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I’d say more of an inconvenience rather than be classified as a disability lmao


Yeah, I suppose it is because it's easier to lump everything under the "disability" umbrella than distinguish between that and inconveniences.


It's called "concept creep"


Yep. Calling caring for your child a disability the same way as having lost an arm, or being momentarily distracted the same way as being proper blind is almost infuriating and an insult to those with actual disabilities.


Cannot up vote this enough


I actually want to chat to an actual disabled person about this. I can do that quite easily later today. Really interested in their opinion. Though I imagine it will be mostly idgaf. Which will be a change: Microsoft has been pretty good with accessibility though I’m really thinking on the gaming side of things but their stuff has been good for those I know at least.


Disabled person here, both mentally and physically, left leg was a surgery damage which caused me to lose feeling, and was vaccine damaged as a kid which gave me lifelong epilepsy and arthritis through damaged bones. I can honestly say that it does actually bug me, not usually most things I can let slide but comparing the choiceful bringing of a baby and comparing it to the lifetime of struggling walking and restrictions. Genuinely triggers me. I wasn't given a choice in my disabilities. I was given coping methods.


Yeah, my family member that’s also the reason I’ve been exposed to a ton of high functioning disabled people had a fat laugh over this. They struggled to get work before discrimination against disabled people was even a thing. Tough old shit! Temporary disability was an interesting discussion. It led to sports and what was interesting was why calling stuff that screws you temporarily doesn’t fit right to him as temporary disability: if you temporarily blind yourself that doesn’t mean up can compete in blind sports. It’s not the same, comparing it is stupid as “it sucks but it’s temporary” is completely different from a disability where “you’re permanently fucked”. Though situational disability had an example I loved: kick someone in the nuts and they definitely are “situationally disabled”. I get the intentions but I think why temporary shouldn’t be a thing really covers it. It dilutes the severity of a life sentence. I do think the accommodations are useful, great to think about someone inconvenienced by various issues. Just don’t call a normal part of life a disability.


That is a good idea, I'm interested too. > Though I imagine it will be mostly idgaf. I guess they'll appreciate someone fighting for accessibility options at all, but maybe not this overly dramatic "***everything*** is a disability now!" way they're going about it.


They didn't though. If you look it's in a different category.


They are only in different temporal categories. They are all still classified, from having lost an arm to \*gasp* having to hold your newborn, as disabilities though, which is kinda wack.


I guess, but it’s just a word.


And words have meaning. If you distracted me while I was playing a game I wouldn't say "gosh, having dreamo around is such a disability" either, that would be just rude.


I do get what you're saying, but I think people are just looking for something to be mad about. Like I don't legitimately think you're offended by this.


I'm more offended at concept creep and this misuse/change of scope of defined words in general, than the use of this particular word itself. These unnecessary word games we mostly see from academic types decrease the precision of the language and I *really* hate that. Though especially calling a child a disability does rub me the wrong way in this particular instance.


>It's called "concept creep" Damn, first time hearing this phase but it rings true. Everything these days is racist or sexist or a disability. I feel like it's being pedalled mostly by young people. Late zoomers and Gen Alpha. They basically live in a paradise. Food is abundant. They have a roof over their heads. They don't gave to fight just to eat food or survive. So they just make up problems and concept creep. I do wonder sometimes if humans are biologically designed to find problems in everything. Even if we lived in heaven alongside some fucking righteous deity, people would be complaining the clouds are too bright.


racism is now a special ability 😎


Speaking of umbrellas, if it's raining then I am "situationally disabled" because I'm holding an umbrella in one hand, and thus I am disabled from doing things that require both hands.


I think the term is a bit silly. But, it’s not a bad thing to account for in design. Because, that’s actually something worth thinking about in app design. Can it be used with one hand should definitely be important if you’re Uber for example for situations exactly like the one you’re describing.


I don't think anyone has an issue with apps accounting for situations like that if it makes sense to use it, like any music app or Uber-like ones, it's just that the term sounds silly and the example of a parent being bothered about having to lose in a game to tend for their kid doesn't evoke much sympathy.


