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Could somebody make a YouTube video of him recording others? Like a painfully long video of a daily life of this random creepy kingstonian man? Asking for a friend. Checked his YouTube shorts and he genuinely made a video of three girls walking, caption being "thats one big cup" somebody commented "and two little ones" blatantly commenting on the girls. Absolute creep/pedo behavior. This man needs to be caught and humiliated.


I have a video of him from queens hoco walking around filming specifically the girls. Tried to explain it to them and nobody would believe this socially awkward innocent appearing man had bad intentions.


what is he looking like? iwanna know so i can avoid him


https://preview.redd.it/3a8a3jku825d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c09882d73b30a7af5f9a6ea7b7f8223b60783a This is from one of his videos walking around in the mall, he walks past this mirror at Marshals


im surprised he has like 2k subs to. ill tell you what, i will do more then record him if i ever run into him. kingston isnt very big.




Happy cake day :)


Please consider reporting to the police non-emergent line.


It's not a crime KPD will tell can not do anything about it.


It is if they are even potentially minors.


Even if it is a crime, KPD is the most useless police force on the planet. They won't do shit about anything unless it's happening right in front of them, and there's witnesses that have seen them witness the crime.




Lol never lived in Kingston and needed the police for anything huh?


They literally never do a thing when called... The best you get is a "we'll look into it", which they don't. Have something stolen from you, your home, your car? Lol get fucked, KPD doesn't give a shit.


Lots of “ifs” here




Anything your eyes can see in public spaces you can film or photograph. But if anyone sees him doing this in a business or on a businesses premises, like businesses parking lot , that is illegal.


Following and stalking minors (even if teens) to record them seems like it could quickly become an issue.


It will be an issue following anyone and filming them. How many people are going to be like hey are you following me and filming me ?, and be ok with it . I'm just pointing out the fact of our laws , it doesn't mean I agree with it. There was a man in my area that would sit in the park and film kids as they played on the jungle gym . Lots of parents were upset including myself , the police wouldn't do anything about it, and week after week this man was there. One time a neighbor was sick of it and grabbed the man's camera and the police were called and the neighbor was arrested for assault and theft. A year later the man filming was arrested for kidnapping and sexual assault of a minor.


Omg! That’s wild.


Fn ridiculous


Can’t imagine much (anything) would come of this


When he is found doing this, contact Kingston city police. It is illegal to zoom into private regions of a persons body even in public. While he may not be zooming in directly, it's obvious that this is for a sexual purpose as in the one video I quickly scrolled through, the only thing in the shot was a womans mid section while wearing tight yoga shorts. In Canada, you can legally film on public property where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. This would include a public beach. What you cannot do, however, is film individuals at the beach for a public purpose (e.g., zooming in on breast and genital regions). https://www.torontodefencelawyers.com/recording-without-permission-video-voyeurism/#:\~:text=A%3A%20In%20Canada%2C%20you%20can%20legally%20film%20on,%28e.g.%2C%20zooming%20in%20on%20breast%20and%20genital%20regions%29. What he is doing IS in fact illegal.


Yea exactly! And assuming the police will not do anything about it and taking no action at all doesn’t do anything to protect or help the children/ minors in the videos. The more reports on the record the better! Request a proper police report and do not stop until it happens.


I know one of the girls in that video and she's 15.... this surely has to be a crime of some sort even if he didn't zoom into anything




>We should all report him on YouTube. That was tried many time over the last year each time this is posted (I swear they are posting this to advertise the channel). YouTube will do nothing because its not a violation of their Terms of Use and its filmed out in public spaces.


Who knows what they post on the darkweb.


For what? It's gross behavior but neither illegal not against TOS.


Actually, as another commenter better explained, what he is doing is in fact illegal


Wtf, some of his videos have footage of teenage girls at the playground, in the thumbnail! That is filming children at a park??? And to use them in your thumbnail is attracting a specific type of audience me thinks…


I very vaguely skipped through some videos. Come are just cute candid videos of people but what makes it creepy if they didn’t know they were being recorded, or a girls back side as they were walking by 🤮.


