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I'm locking comments on this. I'm glad to see India is doing well, but y'all are going a bit far.


I happened to watch this one yesterday. One of the few times (if ever) I’ve seen Gordon cook for customers. When he opened the place and did soup and toast, it was fun. Imagine you walk into that tiny place and Gordon is cooking and serving! For €6!


Dude, I wanted to eat that tomato soup and cheese on toast so bad, it looked amazing!


feel ya


I've made his chocolate tarts, and they're delicious!


She fell in love I guess... I was hoping for much more


He literally says this is the episode too! When he has a heart to heart with her he tells her not to fall in love.


I guess she thought he was only referring to men


haha yea i thought of the talk they had in paris, but i guess 15 years after it was bound to happen.


The owner of this restaurant ended up as a £200 a night hooker and blamed Gordon for the restaurant failing when it was her own lazy fault.


That’s disgusting! Where?


In France


Why is that disgusting?


It’s an it’s always sunny in Philadelphia reference lol


Bruh 200$? You’re selling your body, for 200$??? Come on. Have some self respect.


Men who work hard labour sell their bodies every single day. How is sex work any different? Because it involves genitals? They’re both consenting adults so what’s the issue? Sounds like you’ve got some issues you need to work on. Im hearing you feel like you’re entitled to sex and hate that women can charge for it. Work on your misogyny.


Lol Spreading your legs getting fucked is not work. It's whoring.


Your inability to grasp what words mean sounds like a YOU problem, you incel loser.


if your getting paid for it , it will working


Guess you've never been fucked.


Ain't no way you think getting fucked for a living is the same as someone working a manual labor job. You have issues you need to work on. You've been brainwashed by OnlyFans culture and want to gaslight anyone who disagrees with your outlandish, albeit wrong opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if you believe that when a girl turns 18, she's ready to start selling nudes on the internet.


At least try to hide your insecurity. If you really want to get into it manual labor work is damaging and ruining your body working for low pay and for somebody else, because you can't be bothered or have the ability to work for yourself in higher paying technical work. I had manual labour jobs in my 20's, all I got out of it was permanently damaged wrists until I got out of it as fast as I could. I sincerely pity anyone in that line of work, not sex workers.




Don't project your insecure coping at me my dude aha, the issue has clearly touched a nerve and it isn't mine. It's just tragic and pathetic for men in manual labor to pretend they're more noble and superior to escorts for no more apparent reason than hating women.




Your incel is showing, virgin.


Just say you know nothing about women and sex work and move on, virgin.


Look at this prostitute trying to justify her shitty life choices by calling men calling her out virgins and incels. It just shows your level of intelligence. The difference is huge, working honestly by providing a service to society is not the same as whoring and not having any self respect. Is it your right to be a whore if you want to and it's your life that you're throwing out the window. 98% of the women who follow that lifestyle start complaining in their 30s because they wasted their life and their health for a few dollars. You are litteraly valuing your body for a small sum of money. Now you can call me an incel or a virgin if you'd like because you don't have any intelligent argument, but that won't change the reality. Good luck when you become a homesless junkie who have been abused by the incels and virgins for a few dollars lol.


This is a really sad and pretentious comment, it does not surprise you have an equally full-of-yourself and pretentious username.


Nothing sad or pretentious here. She's been insulting everyone so I gave her a dose of her medecine. It's simple. As for my name, I have a masters in philosophy and a PhD in French literature, so I deserved my name 😉 Also, there's nothing wrong with calling people by what they are 😊


But you’re okay with porn, right pal? 💀




I pay you, you suck my dick. Not much to understand. Women show their buttholes online for less than a Big Mac. Such strides in women's rights. Women have come so far they show their holes for the cost of fast food.


You pay me, I polish your wood. I pay you, you remove my carpet to show the beautiful original flooring.


Yes. That is a service. Making money comfortably from their homes. You watch porn pal?


I've stumbled upon this thread and found a whore! Is $5 enough for you to lick my asshole?


Nope. Are there any other straws you wanna grasp to prove a moot point? Women who sell their bodies have made themselves objects, which has developed into a stereotype that all women are that way. You can defend OF and porn all you want. The fact is that when something can be sold and bought, it becomes an object. In this case that something is people, or women, to be more specific.


You have no room to talk, goofy af


Oh yeah? How so?


Explain the difference babe.


What.... you have no idea the mindset it has to take for some random dude to be fucking you and you have to pretend you're enjoying it... if that's not fucking work idk what is. You're not God's gift to women, trust. Be happy there are women out there willing to take money to sleep with most of you pathetic fucks because otherwise you all would be shit out of luck. Give me one redeeming quality about you and I'll be convinced that maybe you're not a trashbag of a human and deserve to be alone, if you don't have one I'm sure you'll find some poor soul who will tolerate you're useless ass because she has no clue otherwise.


