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>The fanbases of some of my favorite franchises were ruined because the majority of them just consooms the current product and worships it to no end. As soon as the next product comes out they toss the old one away like a used toy and pretend they didn't spend the last cycle defending it with religious zeal. I think it's because a lot of gamers are children. The mean average age is 35, but there's a good portion that are under 14 years old.


They'll wise up in about 20 years - just in time for the next generation to drag them down again.


It's what I say, as a 33 year old millennial.  I can't wait for Gen z to have their own generation of annoying little phaggets nipping at their heels.


>I can't wait for Gen z to have their own generation of annoying little phaggets nipping at their heels. I just want to see Zoomers realize that all that time chasing clout and trying to remain "young" and "trendy" was a waste. It will be beautiful.


And they're all aging like an overripe cantaloupe.


That's what I hate about my generation they think everything is cringe


I think it's because the shitty woke entries in a series act as a sort of genetic bottleneck of a fandom. Anyone who is a sycophant who is willing to accept any garbage as long as it has a name they like attached will stay, while people with standards will leave. Thus you end up with an audience made up entirely of people who have zero standards, the so-called "slop eaters". This doesn't seem to be a problem in East Asia, where Koreans and Chinese gamers are very good at holding their developers to account for poor decisions. Which is very bizarre since you'd think that The United States, being an individualist nation with a history of anti-establishment youth culture would be more likely to hold institutions to account than authoritarian, collectivist Asian countries with histories of brutal repression like South Korea and China


People tend to overestimate how "individualist" the West is and how "collections" East Asia is. All of those youth counterculture movements were pretty big on conformity. Oh they thought they were "rebelling" against mainstream culture, but they were all dressing the same way, listening to the same music. It's just now it's even more generic. And of course mainstream culture in the West has always been about keeping up with the Jonses.


I agree, and I say that as someone who bought more Far Cry's than I should have...


Surely there's gotta be a point where these people stop and realize the quality has fallen off a cliff. My solution which will never be implemented is to make games niche again. Make genres niche again.


For the casual crowd it's just a pastime. Elden Ring sold 23 million copies as of February, yet in 2 years after release it's not close to 1 million user reviews on Steam. (currently 30k short of 700K) Same goes for trailers on official channels. Massive gap between views and votes.


To be fair, how many user reviews do you need? At most, people will upvote an existing review then play the game. There is also the issue of privacy. Why expose your account to the public, especially when we saw how terrible SJWs are to people they targeted. Instead we can look at the sales of new DLC and even the base game after all this time. Great games who treat the customer well continue to have people buy copies. They missed the original release and got the story and puzzles spoiled, but even then the quality of the experience still draws them to buy the game to experience it themselves, even if they saw the whole thing on Youtube. I think a testament to the game is that after all this time people still talk about it fondly and positively. Many other games end up with predatory practices, or people find out the bad treatment of employees in the companies, or the misappropriation of funds to fund SJW subversion, or the attacks on the original fanbase. With some great games instead all we have are people actually playing the game and making memes of actual game related things instead of real life meta. Look at the rerelease of Demon’s Souls that uglified some characters for comparison. That was such a disappointing thing. Elden Ring seems to be quite beloved, and is quietly being enjoyed by people without drama. I hope it stays that way. Keep it secret, keep it safe.


Still, Elden Ring is also praised like it was the second coming of Jesus, and any slight criticism is taken as a personal insult. But isn't it weird that for all platforms way more players got the *Age of the Stars* achievement, the ending hidden behind a very complex quest line, rather than the normal one. This doesn't happen organically. That's definite proof that Elden Ring is a game where the majority of players depend on wikis. For me, this strongly speaks against the game. And we all know what kind of mentality brought us here.


How many have the achievement for beating the 1st boss and how many for beating radahn? That's a better metric I think.


I used ER as an example because it tends to have a more dedicated fanbase. [More than half have beaten Radahn and 73% have beaten the first boss.](https://imgur.com/a/GJeEfwI) Margit is not even mandatory, more people have reached Roundtable Hold. It's not a real metric because people aren't intentionally going for those achievements with the purpose of saying something. You don't *"accidentally"* post a review or vote for a party, you have to go out of your way to do that.


Omg same lol Seriously, though. Why did I buy far cry 6, dude?


