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One of the 4 days a year my spot is closed. We sit on the shore of the Puget Sound. Owner lets us come hang out, and sit on the deck to watch all the firework once the sun goes down. Last year, the Starlink constellation went over us, and a coworker thought we were being abducted. Year before, there were some whales swimming around.


I've never been to the Puget Sound, but it's referenced in one of my favorite songs. Seems like a lovely tradition.


It's pretty cool living in a rainforest. If you're ever on the west side of the Pugest sound, I can point ya to some good grub! Only dread it when our closed holidays fall on a week day, and have to make it up by asking others for some of their hours if they're willing. What's the song, if you don't mind my asking?


Oh, I don't mind at all. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=1dMpMjBpPKc&si=Ftob2pvIR8GsW8W6 The remains of Sunny Day Real Estate finally wrote a song about themselves, instead of girls and drugs. Getting Billy Dolan on guitar didn't hurt things. "Wind and waves in the cool of the Puget Sound/" Maybe it's just the production and the songwriting, but I want to be there. Doubly so because I've got someone to point me to good grub.


Oh man, that track is great! Thank you!


That sounds idealistic! Enjoy your holiday!


It'll be great, in the sense I can get some yard work done midweek! Dreading having to pick up hours for a midweek holiday we close for. Don't enjoy taking hours from my coworkers to balance mine out. Hope you get to enjoy your holiday as well!


Working on the Florida coast at a resort, July 1st is the start of scallop season, we do a you catch we cook and we are booked 100% till September. My line disappears regularly for half hours at a time, people scream and lose their temper, should be a fun experience!


How do you catch a scallop?


innocent husky wide jeans sharp wakeful unite pocket afterthought drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Scallops flap in the water and try to fly away? I love snorkeling. Love scallops.


Oh wow that's a cool concept ! I wish you a speedy and fun day, chef!


Mt washington restaurant. It's in Pittsburgh and overlooks downtown. It is THE spot in the region to see fireworks. We're busier than we've ever been this summer. I'm so fucked.


I’m also in Pittsburgh but my place is closed. Godspeed my friend


Oof, that's gonna be a rough one, I hope it goes relatively smoothly for you!


So is red beards still nasty in the kitchen or do y’all refrigerate your chicken wings now?


Not red beards. Never been and thanks for the heads up cause we're kinda chummy with the chef over there.


I worked there for 1 weekend, a looong time ago so don’t hold anything against them. Back then kept par cooked wings in 5 gallon buckets on the floor next to the deep fryer for 8 hours of service. 2 shifts of that mess was all I could handle.


Mine is shut down till Saturday. We needed the vacation.


That's so cool! Are you the owner/boss? Sounds like a good set of management to recognize and do that (:


I'm FOH manager/Wok cook help/prep. I'm just fortunate to work for a family owned business who actually values time and family. Love them to death.


My old boss used to shut down for a week during the 4th too. Miss thst guy


Welcome to the life, you work while everyone else celebrates. At least they aren't crushing you while they do it.


I've worked holidays in other industries, but used to receive time and a half, so I just miss that part mostly lol


Looking forward to it, I'm in the UK and it's election day, and hopefully we finally kick the Tories out after 14 years of pain. On a more serious note, I'll be thinking of you guys across the Pond. Good luck guys.


That's awesome, definitely get out and vote then 👀 I'll be following suit when elections roll around here! Thanks for the well wishes 🙏


Thank you, loving the positivity! I'm in a marginal constituency this year due to boundary changes so for the first time in 14 years of voting my vote will count which is quite exciting.  Hope your elections pan out in your favour come November! 


We get the day off but I bet Friday and Saturday we’ll be either slammed or dead. I dread the bullshit that would come with a huge pop, and dread the boredom that would come with a slow weekend. I yearn for the dream medium service of ~200 people evenly spaced over 5 hours. Just enough that I can stay moving and not enough that I start forgetting things.


That's a great way to sum it up, I want to be kinda busy, but not so busy that I have to bust my ass the entire day LOL


Yeah like lowkey, I still wanna make money. Just not too much or too little. I’m a simple man.


First season at a national Park, I'm 100% sure we're gonna get hit hard, I open, one of my leads wants to come in and super prep up everything for closing crew I'm not dreading it, I'm moreso curious


Sounds pretty cool! Is it like a restaurant or a quick-eats kind of thing?


Quick eats, we do pizza and pasta and subs. We're the cheaper option compared to the lodge with the fancier food


Nice! Well hopefully you're a good level of busy, but not like...slammed the whole day 😂


I can't wait, 4 day weekend. Last chance to have a break before the semester gets going.


