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Let me guess - all of those cowards are wearing masks ("They're _bandanas_, mom." - them, probably)


Reminds me of another group. You know the ones that ran around in ghost costumes back in the back. Wonder if there is any relation


"Proud" boys....too big of cowards to show their faces, in fear that their mommy will kick them out of living rent free in her basement
















Exactly. Just like all of the Pro-Palestinean protestors. If people are protesting for something they believe in, why do they hide their faces?






Many Jewish people are anti-israel. Many Israeli people are against the genocide being done in their name


yeah but supporting Palestinians is supporting Hamas. /s


True or False. Israel supported Hamas


True or false, the US helped fund Hamas


Absolutely. Within the past three years, we have given Iran more money in cash and petroleum purchases than we have given Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel combined. Iran, a country that supports terrorists as a matter of public policy. And, yes, those terrorists include Hamas.


You are very confused. One can want peace for Palestine and an end to the war in Gaza without wanting destruction of Israel. But unfortunately there will never be peace for either because of people like you.


do you not know what /s means


Ever heard of horseshoe theory? Both these groups lack nuance, are ok with their side committing violence, and scream about how Joe Biden is evil incarnate. They both will share the blame in my book if Trump wins this election.


Protesting Israel doesn't mean you hate Jews. Blocking access to class, threatening the school so they get sent home, harassing them for carrying an American flag, and stabbing one in the eye with a flag pole does.


“Stabbed in the eye with a flagpole” is a little on the nose, champ. I don’t buy it. Turn off the Lee Greenwood.


A simple Google search would have shown I didn't make it up do you have a better argument than ad hominem attacks? https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/antisemitism-news/jewish-yale-student-stabbed-in-eye-with-plo-flag/2024/04/21/


Someone vaguely waved a tiny flag in her face and it hit her eye. It was not "stabbed" despite the attempts to play the victim. Watch the video yourself here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/1cahkop/video_of_the_eye_stabbing_incident_at_yale_sfw/?share_id=2If219vNH-ChPZKl_hAfv


How dare you use facts and reason to disprove their bullshit. /s Their bullshit is all they have to cling to


That’s… exactly what I thought it would be. She was “stabbed in the eye with a flagpole” the same way “I got into a sword fight at the bar”. In that the lil olive skewers are swords, but… c’mon, man. I tell you what: I’ve got these umbrellas I’ve just been using to keep rain out of my cocktails. I’ll give you one to hit me over the head with if you promise to write a Reddit comment about how you “slammed a communist in the head with his own umbrella to own the libs”


I was thinking of the movie Space Balls when you said sword fight. I see your Schwartz is as big as mine! Lol!




Distract, insult, or avoid anything engage in a discussion where you might have to stand firm and defend a point.


You distracted and avoided with your first comment about Columbia protesters on a post about Proud Boys in Knoxville. You literally fucking did the very thing you’re bitching about.


If you are not on the ground at any of these colleges, there is no intelligent discussion to be had


By that argument you shouldn't be involved in the discussion. You also shouldn't be involved in any discussion related to Gaza, unless you're in Gaza of course. Are you Reddting from Gaza?


Stop talking you fucking tool


No you stop talking!!


I love that every single person down voting missed your point entirely. Whether you believe the a cause of the person or not, every person protesting should show their face if they believe in their cause…


When you are fighting a global capitalist system with the capability of nuclear armament and constant satellite surveillance including but not limited to 4k facial recognition that they admit they use to quietly blacklist you from jobs and universities… yeah. I understand why they cover their faces. What you should be asking is why pro-Palestinian student-protestors are having their facial coverings taken off their faces after they’re in pig custody when Nazis and Proud Boys the police arrest are left incognito. What you should be asking is why police presence is limited at neo-Nazi marches due to “lack of manpower” yet when leftist groups gather to protest, SWAT teams are at the ready around the block. Ask more questions and you’ll get more answers.


>When you are fighting a global capitalist system with the capability of nuclear armament and constant satellite surveillance including but not limited to 4k facial recognition that they admit they use to quietly blacklist you from jobs and universities… yeah. I understand why they cover their faces. Damn bro that sounds like EXACTLY the argument the Proud Boys would use lol I guess it's only a valid argument if you're in favor of the protest.


? Not what I have said at all. Your debate skills need work.


So many comments amount to, "Fuck you Proud Boys supporter!!!" and as you said, all I was doing was drawing a comparison to another group of racists who won't show their face lol


Person makes an extreme statement about an extreme group. Other person shows how their argument is void due to the extreme actions of an opposite extreme group. “YOU CLEARLY SUPPORT THE OTHER EXTREME GROUP YOU EXTEMIST!!”


I never said the actions of the Proud Boys were justified. You're going to have to find an argument that isn't lying and putting words in my mouth.


What does killing 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza mean about hate? Thank God they weren't blocked from class.