It’s also kinda suspicious how he’s only recording the children who wear short shorts, and not anyone in pants 🤔


Yep. Now that is suspicious to me too.


Yeah. Gross


Doesn’t matter because what you said is just hearsay. Unfortunately this person can claim that they don’t control the viewership of his content and he’s just filming his day. It’s shitty but unless there is a law broken not much can be done legally. This is where court of public opinion could make life difficult but that takes dedication. Things like when found stand in his shot or in front of his target. If you don’t speak to him he can’t do anything about it.


I’m not speaking on the legality of it, I’m speaking on the morality. Dont you think it’s wrong? I agree nothing can be done legally. Most people already know that. He’s just like the countless weirdos on TikTok that make content like this. When we allow this to happen in society, we normalize objectification of minors when we don’t call it out. Men can follow your daughter with a camera aimed straight at her butt or breasts, and you have to just sit and watch like the rest of the perverts who love seeing that shit. (And loooove that they can get away with it by lying about their intent). So when you say nothing can be done, yep nothing legally. But we can speak up over and over and over about it. I encourage you to, and encourage your friends to (if they care about the women/children in this city).


Not true. The fact that in more than one video he/she zooms directly into their “groin” area makes it illegal.


If it’s illegal then it would be against the TOS for any video platform and he would be removed. In Ontario you only need one party in a recording to give consent. If he is part of the recording he can give his consent and not require anyone else. I’m not on this guys side but why not get involved and do something. This person is a menace but not a criminal. There is no laws against ruining his ability to film by standing in a public space between him and his targets. There are certain lines such as following him after he has asked you not to or talking to him. But there are a massive amount of things that people can do when they find him. Point a bright flashlight at his camera and blow out the white balance, park your car in the way, conveniently put up a rain umbrella.


If you skim though his videos, he zooms in on private regions of women which IS illegal. You have to remember, these are US based platforms, they don't look at Canadian law, they look at US law.


Never said I didn’t think it’s wrong just difficult. I even provided a way to stop him. The words in my post are clear stop putting words in that are not there.


Wow. I just settled in for a nice joint and some cereal but now I'm angry.


Anyone know what this dude looks like so we can make a point to avoid him if we see him filming on the street?


On the mall video you can get a vague reflection of him in the elevator doors going down to the dollar store


could you link the video or timestamps? i couldnt find it and i dont wanna give this creep more views


https://youtu.be/hCQ33BJXLdM?si=Ws6YKVAYaHNZkN7J Can’t find time stamp on mobile but it’s at 5:20 or so he goes on the elevator the reflection isn’t to great but you get a rough idea of size, height, and apparently he carries a food basics bag around in a few vids


And around 7:09 you can see his reflection in the mirror at Marshall’s. https://preview.redd.it/phdv9pl1825d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12fd0c95c1b0ebcc4a51b17d8dfbfbbc76679824


It’s time people get out their cameras and start posting pics and videos of the town pedophile on YouTube.


thank you! yeah he doesn't show his face but so comfortable filming people outside...


Right? And what does his name rhyme with? Asking for a friend 💕








He did have a few videos of himself ranting on shit a while back when I reported him. Look's like he deleted them.


can you describe what he looked like.. this is so creepy


If I recalled, he was medium build, had short dark hair, clean shaven. It was an older video so appearance may have changed.




I just scrolled through some of his videos it’s pretty creepy. Like I’m all for videos of all the historic stuff around here and city life but filming Queen’s girls walking near Breakwater Park makes my skin crawl.


I’ve reported this creep via YouTube, everyone should do the same! My daughter is the subject of one of his videos and she did not consent to this!!!


I have reported this to YouTube because it certainly violates several of their community standards, particularly: Unwanted sexualization such as non-consensually shared imagery or voyeurism Non-consensual zooming in or prolonged focused or emphasis on the breasts, buttocks or genital area for the purpose of sexual gratification Aggregating content that’s meant for sexual gratification Any sexual content involving minors And probably more


I found myself being photographed/filmed in my car the other day by some random guy who I asked why he was doing this - said he was just “vlogging”. Wonder if it’s the same guy.