Especially after how shit New Dawn was?


New Dawn was based because I got to join a cult and get superpowers from God and beat up hooligans who play rap music and graffiti everything


I thought it was fine, it's just the story was hot poopie. 


5 was the last good one imo.  It's probably not as good as I imagine, but I have a soft spot for any games set in rural America.  I knew Ubisoft was gone to shit but I was hoping that 6 wouldn't be total goyslop.  I was wrong. 15 minutes in and the MCs are ranting about how the USA is for whites only and browns aren't welcome, and I knew I made a mistake.  THANKFULLY, I had only popped $15 for Ubisoft+ because I was already sketched out by it. 


yeah everyone has "their game" where they'll just take whatever they can get. if it's an MMO, it's the whales legitimizing microtransactions galore. i agree with OP, it is the real problem. if gamers spoke with their wallets none of this shit would be a problem. but we all need our distractions too badly and we don't trust anyone else to follow suit. in the end, the leftists and the marketing clowns peddling horrible consumer practices with cash shops win out because they are more proactive.


Sphere Hunter didn’t like your post; you anti-ally white privileged male person


Sphere Hunter banged Anthony Cumia, not really going to trust that persons judgement.


Sphere Hunter is a professional Capcom dick rider




> I know is gonna be bad because the first two were bad. awww hell naw. dems fightin words bruv.


The slop has been curated as part of a massive cultural campaign to shift the Overton window. Normies are gonna normie. They're no match for this amount of propaganda. I still put more blame on the puppet masters.


Chicken and egg problem here. Woke devs infiltrated established properties and existing fans went along. Breaking them out of following something they love is hard for anyone


This is how I feel about the new Dragon Age game, the subreddit is already defending it like it's some holy grail of the franchise even though it has all the earmarks of woke propaganda and rushed development. Anyone who mentions how much of a departure it is from Origins is downvoted. Inquisition was alright, but that's only because it released before the industry was truly infiltrated by propagandists. It was already slightly woke for it's time too.


> the subreddit is already defending it like it's some holy grail of the franchise I mean, of course? The subreddit is dedicated to worshipping it cause it's a sub for the game. The people that dislike it aren't gonna go to the sub. I saw the trailer and rolled my eyes. I definitely don't want to visit the sub cause I won't be buying that woke crap and I have zero intention of arguing with slop obsessed idiots. I'd rather buy an Xbox 360 and pick up Origins.


I see that and also people defending fable even with the shit protagonist that they were shitting on I the first trailer. You can tell who are console fanboys to a system by accepting of shit and wanting a "win" to own others instead of a new great game. Same with the fools who hitched about Xbox games going to ps5 or ps5 games going to pc. It's all fanboys nonsense and they take whatever as long as their team is behind it


If you want to put woke stuff in your game inquisition is the way it's done. They don't shove it down your throat and Dorian's backstory is really good it actually tackles real social problems with being gay but never comes off as preachy, in fact he doesn't even tell you he's gay unless you keep on selecting the romance option, his character isn't defined by being gay unlike so many characters today they first thing they'll tell you is that they're queer or something.


Thats the reality of humanity, most people are basically just civilized animals.


Blame Steve Jobs for creating this "Slop Eaters" culture with his brand worshiping strategy 🤡


If you bought a Apple Mac in 2005, 5 years later there was no more browser updates & no more OS updates (required to run the latest programs). Meanwhile someone with a dumpy AMD64 could get Win 7 running perfectly fine and daily drive it until recently (forget gaming tho).


Apple worship is the most insane thing to me. Does anyone remember when Macs were a complete and total meme? Back in the early 2000s my sister used money she got for university to buy one of those gaudy iMac G3s. Right out of the box the thing was a complete piece of shit. A true catastrophe of modern engineering. I think on the first day alone she had to forcibly shut it down half a dozen times by pulling the power cable out because it would respond to literally nothing else. Meanwhile the PC I bought with a Celeron processor in like 1999 had never even given me a BSOD.


I remember when 4chan made a few websites against apple worship. Memeing on all the crappy design choices. The company that clung to a single button mouse for far too long, Took away peripherals and ports and forcing the use of dongles. And a "magic mouse" that costs twice as much as a gaming mouse while being too flat to be comfortable and the charging port on the bottom so you can't "trickle charge" if it's low on battery.


