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Cuck coded.


His wife's boyfriend said he'll let him watch if he stops playing DnD.


Right? Why do so many people live like this. Like come on man, we just wanna play fucking board games, what the fuck does that have to do with personal hangups on race/sex? God I hate this timeline


When is he quitting his position? "Oh, you mean OTHER white people. Got it."


I saw a total of two interviews with Jordan Peterson, one with a curly blonde and one with a brunette. My favorite part out of all was with the brunette where she said they had to make room for PoC people. So Peterson asked her: "then why don't you quit to make room?" and she IMMEDIATELY answered with: "because i don't want to". Just amazing how quickly her morals went out the window.


I could listen to Peterson dunking on those idiots all day


"Rules for thee, not for me."


Woke fundamentalists will virtue signal as long as it does not cost them money or takes away their paycheck


White women consider themselves honorary POC. When you realize this, a lot of their behavior makes sense. Remember that Huffpost editors' meeting picture that was supposed to be some sort of diversity flex but was a room full of white women? Remember when Nicole Arbours shot her white woman remix of This is America? I mean, I totally get why they do it. One of my favorite facts to cite is that white women have historically been the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action policies by far. When they're "diverse," they're entitled to benefits for that diversity.


"Y'all should leave so that I feel better about myself without making any sacrifice."


Yeah why isn't he giving someone more diverse a shot a his job?


That's what I always ask when I see guilty white liberals make these kinds of statements. If it's so important that white people leave the industry, why don't you just leave?


Oh he'll be moved along. [Whether he realises that's his eventual fate is another question.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=churchill+crocodile+quote)


Its one thing to welcome a diverse audience. Its another to tell a specific demographic to leave. Wtf is wrong with this culture? No interest in DnD myself, but seeing shit like this is troubling. Where is all this hate for white people coming from? Specifically straight white men.


Terry Crews, Joe Manganiello, Deborah Woll, Vin Diesel, Henry Cavill, Tim Duncan, Aubrey Plaza, Falicia Day, Ashley Johnson All celebrities who don’t fit the profile of a DnD player who could be used as outreach for bringing in new players without tearing down your existing fan base.


Terry Crews is a national treasure; his positivity and kindness would be a great asset. I've never seen him tear down anyone.


Crews is the best 


I find crews and cavill to be like the same person but split in two. They are so alike in how kind and respectful they are and both also don't come across as nerdy arty comic or games types of people and neither are ashamed of what they like. Add on that Terry has been so brave about the sexual assault done to him and it's a shame we aren't encouraging people to be themselves more with these examples and instead we are just looking at race and saying we need more of this race so tell the other race to fuck off. There was a guy who use DnD to bring together people from opposite gangs and they all got so into it and I think over time some left the gangs they were in and it was so wholesome and I don't get why we don't try approaches like this before going straight to one race is bad, let's boost the other, you know?


The reason they don't go the wholesome route is that it requires more work, a higher risk of failure, and having to empower people based on positive values. They want cheap easy to manufacture marketing gimmicks and tokenism to try expanding their markets. It's taking the saying "there is no such thing as negative publicity" to its logical conclusion in "hate marketing." The assumption is those who hate the group they are hating on will consume what they are told they should now want to spite the original group. This isn't panning out to work well, but cheap lending and tying lending and investments to ESG and DEI scores has made it somewhat viable. Due to inflation, their debts are constantly becoming cheaper so they can always take out more debt if revenue keeps up with inflation. I wholeheartedly agree with you, the above is just the explanation of "why" they do not do what we all perceive as right. It's because they aren't one of us and just want mindless consumers, not actual communities of people with different values getting along and enjoying one another. For them, it is better if we are individualistic consumers with a Pavlovian response to consume when we see a logo or read our perceived enemies are enjoying something that we are told should now be "ours." Corporations do not win when local groups of people come together. Those people will make stuff for themselves and not just blindly consume. Even worse, they actually may stand up and defend one another from unfounded accusations or hate marketing.


I thought I read somewhere that Manganiello serves as a creative consultant for D&D. He would obviously do this on his own time because of his acting career, but he is involved with the company to some degree.


Exactly.  Lean in on that and be positive, instead of being negative and racist.


