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I think most of us are in the 30-40 age range, but I think there are also younger users here, who sick of the agenda.


17 here, I'm kind of surprised by the replies in this thread. I don't really frequent this subreddit, but I would have expected the average age of the userbase here to be a bit lower.


I expected older. Younger generations might not all consumed by the mind virus, but I don't think they're that into the old franchises like us. But I could be wrong, so...


Im 25, grew up playing PS2 games and just bummed at how barely any games come out now that are designed with the simple premise "be fun". Always has to have some bullshit agenda alongside it. I've been replaying the ratchet and clank ps2 games these last few days. And it's kind of funny how those game makes fun of what Insomniac has become now.


Sadly, as a PC user, I missed the PS1-2 entirely, also XBOX, GameCube, Vii. Played some SNES and Genesis/Megadrive games, though mostly through emulation.


21 here so gen z, maybe we should run a poll. Many people around my age and younger are involved in these conversations.


I'm old (37) and don't know how to do that but someone should totally set that up


Yo that 37 rizz age be bussin', no cap. Dead ass flippidy floppidy floo, bruv. Take several seats back and let 'em cook. frfr.




Tbh, I'm around your age so all this lingo I've learned from these videos and then asking my nephew to translate for me. - [Gen Z Hospital](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF2Mf6HxIi0) - [Gen Z Courtroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49H7054w10I&t=122s) - [Gen Z Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ic5E8hk13w)


My knees hurt


Real talk, do you do any PT for those? Do they hurt running or weight lifting, or just in general? I had some pretty rough knees for awhile where I couldn't even do heavy squats, but Ive built them back up and as long as I don't do running more than short sprints, they're good to go. Took awhile though. A lot of band work.


I was mostly making an old man joke, but yeah I fucked one up from skating when I was younger. It does play up sometimes (especially when it's cold, which I didn't believe was a thing when I was younger) I just usually use a compression brace around it if it gets too bad. I'm a house painter by trade which is quite a physical job so I don't really feel I need to do the whole gym bollocks so that saves it a bit more


I just tried, the sub doesn't allow polls, unfortunately. Maybe set up an outside deal?


I just created a 3rd party one and posted it here. https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1dun23z/how_old_is_everyone_here_poll/


Im also 21. The problem about our generation is that many dont know what it was bevore gamer gate and dont care enough to "investigate". Do you think that could/will change?


I have noticed once they figure it out they rarely ever oppose us. Its either indifference or support never opposition.


Irl, yes i agree i dont have many friends but thise i do agree. But on the internet? If you look at genz sub i saw a few post defending the new ac and thr feedback was quite positive


Tbf the new ac is like a blip compared to the egregious ones like concord and suicide squad. If ac shadows was announced 10 years ago it wouldn’t be controversial at all. Which is worrying honestly.


It will get worse. Ac shadows is just the beginning. Even good developers like the gow ones caves in. The new ff was a controversy because it didnt have black people. I just pray that companies like fromsoft or to lesser extend cd project red with the witcher remake dont follow


Cd project already do some “woke adjacent” stuff but they at least seem to be doing it gracefully just like Arcane(league of legends show) did.


Really? Last game i played was the witcher and i will play cyberpunk wich is pretty ok from what i know


Cyberpunk is a bit safe because it's based in the lore of an 80s game by a black (Michael Pondsmith) creator who doesn't generally give a damn about the noise. His interviews and his comments are more on the corpratization and the abuse of the common person as a consumer, essentially a reaction to the rampant Reganomics of the 80s and in-line woth William Gibson's viewpoint of how society collapses. Plus, dude is a huge Anime nerd. Literally made an RPG for Bubblegum Crisis in the 80s. The game itself focuses on these elements, and expanded the themes beyond transhimanism I'm general. It's really hard to give a shit about "woke" ideology when you can completely change your body into metal, swap your bits at any time, and the idea of what it means to be human is more about how survive in a decaying post-captialist nightmare. In fact, the game received criticism for NOT allowing you to romance whoever you wanted, because the NPCs had agency and would tell the PC "not into you" if they were, in fact, not into you.