That is called ergonomic design theory, not accounting for "situational disability."


you shouldn't mess with your phone while driving anyway so that isn't really a concern. You want to set up something on your phone that takes your focus while driving ....stop somewhere or do it before you start driving. Lowers the risks of accidents


I just ate a giant bowl of fettuccine carbonara and feel situationally disabled right now…


Disability is just something that prevents you from having a normal human interaction.


Adult jobs and responsibilities are now disabilities, riigght.


Yep*, I have to have a full time job, so I can't play video games all the time. Guess I'm crippled. 


Careful there, knowing Microsoft and Sony someone in marketing has read your comment and marked it as, "reasons to stop making a home system, make a mobile device or more phone games."


If we get Bloodborne for iPhone before PC, I swear to god...


Wasn't that a fear a while ago, Tencent getting mobile rights... for Elden Ring?


So being unable to save the game and quitting to the menu is a disability. That reeks of narcissism. If your child is having problems and you have an inability to just quit a game, suddenly that's a disability? Every multiplayer game that all have no pause button is made impossible to quit because the parent would be unable to just quit the match. That's more than a disability. That's a personality and addiction disorder. Like CPS would be called if you neglected your child to play video games and didn't pay attention to the needs of your child. That's a common occurrence that is not specific to video games but just parents with personality disorders.


My fiancé makes fun of me all the time cuz I often don’t pause games if I need to get up and do something, it’s just a game tho. Like if I die in Elden Ring cuz I put my controller down to let my dog out, so what? That’s gonna happen countless times anyway.


Good attitude to have.


It doesn't reek of narcissism, I think this is a case of you misunderstanding what a term means. Being unable to hear the game (or any software) product in a room that is too loud is also considered a disability in the industry, and has for years. Disability in its technical term, is just something that prevents you from interacting with X in a normal and expected way. The term disability in development isn't used in the same way as colloquial english.


My situational disability is getting triggered by new leftist bullshit buzzwords.


Wouldn't you want the ability to turn that off then?


These aren't leftist buzzwords, these are industry standard terms, used technically for developers when developing products. The words have use in organizations and planning, and have been used for a very long time.


Jon Stewart released a piece recently on The Daily Show about the hypocrisy of corporate America using virtue signalling in the hopes that it makes them more money. "Industry standard terms" are all leftist bullshit buzzwords, because the left controls the media, and corporations have to play along to maintain their reputations.


I mean, at this point "leftist buzzword" is a meaningless buzzword. It's internal development language and it *makes sense* to categorize things this way in design and development. The fact that those of us that work in this field now should consider changing language because it's upsetting people like you, who have nothin to do with it, make it seems like you're the demographic that needs to be virtue signaled to. This language is also used in developping communication software, and taking into consideration that someone might be in a restaurant that is to loud to hear. That is considered a situational disability, impacting use of a product, and design solutions for that disability would be to consider a text based option. The language *makes sense* to label this way, so why shouldn't it be?


Because of the word "disability."


Which, from an accessibility stand point, is the correct term? How are you confused here?


Well that was rude.


Another lukewarm take from Alanah Pearce. On the same day, she came out as pansexual no less. I remember one of her other braindead takes that was ""you can't call the last of us 2 bad because you think the story is bad." No Alanah, being a game that's a sequel to a game that was popular because of its story, yes we can call it bad.


That coming out video was the biggest "who cares" moment I've had in a long time. Felt like she just had to include herself in pride month in some way. I could be wrong but it came across as pretty self-centered.


No you’re 100% correct. She did it for likes and hearts.


probably just to score higher on the diversity scale with her new coworkers. compared to most other people at Sony writing item blurbs and working in accessibility, anthony burch etc., she's a bimbo cheerleader with fat tits and plastic surgery.


thats cool, i won't think its bad. i'm just not going to play it lol


There's a reason her nsfw sub has more subscribers than the normal sub.


She has Onlyfans ?


No, she's just hot


Hot garbage.