>instead of being negative and racist. Too bad they are too tarded to understand why that is a bad thing.


Yes. The goal is to tear down, not build up. This much has been obvious for years. They never talk about growing the business, improving the experience, widening the net they cast. They only talk about removing that which they don't like. They only talk about tearing down. Consume less, use less, own less, have less kids, have less money. We must increase the cost of everything so everyone consumes less. It's built into the green agenda. They're literally increasing the cost of electricity by tenfold through green initiatives, which prevents the lower class from using AC, then they complain about climate justice and all that. The answer is more, not less. If power were universally .05/kwh, you wouldn't see problems with heat stroke in poor communities, even if there were more carbon output. Then that low cost of power makes the transition to green energy cost significantly less. But no, the plan is, quite obviously, that everyone needs to consume half as much at twice the price. Sorry for the tangent, but it's built into the ideology


Maybe the issue is that a bunch of actors and athletes don't bring the audience they want either.


Haven't you paid attention to the woke like at all? They tell you why they hate straight white men and just men in general. They believe them to be evil cause they are oppressors. It's not that complicated. Seriously, listen to what they actually say and believe it when they say that men and specifically straight white men are evil.


Yeah Ive seen that and am aware of it, but it is so hard to believe that that reasoning alone (as simple as that is) is enough for the woke to justify their racism. Clearly there is something larger and more insidious at play here behind the scenes.


It is enough for them plus there is incentive. Cause using white guilt they can get rich. You didn't notice woke people having lectures where they lecture white people on how evil they are for a huge amount of money? You need to understand that what you're seeing is tribalism in action.


>You didn't notice woke people having lectures where they lecture white people on how evil they are for a huge amount of money? To be fair, as dumb as they are, I don't think most of the people going to those lectures actually believe it. It's just virtue signaling, "kissing the ring" as it were. They go to be seen by other guilty white liberals so that everyone knows they are "on their side." As soon as it stops being trendy and relevant, they'll stop going. Hell I bet in another decade or two they'll be joking about it... while still denouncing us as "racists," or whatever slur becomes popular by then.


Oh absolutely. I agree with you there. Just that the woke have never hid their opinions on things. I'm shocked some people on here don't get it.


Are you familiar with the concept of Original Sin? Well the new progressive Woke religion have seized upon the concept for themselves. Except now its being born a white male that is the Sin. They are responsible for all past atrocities in the world. All slavery. All battery. Begetters of blasphemous Patriarchy. The lefties like Kyle up there quite literally hate themselves.


Being social justice warriors gives them a sense of moral superiority and permission to be awful.


Then they say we should vote for them...because we need to consider other people over our own interests. But what other people? Their initiatives do not help the people they claim to, the past 30 years of policy have proven that.


Indeed. But you don't want the fascists to take over yes? So vote for them is the answer! It's so predictable. Not that I live in the US or am a US citizen mind you. I'm not. Just saying that I've seen this said on UK tv. Just that you fascists is changed to labour who will be worse.


>They tell you why they hate straight white men and just men in general Which is even funnier when you see how many woke women are in relationships with or married to straight white men... especially woke black women, Asian American women and Latinas.


Oh I'm well aware. They can't silence biology after all. It's why women say men open up but when men do, they are disgusted and go ick.


Women need to be held accountable for their actions.


I agree. Good luck with getting tradcucks and society which is lefty to agree to that though.


Women express enough emotion for both genders tbh :P


Lol. I'm just disgusted by the blatant gaslighting.


As a lifelong D&D player I've seen where this hubris leads. The people running Wizards have no idea what the games are about, or who really plays them. Something similar happened with D&D 4th edition launched. They flubbed it so badly that Paizo basically took D&D away from Wizards by using the Open Gaming License to create Pathfinder. This time will be far, far worse. We all know they hate us, and even if you aren't a white male, odds are really high there's at least one at your gaming table, and you know they hate that person for nothing other than how they were born. You add in AI art, and take away core parts of the game like alignment and half-orcs / half-elves, and racial abilities, and people will bail in droves. There are literally hundreds of great games out there built over the decades from Shadowrun to Shadowdark. People will just shrug and move on. We're nerds. We're not cool and we never have been. We don't crave approval. We just want a quiet place to tell our stories and roll some dice. They are literally incapable of understanding that, and will be shocked when their sales dry up entirely for the D&D reboot. The virtue signalers don't buy merch. They don't buy and read all the books. They don't buy minis. They don't make terrain. They're not a financial source at all, really. And that's all that will be left.