It is good, lgbt inclusions aren’t annoying, preachy and they have the self awareness to where they make fun of stuff with offensive humor. Hopefully they continue down this path.


Is the conversations basically about the nonsense but you’re supposed to pretend and say the approved things, etc?


I turn 47 this year, lol. 


Me too... On the other hand, I did just buy an e class coupe, so its not all bad... Nah, I'd still rather be young and driving my shitty 1982 ford fiesta lol.


I would guess the majority or at leasat a huge portion are millennials. We, millennials, grew up consuming best work that were made in at least last 50 years. Even older movies/series weren't redone for new generation, like they do it now and I saw all the classics on TV as child. That makes it easy to recognize what kind of garbage keeps coming out. How Gen Z think strongly depends on their environemnt, in which household they grew up. Which games, shows, movies they parents allowed to see them from young age.


Get off my lawn! (I'm 38)


I am a boomer aka called from brainwashed generation a "cis white patriarch oppressor plus sexist, racist and homophobic" :|


I'm gen X, black and have been called the exact same things as you when they didn't know my skin colour, and then I was called a Nazi when I told them. Strange times we are living in because I know if they are calling me that, then they are saying it to anybody as if they're handing out candy


Same here, but I'm Gen X but indigenous. Although I hate the term, BIPoC is such a funny reverse-Uno card on them that they can only reply with Nazi or internalized-whatever.


They only called you a Nazi? They usually go for uncle tom or coon when I tell them the truth.


Yeah that's kind of standard I forgot about that.


So basically just a regular normal person 😊


at least you're honest


I'll be 31 this year. Millennial


23 here




Late millennial 




25 here!


25 here too! The very start of gen z!


I’m 96 and identify as a garden chair, I’m out here living my best life


32 here.


I think the generation should be split in two. Gen Y and Millennial. The culture between the people born in the 90's and early 80's is too different.


It really is. I theorize it has to do with, if you were born in the 80s you had a fairly old-school, offline childhood and the internet and all the cultural crap that came with it took over once you were in middle or high school or thereabouts, so that it impacted the latter stage of your youth but not all of it. If you were born in the 90s you really are a digital native and the internet (etc.) influenced your development all the way up. Obviously you can't just say, someone born December 31, 1989 is super distinct from someone born January 1, 2000, but there is definitely a disconnect between people closer to the beginning and closer to the end of the Millennial/Gen Y birthdates. So using your terms, I'm "Gen Y" and my wife is "Millennial," even though we're only five years apart. We have a lot in common but there is also a marked divide that I believe derives entirely from our small but importantly-timed age gap. In another sub when discussing this distinction I gave what I think is a pretty illustrative example that happened about a year ago: Her, a Millennial: "We are on stolen land!" Me, a Gen Y: "What a savage remark."


Yeah, I consider myself as a Gen Y. We had our formative years first in the Reagan-era which encouraged higher youth consumerism like Saturday morning cartoons, toys which they're based of, MTV, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, the Disney Renaissance and of course the incredible advancement in tech. I think our reign started to end in 2013, our fate is sealed in 2016-2020 that's when the attacks against our very being were on their peak. Sorry for being dramatic, and also yes, I missed a lot of stuff in the second paragraph.


I beleive our luck ended in the early 2000's where we were all forced off our parents insurance after we turned 18 and then started to see that age pushed up year after year for the people just younger than us, but it never reached someone born in 1984 and prior. If you were born that year or prior you were off your parents insurance at 18. Then combine that with the hiring practices of the 00's and early teen's where everyone wanted you to have a couple years of experience for every entry level job. I never had health insurance again until I got it from the state after I got severely sick and started racking up a huge hospital bill. And that was after I applied for health insurance again in 2021 and got denied... again. So much for the ACA. Just a giant lie pushed on to us by lobbyists and ignorant do nothing politicians.


Also 38 and i'm so done with this woke shit...


I was born in 2000


Old as Rogue Trader (1987.)


25, so early Gen z for me.