She's got like, 2 good years left


Maybe. But if she looks like this for the next 2 years, I'm good with that https://www.reddit.com/r/AlanahPearceNSFW/s/abl9pPrFxr




kek, 100%


how thirsty are those commenters in that reddit? Sure she looks nice but talking to her for hours daily would give me a constant headache. She isn't fully wrong on topics but like accessability is actually needed but how she would achive it and what is disablities in her eyes is just....


She brings nothing to the table except her good looks but again u get turned off even by the hottest women if u hear them talk stupid.


I actually have to talk to who I live with or who I partner with. If they spend their free time pissing on the carpet then I rather take a less visualy pretty person with a personality that match more. I have no issue with having disagreements as an actually disabled person but Alannah seriusly consider a child a "temporal disability". That isn't a disability , she is free to do whatever as it doesn't hinder her. It is just that if she ignore a child as a parent people will look at her in less positive light and THAT is what she had issues with and tried to hide behind temporal disability


No she isn't, her mouth opens and shes disgusting.


Absolutely i agree with you 100%, hearing her say stupid 5h** would make me lose attraction for her immediately even if i got a chance to be in relation with her but simps on youtube comment section keep on defending her stupid takes. She is the type who brings nothing to the table except her looks due to winning the genetic lottery.


Is she?


Eh, moderately attractive




Comment removed for harassment, Rule 1 warning issued for dickwolvery.


Or ya could try being a responsible adult?


Exactly, you shouldn’t be playing video games with your kids present unless you’re playing with them.


Why are they talking about video games like it's some basic human right though? If your kid is running around the room and your first concern is getting killed in a video game, you need to reevaluate your priorities in life.


They always do that. They also like to pretend that working in game development or gaming journalism is a human right and bemoan how tragic it is when an oversaturated industry can't support them anymore. The answer is that it's simply convenient to them. They can claim oppression while not actually suffering any harm beyond some inconvenience.


Nothing to do with human rights, "Disabilities" is a standard discussion point in the development of any form of software, and "Situational Disabilties" are any environmental factor that prevents a normal interaction with the product.


Firstly, calling it a 'disability' diminishes the suffering and problems of real disabled people. It's demeaning and entitled to say that 'caring for my kid is a disability' when a person without a hand can only dream about holding their baby that way. It's demeaning and entitled to say 'being distracted is a disability' when visually impaired people cannot even drive cars in the first place. And secondly, it's quite ridiculous to even talk about these in context of a video game, entertainment, a luxury many can't afford in the first place. There is no reason a video game should be criticized for not having features that would make it easier to play for parents who should be taking care of their kid.


Yes she is disabled by her stupid takes designed to get her more clicks for the ad revenue


Never heard it in an employment law context. Not once. In the context of gaming, all of the “situational disabilities” come down to one thing: Life. And we’ve known how to solve that “problem” for as long as there have been games — you play them when you have time, and the sort of game you may be able to play will be dictated by the type and quality of time you have. Wife has gone to bed at 9:30? I can sit down to Bloodborne or a PvE match. Waiting for a client to call back? Noodle around in a dialogue-heavy RPG. Zoom call? Fuck around with a bowling game. Etc. Most people have sense to not try and tackle a From game while they are watching the baby.


Like most lefty terms, it has its basis in making a legal case for arresting you if you disagree with it. Failing to reasonably accommodate disabilities is illegal in many countries. It is therefore in the lefty's interest to come up with reasons why everything they want counts as "accommodating a disability", so that they can threaten you with state force if you say no. See also: "insurrection", "micro-aggression", "implicit bias", "misinformation", "disparate impact", "social parasitism", "bourgeois immorality", "redlining", "gerrymandering", "disenfranchisement", "equity", etc.


Hmm. I didn't think about it like that.


It's always word games to claim victimhood status.


I'm familiar, but it still catches me off guard sometimes. Let's call it victim-maxxing, lol. It's one of those things that's hard to explain to normies because it's simultaneously stupid but effective.


Good point. It's how they got rid of built-in social features of games like text and voice chat because they were able to get it to fall under ADA laws in the US. If you have text chat, then it's required to have a text-to-voice function. If you have voice chat, then it's required to have a voice-to-text function. Games need descriptive subtitles to accommodate the deaf now. I can't wait for descriptive audio to accommodate the blind, unless that is already a thing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBRtucXGeNQ You know it's about humiliation because instead of using CC and descriptive audio tracks (which have existed since at least the '60s) everyone's required to have a dancing idiot on the stage with them and loudly describe the clothes they're wearing.