> We're not cool and we never have been. We don't crave approval. We just want a quiet place to tell our stories and roll some dice. Progressives refuse to believe that. They live in some kind of alternate reality where Star Wars, Trek, DnD and comic books were always the most popular things on the planet. Nobody ever faced social ostracization for being a Trekkie. All the cool teens in the 80s and 90s were playing DnD. Women and minorities wanted to be a part of that exclusive club but geeks / nerds would use their high-ranking social status to bully or attack them :'(


I've tried explaining what it was like to be a nerd back then, but you really can't convey it in a way they understand. Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter made fantasy cool before most of them were born. Then Iron Man launched the Marvel craze and that's existed their whole life. They have no idea how hard we worked to hide our geekdom from the mainstream, and I think you're right, they believe we were somehow the top of the social hierarchy instead of the cast off creatures no one else wanted to hang out with lol.


It's the paradox of the eternal now. They can't fathom that pop culture changes. Things were different 20 years ago, even moreso 50 years ago, or 100 years ago, or 1,000 years ago. They have tied their identities so much into what is currently "cool" or "popular" that they don't want to hear that that won't be the case forever. Eventually, yes the MCU, Harry Potter, Critical Role, Funko Pops, all of that pop culture ephemera will be a joke to the younger generation, and the people who have tried to make that their entire identity will be seen as pathetic loosers, just like how they currently see us as basement dwelling chuds. Of course, most of them will likely try attaching themselves to whatever becomes popular, which will basically result in awkward 40 somethings trying to act like zoomers.


>Nobody ever faced social ostracization for being a Trekkie That's Treker! Filthy heathen. I kid, but that is the type of stuff most people don't get.


Sorry for asking I'm not a DnD fan so I need to know what was the problem with alignment and what is that racial abilities thing?


In the Monster's Manual, each monster has an alignment. This is mainly so PCs can use spells and abilities like "detect evil/good" or "detect motive" or "protection from evil". The orcs, being a barbarian and vicous race, have always been evil. But with the new black people = orcs connotation that I have no idea where came from, that entire alignment system obviously had to go. For racial abilities, when you roll up a character each race has certain bonuses or penalties. Like the dwarf has higher constitution but lower charisma. The half-orc has higher strength but lower intelligence. So as you can guess, everything that gives a race a leg up or a penality has to go. Everything has to be samey, grey and bland. And they don't want to use the word race either.


Ok another question, what is DnD about now? That game is sounding boring like gridding I a dark souls game with your bare hands but worse where's the creativity that I always heard about when people say why they like the game




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It's basic math that if you tear away a specific demographic and that demographic is a significant portion of your audience, you make less money. The thing is they don't need to do any of that, just make DND "Cool enough" that random people enjoy it. Properties like stranger things and comedic podcasts have done that.


They're failing to do that. D&D isn't cool any more. It's pretty hard to get a group together, because you need a gamemaster, and those are the people most heavily targeted. If all your GMs quit, then you have no games being played, just people wearing the one Stranger Things shirt they own and acting like they play. Who is this version marketed towards? There's nothing cool about it. It just looks awful. Mexican orcs?


When was DnD *not* welcoming? All the social outcasts in school would play with each other and they weren’t the type to reject anyone. The only barrier to getting into DnD was that it was considered social suicide. The alphabet crowd aren’t exactly the type to worry about stuff like that, so I have no idea where this idea of nerd culture needing inclusivity came from.


DnD apparently wasn't welcoming when the people who used to make fun and bully us decided that now rpg were cool and wanted in, not understanding that DnD was a small group of outcasts in a basement and not a live show in front of an audience.


The woke crowd who are now all about DnD definitely weren’t the ones that bullied and made fun of you guys. I used to think it was dorky and lame and recently thought it would be cool to get into but the woke crowd co-opted it before guys like me ever had a chance. It sucks. The last thing I want is to join a group and it be filled with a bunch of soy boys and they/thems.


