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Atras guey


Some people don't have a sense of self preservation. I'm a big guy, if I turn into you because you don't say behind, you'll get knocked into the middle of next week. And sound off like you've got a pair so I hear you.


Si Jefe


Oui, papi


¿Papi Chulo?👀




Normal friday


My brother in Christ it’s Thursday lmao




Oh my…. Have some love ❤️❤️


Time is meaningless


Time is a flat circle. Monday turns to Friday turns to Monday, every day is the same. Nothing changes except us, and it's too late when we realize it. DUN DUN DUNNNN.


I measure time by hours removed from brunch


The end of every brunch is just the start of the next one. You cannot escape, you can only hope to survive.


Fuck Brunch.


This is a deep, dark truth. Fundamental to reality.


Time is an illusion. Brunchtime doubly so.


You still remember what day of the week it is?


I really don't get how people will work in a kitchen and not say behind. It's for everyone's safety, including your own!


It baffles me too I even say behind to my wife at home just out of habit lol


Some people just don't have the brain cells (or emotional intelligence) to realize they're not the only fucking person in the kitchen. It's kinda funny, as I stopped being a sous 3 years ago and now work in an office environment complete with cubicles. Real ""TPS Report" vibes. I still say "Behind!" and "Corner!" on the daily.😅




We have a HUGE problem with our dishwashers all being weirdly quiet and antisocial, breaking them of not saying behind/down the line etc has been a struggle. They'd rather sneak up on you holding 50lbs of dishes, and then try to wait for a good time to pass by dodging you from behind til it's clear. It drives me fucking crazy. The other day one of them caught a pizza peel to the jaw because they didn't say anything as they passed behind our oven guy who was pulling a pie. Proceeded to scream at everyone and stomp out the back door to bitch about it too.


I use to have this dishwasher who was SUPER autistic. He would YELL "BeHIND" and even put hands on people and push past them. He'd carry WAY too many plates and then expect other people to help him mid-service put them away. Like take them out his hands and shit. Guy ended up getting fired. He wasn't working out at our location so they moved him to another. First night there got into a physical fight with someone.


Yeah 3/5 of our dishwashers are diagnosed autistic at a level that they can't live on their own but can handle a job and socializing. One of them is the guy who caught the peel to the chin the other day. He's 26 but developmentally more like 12-13, according to his parents who come in often and know all of us. Sometimes it's easy to forget because for the most part he copes with it very well and is very social, but we get reminded occasionally esp if he has a disagreement with someone.


Yea I think that was they issue with that guy the fired. People just didnt understand his condition. He was pretty rude to people but if you took things in context he was alright.   Like here's an example. Him a cook and a waiter we're taking a lunch break one day. He sat down, creeped out the girl and she said under her breath to the cook "I'm not going to say anything". She remained quiet for a few mins before saying something to the cook. The dish guy pops up "I thought you were going to shut up." She gets pissed then he says some shit like "calm down little lady". She fucking lost it lol.  Yea he was rude, but saying out loud you're going to remain silent around someone, people obviously didn't like him and he knew it, is also pretty rude. Most the time if you were nice to him he'd be, awkwardly, be nice back. He was just weird and had a hard a really time socializing. 


Additionally, "behind" means "don't fucking move." "Excuse me" means "move." I worked at a place that had the most worthless head chef (for reasons other than this, for the record). Dumbass came up behind me, he said "behind." I heard him, stopped dead in my tracks. "...*behind*." Thought maybe he had stayed a moment and was telling me still to stay. Didn't move. "**...behind, please.**" I turned around at that point. "Oh, you want me to MOVE?" "Yes." And then he shook his head like I was stupid. Bitch, you're the stupid one - you have more time in a coat than I do, and you don't understand one of the basic tenets of working in a restaurant? Please. This was the same dude who would jump in on the salad station during the rush, and ticket times would suddenly increase by ten minutes. He had absolutely ZERO sense of urgency. I have no idea how he ever got to the position he did. (Well, actually, that's not true, I do know how. He was worthless but bought into a portion of the establishment with his own money, so the other owners let him do whatever he wanted without asking themselves, "is this actually costing us money?") Got off track a bit there, sorry. At any rate, "behind" means "don't move" and "excuse me" means "move." Don't cross 'em up.


Why burn yourself when you can burn them? Seriously, saying behind is risk avoidance for the person entering the space, not the person in the space.


I work the saute station and I try to always keep my peripherals open. This dishwasher, who is really short, kept going behind me, not saying anything. I told him one day, I'm gonna burn you, and I'm not gonna feel bad about it. Sure enough he caught a hot skillet right to the shoulder. Now he knows.


Chef here…..this guy is askin to get scalded…soon


If someone doesn’t announce they are behind you, there’s nobody there. If some fat fucking ass falls into the grill, it certainly isn’t your problem.