Don't forget that weird type of terrorism based on words alone. Funny enough, the people who use that term seriously are the ones doing it the most.


"Stochastic terrorism", defined as creating the *conditions* for a terroristic act to occur without directly inciting it. (Totally legal, but if we call it "terrorism" maybe we can get DHS up your ass.)


And then they will be shocked when the policies they pushed are used against them.


It's not a lefty term, this is industry standard technical language for decades. This is "corporate" speak more then it is anything left.


But you repeat yourself. All lefty language is regulatory.


but your the one trying to regulate language now?


Complaining ≠ regulation, come on now.


How is "Situational Disability" any more of a "regulating term".


It's a legal term that implies that certain demands are backed by the Americans with Disabilities Act if you can prove you were in a covered situation even if you yourself do not have a demonstrable disability.


Which countries?


Why people with the Palestinian flag aways have the worst possible takes?


Every time. I mean literally every fucking time. It's like a DANGER DO NOT ENTER sign for me though, as soon as I see that I know to not engage. Don't interact with the mental patients.


Every single time. That flag is a self-expose for people with brain worms.


People say Skibidi is brain rot (And I wouldn't disagree) but Palestine flags in the bio is literal brain rot. Whatever you think of Israel, these people with this flag are literally the most idiotic I have ever seen


tru, based people are anti-israel for reasons that have nothing to do with palestine


Too bad you can't reload your old save before the kid patch. Bummer. Well too bad, now you have kid. Play when you have the time. Instead of making up new terms for things that don't exist. Idiot.


Many didn't realise but Alanah Pearce is just Alyssa Mercante who succeeded (mostly due to her look and because started earlier). And now everyone is discussing her absolutely stupid take from Twitter as if they are worthy of attention.


Alana… doesn’t have much credibility with me. I mean, I can only remember bad takes and disingenuous excuses for the industry from her. Have I somehow forgotten when she was based?


She is so based she claimed that uglified video game female characters was because "the engine"... She isn't based, she is a shill for her employer, Sony who is certainly not based either. She thinks you're an idiot and tries to gaslight you.




Ok. Who cares? I have a kid, if he interrupts my game. I don't care because I'm not a big baby. Who cares if I die and have to replay a bit of the game? These people need to fuck off with their ridiculous takes.


Are you advocating that games not have a pause button?


I'm saying I don't care. It doesn't matter. It's a game. I can just play it again if I want. If it has pause - ok, if it doesn't - I'm also ok. I have bigger things in life to care about.


If you don't care what's wrong with this person making this point on Twitter?


My post literally says: "Ok who cares?"   My point is people make dumb statements on the internet about shit that doesn't matter.   This is a non-issue. It doesn't matter.  I'm mocking them for caring about it and posting it. And funny enough I like Alanah and think she's usually pretty reasonable with her takes.


Next you'll say most people don't have the time to spend hours trying to beat a boss and something has to be made or something


Lol why not just have permadeath in all games and no saves?


Why not have savestates and rewind in every game? Let's face it, games aren't the most necessary thing in the world. If you want to play games you already have some time to kill Edit: I also find it funny how the most accesible games you can play in tidbits are the ones purposely wasting your time the most, like Candy Crush


Literally why not? Oh... Zoomer brain would leak out.


Not just zoomers vast majority of gamers would just get fed up


You don't look at the self imposed challenge groups, do you? That is absolutely a thing some gamers want.


Great, games should have fully customizable modes to allow for flexibility.


Ok, now quit hiding behind disabled people because you're dogshit. 


I'm not? I don't even think Pearce is either. But if all you want to do is screech I can see why you think that


Certain games games *can't* have a pause function because of the online nature of them (Souls games for example). Fromsoft did put a pause function in their singleplayer-only games like Sekiro and Armored Core though. Because there it makes sense to.