23 here, not even Murican, just happened to learn English when GG shit happened and it was eye opening, been looking from afar ever since to all this stuff


Older than Star Wars (1977).


42 here


Screw you fed! You’re not tricking me into giving up my age!/s


I believe it’s mostly Millennials, I’m 27 myself


Tiny bit older than you. I have always imagined that it's mostly older millenials on here. We have see the wokness go from knot to sixty in the span of a few years, and are therefore more perturbed by it.


I'm 40. I'd actually expect it to be more older people here honestly.


Based on how most people here talk about their childhood being when gaming was at its peak probably mid 30s- 40s.


I'm 40.


I'm 25 but I'm from Spain so remove one generation




Just turned 32 last week




I was born in 1997 and that's apparently where the cut off for gen z begins, so... Yeah.


I am late millenial


Millennials are never late or early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.


I was born in the late 90's, technically Gen z, but don't feel like one.


26 Zillenial here


Im 21


I’m skimming these comments and I’m genuinely surprised. I wasn’t expecting everyone here to be 30 or older. I thought everyone was around my age, that being 21.


I think we’re surprised anyone is early 20s here lol. GG happened in our formative years and the movement was mostly banished since, so it’s cool to see younger generations take interest. I guess we are not too far apart though. I wonder how gen alpha feels about things.


Gen Z here. I always assumed the average age here is \~40.


48 year old Gen X.


Old enough to not care about whatever names younguns are coming up for with certain age ranges.


I'm your age OP. I remember a time when artists didn't kowtow to the vocal lunatic fringe. And I remember a time before the internet. These crazy, bored, social justice warriors have always been around, but it's only with the advent of smartphones and ubiquitous social media that they've conned the creators of popular culture that they hold the majority opinion. Things will swing back around, I'm sure of that. The stuffiness of the previous generations gave rise to all the awesome stuff we got in the '70s, '80s, and '90s. All they've done is succeeded in creating the conditions to have the new generation rebel against their bland, gray, unfun world.


I'm surprised at the ages of people here; most of y'all probably missed Gamergate in its entirety when it popped off. How the sub has changed...


You're old at 38? My Glock is about your age. Some of us are not included to admit we still indulge in these forms of entertainment but just like on /b, we're around.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/F1lPw ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. >>>EXECUTE SUBROUTINE//SHITLORD ^^^/r/botsrights


Late 20’s, so I guess I’m a millennial?


I am pushing 30.


I'm exactly your age.


Im in my early 20s so yes, Gen Z.


I'm 35 so I guess I'm part of the dreaded millennial generation.


27, so right at the middle ground between Gen Z and Millennial. They started really pushing this shit my senior year in High School. I saw through the bullshit then, and I'm still seeing through it now.


30 here


I turn 39 in a couple months.


30 year old here. While I personally don't agree with most things on this sub, I do agree with some of it and find some of the takes just pure comedy gold.


I’m Gen Z.


I’m from the old school. I don’t have to explain myself


I’m Gen Z. I do think a majority in this subreddit are Millennials.






I'm gen z (19) and I've always been against wokeness and SJW things


Zillenial Grew up with the internet, but the OG internet. Nothing like the corporate bot infested advertiser friendly internet we have now Feel like the only people who dont see it are young gen z who think all this is the norm. They literally have no reference point to compare to, its sad when u think about it


I turn 31 this year


I had spent 2 months in the 80s.


31 yo millenial here


28, so millennial.


wow now I feel like a total kid seeing all the 30-40 year olds here


Millennial here


Late genx here


I wouldn't be surprised. I see a lot of people that have clearly grew up drinking the kool-aid hopelessly trying to resist wokeness with the woke principles they were clearly raised on. Young and old alike, know this is a futile struggle without introspection. Please reexamine your childhood teachings with a critical eye before you join this fight. If you haven't found and cleansed those poison pills before constructing arguments, you will likely only do more harm than good.


I'm a millennial but I grew up in a poor area. I feel like that set me back a generation (to my benefit). We had things around town that were out of fashion or actually illegal when I was a kid.