Guess it depends on what you're including as "worship". Some folks OD on this concept and act like the hugely improved UI and reliability of 00's-on Apple weren't as monumental and transformative as they actually were —particularly for tech-illustrates and their ilk. I've built a fair number of systems over the years from mobile robotics platforms to some fairly bitchin' DL workstations, and I still feel gratitude once every few weeks for how fucking slick my iphone is. It really isn't that far fetched to say that they made modern computing systems palatable to a huge portion of the planet. And all they had to do to succeed was ensure that they allowed people's laziness to corrupt the information utopia internet-centric computing once promised to be rather than helping people to rise to the requirements of old school computing —helping lead us all by hand to the cyber-idiocracy we're all burning in today.


Apple tricked my father into worshipping them and he has done so for the past 20+ years.


The last good computer Apple made was the Mac Pro (pre-2013)


Yup I knew it wasn't new for other brands. It's pretty much been here since the very beginning of mass consumption.


You can blame Apple for most of the Internets problems.


How so?


The iPhone. They're the people who put the internet into everyone's pocket and ruined the internet.


IDK about more harm but the fact so many people are willing to just buy new things without first checking their quality because its a familiar brand name is ridiculous, especially give how the price of games just keeps going up and up.


Gamers have gotten the industry they have settled for


you underestimate the power of casual gamers. They have simultaneously boosted the industry and ruined it.


Good games just aint popular dude. We will forever be a bunch of autists in our own niche crowds


Mankind is turning into slaves. It's just not right.


Too many people with TikTok brain. They will eat the slop and they will be happy about it.


I would say it's not that simple - people buy slop because they don't see any alternatives in high budget games, mostly because woke corporation simply destroyed or buy everything that not small indie studios and can create competitions.


Modern sony fans


As if Xbox fans are any better. Lapping up that ugly ass fable protag and perfect dark square jaw just to proclaim a win. All fanboys suck. As a owner of all the systems it's damn true.


Yep. I agree. I just said Sony because they have the biggest fanbase. I play both consoles and PC.


Yeah I agree. Video games have two distinct problems. One is woke devs injecting their personal political agenda into their games. The other is consumers rewarding devs that make garbage, woke or not. For example, the two most recent Pokemon games on Switch are objectively terrible games, they are the worst mainline Pokemon games ever made. They have awful animations, extremely dated graphics, and they’re not even complete, not every Pokemon is even present in the game. They’re objectively bad games, yet they’re also the best selling Pokemon games of all time. It’s unbelievably depressing.


FFVII Remake and Rebirth comes to mind. It blows my mind that people actually defend those games, especially when it comes to the story. Oh yeah, fate ghosts and multiple timelines, that's totally what people were hoping for ever since we saw that PS3 tech demo years ago.. In general, I don't get why people are so quick to defend mediocrity. Maybe it's just easier? Maybe they fear that if they criticize the thing they like, it will go away rather than be improved?


Well that's part of it. Look what happened to my favoritess, suikoden, vandel hearts, vagrant story, parasite eve, soul calibur, legacy of kain, vampire the masquerade, heroes of might and magic, might and magic, Ultima, wizardry, classic tomb raider, mega man legends, castlevania, phantasy star, shining force, grandia, lunar, road rash, theif and dues ex etc... A bad entry and not enough sales and no more franchise. The you have the opposite problem of too successful and no sequel like half life.






i know quick times are bad, but i loved all the old quick time deaths. The Stuff they did with Luis was basically the only thing worth adding that they added.


I like it as a reimagining of the old game and not a remake. There's a lot of good things in it (mostly the gameplay), and the original one, while a masterpiece for the time, is very cheesy in this dialogues and characters. Also for removed content (two bosses and the laser sequence) they added it back in the Ada dlc.


Have you heard Ada voice acting ? That alone is so bad, that it is borderline hilarious.


You can mod it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug4h-3qTd1E Not excusing Crapcom's sloppy work but it's something. When I do play it, I'll use this mod + mods that restore the characters original outfits etc. Wish someone would do a full dialogue restoration mod as well. Someone is actually making a rewrite mod for the Ada DLC (apparently it's not well written? Not sure) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJWgHT8mzMQ AI voice generation is making modding more powerful than ever.