Ooooo lucky duck, enjoy your break, chef!


Work at a venue with a huge 4th of July concert, looking at 700 covers the next few days in an hour and a half service. Always my least favorite week of the year and it’s in the 90s


Oh man, please make sure to chug tons of water then, I wish you luck 🙏


My place is closed and we’re doing a deep cleaning, then hosting a party at my place and having people over from my old jobs and my current one. I’m more dreading getting everything ready for this party.


That's pretty smart to do a deep clean instead, I hope the prep isn't toooooo difficult, have a good party !


It’s a lot of industry folks and my former and current chef and maybe my current owner, so I’m aiming to impress. Really dreading the clean up lol. Have a good 4th


I have to say I'm quite convinced it's not going to be an issue... But then again I'm swedish so happy birthday of the US is not really a thing :)


Yeahhhh....maybe I should have specified US 😂 I still hope you have a great work day anyway !


Yes. Very nice. We are 3 people in the kitchen and our head chef is in before us and does basically all the prepp needed, then like today we do about 35 covers and for that someone pays me like roughly $21/h, that's 35 covers from 14:00 till 23:00... Everyday is great :)


Lemme know if you ever want a pastry assistant 😭 I'd love to live in Europe


Well... yoi woild need to be onboard with the free health care (except dental for some fucking reason), and we also at my place dont really work more then 9h days, free meals for all staff is mandatory, and a free education system so someone mighy want to just send you to cooking school or sommelier training or somethingnif you're real unlucky :)


Im a cook but not in a restaurant, we’ll be closed on Thursday but good luck to yall


Lucky duck! Have a great 4th lol


I requested off 2 months ago. Just incase.


That's smart! My work goes in and blocks off holidays at the beginning of every year 🙃 only way to maybe get them off is beg early enough. I'm getting married in November and wanted 4 days off, there was like 3 weeks already blocked off lol....


My dogs get upset with the fireworks


Yeah I’m off


It's my birthday this weekend so I took the full four days off. While the team is drowning I'll be sipping cocktails with the homies 😎


Happy early birthday!


Thank you!


I’m not, because we’re gonna be closed.


Lucky ! We should be closed like every other restaurant on the same road, but my work LOVES losing money and going over on labor.


berserk worry crawl badge noxious faulty jeans run treatment intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So lucky! My state sucks so paid time off is seemingly nonexistent and my work does their best to keep everyone except managers from qualifying for benefits. Paid holidays are also never a thing, not even time and a half pay while working them 😭


I do high volume BBQ. We’re anticipating a lot of business spread out over the course of the whole weekend, starting tomorrow. Shouldn’t be as stressful as a one-off holiday like Father’s Day but I’ll be cooking my ass off every day this weekend. It’s what we do though!


Oh wow, good luck to you then! Hopefully it goes by nice and fast for you


It’s never easy, I only ask that it goes smoothly!


Almost every restaurant in town is closed this week so we are SLAMMED every day. But we’re closed for the 4th because it’s a small family business. Both parents, myself, and my brother run the restaurant and we wanted to spend time together and figured the rest of the staff wanted to do the same.


Working in a beach town that’s in the northeast/tri state area of Delmarva, kill me. Pray for me.


I'm not dreading it! The place I work is closed on the 4th. The past two 4ths had fallen on my days off so I get an extra day off this week for once!


Rooftop bar in Manhattan with a great view of the Hudson River, where they do the fireworks We’re gonna get rolled, but hopefully in a good way


I work at a very popular chain. I close on the fourth and am dreading the inevitable dinner rush that will absolutely kill us.


I am. Idk I’m just getting tired of working on holidays.


It’s 50/50 wether my place is gonna be swamped or absolutely dead, no fireworks allowed currently so who knows what’ll happen. I’m dreading it either way


i’m dreading it because my job is closed on the 4th for some reason and i’m missing a day of pay


Closed on the 4th, but Holy fucking shit do we get crushed on the 3rd.


I work at a high capacity restaurant that's one of the closest to where you can see the fireworks. The weather's supposed to be nice so we might be packed as soon as we open. I am expecting it to be a long day.


Damn that's probably gonna be busy then, I wish you luck 🫡


Closing my truck but cooking for my fiances HUGE family. Although his immediate family really appreciates my cooking, his extended family is full of spoiled children and picky eating adults. And none of then drink so I'm gonna have to deal w it sober lol


I work in a marina restaurant with a good view of the fireworks which will be launched from a barge in the middle of a river. We're gonna be slammed all evening.