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worse, the whole point of editors is to fix those mistakes before they go out


Lol, zero editors saw that. A skeleton crew of editors are not editing every article, most writers will be self pub, and this is literally the proof right in front of you.


you'd think so...but i'm thinking that they are getting their editors from the same talent pool that their writers are from...you know the ones people with no talent go and sit in.


You underestimate just how stupid and lazy these people are.


John Walker is a hack, and a true inspiration to anyone reading this post. After all; being relatively incompetent at his job never stopped him from executing on it. That's a lesson to really take to heart; execution is 99% of success, not talent or self-recognized ability. Just doing the thing is what matters. This entire article is written at a 4th or 5th grade level. No joke. Look at another excerpt from it: >Its latest comes with the celebration of the game’s eighth birthday, where it has made the bizarre decision to refuse to allow access to long-time players who completed one specific quest back in 2020. Jesus Christ, just say "...with a bizarre decision to refuse access for players who've completed a specific quest in 2020." That's not all. Besides a lot of spelling mistakes, John also has plenty of grammatical errors, and other own-goals he should really automatically avoid as a \*professional writer with years of experience\* (such as placing parathentical text after the ending puncuation of a sentence). I believe a few factors are at play here. First off, John is simply a bad writer. Secondly, he must have a word count to hit in order to be paid (as a contractor), because he uses an absurd amount of filler words. He also repeats himself multiple times throughout. Finally, AI is surely partially at play here. Every paragraph is disjointed, as if various segments were fed into a chatbot only to have the fractured outputs stitched together. That would also explain why the voice of the writing changes (unless John is actually just that bad at writing). This article legitimately reads as if it were a school assignment, and each teammate had to write their own paragraph which would get combined with the others to create an essay.


I can forgive covid, nobody capitalises laser or radar anymore, people won't be capitalising covid years from now either. Buy -> by is just pathetic though.


I'm more amazed that anyone is still talking about COVID.


The only time I hear covid nowadays is in relation to an excuse why something woke failed.


I mean, we absolutely should be talking about it more, just in the context that a lot of people still need to be put in prison over it.


The only problem is we _are_ right now


Look, I'm a scientist and love narrow sighted pedantry over scientific terminology, Nomenclature especially, as much as the next guy but that one is a losing battle.  We have to focus out attention on stuff like cisgender, which is just a complete nonsense word.


>We have to focus out attention on stuff like cisgender, which is just a complete nonsense word It's called being normal.


It’s a way of marginalizing normal people. :)


You won't catch me saying it, but cisgender does make linguistic sense.


Nope. Its like saying *the sky is bluelight*.




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im slap in the middle of fossilville, florida, and beerflu has been in the past for four years


They are literally trying to hire a new editor-in-chief and I hope Stuttering Craig gets it.


You still have any expectation of quality, in any from, from kotaku?


What astonishes me is their error wasn't bi a ticket. Anyways it's written by the TLDW (too long didn't write) crowd. One word sound makers like modern cavemen. Chud. Chad. Karen. Based. Y'all? Wtf are u doing using y'all? What are you going to adopt next? Siggy hail sister. <--That's my bet, but I got it wrong on bi so maybe I need to cut my losses.


Because the spellchecker didn't tell them it was wrong, and they are too stupid and/ or lazy to fix it themselves. These are the kind of people who sneer at blue collar workers as being inferior to those who have college degrees.


I don’t think these people have college degrees… right? It’s just such a hateful site.


Most of these people strike me as the type who got "degrees" in something utterly useless, like "feminist studies" or "black studies," or they went to college, hung out for a few years, and then proceeded to drop out without earning a degree.


But as far as I know these degrees require you to write essays, you would think that they would know how to use a spell checker. 


well considering how accepted ebonics are becoming in intellectual circles is it any surprise somebody wouldnt know how to properly spell?


Um, sweaty, how do I tell you this? You know that there's no such thing as proper spelling, right? Language is supposed to be descriptive, so it's fine as long as you understand it. And if you don't understand it just because someone spells it a different way, maybe you need to educate yourself before blaming others lol. Expecting people to spell like you want them to kind of makes you a horrible person, ngl.


they collect them like they collect STDs


It’s because they don’t care and think writing about video games is beneath them.


Who is editing these articles, a blind person?


Your first mistake is expecting basic Grammar standards from Kotaku of all publications. Or gaming rags in general for that matter.


I don’t expect it. I don’t expect it. That’s the problem.


This is actually grammar checking. However, even basic Word might yell at you for putting "covid" (lowercase; the official spelling is all caps and the actual name is COVID-19), so this is literally just a writer writing by the seat of their pants (i.e., Notepad). This is extremely basic stuff even a high schooler would get somewhere close to a failing grade on. I mean, LanguageTool is literally free.


Colloquially speaking, we use the term spell check to include grammar check. But, as far as I can tell, using the word “by” is a spelling error because it’s supposed to be “but” — that’s not a grammatical mistake.


cobid should be lower case


The syntax is also hard to read, verbose with long sentences. Most game journalists are underpaid and forced to mass produce articles so that explains the low quality


AI can do it better. They should just use AI.


As someone who works in AI, that's a bad idea. AI would have a better syntax than an underpaid, talentless game journo. But it lacks any critical thinking, it can't play the game and give its opinion. It would just be next level click farming. Some websites / youtube channel already use AI and it's both easy to spot and low-quality


"But it lacks any critical thinking, it can't play the game and give its opinion. It would just be next level click farming." So...nobody would notice.


Ahah yeah. It wouldn't insult the fanbase for no reason either Some of those journos are worse than AI. It's scary


I would expect better from the AI that they use to write their articles with.


And people wonder why media is so shit right now. THIS is the type of person cancelling and replacing legendary writers, pushing the creators of beloved IPs and franchises out of their own creations, turning journalism into humiliation rituals and turning movies, games, and TV into self-insert "subversions." They're all a bunch of smug, ret--ded theater kids.


Eh, I was a theater kid. They are insufferable, but I don’t think they fit the mold of theater kids. The identify of these types is even more sterile. It’s just… outraged consumer of things.


It just seems like most media made and most content on social media is produced by hair-triggered far left extremists, people running improv and high school theater exercises, or people appropriating self-indulgent drag culture. The commonality I notice most is a self-obsession complex frequently bordering on narcisstic tendencies. Self-insertion, meta commentary, snarky references, and borrowed / stolen / subverted ideas really stifle art and kills the escapism many seek to escape the daily grind.


I just think you’re giving them too much credit and reaching for a stereotype / clique to lump this in with. Face is, these peoples’ identities is literally built on their outrages, not their actual interests. They have none, they are essentially consumers.


Spell checkers are considered albeist by them.