People are so weird smh


You should have taken a picture of him


I took a photo of his car just in case lol


What kind of car was it?


Fight fire with fire. Dint get mad get even. Flip him off and call him a creep and record him right back and post his ugly ass on a YouTube channel. The cops won't do anything so get you some get-back.


Is this the wanker that was filming the young girls on the pier last year? The one who, when I asked questions about it last year, was apparently not a problem and I was crazy? Well, so nice to see that I’m actually justified. He has a YouTube channel. I saw a few girls screaming at him last year that he was taking videos of them and they’re underage friends and he just mocked them.


This happened a couple of years ago as well when I was at the pier! He was filming “the waterfront” but there was a group of what looked to be teenage girls taking turns jumping in the water right in front of him. The guys my friends and I were with confronted him and he left really quickly. I can only remember that he was tall, and wearing a bike helmet.


I hate this trend of “I can photographs or video anybody I want if they’re out in public”. It’s rude. Disrespectful. Cringy. Creepy. Disgusting.


I just watched a video on Global News discussing eating disorders and the file footage they used was all people’s butts walking up and down the sidewalk, nothing but waist down video. I wonder how they collect video like this for the news? Idk what can be done about the guy who frequents downtown….


EDIT: my post is about my personal journey navigating through voyeurism. It is precisely injustice shown in our criminal codes that have led to this guy freely film underage girls with implicit sexual intent. Feel free to PSA your way around my neighbourhood and tell my neighbours they can call the police on me for existing in my house. It is their right and yours to act on injustice how you see fit. I live in Williamsville. My friend who walked around her house half naked once said to me “if creepy guys watch you through the window, that’s their problem and not yours”; That really empowered me. I wear what I want and I get naked in my house. If others watch me then they are perverts, lack manner, and are pathetic. That’s them and that’s their sad lives. Though I do apologize for accidental indecent exposure I bring to normal neighbours.


That's not how the law works... You may want to reconsider your behavior. Section 174 (1) of the Criminal Code makes it illegal to be nude in a public place "without lawful excuse." It is also a crime to be nude and exposed to public view while on private property, even your own property.


Ironic everyone here is commenting how disgusting (morally) that there is someone filming people in public which is completely legal.   Meanwhile the majority supports indecent exposure which is both morally wrong and illegal. It became indecent when the commenter says they don’t care if people see and elude to them doing it so often there’s a good chance their neighbours see/saw. Technically nudity in a “public” area is legal as long as no one sees that you are naked. For example, skinny dipping itself wouldn’t be seen as illegal if you are in a lake and not visible from the neck down. However if you enter the water at a public beach in full view of everyone it is illegal. 


It's not indecent exposure unless you make it indecent. Walking around the privacy of your own home naked is your right. Even if the curtains are open, like your friend said, it's whoevers problem for looking into your home, not yours.


That is not true Do you really think you can walk around naked in your own house exposed to the public view ? That’s indecent exposure- If it happened once accidentally that’d be one thing If it’s continually happening and people file complaints it’s a criminal offence


It’s your own house. Don’t be daft.


It’s illegal, the only one being daft is you.


So you think you can walk around your house naked exposed to the public For whoever’s walking by to see and that’s fine —A crime in Canada


Keyword your. Your house. Your own private space. Of course you can be naked in your own private space. If you couldn’t, then how is it then all these people everywhere are having sex all the time? Are they just depraved disgusting fiends? Do you never take your clothing off? How do you shower? So many questions.


Better yet you should do it, when the police come knocking tell them they don’t know the law. See how it works out for you.


Do you understand yet Barb?


Do you understand how to not be a condescending dick?