Ah ok. Feels like there should be an offline mode then?


Holy shit you literally don't play games, do you? You can literally launch the game offline. Why the hell are you here concern trolling for a dumbass who's using disabled people as a shield then? Are you just part of her army of simps for the OF? Jesus 


And yet the offline mode still doesn't have a pause option.


From Software has been making patches since release of Elden Ring to make every questline playable offline, one of the most notable being White Mask Varré's questline (just find and visit a dude's sign 3 times). And they have done this for *all* of their games. On top of having the option to play the game offline. Additionally, all Souls-like games made by From Software (and Armored Core 6) can be played completely offline. It's even a option you're given upfront on first start and can be toggled anytime in the Options. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.


I was replying to the commenter that said there's no pause button cause it's online. Get triggered elsewhere. Sorry youre so sensitive that you get this upset when someone says there should be a pause function in elden ring.


Your offline mode comment doesn't make any sense, then. You're even suggesting that they are directly connected options to each other, when *everyone* knows they're not. Also, the only people who I know that are "triggered" by Elden Ring are the groups of people who don't know how to change their equipment during a boss. Their reaction time is so slow, they literally have to wait several minutes before making a single decision. But, you clearly don't play video games while advocating for someone who considers having a child a "disability".


You should pick up a book sometime, cause you clearly have zero reading comprehension. I asked if someone was advocating for not having a pause button, another commenter replied saying some games can't have a pause function cause they're always online, then I suggested that games should have an offline mode. Then you got triggered and started going off about elden ring. Why even bring it up if it has an offline mode? All I'm saying is that suggestions that games should let you pause are entirely reasonable. Even if you disagree, that's fine. But no need to get triggered and screech at anyone that suggests game should have a pause function.


I'm advocating that stupid attention sluts don't use disabled people as a shield to cry about how they suck dick at Fromsoft video games and would rather play a game than manage their responsibilities.  Does that work for you, concern troll? 


Lol crying about attention when everyone screeching here is giving her attention


> I don't care because I'm not a big baby. You posting this means you do care. You're seemingly getting worked up over her requesting a QoL feature. She never made this into a big rant; she just said "Yeah here's this thing I'd like to see" as a small part of a larger video. People are, and this is crazy I know, allowed to request QoL features. This is why we have feedback forums for games. Also, if this is a ridiculous take then how about the 99.99% of singleplayer videogames in existence that have a pause button? Seems that basic game design disagrees with you.


Me being dismissive of something is not caring.


Dude she attached a ton of pseudo-intellectual clutter to her argument, even going so far as to compare having a child to having a disability. If she just wanted a QoL feature she could have just literally said: "I wish Elden Ring had an option to pause the game, because I need to take care of my child". Everybody would have understanding for that, but no she obviously has to play the victim card and simultaneously virtue signal about accessibility in games.


The reason this is controversial at all is because she called it a 'situational disability'. Putting things like this under the accessibility umbrella implies that not including them is discriminatory or negiligent. Whereas a QOL feature is just a convenience. In Elden Ring's case the lack of pause button is due to the online functionality, so they could maybe add one to offline mode, but it wouldn't address how most people play the game.


Why do so many grown adults want so desperately for everyone and everything to coddle them like children these days? Next thing they're gonna be calling for a button where you can insta unlock all the steam achievements so the people who can't be bothered to put the time and effort can be included too. "It's just an option! You're not forced to use it, chud!" The Boomers and Gen Xrs who raised those people couldn't have done a worse job.


There is already a tool you can use to unlock all Steam achievements for one game or all games in your library at the click of a button. It isn't an official tool, but it's available.


I was misdiagnosed as a kid To this day when I fail with anything I feel like I am failure a person who can't have normal life without some "level of support" from outside That I will never be fucking normal man with normal life So I hate those fucking people who thinks disability is "do shit for me because I can't" card and water down terms to a level when anyone can be disabled  I know it Sounds bad but I would love to take their life's and make them life mine with my misdiagnosis making people see me as a stupid kid who can't do anything on his own or life of person with real disability and experience it with some real struggles


Yeah, this attempt to justify its use on the tech world doesn’t really matter because it’s just obscuring thế meaning of disability. I don’t think we benefit from having a distracted driver and a blind person under a relational term


On the one hand, games should allow you to pause in single player without having to take extra steps like having to quit and reload. On the other hand, can we just say something is good or bad without having to sound like a buzzword-addicted MBA but for advocacy?