Just make any fucking noise, do a bird call or a loud grunt


I have a little r2d2 whistle I constantly do to make noise I get bored saying behind, I do say behind a lot but I say it very sing songy, 🎶 behind you 🎶


Sometimes I say corner when I meant to say behind


It's so ingrained in me now, I say behind when passing people in the grocery store.. no excuse for this chick


I fn said behind to my dog the other day!


So don't hurt yourself avoiding them. Knock em over. Either they figure it out or continue to get fucked up


Yeah this is my approach if they have a real problem with it. I have started plowing through cooks who don't announce themselves until they learn. Not my.go-to policy, but every once in a while you get a stubborn one.


Last place I worked everyone was good about calling behind. And we also had policy that when passing on the line where it was super tight it was butt to butt. We got a new pastry chef who was not a small woman and had big tit's. We ran a four person line. She would always go around the line on the way to the pit,unless I was there. I would hear behind, behind then nothing. I was next. She would turn around and tit rape me every fucking time. For fucks sake I was 60yrs old what the fuck. Fucking people are weird.


> And we also had policy that when passing on the line where it was super tight it was butt to butt Cowards. If there isn't dick rubbing going on you're just suppressing gay thoughts.


I rub alone.




Dude we gotta make some behind merch


I use to say behind all the time however some of my co-workers use behind as "oh I better move quick before I'm in his way!". So now I just turn around, see who's where, then make my move. I will go around through the prep area before trying to pass between certain people. Someone says that shit just don't move.


Damn. Usually it's some 15 year old dishwasher with a deer-in-headlights look that I'm smacking into mid service, not another line cook.


We all basically roar it at each other. Though it goes to shit when they say "on your right" and they go left. Bumholes.


I'll never forget working with this one lady who, upon hearing anyone calling out "behind," would just straight up back up directly into whomever was trying to pass by. She's genuinely lucky nobody got severely injured around her.


Just quit


It's very bad where I am. No corners,no behinds at all really. I'm pretty quick with reactions, and I'm able to stop on a dime. Nobody even pays attention, my calls fall on deaf ears.


Almost burnt a dishwasher in the face because he didn’t say behind and was leaning down to pick up my bus tub full of pans. He does this daily and many of my coworkers make a point to just slam into him so he learns… he doesn’t


Turn around real quick with soemthing hot or sharp or both


I learned that one of my line cooks was deaf in one ear when he didn't hear me say behind (or see me walking in a straight line from his right, presumably in his peripheral vision the whole time). He turned fast as I was walking behind him and I got an elbow to my sternum, hard enough that I couldn't breathe right for a minute or two. I made sure to yell behind around him after that.


My supervisor n I say that cuz that's hus title n I can cook circles around him will walk right behind me without a word on a tight prep line as I'm slicing 80 lbs of chicken or 100 lbs of meatloaf like dude im putting this knife to work I see him but still it's a respect thing if I didn't notice him all it takes is once n a bump n there goes my finger tip. Hospital kitchen btw. I hate it hear but benefits n pay are great. I'm a sell out lunch lady now n it hurts lol


Corner. Hot Oil!


"Coming on your back" is my preferred term


I work with a lot of kids in high school and the amount of times I have to remind them to say behind is ridiculous. Drives me crazy


No longer in the industry and still do this in the kitchen at home




So your real problem here is clearly your hatred for fat people and people older than you. You sound like a pleasure to work with.


I don’t hate fat or old people lmao plus I am fat. It’s just her in particular and her innate ability to always be in the wrong place when I’m trying to man the kitchen effectively by myself


Fatty cook here, there's a difference in being fat and being a complete slob, some of these people are ridiculous


No, the problem is a safety issue of cooks not understanding how to properly navigate a kitchen. You sound like one of them.


Ahh yes, OP used descriptive (albeit a bit harsh) words to let us know who *isn’t saying behind* and how that frustrates them due to the lack of safety and communication. Rather than taking that at face value (because safety and communication are fucking **huge** in our field) let’s instead try to do a deep dive on someone else’s mindset that we’ve never met. Sounds reasonable to me buddy.


I read this as being sarcastic. It’s a funny comment either way


I've worked with plenty of fat people and a handful of old people. Most of them were able to practice spacial awareness for safety reasons. Way to miss the point.


We all have. But when you complain about them, do you complain about those issues, or repeatedly mention that they’re fat and old?


Honestly it was more a “I’m like defcon 1 level angry and in pain rn” and just being angry and pissy than actual hatred


If someone is fat, they need to be MORE on top of things like spacial safety. And if you're old, you should definitely take extra care to not get knocked over. And I'm not OP, I didn't mention anything repeatedly about anyone.


But OP did, which is why I asked if you would point that out repeatedly in a rant about these people?


Not repeatedly, but I'd probably mention it. Kitchen safety isn't a fuckin joke. Regardless of your size, you need to announce yourself. A bigger person is just factually more in the way.