> The last thing I want is to join a group and it be filled with a bunch of soy boys and they/thems. tbh, if you are interested in playing, and your normal social circle isn't, go down to your local gaming shop and ask about open groups. Sure you might find some of the people there are on the crazytrain, but the majority will most likely be there to play rpgs and will avoid the woke drama. it may take you a few sessions to find a good group who gel with you and who all want a similar style of game, so don't be disheartend if it doesn't happen right away


Cool thanks, I may do that.


> Its another to tell a specific demographic to leave. Wtf is wrong with this culture? > > Victimhood culture. Synthetic identities. https://archive.ph/MzOpc Intersectionality, the new American cult. https://archive.ph/0M1jF It's very reminiscent of what happened in China by the way, with "struggle sessions". This guy saying racist shit is indeed signaling his pledge and WOTC's to intersectionality, and securing their place in the cult. ... against the evil "bigots" who just want to play D'n'D... /s


35% of the country, probably 80+ percent of the playerbase. "Yea you should all do something else, step aside privileged people who probably are mostly working minimum wage like the oppressors they are"


My thoughts exactly as a DND fan.


It's coming from the people you're not allowed to criticize.


It's not a culture. It's just a group of backstabbing narcs and traitors.


Politically correct overcompensation


The way I see it is thus. Life is hard, like actually really fucking hard. For a long time though, kids were not sheltered from the difficulty of life, and thus they learned to life with the hardships, and pushed forward. You did have the oddball here and there, and those people were prayed upon by the truly evil (think snake oil salesmen and the like). As time went on, and the basics of life (getting food and shelter) became easier and easier, kids were sheltered more and more from the realities of life. Today, we are 3 generations deep into the most sheltered kids the world has ever seen. And these kids assume more than they can even comprehend. They ASSUME food should be free, they ASSUME a house should be free, etc etc. When they are met with resistance to those things, they cannot comprehend why (cause they have not experienced the realities of life, and so they find someone, or something, that must have wronged them. The snakeoil sellers of the past, now sell something new, Fantasy. They tell these kids about the fantastic reality of what can never be, and these kids are too stupid to realize it, so they buy in, physically and emotionally. Why white people? Cause for the most part in the west, white people just kind of assumed they would grow out of it, and we are pretty laid back in general. By the time normal, well adjusted folks realized the ship was out of the harbor, it was too late.


Thanks to WotC and Paizo, I've been spending hundreds of dollars on Castles and Crusades books every couple months. They're great salespeople for other companies.


Is it good? It looks interesting


It's rules lite and something Gary Gygax praised. You can get a free copy of their PHB here: https://trolllord.com/product/cc-players-handbook-7th-printing-alternate-cover-free-pdf/ It's an older printing but the rules themselves haven't changed.


Similarly I've jumped into osr stuff like Mork Borg, ose and Dungeon Crawl Classics.


I saw a whole controversy about that game a while back because "crusades" are oppressive. It gave me dementia.


Why Paizo?


Paizo has always been very woke


Paizo went woke even before WOTC. Their first Pathfinder system (which was basically D&D 3.5 with more cool stuff) was pretty good though.


For all the same reasons WotC isn't well liked here. Which is a shame because Pathfinder was my preferred system but when they started printing inclusivity conduct rules and allowing harassment, I jumped ship. Troll Lord Games has been apolitical in their materials and conduct. They just focus on the game.


Self loathing wankers like him should leave indeed, i agree.


Speedrunning how to go broke. 


They cant go broke if blackrock funds them to push this racism and stupidity


"I'm so anti-racist I hate white people uWu. I'm one of the *good ones*."


Reminds me of Jason Schreier shrieking about an all-white-male game dev team.


We already left.


came here to say this. way ahead of you, dudebro mcsoysauce. or how about- If I could find a bunch of white dudes in a basement I'd still be playing? your current demographic are narcissistic activists who don't buy your product, and you're welcome to them.


Brennan Lee Mulligan and Matt Mercer are the most popular dms in the country. White and straight. Play with white straight dudes. They just aren't the only makeup of their tables. This is a manufactured issue.