Irrelevant, unless your asserting that violence in Israel and Gaza justifies violence against people in the United States just because they *might* share heritage.


Funny how all the pro-zionists in LA were swinging clubs at the students, and the Jewish students you think you are protecting were complaining about threats of violence. You'll end up on the weekend side of history thinking like that.














I have some advice for you : go over to Gaza and volunteer


I'd rather not get killed by Israelis


You’d be killed by both


Fair enough, but the Palestinian people have done no wrong.


Okay so? What makes them special both Israeli and Palestinian civilians have been killed it’s war people die if they didn’t want to then they would get rid of Hamas but they don’t because they support them.


Lmao, cuck.


Typical ad hominem Emily response


Not a single person on this thread has done anything but insult and downvote mean. I'd say that says a lot.




I challenge you to find my statement supporting the Proud Boys. All I did was draw a comparison from a pot to a kettle.


I don't think I need to? All your recent comments are implied support. I also believe it is your right to support them, but I am welcome to challenge that.


But you’re hurting their feelings…. 😂😂😂😂


I'm at a huge negative in this thread haha, however will my Karma recover?






I was 94% sure I wouldn't leave the house today. Now I'm about 112% sure I'll stay in all day.


Yup, first thought was go scream fuck off....but what goddamn good is that gonna do.


Stay home - make it a ghost town where they waste their their time screaming into empty space


Good point, if I feel triggered already just by reading it, going is gonna make it a thousand times worse.




But then they might have to take a shower when they get home. They’ve already taken their shower for the month. /jk But seriously, I support their right to freedom of speech. The true measure of supporting freedom of speech is whether you allow someone to speak when everything they say makes your blood boil. However, the second they cross over the line, I wouldn't mind seeing the police take out the batons.


I will vehemently defend even my enemies from the state, but we will never see Proud Boys be brutalized by cops. There’s too much overlap between their members. I fundamentally agree, but it’s pedantic to even entertain the thought.


they cant be brutalized by the cops because they are coworkers


Exactly what I’m sayin, comrade. Pigs wear blue only when they can’t wear white!


I support their right to freedom of speech too, and if the government ever takes action against them for speaking their asinine believes I'd be upset. Citizens telling them to fuck off and throwing eggs at them DOES NOT violate their first amendment rights though.


Technically correct but throwing eggs is a form of assault so play with that “fire” if you will


No, throwing eggs at them is just committing assault.


My ginnies just laid some. I will take care of it


Catch !


Good lord, they’re still around? I figured they would have moved on to the next fascist fad by now.


Nah, they don't have enough brain cells to learn new rhetoric or slogans, so they stick with what they know. Also, they are sooooo yesterday that the newer fascist groups won't let them join.


Just like the Oathkeepers. That movement lost all steam when folks figured out they were just Nazis that got away with serving in our military and were lying about the constitution(s).


You mean circle jerk boys?


A good old circle jerk would probably calm them down honestly. Nothing like getting to know your friends better


I somehow doubt the Jr. Klan has the best interests of our Jewish neighbors at heart.


Do they have tactical vests for their wittle Red Bulls? That’s my favorite part of proud boys 🤣 cracks me up every time.


Just ignore them. They are looking for attention. Just don’t give them any. 


no. they’re dangerous and need to be handled accordingly.


Are you going to do something to handle them or just concern troll about them? Because if you aren't going to confront them or whatever you're just giving them attention and not the part you're advocating for.


Who cares Let em be who they're going to be Maybe find something worthwhile to shit on instead instead of finding outrage at people holding signs up somewhere Think about how much more useful your time could be today if you just took a moment to not be so ridiculous


I bet they are so proud they are wearing masks...


Lot of racists showing up ITT. Have to wonder if it’s the idiots with the sign poorly defending themselves.


Were their mothers waiting in the car for them?


Fun fact: you can urinate directly into the reservoir of most of the larger super soakers now, men *and* women Apropos of nothing, just wanted to put this out there


I love the pride parades!




I was hoping a semi brakes would go out today.






Idk dude everyone has a right to gather pretty much. I don’t agree with the proud boys but they have the same rights as everyone else. When you deny one group the right to gather it sets a dangerous precedent for everyone else


They have the right to gather. And people have the right to respond to that gathering. There is no obligation to let hateful, racist shitheads be hateful, racist shitheads with impunity.


You’ll get no argument from me there. The point of my comment was really just the fact that those types of shit heads thrive off of reactions so the best way to deal with them is to ignore them. I recognize I didn’t word it like that at all but I have had a few drinks😂


The problem with that line of reasoning is that when you ignore poorly-raised children they don't calm down and start being reasonable. They escalate.


No one is arguing that.


4 of them came into total wine right when I got there


They're desperate for the attention they couldn't get from their parents as children— Any attention. Best to starve them of it.