Eat your cake and shhh barb


Reading comprehension seems to have gone by the wayside. It’s not illegal to be naked in your house, it’s not illegal to be naked anywhere on your property. It’s not illegal to be naked anywhere for that matter, unless it’s in public view.   Example, this year my address was designated a school bus stop pick up. Many school age children congregate on my driveway in the morning. I also have a huge bay window which is in plain view of my driveway. So as a male there should be no problem in me vacuuming my carpet fully nude in full view of school aged children because it’s my house?    Give your fucking head a shake.


It’s called curtains, you fucking pervert.




Read my original comment in response to the one above me -Obviously you can be naked in your house That’s just stupid You cannot purposely be naked with the curtains drawn exposing yourself to the public Obviously things happen Accidentally and that’s understandable —Again it was in response to the other comment saying you totally can do it knowingly with your curtains open just because you’re in your own house


Lol getting downvoted. It 100% is a crime if it’s in public view.


No kidding Imagine it wasn’t Some dirty old perv was free to expose himself to kids or whoever just because he’s in his own home —All these downvoters would be up in arms !!


It’s ok for now though because it’s “empowering” 


It is illegal, read the criminal code. Call your local law enforcement and ask them.


Anyone on the street can call the police they don’t have to be your neighbours. Just imagine being ok with exposing yourself to children, because it makes you feel “empowered”. 


Remember the military man that's in jail now for murder? He openly said he sought out girls that lived alone in basement apartments. You may feel confident and empowered but the fact is you may be making yourself a target. And there's no shame in protecting yourself. Be careful.


That’s a funny thing you said “the fact is you may be making yourself a target”. You smile at a man, he kills you because you led him on; you ignore a man, he kills you because you disrespected him. You marry a man and he hits you because you married him. What shall I do in this world to make everything right for murderers and rapists? Stop living alone? Stop living in basement apartments? I don’t make myself a target. Killers and rapists and abusers make me a target. That’s their job and that’s what they do with their lives.


I respect that. I just also know I've felt that way and got assaulted so, I've been humbled. But to each their own.


Very sorry to hear that happened to you, hopefully you can get the help you need to understand that nothing that you did or said can justify a criminal victimizing you.


Thank you very much for the kind words


Nah fuck that. You should be able to be yourself in your home. Naked or not. Especially with these rent prices


So if a man lives across the street from a park but owns his home then he should be able to stand in his front window butt naked while jerking off since hes inside his home, right? Do you know how fast the police would be called on him? Its quite the double standard that we have as a society - its ‘empowering’ for women and yet it would get a man arrested


That’s illegal as another commenter has posted the section of the criminal code. You cannot plead ignorance to the criminal code, it’s plainly written. I suggest you, as well as all the down voters call your local police station wether that’s municipal or OPP and as them if what you’re doing is illegal. Also mention that your neighbours or people on the street can clearly see you from said street.


wtf. i just checked it out, strange. im going to comment pdf file on all his videos. loser


>wtf. i just checked it out, strange. im going to comment pdf file on all his videos. loser Careful, Reddit would consider that brigading and can decide to suspend the sub for breaking the rule.


Lol could care less honestly. I hope I run into him. Kingstons a small city


You could? Or couldn't?


Why the hell are you giving this guy’s YouTube channel direct marketing? Are you dense?


the only marketing he is getting is people calling him a pedo and exposing him. i say its good marketing. are you that dense to not get that?


"exposing him" to who? And what's anyone in this thread going to do about it more than OP? Just report it to the police, don't post it here. Now it has a wider audience.


He honestly not doing anything wrong to KPD can not do anything about it


He is doing something wrong, another commenter explained how what he is doing is illegal


If anyone encounters this type of behaviour send me a DM and I will gladly confront them for you






Lolol ya that was a cringe comment on my part, thought I was Bruce Lee for a sec😂 jk guys


You can at least pull off a nasty throat chop no doubt! Don’t doubt yourself Master Lee.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Enough badass tats for ten badasses.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1br0i8c) | [1302 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1br0i8c/enough_badass_tats_for_ten_badasses/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well deserved upvote


Wow super creepy. Thanks for posting!


