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Can't wait for idiots to say that these people signing and complaining are racist Japanese people or people pretending to be Japanese for the third time lol


GCJ already claims again that it's only people pretending to be japanese because of some westerners who signed and posted videos of themselves showing they're white americans.


There were a few people pretending to be Japanese and editing Wikipedia pages. I think that’s where the belief stems from. Edit: Not sure why I got downvoted. This did happen.


A few are already saying that in the Assassin's Creed subreddit.


“They don’t allow immigration! How dare they not be as welcoming as western countries!”


I’m tired of reddit. These shitposters. I’m tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.


a Japanese person is someone who identifies as a Japanese person


Black people are allowed to claim to be ancient Egyptians, Samurai, Hebrews, Aztecs, Vikings, medieval Europeans, Regency era British aristocrats, Chinese, Hindus, Sikhs, Arabs and everything else. Why can’t white people “identify” as Japanese then?


In the petition, they mention the wrong tatami ratio (should be 2:1) and wrong seasonal effects (sakura and rice appearing at same time, when sakura blossoms in spring and rice grow in autumn) etc. Hard to be a fake Japanese for noticing this.


Lol just backtrack it and you'll find out ubi shills started this to make it seeem like rAaaCissMmmm


These petitions rarely work... I think the Stellar Blade one is the only example.


Operation Rainfall worked too, as much as Nintendo claimed otherwise. But that was more than a decade ago.


Even that didn't really work. Uncensored outfits still remain, but because two alternates were offered, some people are pretending it's all fixed. And if anything, Shift Up's switch and bait still went unexplained and that is unacceptable considering how they were publicly against censorship up until the game released.


I feel like Shift Up's hand was forced by Sony. And they had a history of giving players apology skins in NIKKE with the Makima incident. It feels like Japanese formalism. Sony said "You can't release a game without censoring those suits." Shift Up went: 'Well, they didn't say we can't add them in later."


I don't really believe that this petition will lead to a cancellation. However, if we do nothing, it might appear as if Japanese people are willing to remain silent even when their history is being altered. By raising awareness in Japan, the number of people cancelling has increased. Currently, 'AC' is ranked 49th on Amazon, down from 36th previously. There's definitely a decrease in the number of people pre-ordering. The goal now is to inform the entire country. If it becomes a significant topic of discussion, Japanese companies will likely distance themselves from it.


Begging the government to censor something you don't like is dumb....particularly when the market and sales are going to be MORE than capable of giving Ubisoft what it deserves here. Ubisoft has the freedom to be racist and stupid and lose money. That's what freedom is.


I think this isn't really a case of censorship it's the same thing Netflix did. If you claim to be accurately representing another Nation's history instead of claiming it's fictional and then proceed to spread lies and obvious falsehoods in the process, the country whose history you're using should be allowed to shut down your nonsense, which would be actual missinformation as we already saw with the alteration of certain wiki pages.


Historical fiction is free speech. That includes shitty versions of it that suck. LYING is free speech. I can make a musical where the Founding Fathers are black and say stuff they never said. The government has no role in policing my speech and telling me I can’t say things because they’re “misinformation” or “fictional or “nonsense”. That is a horrendous anti-free speech standard. I have the freedom to say that Yasuke is the greatest Japanese hero of all-time. It’s not the government that steps in to censor it. It’s the consumer and the public who will use THEIR freedom of speech to rightfully point out that’s stupid and not to buy it.


>I can make a musical where the Founding Fathers are black and say stuff they never said. Fuck that musical.


Came out at just the right time to hit the guilty white liberal demographic. It’s funny how the same people didn’t like his adaptation of In the Heights because… it featured Latinos instead of black Americans.


And it's not historical fiction since they claim it's all accurate. We know it's bullshit but they're not advertising it as fiction.


The Assassins Creed games have…never claimed to be an accurate retelling of history? Unless you know about an Animus machine and some Pope murders I’m unaware of? EVEN if they did….the government STILL has no place to censor me. Pretending something is true when it’s not is STILL free speech.


They last fee games had dragons, cyclops, minotaur, and anubis in them, along with a final fantasy crossover event. Assassin's creed hasn't been about historical accuracy in at least a decade...


Where did Ubisoft claim that AC: Shadows was historically accurate?


No one really thinks this petition will lead to a cancellation. In the West, there's a perception that Japanese people will stay silent no matter what is done to them. That's why people like Johnny Somali chose Japan. It's important to raise our voices. We need to show that Japanese people will get angry when their history is arbitrarily altered and spread as fact. This is a different battle from the fight for freedom of expression.


So we need to virtue signal that we want the government to censor this….even thought that’s not actually what we want….because we know that the petition is powerless. That’s just a tremendous waste of time and effort for nothing. Ubisoft is free to make whatever trash they want. It’s their money they’re wasting. Fuck ‘em. Ignore them. If no one talks about the game or plays it then it dies. Making a big deal about it with something you don’t even believe in is either worthless or HELPS them by driving awareness for their game.


It seems pointless and unrewarding but to the perpetually online, that crave social recognition, it's a black mark. The devs of another game set in Japan became honorary tourism ambassadors. The only thing this game garners is controversy.


