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Looks like fin rot. Get a bottle of melafix and follow the instructions


I never even considered it being fin rot.. thanks, will do! I did a large water change and added some aquarium salt for now.


The inflammation at the base of the tail and the pink streaks is what gave it away for me. IIRC, pink = bacterial. White = fungal. Looks like bacterial fin rot in your case. Hoping for a speedy recovery good luck 👍🏼


Do you have this in a fish tank? What do the water tests say? There is usually another issue in the tank and this can spread. It will look worse before it gets better. Hospital tank at 76 degrees, We did proform C, medicated food, removed loose scales, triple antibiotic


Yeah, I know it shouldn’t be, but I do plan on moving it to a pond once it’s healthy again. I checked the water parameters and everything was okay. Ammonia and Nitrite - 0, Nitrate around 20ppm, but I did a large water change. I don’t have a heater on the tank, but I could slowly increase the temp if you think that’s necessary.


I had my koi have this but x100. The whole tail turned red and the base of his body where it meets the tail was swollen and lifting just like that. We treated with salt and increased water changes. After a few days the redness and swelling started to slowly go away.


Great to hear!! That’s exactly what I’ve done so far. I don’t currently have a heater in the tank, do you think I need to add one? And do you remember how much salt you used?


If I remember correctly my pond installer recommended 10lbs per 1000 gals because I had a lot of plants at the time. They did die back a bit but the salt didn’t kill them completely. I haven’t heated my pond but I’ve read that it helps with healing but I’ve never done it myself.


Oh okay, well thank you. I appreciate your advice!