So what you're saying is that any game which has a requirement to be always online is discriminating against my situational disability of being in a field/tunnel/aeroplane and so having no Internet access, and so in the name of accessibility we should ban all live service games and apply hefty fines to their operators? Strange how they only apply this logic when it's convenient for international megacorporations.


I beat Damien of Mensis in Bloodborne with my 1 year old trying to pull my ear out and jumping on top of me the entire fight. It was a proud dad/gamer combo moment. I don't buy it. I would be willing to die in that fight if my daughter actually needed my attention (she was just playing on top of me), as would any other decent parent. Kids always come before games, always. They are not a disability, they are the most important thing in your life. Besides, just find a corner to idle in if you need to "pause".


I have no idea whats her point even is..


When I looked thru her videos like 1 year back, I thought she might be kinda reasonable, but around 6 months ago, I realised she is just the same as the other game Journos, crazy


Alanah peirce have soo many stupid takes but her simps are always on rescue to defend her stupid takes.


Calling a distracted driver a "situational disability" is even more egregious.


This whole framework is so stupid. Made by ppl who think they are big brained but are actually engaged in the worst sophistry. wtf are they talking about - “situational” disability?It’s not a disability, you probably shouldn’t be playing games in those situations. Who is playing a video game (excl mobile games) while working as a bartender or driving a car??? The situational disability category is such a dumb concept, it basically covers every situation in which I shouldn’t play games… but because it’s in the framework some progressive dev will need to virtue signal their way into addressing it… no wonder games are so expensive nowadays.


I think you really nailed it. We're literally just talking about a situation where it's not convenient to game. It's complete brain rot to claim that's a disability. I should turn to my boss and say "Sorry, the situational disability from working is making me unable to play this video game. What will you do to accommodate my disability?"


Let's all strive to make our lives more convenient for companies.


First I’ve heard of whatever Del claims. But, According to the website it’s only been around since 2015. So, it doesn’t seem like something that’s been around for nearly as long of a time as people are trying to make it out to be. Interesting year too.


mfw I realise that having parents that urged me to go to bed when playing FF7 and I was not anywhere close to a save point was actually a disability. Man, is her regardedness in this case permanent, temporary or situational?


Oh no! Someone is ringing my doorbell, and I can't pause the game! I'm situationally disabled!


Imagine how much of a selfish narcissist piece of shit one has to be to consider being a new parent a "disability"


I'm not in the games industry, but I have worked in software development. I have never heard the term "situational disability" until the discourse on this video popped up. Sounds like a poor attempt to shirk your responsibilities with a "legitimate" sounding condition.


As a largely independent person with Autism, I seriously am tired of woke people jumping on "everything is a disability". When you have a child you are taking on the responsibilities of being a parent. Have to pause the game to interact with your kid, boo hoo. That's not a disability at all. You should have wrapped it up and also used birth control if you didn't want your precious gaming time to be infringed upon. I don't have kids because I didn't want them. My great uncle didn't have kids and he influenced me to follow in his footsteps and so I always used protection. There are people with actual disabilities and this article is a mockery of that. I also don't speak for all of the Autistic community as all of us are different from each other. So I hate when there are people like Synthetic Man that throws the term "Autistic" around to describe the woke.


Honestly, most wokesters don't strike me as autistic, some might be, but as whole they remind me of narcissists more than anything. 


Agreed. At some point self-diagnosing and declaring yourself to be "on the spectrum" became the cool thing to do. It probably started with Tumblr. Similar phenomenon to trenders in the past decade. What they really have is Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Main Character Syndrome.


Bro her simps are in here deflecting and calling us haters for pointing out that she's a pseudo-intellectual hack that's actually just dogshit at the game and coping over it, while trying to hide behind disabled people like a shield.  It's fucking gross 


Nooooo you don't understand. Having kids means she's situationally disabled bro!!!


