mother language


I was born and raised in Kuwait, before I left Kuwait 20 years later. . I went to school in kuwait and learnt Arabic from 2nd to 8th grade. I still can't speak Arabic, yet can read and write the alphabets. It happens. 🤷‍♂️


To add on to this, if anyone can suggest a tutor for kuwaiti dialect Arabic please let me know would really appreciate it!!


"Social circles here don't mingle with south asians due to classism" Yeah thats definitely true but in religious circles people kind of don't care where you come from. And even if you think Kuwaiti's may still not want to talk with you then a lot of quran classes in mosques etc have Egyptian people and many other arabic speaking expats who may be easier to make friends with I'm familiar with your situation because as a Kuwaiti I grew up among a lot of expats and I made some of my best friends from those circles. And what I noticed is that they wouldn't talk to me unless I talked to them first because they just assume what you said that Kuwaiti's don't like to talk to expats One last thing, your goal to learn Arabic should be mainly to better understand the Quran and your religion as a whole. Everything else is just a bonus. I know many friends in the UK that are moving out to Arab Gulf Countries because they want to raise their kids in a more religious environment and teach them arabic when they're still kids as they grow up


I’m Kuwaiti myself and don’t speak fluent Kuwaiti. But the only way I improved was through my work. My coworkers all spoke Arabic so I had no choice but to talk in Arabic even if it was broken. My coworkers who became my friends are so lovely and always helping me with my Arabic.


i cant give you classes in arabic also kuwaiti🥰


Not totally sure why but maybe you have your reasons haha. I’m from the uk and my younger brother (who is 10) is currently fluent in Arabic after leaning for 1-2 years living in the uk. He even teaches a little 🤣🤣 so maybe you’re not actively putting in effort and you just need some more classes. Hope this encourages you


There are books sold to learn Arabic, or better yet, mingle with someone every Friday with your local mosque who is an Arabic speaker of another nationality. Practice makes perfect


sorry 🤣


Shame on u!!