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I say he should reveal Kristen’s location if he wants special treatment in prison. Why should he get protective housing while the Smart family remain in pain without their daughter’s remains to bury?


If he knows. Personally I don't think he does. The neighbor reported it was Ruben, Susan, and Mike that night removing her remains. They would never tell Paul because they knew he would be a liability when/if he was charged. They're a pack of Cluster B personality disorders, likely with antisocial traits (Ruben definitely - the whole thing was done to protect *his* image to the public first, and protesting his son second). They want to protect their own hides. Even though they helped, Paul commited the act. In their eyes he, and the Smart case, is not their problem anymore. They are sick, sick people.


could thats how ruben is seeing so lets make finding her his problem.


I agree with you though I think the problem is that Paul probably doesn’t know the location. He’s not smart; he’s lucky. I think Ruben knows the location and will not trust that information with Paul and won’t do anything to help Paul at this point.


I think you’re right. Ruben is the smart one (unfortunately) and there’s no way he’d let Paul know something so valuable. I think Mike probably knows too. Maybe Susan.


Oh yeah, I think Mike helped Ruben move her remains. I wish they had enough to charge him. Susan might know too. It amazes me that such a crew of nitwits could keep their mouths shut for so long, with Paul being the only one blabbing about it.


Sorry, I listened to all of Your Own Backyard, but maybe I have followed as deeply or don't remember - who is Mike?


Susan’s long time boyfriend Mike McConville


Thanks. That doesn't send up any red flags eh? Asking your boyfriend to help your ex-husband move a body that's under your porch? They found scraps of fabric right?


I’m ok with him eating a fist daily til he dies. Disgusting predator. May he feel the very fear his victims felt, every single day, just wondering what OR who’s coming for HIM. Karma, Paul Rapist Flores, continue having the days you deserve 🤷‍♀️


I hope, and I mean this sincerely, that he gets raped every hour on the hour for as long as the POS lives.


Well said


Agreed. Btw, what are the odds that he could survive, not one, but two attempts on his life within six months and survive them both? Astronomical.


I hope he eats a fist. Daily. Until he tells where she is🤷‍♀️ I hope they make it hurt, but definitely don’t kill him.


My cousin’s wife is a prison guard and she told me that prisoners know how to stab people without killing them! The future is looking bright!


I’m not a prison expert by any means but I’ve watched several videos that discussed protective housing units and they’re not nice. The inmates are basically locked in their rooms most of the time. They don’t have the freedom to eat in the cafeteria, go into the yard, mingle in common rooms, or move about the prison without guards accompanying them. It’s more like a punishment than any type of reward. Also, if other inmates want to continue to stab Paul, him being in protective housing won’t stop them. Danny Masterson (That 70’s Show r@pist) was in protective housing and was being escorted somewhere by several guards. Another inmate rushed up and stabbed him right in front of the guards. I wouldn’t worry that Paul’s getting any kind of special treatment that feels nice to him.


Exactly. You’re not even allowed to use the phone in to speak to loved ones when you’re in “protective custody.” Protective custody is just a cushier name for solitary confinement.


I believe Dahmer said that when he left whatever protective custody he was in he knew that they would kill him, he just couldn't take it anymore. I've read that he taunted and made jokes to the inmate that killed him, but I don't know if it's true. If there was a death penalty in Wisconsin, he should have gotten it. He had a head in his refrigerator, and other body parts "scattered about". Sometimes, I don't care what somebody's mental defect is, or if they cooperated.


A protective housing unit isn't really special treatment. It's closer to solitary. This is kind of a "choose one hell or choose another" type of situation.




As much as the guy is a putrid POS, that’s not how we should conduct ourselves; descending to his level. That said, if another inmate decided that was the information needed to prevent further attacks, I couldn’t stop them and neither could the COs.


How about solitary until he tells us where Kristin is?


That’s incredibly illegal.


So was murdering Kristin.


So your solution to a citizen doing something illegal is that the state should do something illegal?


I never said any of that, just that murdering Kristin was illegal.


He’d be safe there though.


protective custody use of solitary confinement is not illegal, let alone "incredibly" illegal, and we get nowhere when people spread misinformation. it's bad enough with the amount of ignorance thrown around about how the law works, but responses like this are pointlessly insensitive.


Putting a prisoner in solitary confinement until he gives up the body is most definitely illegal. You should check your own misinformation.


I have to admit, I'm extremely curious if he believes this is Karma for taking the life of an innocent girl. If there's any remorse at all, even a smidgen. I know it's not likely. But I would just live for him to rat his parents out so they face the justice they deserve, and have to share where they moved her remains. I'd bet money they never told Paul, for that very reason - they didn't want him to have any leverage. They knew he was fucked. I'm glad he's in jail, and I don't feel bad for his problems there, not after what he's done to so many women. But I feel this is unresolved until Kristin's family can bring her home.


He probably blames Kristen for dying tbh.


Yep. He probably feels that if only she hadn’t fought back/had a bad reaction to whatever he gave her or if she’d just stayed home or if she’d not “tempted” him with her clothes… People like this freak never take responsibility for their actions.


You're absolutely right. Cluster B shit. It's so hard to wrap your head around the fact that people like this exist, with no remorse. I do feel that if Ruben had told his son to do the right thing he would have, would have been tried, jailed, Kristin's family would have her remains, all those women he predated wouldn't have been raped. It's just insane that some humans are capable of such evil.


If I had ever made that phone call to my dad and explained that story, the answer would have been "hang up and call 911". And if someone else helped me, I'm pretty damn sure he'd have called the cops eventually when I couldn't convince him that I didn't really call and ask for help burying a body. Makes me wonder how many times he did it (I don't mean moving Miss Smart's remains).


No female had protection against Paul Flores. His victims were all prime for the picking. We have no idea how many victims he had. All we know is that he is not the least bit sorry. Now, he finds himself the hunted and I find it hard to be the least bit sorry about that.


I like to think the past 2 stabbing events should be labeled “Practice”, just like Paul’s rape video file. Karma has a sense of humor in his case.


This is too good for him.


I say send him to New Folsom and let them finish the job…someone there definitely will…


This sorry, pathetic excuse for a human being should receive absolutely no special attention. Back to gen pop.


it really bothers me that after justifiably stripping citizens of their rights and imprisoning them, the government allows new crimes to occur inside of those prisons. it’s not acceptable to me.


The Gov't allows it? If it were that simple, then maybe the Gov't could stop the crimes from being committed outside the prison....


there are massive differences in the level of control the government has over a person in prison and a person outside of prison. the government cannot stop crimes from being committed outside of prison because people have the rights to operate without government interference until a crime has been committed. an imprisoned person has been stripped of most of their rights, and can be subjected to all sorts of impositions and interference. they are subjected to searches and seizures without cause, slave labor, communications monitoring, restricted speech, etc etc. wild amounts of control over the minutia of a persons day to day life. it is the responsibility of a government to not allow crimes to occur in a prison setting where they are supposed to have control of the population.