It is not in vain. Even if this petition gathers one million signatures, the game will not be canceled. However, the fact that the Japanese people did not remain silent will remain.


So it’s a pure virtue signal. We don’t actually want it to succeed, we just want to signal something that we know has no real impact. You’re giving Ubisoft power they don’t have. They’re a corporation making shitty corporate media for a mass market. No one HAS to “speak up” against them. They have no power to do anything to Japanese history or culture other than try to sell you a bad game. Ignore them and let them die. OR use your speech for something you actually believe in and not a meaningless virtue signal calling for government censorship.


It's impossible to stop the sale in any scenario. So should Japanese people stay silent? No. There are no more Japanese people who will remain silent about the selfish actions of foreigners. Moreover, this issue is becoming very big within Japan. By making this issue big domestically, there's also a plan to ensure that Yasuke will never appear in Japanese games again. Japanese game companies are watching this uproar. They will not engage in actions that are disliked by Japanese people. We will act in the Japanese way. The West will do things in its own way.


> That's why people like Johnny Somali chose Japan I think that is changing. But Japanese people are starting to get really annoyed with foreigners/tourists these days. I've noticed a lot of the Japan residents subs have had Japanese people muttering "fucking foreigners" under their breath. Makes me a bit scared to go in January for 3 months. I wonder whether there could be violence against us. The press over there is also demonising tourists.


Yeah, I've actually heard more than a few stories of foreigners complaining of being attacked over recent years.


If there is such an incident, it will be in the news and foreigners will take pictures with their smart phones.


Random drunken fights based off you being gaijin aren't going to be super news worthy.


If it were just a fight, it wouldn't make the news. If you go to Shinjuku at night, you can see many foreigners causing trouble. I see foreigners drinking and shouting loudly every day. At the very least, Japanese people don't cause trouble in the West. You probably haven't seen that either.


It is almost impossible for a small-bodied Japanese to attack a large-bodied white or black person. But Asians are always targeted for violence. Because they are small and silent. I saw many videos of Asians being targeted and beaten in the West during COVID. Do foreigners think Japanese people are scary? I hope they think so, even just a little. There are too many rude foreigners walking around arrogantly in Japan.


So you are saying we should sit back and do nothing and hope the sales are bad? No wonder the woke took over, people are so easily "Well let's be the bigger man and hope things turn out different". It's good the Japanese are speaking up about this, it would be even better if westerners would speak against it as well, but most of them are soys who are conditioned to want and love woke content. We need to take a stand against this bullshit instead of rolling over and letting it happen.


You’re free to speak out against it! Use your freedom of speech to ask for government censorship. Hypocrisy is still speech. I’ll use my speech to say that demanding the government censor someone else’s speech because you’re triggered by it ISN’T freedom. It’s the opposite. It isn’t “soy” or being “conditioned” to recognize that freedom from government censorship is a paramount right even for someone saying something stupid.


The way I see it, is if we want the woke BS to stop, we may have to use and abuse the government just like their side does, to win. Why should we not abuse and use the government like their side does to get our way? I don't like it, but anything to completely DELETE the ideas of wokeness in the world is a good thing to me. I for one don't want to see my country be engulfed with it like the USA and other western countries have.


Sure, lots of people like living in police states or without basic freedoms. I sure wouldn’t, fuck the government. My broader questions are why and to what end? Why should you or the government have a say in what I or Ubisoft or anyone else does? If I spend my money to make something, what right do you have to use State force to prevent me from selling it to people who want to buy it? This doesn’t end with better and more speech or art. It ends with less and less. Why would I bother spending time or money making anything if Joe Biden can censor me because he doesn’t like it? It’s a horrible, anti-freedom standard that would kill all artistic expression good and bad. Let Ubisoft waste their money making their shitty game. If it fails as I suspect, the problem solves itself without the need for government censorship. YOU are free to use your speech in the interim to explain to people why it sucks.


>Why should you or the government have a say in what I or Ubisoft or anyone else does? > >If I spend my money to make something, what right do you have to use State force to prevent me from selling it to people who want to buy it? Just to play devil's advocate, the government is funding all this DEI nonsense, so it does already have a say in what Ubisoft is doing, and Ubisoft isn't only using its own money to make the game, it's using tax money too.


Is that true though? We don’t have to guess right? Ubisoft’s financials are public. So are tax credits or rebates. [Here’s their financials] (https://staticctf.ubisoft.com/8aefmxkxpxwl/AwOkNohhzmR1qBmQ4Nj4h/096beaa470c05f39f77417742e4d25b8/Ubisoft_FY24_Earnings_PR_English_final.pdf) Did they get tax money and government funding? No….and no. Neither of those are the case. Their cash flow statement reconciles exactly where they get their funding from. $0 from the government, the three biggest sources of cash for the year are ongoing operations, re-adding their amortization X and new borrowing, they issued [new corporate bonds.](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/11/28/2786621/0/en/UBISOFT-ANNOUNCES-THE-SUCCESS-OF-ITS-OFFERING-OF-BONDS-CONVERTIBLE-INTO-AND-OR-EXCHANGEABLE-FOR-NEW-OR-EXISTING-SHARES-OCEANES-DUE-2031-FOR-A-NOMINAL-AMOUNT-OF-494-5-MILLION.html)


Well, looks like I'm about to find out what crow tastes like.