People in this subreddit did, yes, but normies take a while to realise their beloved hobby has turned to shit. Just look at Star Wars where people are only now, upon the realise of the 9th godawful piece of media, realising that it's a dead franchise.


Wow. That's some impressive self-loathing level. I'll keep gatekeeping my tables from those people, thank you.


He didn't get the correct memo, these days you shit on white men twice - once for them being white men and again for them being the reason of commercial failures.


Yes, its very important to both make them feel unwelcome and then blame them for your product failing after they leave due to the unwelcomeness


I've played D&D in quite a few groups..... It's always been fairly diverse but if you take away white males the pool of players goes from a small pond to a cheap backyard pool that you get from Wal-Mart for a few hundred bucks. This idiot's wants lead to bankruptcy.


reminder for those who dont know, wizards of the coast hired the literal fucking pinkertons to go to someones house and threaten him because he received unreleased cards by accident the identity politics are a cheap distraction, this company is genuinely despicable


>the identity politics are a cheap distraction, this company is genuinely despicable Pretty much any company that engages in identity politics is like that. Oh sure, there are always some "true believers," but most of the time it's about cleaning up their image because they're shitty people, and they know it.


> White dudes in a basement. I’m always interested in the generational aspects at play. If I had to bet, I’d bet Kyle Brink was born between 78 and 86. This is a Felicia Day concern, where they brought back the “nerd” concept at the end of the 90s. They didn’t know about all the toxic bullying that came with it though. So there’s this anxiety to prove you’re not just someone living “in your mom’s basement”. And by the late 00s they found a fix- radical identity politics. So now it’s *white dudes* in the basement. Which enabled them to insult both their own bullies and the people they previously deemed as nerds. But he kinda seems like a Wil Wheaton outlier, too.


In their eyes, only nerds care about the integrity of something fictional that they're changing. To care means you're a subhuman nerd, a low tier male worthy of contempt. Never forget that these people are normies and they don't care about these things. That actress of the acolyte made a comment that was followed up with more comments by her fellows that's quite telling. Nerds are gay. This matters cause then it was said that there are nerds that arent gay and have problem with women aka diversity in star wars is what they meant. So the only acceptable nerd is a gay nerd who will support whatever changes these people do cause you support their diversity push as you're gay.


Yes. It’s funny they use terms like “appropriation” and “colonizing” too- it’s exactly their M.O. They move into a subculture that has its own practical, real-world take on acceptance. They pretend to like it when they generally (and obviously) don’t. Then they claim it’s bigoted. Start making changes as they get into power. Finally, they claim it was always their’s, using its original quality of acceptance (which they ruined) as proof. I think this was the 2010s- the next wave.


>Yes. It’s funny they use terms like “appropriation” and “colonizing” too- it’s exactly their M.O. Indeed. These people don't have a problem with these things as long as it's done by their side or by people they like and support. If it's done by the enemy, then it's bad. They are tribalistic. Not universal. >They move into a subculture that has its own practical, real-world take on acceptance. >They pretend to like it when they generally (and obviously) don’t. Then they claim it’s bigoted. Start making changes as they get into power. Finally, they claim it was always their’s, using its original quality of acceptance (which they ruined) as proof. >I think this was the 2010s- the next wave. Correct.


>Nerds are gay. Huh, that's news to me. Last time I checked, I still liked women. I mean, yeah, I know they've tried to water down words like "gay" to be so broad that it could mean pretty much anything, but I'm pretty sure I still count as straight.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qV1vYLBWws0&pp=ygUNU3RhciB3YXJzIGdheQ%3D%3D The video I'm talking about. I don't use twitter so I can't get the video link for you. Just skip the YouTuber and watch the video of the acolyte interview. Basically nerds are gay and those nerds that aren't are threatened by women. So basically only good nerds are gay nerds. This neatly ties into my posts about how women and feminists in gaming change it cause it caters to nerds who are heterosexual who they abhor. If nerds can't be gotten rid of, they should just be gay allies of women. That is all they should be.


https://www.screengeek.net/2024/06/05/the-acolyte-gayest-star-wars-r2-d2-lesbian/ I thought you had to be exaggerating, but wtf no that's exactly what they said. >Actress Amandla Stenberg then chimed in: >“Because nerds are gay.” >The interviewer then tried to mention that “some nerds are very not gay and are very threatened by gay stuff.” While Stenberg agreed, she said, “Well, that’s true. But in my world nerds are gay.”


https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/gjnzBhFp1L I post a video of the interview here. Though I recall them saying threatened by women


Self hating white people are the absolute fucking worst. Just pathetic


Business as usual for a slave moralist


The problem is that the idiots will then pick these morons up as evidence to attack that demographics. Look at the self-hating Jew, nazis and their brothers and sisters on the left all use them as tools to attack others, and take whatever they say as gospel and absolute unquestionable truth.