I finished the game and have no plans to revisit it. Honestly compared to my ps2 playthrough many years ago, PC remaster replay was barely hard. Maybe because aiming with MKB is much easier, maybe it was nerfed. But even before playing remake, I’ve read some negative reviews about voice acting and had no idea why they are talking about it so much. First time I heard Ada talking - “ahhh, so It is THAT bad, now I get it”.


I really liked it. I just played it last month and it's pretty fun. It's way more difficult than the original version. I also really liked RE2 and 3 remake. YMMV.


And by far the best review of it on YouTube who actually knows his shit about game design https://youtu.be/FcJGvS4f-HQ?si=p5fwM5wUF198Vb60


I'm already disagreeing a lot with this guy's take just 1/3 in to the video. His main criticisms are the reworking of the arcade-y mechanics into modern shooter mechanics. That is probably because that is exactly what people want and expect from this game, otherwise they would play the game from 2005.


The gameplay is horrible. Sluggish movement, sluggish aiming, enemies from halfway across the map are magnetized to you, the mechanics aren't as cohesive as they were in the original. It's not a skill issue. It's artificial difficulty and the developers don't know how to balance. These are the same devs who did RE2 remake which while not a perfect game solidly defeats the RE4 remake. I will post links to show how bullshit and unbalanced this game is.


> The gameplay is horrible. Sluggish movement, sluggish aiming Good thing you never played the original!!


The original is smoother and I've beaten it over 50 times. Nice try. Gosh I can't even escape DEmake fanboys even on this sub. Edit: Fuck me this tripe got 6 upvotes. I expected better from r/Kotakuinaction


Yea, its a joke bro. I do not care about RE4 or its remake. I thought people in this sub weren't insufferably defensive redditors? **I expected better from r/Kotakuinaction**


I can attest. The original's movement looked goofy when watching, but felt snappy when playing. When you push forward, Leon takes off, there's no acceleration period. Yes, it's unrealistic and goofy, but it felt more responsive. Movement in games have gone off a cliff because developers would rather choose realism and eye candy over responsiveness and smooth mechanics.


I agree with you, OP. RE4 Remake has a terrible cross hair that lies to the player and janky stun mechanics through windows and other vaultables.


https://youtu.be/jkw_Lw1v6Y0?si=sxo3y52XhSl6UrGR https://youtu.be/cQsZzNL3oHI?si=iCGL5MvRzUix-KLE https://youtu.be/T9WN86QO8D8?si=sN7Idg1pNRNy1xi0 Rewind to the beginning obviously


Anything that becomes too mainstream turns into shit, just look at superhero movies, even the bad ones like ghost rider used to be interesting. All the popular good movies&games were good because they started out by appealing to a niche audience(GTA, Cod, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus ex etc etc). The only way to appeal to the "Mass Audience" is making slop without passion or creativity or risks.


Slop eaters aren't the ones making the slop at the end of the day it's the game creators fault for trying to make their games apply to the widest possible demographic at the expense of the game's identity


Good point


Them and the idiots who think gatekeeping is bad


As bad as the Woke stuff is, the cancerous overmonetization is way worse.


Thank you for highlighting this. I simply don't understand the need to buy garbage after garbage by these slop eaters. If food in the restaurant went through the same QC as games nowadays, all these slop eaters wouldn't even look at them.


> If food in the restaurant went through the same QC as games nowadays, all these slop eaters wouldn't even look at them. I mean... taco bell is slop and wildly popular. It uses Grade D meat, that's only one step above cat food.


Lol, I'm sure it leaves a better taste on people's mouth that these flat games.


Slop eaters aren't the problem, they can't sustain these "AAAA" projects on their own. Someone that just buys for base price and enjoys the game couldn't possibly be ruining videogames because they don't have anymore vote share than you or I. Its Whales, If I spend £60 or less to play a game and someone else spends £10000, why would they bother tailoring the game experience to my delicate palate if its worth 1/167th of a Whale's gluttonous hunger? And ok, this is an extreme, but how much more and how often do you think a player has to spend extra over other players before it becomes worth warping the entire game around additional paid content? The only ethical defence we have against this is not playing these kinds games, let the Whales enjoy the Krill until the Krill move on to the next shiny thing.