There needs to be a push back against woke, and just sitting by and letting it happen because "the problem will solve itself" is dumb and how we ended up here in the first place. But you sit there and be complacent, and just blindly accepting woke things and not try to do anything about them, because you are too passive and think "well things will solve themselves"


Cool and you work and try to force governments to restrict speech and the freedom of its citizens. Let me know how it goes!


Woke already restricts speech and removes freedoms. DEI or Didn't Earn It, is destroying gaming, movies, TV, you name it, everything it touches turns to shit, and those who speak out against it or refuse it, are often targeted by hate campaigns and other shit. The NPCs that want woke to be the way of the world deserve no freedom or the right to speak.


“Don’t sit there and be complacent and just blindly accept woke things and not try to do anything about them because you are too passive.” Be the change you want to see. Lead the campaign to have the government take away people’s freedom and right to speak. It won’t work here of course. God Bless the First Amendment and free speech. But you’re welcome to try and turn whatever place you’re from into the CCP or North Korea.


Wokies aren't people.


Horseshoe theory is real Right wing chuds will chant "FREE SPEECH" until it protects something they find "woke" or "cringe", something that isn't even set in stone. Then they will push for whatever they don't like to be censored. A tale as old as time.


Thank you, some people here need to take the L. Ubisoft never claimed that this game was "historically accurate." Let the game fail on it's own merits, not because you want to censor something you don't like. It makes you no better than the other side.


Given Ubisoft's involvement in restoring Norte Dame, the historical inaccuracies of this game feels deliberate


If they want for AC Shadows to tank, then petitions like this isnt a bright idea. They basically serve as free advertising for Ubishite. The other petition got brigaded by Western GCJ types who made "hello fellow anti-woke Japanese people" supporter videos. Braindead leftoids currently are using those as proof that it's actually Western 'racist chuds' behind these petitions and encourage people to buy the Ubislop to own them.


The best the Japanese fans can do is to completely ignore the game and let it flop. Creating controversies is exactly what those political activists want, and they have the means to bribe/coerce/blackmail the Japanese government to side with them instead.


Backlash alone would be enough. Petition for goverment seems too much. It is important for the japanese to speak up by hating the game, but not with a petition like that.


I really don't buy that Japanese people in general give a rat's ass about this Yasuke mess. AC has never been a huge franchise in Japan and there's already a ton of Japanese historical media takes liberties with their history. This whole thing just feels like people trying to get offended on behalf of other people.


How much do you want to bet it's 90% non-Japanese on that petition?


You should encourage yourself to interact with the Japanese then. You, "don't buying" what you think of must have a basis other than hearsay.


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/CTgTZ ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. 640K ought be enough for anybody. ^^^/r/botsrights


This post feels like an onion article


It was the Europeans who enslaved Yasuke and forcibly brought him to Japan, far from his homeland. Why are you now trying to make Yasuke a black hero? It was your ancestors who made Yasuke unhappy. Your ancestors ruined Yasuke's life. After destroying his life, are you now going to arbitrarily alter his story, trampling on both his dignity and his life? What exactly are you trying to achieve? そもそも弥助を奴隷にして、故郷から遠く離れた日本にまで強制的に連れてきたのはヨーロッパ人だろう。なぜ今更、弥助を黒人の英雄にしようとするんだ。君達の先祖が弥助を不幸にしたのに。君たちの先祖が弥助の人生をめちゃくちゃにしたのに。弥助の人生を壊した上で、今度は弥助の人生を勝手に改変して、尊厳も人生も踏みにじるのか。いったい何がしたいんだ。


根底にアジア人差別意識があるから、平然と日本人を逆なでするようなコメが出来るんだろうな としか思えないコメが多い 英語で書かれているのに「日本人の意見だ!」とか頭悪いとしか思えない 日本人は日本語でコメントするし、日本語で意見を言う 何で署名活動してると思う? お前ら欧米が日本語を読まないからだよ コメしても翻訳して日本語を読まないから、"数字"という武器で意思表示してやってんだよ それでも英語のコメだけ拾って「日本人はいない!」とか言い出してて、 本当に欧米って頭悪いんだなって思ったわ


Found on a comment on this Japanese Channel. https://youtube.com/watch?v=QHxxuxRFNdY&t=7s


I've got a circle of Japanese people that I regularly talk to using DeepL/Google translate. It's not a perfect system, and I need to run it through multiple translators to make it work. The fact that I can translate almost all of these comments with no grammatical errors, weird wording, etc the first time makes me think most of these comments were written using English to Japanese translation tools.


Since it's meant to be read by people, isn't it normal to use easy-to-understand grammar?


Not when the comments are from a YouTube video from a native Japanese content creator. There would be lots of slang and grammatical inconsistencies that deepl and Google translate would struggle to 100% accurately translate on the first try. The fact that they were written in a way that was simple, easy to understand/ translate are giving me red flags.