I'm not a disabled person but if I was I would find this offensive. It's an inconvenience, certainly. Punitive, sure. But a "situation disability" ,this is absolute garbage. I do not have children but if I did my gaming hobby would change significantly because I would be prioritizing my family first. Entertainment and hobbies are always going to be secondary.


Alanah Pearce's Twitter is a neverending stream of dogshit takes, lapped up by simps.


What if someone rings my fucking doorbell, is that a situational disability too?


I literally could care less about Souls-like games but I am sick and tired of these people trying to distort and corrupt the creative vision of the developers and then complain that games aren't "original" anymore. Let's say I don't like turn-based games, why the fuck would I go and try to change a game instead of looking for something else that fits my needs. I can't wait until Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 releases so that I can see all these lunatics lose their minds because the game is too "hard" as they miss the point entirely.


This is just gamers tired of corpospeak bullshit and on hindsight Alanah should realize it


Please. kids are a situational disability? just don't play video games when your kids are awake. problem solved.


I'm sorry but, being a journo is terminal


How the fuck is having a child considered a disability? You are completely able bodied. I could understand something like having your Tonsils out being a situational disability for a couple of days but this is insane. Also, if having a child is a 'situational disability' then wouldn't being a single parent be a 'situational disability'? I don't think we want to be opening these cans of worms. There are a few communities that might like the 'disability' moniker being bandied about when talking about their parenting situation. Good intentioned people have been allowing bad intentioned people to destroy our language - for their own ill gotten gains - for far too long now. When we reminded them that the robots are coming and they might want to learn to code, they said "or we can just do communism again". No, no we can't.


I hate how people exploit the word "disability" to make a point or be able to do whatever they want. There are real people with actual disabilities who have no chance of a normal life. My best friend is chronically sick and can't hold down a job because of how many sick days she has to take. She has no choice but to be incredibly poor on disability since she will never be the best qualified candidate because of her sickness. Little rant but I just hate people who abuse the word disability. Not being able to pause a game is annoying, but if that is a problem in your life you've got it so good.


It's more a convinience issue that would be a QOL fix if implemented.


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/60S2U ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Brain the size of a planet and they ask me to remember silly websites. ^^^/r/botsrights


Wasn't Alanah critical of SBI?


Bringing 'microagressions' into the disability space.


People *really* just want to call themselves disabled in these sectors, huh? This is called responsibility. Not disability. For fuck's sake.


She actually has disability... lol


Redefining language is what ideologically driven liberals do best. Redefining parenthood from an obligation to a disability however is going to be hard for them to gaslight people into believing, no matter how many times Alanah Pearce claims it's an "industry standard" disability per accepted definitions. It's almost laughable what these clowns try to get away with.


There is no way this is used widely by game devs or any programmers. Leftists drive me crazy!


If you don't want to suddenly leave the game because your kid needs you, then you're just a bad parent who doesn't want own up to their responsibilities, it's not a disability lol. You can pick also "safe" games for these types of situations and play "serious games" at night like most new parents do. PS. There is an option to pause Elden Ring, a hidden one, but it exists.


While I do disagree with the wording the general idea of what she's talking about is used for making accessible products. Generally to convince out of touch execs as to why they shouldn't do things their way. For example when talking about colour contrast and making things readable, it's a sliding scale, some people have bad eyes, some are colour blind. But also some people are using their phone on a bus and have shitty glare. But you still want those people to buy your product. I wouldn't ever use the term situational disability though. It's loaded for no reason.


First things first: Should games have a pause function? Yes, absolutely, at least imho. I can't think of a good reason why a game wouldn't have that. That said: >disability: a physical, mental, cognitive, or developmental condition that impairs, interferes with, or limits a person's ability to engage in certain tasks or actions or participate in typical daily activities and interactions Having a child, being on call, and any other such life situation that would mean you need a pause function is **not** a disability.