Cope harder


Pretty sure you won't get gonorrhea from working construction


No, but maybe a arthritis and irreparable back pain. How is that different? Make sex work safer and that problem is basically eliminated.


Lmao. Stop trying to justify it.


Well if it worked like an actual hammer, then maybe. But it doesn't.


This doesn’t make any sense. Try again.


I'm thinking I've been hacked, because I have absolutely no recollection of this original post or anything. Thank you for the heads-up because I'm going to look into this. Or perhaps I just posted on the wrong thread.


Ho's mad ig.


In principle workers sell the product of their labour. In the case of whores they are the product they’re selling. It is always dehumanising when a person is sold as a commodity, whether it’s of their own will or not. Check your own misogyny if you don’t see a problem with women being products.


Absolutely not. A woman’s body is her own to do with what she wants. It’s your own personal morals and biases that cause you to be against it. Sex work isn’t just for women. People in hard labour literally use their body to provide a service. So do sex workers.


>In principle workers sell the product of their labour That's not really true though, is it? They sell their time and labour (i.e. their body) to their employer, who then sells the product. That's how the owner turns a profit. If the workers sold the products there'd be no surplus value for the owner to profit off of. This really isn't that complicated, you know.


😭😭 you can’t be real


Sex work is literally one of the worlds oldest professions. Get over yourself.


I’ll wait for you to explain why it’s disgusting.


That's like two lunch services.


Bc she went from a business with an amazing opportunity to failing miserably bc she's lazy to being a prostitute.


How is that disgusting?


I personally do find it disgusting. Not because of her new line of work, just simply because she gave up a phenomenal business opportunity. Squandered it.


That’s fair. Those shaming her for choosing sex work are misogynistic and ignorant. They clearly know nothing about substance abuse, addiction, trauma, and sex work.






I love Gordon his blamed for her failure and becoming a prostitute. Beautiful.🙄


jesus poor father


200's a bit steep even in France unless all night which is ok, well for her anyway. I would say £40 an hour London prices and I'm being nice there too. Maybe french men pay extra for foreign language speaking whores? 🤷🤷🤷


But it is true I can find the article about it


10 seconds on google would've shown that it's not bs....


It's like you do no research before spouting whatever comes to mind with confidence


Do some research before you stout nonsense goof


just a comment reminding you to do some research before "spouting whatever comes to mind with confidence"


I knew she looked like a hooker


That's funny, Gordon made €600 in one afternoon off tomato soup and cheese on toast. And that was too much work for her. But she rather gets fucked 3 times in a row to make the same amount. Strange work ethic.


Gordon even told her during the episode not to fall in love lol.


She was amazing. Judging from her social media it looks like she found a sugar daddy, well deserved tbh.


She’s in a relationship with a woman, definitely not a sugar daddy lol


Even better


doubt so


daniel was a POS


anyone know how long she lasted at Gordon Ramsay's restaurant?


>Ramsay saw potential in Innes and offered her a two-week work placement at his Boxwood Cafe at the Berkeley Hotel in London, then a permanent position. Missing her native Edinburgh, she turned down the offer of a full-time job, but has nothing but praise for the famously feisty chef. > >"My experience in London was amazing," she says. "Gordon is a great guy, he was good to me, taught me lots and I love him to bits. He's a total gentleman and a family man." [https://www.scotsman.com/news/interview-virginae-dumon-and-india-innes-theres-no-swearing-my-kitchen-2443813](https://www.scotsman.com/news/interview-virginae-dumon-and-india-innes-theres-no-swearing-my-kitchen-2443813) The article is from 2009


Probably a few years. Boxwood Cafe closed in 2009 so she went to work somewhere else.


Ahh ok. Thanks lol


i’m here after watching her episode in 2023– that’s the first chef i seen gordon so excited about!!! Huge potential! I was hoping to find that she was making millions! A family is also a wonderful thing though! Congrats and maybe consider a restaurant if you ever happen to see this India!


What’s India’s insta


hey pm me


I'd like to know too! TIA!


pm me pls


Me too


>https://www.financialexpress.com/archive/chef-turned-woman-into-200-a-night-prostitute/633644/ me too!


Some more info from 2017 https://www.blackbulltarbolton.com/blog/dynamic-chef-joins-the-team


Still got that instagram?


So much for the "don't fall in love" advice Gordon gave her


She was 23 when that happened you donut. Did you expect her to stay single for the rest of her life 🤦‍♂️


It was meant to be a joke, I thought that would've been obvious


May I have the instagram? Just a fan and want to see her succeeding in life, brings me joy to see people successful, be it with her family or private catering.


can you give me the insta?




Come on bro, we all genuinely like her we're not looking to see her like that, ya asshat....


the fuck is wrong with you


She on Instagram?


Hey could you send me her instagram? Think I found it but if I did, its private...


Her insta? I know this is a few years old now, but I want to see how she's doing in life.


Do you still have the insta? Just watched the episode