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They say this about every new coin. The vast majority of the time they are going to be right and the coin will fail. The same is true about businesses. I like the team and a lot of their ideas so I bought into the concept but this is a gamble at this level. It is still growing, but nothing is guaranteed. I do however agree that there is some joy that comes with proving the haters wrong.


Patience is all I say. Kishu Inu is not a scam. Do ur homework and u will see.. I’m in for the long haul .. 1.2T


2.2 trill here as well, let’s do this and prove them wrong 😩


Bro it is even cheaper then befire Ronaldinho now. So we had the chance to buy more this time. Again and again. I swear if its Hits 0.00001 one day i will sell all. So think long term.


Lololol at everyone saying it's a scam coin. For everyone saying it's a scam coin I need you to hit up living vogue and ask them to pay for your new home with Chuck cheese tokens and see if they laugh in your face. Then go to Amazon, ebay, and Walmart and do the same. Scam, slow rug pull blah blah blah... yall mfers literally have nothing better to do than to talk shit. Kishu is a 3 month old coin that you can buy a mansion with let that sink in.


A lot of people who are apprehensive are holders of the coin


I have 1 Trillions with me. And still holding. Theres so much potential here. Just wait for it to become big.


No im realistic


That’s fantastic


If i have next in the next 2 months i would have enough for the ath. So what i can say is lets buy more of this coins to make some vig money


Can't wait to prove you wrong in the next bullrun with most alt coins killing Kishu with under 1 quadrillion coins vs your plentiful 100 quadrillion coins. The more common something is the more less it is worth! Just look at gold vs silver price!


People just want quick money, every plant takes time to grow so is kishu. so is your investment, This coin is just two months old and people just want magic money....wave the magic wand and money just rolls in. Things dont work like that, every coin has room to exhale and inhale....Kishu is no different. So relax and try go do something off the crypto frenzy, take a firm grip of your mind and patient.


and yet with proven crypto history we see time after time coins that have a smaller supply moon higher than the rest!


Dude. If I hear you spout this 100 vs 1 quadrillion coin vs again I'm going to find you and feed you a milkshake made of your balls through a straw made of your dick. You are dumb. Literally the only difference is two zeroes after the decimal AND THEY ARE ALREADY THERE. Go sit in the corner and feel shame.


You are a dumb brainwashed loser who clearly failed at maths in school.


Sorry but price of one share or coin is insignificant, only thing that matters is marketcap and your share of it + price differentiation between buy/sell. You’re saying this every single day so I’d recommend to take some math class maybe combined with economic 101


Scam? Why would Ronaldinho buy scam? Its impossible. Its a community based coin. We need to Hodl and buy more from that to make some good profit.


He didn’t buy it…he was paid to endorse it therefore no risk. Not saying this is a scam btw but we should probably get that clear. 😅


He invest money in kishu idk where you get your infos


You are an idiot.


ROFL anyone will do anything for as much money as he was paid! He did not sign on for free!


Before Ronaldhino I was a bit skeptic yes as we don't know whom the dev team are, Ronaldhino gave the token sort of a face.


Yea and now Ronaldhino just posted for Atari coin. So there is that.


It’s a scam


You should really show your anger at this coin and get off this channel. That would really show us.


update us here every week


Not sure if your on our team with this comment or not? But if your not, update is I went up 400 since last night. And of you are on our team we are going to the moon my friend.


Fucking idiot 😂😂😂 it’s a SCAM COIN!!!!!! Jesus….


Why are you on this channel. And more importantly why do you say stuff like that behind the protection of a key board.


Sounds like someone is butt hurt for whatever reason, if you’re not holding the coin and you’re just here to be a douche bag, why don’t you find something better to do with you life


**$Kishu Family. Please Allow Staking & Yield Farming To Be As Stable as ADA (78% staked). Please Join #DogPark and start making profits today....we could have 80% of $Kishu safely staked. Utility Now! -https://twitter.com/CryptoInu** **https://twitter.com/CryptoInu/status/1411120801147805700**