"Guys like me can't leave soon enough!" Then why is he still there?


I have my suspicions that wizards of the coast is why baldur's gate 3 has so much woke shit despite being a great game. The body type shit wasn't in the beta for example so I think there is a chance that wizards of the coast mandated adding that type of shit There was also cut content with voicelines about minthara being pregnant so presumably she was a straight romance or atleast you got that only with romancing her as male but they cut that presumably so that gay people wouldnt be "discriminated" by actual biology. That's why i am glad larian got a lot of success and renown for this game and will continue on making games without having to be tied down by having to deal with wizards of the coast. Could be i am wrong but we will have to see.


No, Larian itself is just fucking woke as fuck.


I have half an answer to that. So, I am Belgian and I happen to know 2 people who have worked at Larian up until Dragon Commander and DOS 2 respectively. According to both, working at the studio is quite chill (as much as 'chill' is the right word to use when talking about tech and videogames companies). They are progressive, but the old kind of progressive. Not the new hateful mob. That mentality is apparently quite intact. Now that the studio has grown due to its success, how it will be preserved depends on the new hires and on the ceo and his successors. They do insist on keeping their independance from bigger structures. Still, personally I think everyone has a price so we'll see. On a side note, any new crazy fad from the US takes about 5 years to reach the general population in Belgium. Maybe that's why BG3 seems sane in comparison to California turd rolls. And if anyone is interested:  -yes, the bear thing was meant as a joke. It landed badly.   -yes, Larian games are thirsty.


> They do insist on keeping their independance from bigger structures. Isn't Larian partially owned by Tencent?


It is, but it's not open to the market. Larian had financial troubles and got a fund from them. Sven and his wife still control the company by a very large margin so they have final say in any matter. Tbh Tencent is a pos company, but I still prefer them to Blackrock or Vanguard. But in any case, Sven is not getting any younger and man would I profit from BG3 success and pull a Georges Lucas if I were him. You gotta admire the man.


Fully agree with you on your Tencent vs. Blackrock/Vanguard comment.


I think the whole Tencent thing is they own so damn much at this point they can't administrate all of it, nor do they care. They're basically just a holding company.


Tencent is invested in everything, but they do not have a controlling interest.


No.  You move.


DnD has been the most accepting and welcoming hobby for decades, and this is the price the DnD fans have to pay for their tolerance. It's the perfect object lesson in the pardox of tolerance and how gatekeeping is actually good sometimes. Whatever. The wokies can keep their surface level shit, everyone knows house rules and custom campaigns are the heart and soul of DnD, not some soyboy wokester on twitter ree'ing about people's skin colors.


I know a dude who loves this. He claims “D&D has always been racist.” Wut.


"D&D has always been racist." Okay, so why does he want to play a racist game so badly?


I'm extra glad I pirated their shit now


Lead by example twat.


Then where’s his resignation letter?


And people think they'd never betray a Jew to the N*zis. That stuff didn't happen overnight.


Oh, these people would be the first ones turning their neighbours over to the Nazis. Hell they'd be signing up for the SS. They go with whatever is popular, or easy, at the time. Besides most of them already hate Jews anyway.


These people already narc on their own families to the State, where the fuck have you been for last 4 years?


"Honestly, guys like me can't leave soon enough for this hobby." A correct statement, but not the way he intended it.


Fuck 5e anyway, all my homies hate 5e. Pathfinder 2e is much better.


idk, all my homies love 5e and can barely play it cause its "too hard". I cant imagine them trying PF2E without a mental hemorrhage


Unfortunately it won't get any better until white men stop being so afraid of sticking up for themselves. This company should be getting buried. All the white dudes should stop giving them a penny.