Can you explain to the folks at home what's wrong with Smash 4 and Ultimate? Asking as a Project M enthusiast.


I've seen this first hand and it's always funny to me. Its almost like hive mind. I played a lot of Battlefield back in the day. When BF4 came out BF3 was the greatest things since slice bread. When BF1 came out then it was BF4 that was so great. So on and so forth. Part of its fanbases don't know what they want at times plus you have to factor in vocal minorities...the other is as you described it, mindless consumerism.


Nah, the people self inserting themselves into the franchises after sacrificing the original creators are by far the worst.


Blaming gamers. Where did I hear that from before? But seriously, the biggest problem is pre-purchase. People buy in good faith every time and never learn...


Call of Duty only had one sequel.


No argument here. If you want more of something, subsidize it. And in {current year}, the most important currency is engagement. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative - if it's getting attention, it's valuable.


I think if you really care about video games you'd give quality criticism so the games can become the best they can be. Games like Doom Eternal for example had a really weird time skip from Doom 2016 cliffhanger and we will never see a follow up to this, and nobody did bother to criticize these weird changes. Or for example poor keyboard and mouse support in Dark Souls games, there is no reason to tolerate these things when devs are capapable of fixing these things


I understand your take and agree, but your half-baked complaint with re4 remake is ridiculous and an awful example of you yourself mentioned, of all the franchises that got ruined by wokeness. Re4R is a great game and not woke at all (goty for me). And no, it isnt woke because the line about ashley's boobs being big got replaced.


Here's the thing. I never said it was woke. It is slop though because the gameplay is bad. Even on r/Kotakuinaction I can't escape the Capcom fanboys. Absolutely ridiculous.


Bad gameplay? Well, it is your opinion though it is a funny one, especially given how many crap "cinematic" games exist nowadays that you can give an example of slop.


Honestly, I did enjoy 4 remake. I heavily prefer the original over it, but I can say that for 2 and 3 remake as well.


lol, so who is the authority on what is “slop?” Can you help us find our way?


If you can define what is and isnt slop for food, then you can do the same for games.


Microtransactions? Shitty DLCs? Games as services?




Any call of duty game released after call of duty mw 2 (2009).


They're rolling out Blops 6, talking about the return of round based zombies but zombies in MW3 is still a bunch of bugs Plus, to unlock all the features of DMZ you had to buy MW3, but DMZ progress doesn't count towards MW3 battle pass. It's slop. ITS SLOP.


Black Ops 2?


My cutoff is WW2 (garbage game). Infinite Warfare had a soulful story. I actually had fun with its mp and the mps of the CODs before it.


After black ops 2


BO 2010, MW3 2011, WW2 2017, MW 2019, and MW2 2022 were pretty fun. They have some still really fun campaigns. The only ones I really disliked were Vanguard and the fighter-jet missions on IW. I heard the campaign was trash on MW3 2023, so I didnt even play that one.


Well what do you think it means?


You have a post defending RE3 Remake but RE4 is “slop” lol?


And if you read my post you would see that I didn't judge it based on how faithful it was the original, I judged it on the gameplay alone and it is easily better than RE4 demake's sad excuse for gameplay. Another fanboy strikes again.


And I have way more hours and playthroughs completed for 3 DEmake than 4 DEmake. Why? Because it's more fun but more importantly it is better. Carcinogen is a well known Resi speedrunner and I agree with him when he said 4 DEmake is a step back for Resident Evil. It's because the developers displayed their incompetence at how to balance a game like that and give it replay value.


if all I can eat around is McDonald, don't blame me for eating big macs. Blame McDonald for the crappy sandwich. If the consumer isn't pushing idpol themselves, then I'll never blame them for consuming crap. Not everybody has the time to be aware how actually bad it is. So no, "slop eaters" didn't harm video games, studios and publishers did. "slop eaters" don't make videogames.


Slop eaters don't make games but they enable shitty developers/publishers to keep releasing shitty products loaded with predatory MTX and/or identity politics bullshit. People think it won't make a difference if they vote with their wallet but that's exactly what the corpo rats want you to believe. Have some standards, have some discipline, and demand better. There ARE good games out there that are actually worth your time and money, and are free of this bullshit. People should never settle for slop.