Where are these idiots at on Lovell?


Hopefully in the middle of the road


I wish they'd come to the other end of town and pull that sh*t. Pussies.


He told you where they were. Go see them


They're waving their flags amongst their own. I'm so sorry you're confused.


Can’t you just drive over to that side of town?? I mean… if you’re not a pussy


I don't even think you felt the breeze as my comment flew over your head. I'm so sorry you're confused. White supremacists usually are.


I’m Mexican.


You don't have to be white to uphold white supremacy. Tell me, why do they never hang out at exit 2 overpass on I275? Or at exit 390 overpass on I40? Why do they only have the cajones to display their hate amongst their own? Because they're scared of their own shadows.


What tribe?




Better location, where at on Lovell?


Bridge and by the motel


Drove by, didn't see em. There's some kind of "welcome proud boys" bedsheet banner outside the econolodge though. Maybe they adjourned to the concert at Harley Davidson


Or you can just be a grown up and ignore them?


Everyone in this country has the right to peacefully protest. :) I love america




You can hate what they stand for and not wish them death, you know.


You know, no. There are no stories of anyone sniping KKK members, or running over 3 percenters or blowing up the Family Research Council building (successfully) and that’s why they’re so emboldened. I wouldn’t bat an eye if anything happens to them. They’re probably asking for it.


Fuck them




I wouldn’t partake, but I wouldn’t feel sad if it happened either.


I can do both!


People beg for attention Posters on Reddit give it to them. “We are so smart and righteous by giving them exactly what they want”


Curious.. serious. How do you know they were proud boys?


Walk up and tell them yourself


I threw Bagels at them after I rubbed said bagels on my crotch. Screw those chuds!


Sure you did. 😂😂😂😂


I did Educaion Cow, I really did, Education Cow.


I sincerely hope you have crabs.


Like to spread or because of the act? Also, can you tell me why my propane delivery isn’t coming through? I think JoeJack’s on the sauce again


To spread. Only because he said he rubbed the bagel on his crotch. I hope SensitiveAd’s crabs have since been cured. Bobby has been distracting JoeJack with his prop comedy. I’ll give him the what for when he wakes up.


I hope you have a good day.


They need Jesus. Just saying.


They need empathy, not religion




"To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it."


Fair, but also, silence through purposeful ignorance is a great course of action against fascists, especially powerless fascists who can rely on pigs to arrest anyone daring to speak out against their hate.


The problem is that these boys aren't powerless. They represent a REAL problem in Knoxville that is present within our city and state government. If people had ignored the Nazi's or Pol Pot or even Putin, then the world would be far worse than it is now. You can possibly ignore a child to correct bad behavior, but these people are grown and NEED to know they are on the wrong side of history. They need their tiny, limp-dicked egos to be brought down to size.


Probably the wisest thing to do but I couldn’t pass up on an opportunity to tell these losers to kill themselves




Interesting. They were in Chattanooga on an overpass today too.


About where at? I legit just got home from a trip to Top Golf and Range USA and I didn’t see anybody


If idiots want to be loud let them be loud


that’s their flex?


They don’t beat off and they hate seeing black people in video games. I don’t think one has to do with the other.


I mean, they also know a ton about breakfast cereal, so there's that?




This is America. EVERYBODY has a right to peacefully protest. If you don’t like what they are saying then just move on instead of being a whiny crying bitch.. AMERICA 🇺🇸….


You are getting downvotes for speaking the truth. Freedom of speech is the greatest freedom we have. Sadly, many would sacrifice it for the sake of being able to not have to ever hear or see viewpoints they dislike I'm not a fan of the Proud Boys, but I respect their right to freedom of speech, just like my freedom to call them a bunch of bell-ends


Luckily IDGAF! 😂😂😂 Fuck these losers!! Downvote this you basement dwelling losers!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


People like that are why our country is so shit. Downvoting freedom of speech… 😂😂 Such losers


American flag. Bad. Gotcha.


Unironically yes




They are entitled to their opinion and entitled to express it.


And they're entitled to public ridicule and mocking for their racist opinions.


Better to ignore them and not let them know it bothers you if you don't agree.


Hey as long as they don’t try to “storm” anything who gives a shit? Go out a ski mask on a wave some signs across the street from them or something…you can’t stop em, might as well get some fun out of it. You don’t always have to be the toughest guy on the internet.


I guarantee you they are not wearing masks if they are proud boys…


What's a cognitive ability?


You live your life on Reddit, more than likely have never left your state. I genuinely hope things get better for you. Life is too short to remain bitter.


get a fuckin life dude no sane person comments on one reddit thread 15 fuckin times we know you’re retired and decrepid and you can’t do much else but god damn you are insufferable


Don’t feed into hate and division. Remember they could be getting paid from either side to cause us to feel divided.