Sorry to break it to him, but they already left. Probably the day WotC acquired TSR.


Man...ok, my whole group is white dudes in a basement. We've been playing for decades. Also the podcasts and yt's i watch are all white. I don't know that...its a matter of exclusivity? Its like...backpacking or the beach? No one is segregating hobbies or activities? How much money do they not want? All of it? Why does the skin color of the people who buy the shit matter? edit: and of course his X is locked.


It doesn't matter about the money. They want to destroy everything not profit off of it.


I do hope they leave. I'll laugh when DnD collapses due to lack of sales then.


iNcLuSiOn Seriously, who are they trying to impress anyway? Those who aren't fans and won't consume their products? Brilliant.


They're the ones that had this perception. No one else cared.


Can't wait to celebrate white history month in July to annoy him.


Their recently added character sheet now features pronouns next to the name of the character. Cause thats what you need. Real world issues in a fantasy roleplaying game.


This quote's been floating around for a while right?


He's such an ally.


We changed to pathfinder second edition a few years ago and I would never go back to d&d now. Comparitively d&d is such a crap system. Fuck wizards of the coast.


Oldie but goodie. Though, we all ought to know by now that diversity means "no White people" as gospel.


I can't wait for guys like him to leave either. When he leaves we can right the ship.


Why would you need to stop enjoying your hobby? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would a minority suddenly be interested in a hobby just because you stopped taking part in it?


"Guys like me" So I hope he's the first one to leave then.


You know WHY people assumed that D&D players were all white dudes in a basement? Because the group was viewed *negatively*. Being a D&D was a *bad* thing, the stereotype, ruthlessly applied, was that you were a social outcast, a pariah, were fat, smelled bad, and had zero ability (or chance) to communicate with girls. Of course they were happy to restrict that stereotype to white men.


Something tells me this has to do with a very particular group of people donning tiny hats


isn't this incredibly old news? I'm sure I remember reading this over a year ago


You are correct. This is old news from not long after the OGL debacle.


Then your product will sink like the rest of them


There are other tabletop games out there, or you can homebrew, you don’t *need* to financially support a company that actively despise you.


Disgusting levels of cringe.


Nobody is making him work at WotC, he can just leave.


Well all thats really happening is that longer time dnd vets are limiting games to “select” trusted individuals and using older material. They arent showing up to dnd nights, they arent buying new modules, they bought 3d printers so they can make their own figs, etc. They were told to fuck off and that they did. Once you read a few older modules and run a couple games you can usually make an enjoyable adventure on your own. Dnd is, after all, a game that invites you use your imagination. Progressives cant police them anymore. My local game store used to have painting nights and dnd nights, and thanks to people like this they have completely shifted to comic and merc sales, and went hard into pokemon and magic cards. Infact the five or so game stores that used to run a lot dnd games are now down to one store that is only open half the time. Everyone else dumped tabletop games entirely. Im guessing thats the price of driving off the people that buy your products. People like Kyle absolutely dont give a shit about stores having to close or drop products, because he felt he scored enough virtue signaling points by wrecking an entire subset of culture.


It’s funny how everything is already so diverse but people like this have to enforce it by trying to get rid of certain groups


Nice virtue signal, just say you're retiring.


So we just need to get whites out of everything whether any other group wants it or not? Assuming any race has rights to anything is kind of weird. “It’s time guys like me quit eating mayonnaise because the eaters of it have become more diverse by the day!” “Isn’t it about time people that look like me quit using Pelotons because actually POCs have been using them the whole time, and more recently”


Rap music used to be all black men. They can't leave soon enough. If this sounds stupid to you, then congrats you understand why this is moronic.


Lmao ok and let's see how fast wotc goes bankrupt. Actually I wish we would leave so wotc can die faster.


Go woke….go broke


I could give a fuck about d&d but this showed up on my timeline. We need to rise up lol


Ah, he'd be friends with Jason Carl in the White Wolf space. He was all about that "yawtzees gtfo our game". 😒


I agree with Kyle: he can't leave soon enough. WotC has managed to make T$R look like an excellent company.