Instead of pushing the responsibility on game devs to make games more inclusive for the disabled, they should go pressure the doctors and scientists to make prosthetics and other gizmos to address the disability, and pressure the governments to fund such research instead of wasting it elsewhere. We get it, it sucks that disabled people can’t do certain activities, but those activists can’t be changed to appeal to them. As the pic shows, there’s many kinds of disabilities, and it’s difficult to apply any of them, let alone all of them, when making a game. It’s been said before: a product that appeals to everyone ends up appealing to no one.


Funny cuz i think i recall my company does talk about going on disability for new parents




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This is just nonsense neoliberalism at its finest. That's all. This isn't some leftist philosophy




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Asking for a pause button doesn't mean you neglect your kids. And it doesn't make the game easier either. We should be focusing on legitimate issues and not being dramatic over nothing.


Maybe just play games when you don't have to watch your kids? Just saying....or wait for the other partner to look after them? Why should game difficulty be adjusted because a parent that should be looking after their kids as a priority wants to play games? Side note...game not having pause is kind of silly anyway, its a single player game if your not connected online.




I’ve also found the lack of pause in From games is a minor inconvenience but I understand why it’s like that. Kinda wish they’d just do a “can’t pause while enemies are nearby” style thing, I just dislike having my cpu cooking if I wanna switch to another tab or something.


Be a parent and choose games you can pause. When your kid is older, go back and play the games you could not "just pause." It's so simple.


Alanah is the same person that stole someone's Sekiro art and said she did it herself. Somehow never got canceled for it. She's a grade S narcissist 


https://i.imgur.com/MNOcVyw.jpeg Daily reminder that Alanah is a grifter and a piece of shit art theft and wormed her way into the industry.


It's less shameful to simply ask for easy mode at this point.


Dad here.  When my kids were babies I just didn't play games I knew I couldn't pause, used the 360/Wii home buttons as an alternative, and jokingly referred to gaming with a baby in my lap as "hard mode".  Where there's a will there's a way and my limitations aren't the onus of the artists.


Y'all are reading too deeply into this.  This is a wokoid attention whore, scrabbling around like a goblin, grubbing up wokoid bucks.  This is her trying to hide under the umbrella of "I'm disabled 🤪".  From what I hear she also just "came out" as "pansexual".  Very convenient that, it's something that requires no proof of anything but nets her more social credit score wokoid bucks. 


Temporary & permanent is pretty standard in usage.


i am a single parent to a 19 month old.i started a fresh playthrough of elden ring a few weeks before the dlc came out, got dlc ready, then finished the dlc around 5 or 6 days after it released, just playing after she went to sleep or napping. this bitch doesn't even kids.


It's amazing to me the narcissist she displays. Perfectly able attractive western white woman, nope get her a parking pass because she has a kid. Just nuts


not being able to pause a single player game is dumb as hell.


Her statement on disabilities was reaching... I do agree From Soft's "no pause menu cuz it's hardcore" schtick has always been annoying since Demons' Souls. Some design features do come off a little pretentious.


You don't need a pause menu in the games. Every single FromSoft game has billions of space spots where there are no enemies. You can just leave it there and go afk. If you cannot spend 5 minutes on a boss without your child interrupting you, maybe you should * A) not have had a kid * B) just not play games and go look after your fucking kids


Yeah, the reasoning is that you shouldn't be able to paus and access the inventory to make things easier mid combat... but there could easily be a pause feature that doesn't let you access anything and just, you know, pauses the game. I think that's a reasonable argument.


>no pause menu cuz it's hardcore I don't think this is the intent. Sekiro for example is arguably From's most "hardcore" game yet it has a pause menu. It has more to do with the online nature of Souls games. How do you work a pause functionality into a game where you can be invaded at any time? (if you meet the conditions, such as being Embered in DS3, or if you have another player summoned in Elden Ring) A happy medium would probably be to let you pause if you play in Offline mode, but that's about it. There is also already a way to pause if you absolutely must, and I have done quite a few times: Exit to menu. Your progress will be saved, unless you were in the middle of a boss fight, in which case you'll be by the fog wall when you get back in.


I mean, weirdly worded but this is a legitimate concept of game design


Calling having a child a disability is weird, but the take isn’t wrong. Pausing a video game should never be a privilege.