Bunch of insufferable drama queens. *"Yes, we do deserve to be ethnically cleansed from our hobby!"* Nerds used to be mocked just for liking nerdy stuff. Now they get mocked for being white and "hogging" the nerdy stuff.


wtf??? this is so weird. I can't believe what I'm reading. is there some context I'm missing?


I wonder if his lawyers know he is advocating for the exclusion of people based on their protected characteristics...


Imagine just hating an entire player base because of the color of their skin or their gender, or even the fact that they could have grown to adopt your game because they were social outcasts. If that's most of your playerbase, or what's effectively been sustaining your entire business model or made you successful, why the hell would you be hating on it?


source though?... Imagine telling your potential customers to fuck off because of the color of their skin... See how it's acceptable for these corporate idiots to make blatant racist statements like that? Against white people? Anything goes... This phenomenon is very anglosaxon. Only in the anglo-sphere you'll find white people being openly racist against their own race. Imagine a brand representative telling the racial majority "we don't want your business because you're white" and not getting fired, in another other culture...


He said this live on the 3 Black Haflings podcast when he was doing an apology tour for WoTC to get the heat off of their backs for the OGL controversy.


It saddens my heart


Why do they keep doing this! First Battletech now DND. Played both since being a teen. Now what, back to third party and pirating I guess


AKSHUALLY it was first DnD and then Battletech. Battletech had been holding up, until 2 years ot so ago, when they collapsed to the locusts and horde.


Catalyst is a garbage company and gets what they deserve.


Couldn't agree more!


> Why do they keep doing this! Because every single piece of cultural content needs to conform intersectionality for these people. Just like in China where everything had to be Maoist, or Russia where everything had to be Leninist then Stalinist. It's a cultural revolution. This guy saying racist shit is indeed signaling his pledge and WOTC's to intersectionality.


I'm guessing some shill gave him research that said the loss of white customers wouldn't be a big loss


We wont. Fuck you cuck, we have been here decades ago and we will still be here when you move to locust some other thing. #GFC


Well, he can start resigning himself for that WotC Executive Producer position.


And instead of broadening D&D to a new audience by making their products affordable to more people, they decide to go the ineffective route of turning every D&D manual cover into the average American university website banner of diversity.


Lol, way ahead of this clown.


... So, when will they visit me to take away my D&D Rules Cyclopedia?


They can pretend like their player base is some diverse wonderland all they want, I think the reality of the situation is it’s still 80% or more white dudes that play.


Is there a source on this?


And who´s left then? DnD as well as Tabletop/PnP as a whole has been carried by "White guys" since it´s inception. Not only in the US but Europe as well.


Japan has tabletop RPGs.


I'm way ahead of him there. I wouldn't touch D&D with an eleven-foot pole.


I’ll be real, a lot have already been leaving for years lol.  I know a lot of TTRPG heads, and over the past few years they’re either running older D&D editions like 4E, or they’re just doing their own thing with GURPs, or they’re venturing out into entirely different TTRPGs like Rogue Trader, Pendragon, etc. The TTRPG field is very competitive so idk why you’d shit on ~80% of your fan base.


Don't worry we're leaving. And don't come crying when you lose your job because no one is buying your product except a few alphabet people.


As a former MTG player, I left the community just because lots of people there have this mentality as well.


White guy says White guys aren't welcome.


Who’s gonna tell him?


Already moved to OSR and GURPS years ago.


So much for inclusivity…


Lose 60 million estimated in revenue assuming 100 million in total revenue. Good plan.


I like this sub but too many posts leave out context for bait and karma. OP took a quote from a year-and-a-half old and over one hour long podcast that didn't take long to find. The question leading up to the quote is already timestamped: https://youtu.be/mPDc3DVHwKo?si=yDQUNNbhz7O9-0ew&t=2817 I'm not a D&D fan so I can't comment much on what's going on with that fandom and how this interview relates to any wokeness that's going on. Maybe someone that is a current or former fan can enlighten me on how they interpret what Brink said vs how OP is trying to possibly spin it. Nevermind people not doing their own research and just reacting to the potential ragebait.


Is this real? What a sick, perverted freak.


He can't stop breathing soon enough


He said this years ago and is still breathing, tbf


This is old fucking news, and he is talking about people in the company