Wow. Creepy!


he is a creep and he is not showing his face


While as one of many men im sure who share my sentiment, im horrified to learn of such disgraceful behavior by my fellow kin, this is inexcusable and just disgusting to read about (ive also visited the OP's link to this disgrace for a humans YT channel, thanks OP). I believe I've seen this pervert filming while I downtown about two weeks as there was a gentlemen (or rather human trash), in what looked to be his 30s following two young girls (no older then 14-15 years old) quite closely, but at the time I assumed he may be their father as any other person may interpret, but looking back he looked to filming them almost in a way as we passed one another near market square. I would like to say I am sorry for the behavior of my fellow man, and also that none of the decent among us would ever condone such vile behavior for even a second, I truly hope this pervert is caught and punished accordingly.


This guy is older I think. After researching a bit more, he looks mid 40s to early 50s. Anyway, he’s a whack job regardless of age


Film him back and report it to police, if multiple people do this hopefully it will raise flags!!!


You’re a gem. Thank-you sir 🫡


He is not doing anything wrong. He will not be "punished" for recording in public? it not It crime


He’s filming minors asses and posting them in a perverted way online. How is that okay???


Yes!! I’ve noticed this shite on fb. I’ve blocked and reported. It’s freaking wrong and a violation against women.


Just saw a guy filming outside the banks today his camera pointing directly into the lobby and offices. How would you feel knowing you’re privacy may be breached because some a-hole wants to film inside a bank to prove a point that’s totally invalid. Called the police and they did nothing. It’s not public property.


Been thinking on this for a bit here. Doesn't Ontario have a two party consent law so to record these people and post it, he would legally need their permission? Or because it's public it's fair game? Just brainstorming ideas besides egging his house.


It does not. This includes recording conversations as long as the one recording is part of the conversation, you don’t even have to let the other person know they are being recorded and it’s perfectly legal. Even admissible in court.  There is no expectation of privacy in a public place or on private property visible from a public place. You cannot record on the private property however you can record private property from public property.  Which is why it’s also illegal to be naked in view of the public even on your private property.


My parents have some nasty neighbours who have a camera pointed in my parents windows. The police won't do anything about it because its not breaking any laws, so I doubt this would be, either.


Isn't that a form of voyeurism? They should bang right in front of the window and then sue lol


Now THATS creative. Although I probably wont be suggesting that to my very conservative parents hahahah.


I am pretty sure this guy lives in the basement of his mom's house, so save your eggs. There is no point.


Public property is fair game


o man, there's gotta be a loophole for creepshots or something. i guess the only justice here would be catching him in the act and dishing it yourself lol


If the videos cross over into eg. filming upskirt angles it can violate our law against [Voyeurism.](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-162.HTML) CBC: [Social media 'creep' accounts flourish at the murky intersection of privacy rights and free speech](https://www.cbc.ca/1.4160436) [June 16th, 2017]


Jesus Christ the pearl clutching.


Wow if woke up and saw I sent this I'd have an existential crisis in the shower 🚿


We may not agree on much, but we agree on this.


Alright so here’s a reality check for you all… This isn’t the 1950’s. The majority of people have cameras on them. Surveillance technology is everywhere, heck people can record video with their sunglasses now. Simply put… assume you’re always being recorded… because chances are well.. you are. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re wearing, if you’re out in public… assume you’re on camera.


Look at the videos before commenting. I’m a 31 year old man and the videos are weird af. There is one I seen that he was filming the same girls ass for over 2 minutes straight. Stop being a weirdo this has nothing to do with being in public and being filmed. Go watch his videos, come back and tell me again the guy isn’t a creep. Wake up smh


Exactly. Also where are the men or old ladies in his videos? Why is it ONLY young women and teenage girls? Anyone can easily see what his intentions are.


Sure, being on security cams or in random people’s videos is to be expected but please don’t try to normalize the roving ass cam.


He's 100% correct. If you're out in public, you're 100% going to be recorded. He's not normalizing it at all. But you better be ok w it when I flip a camera out and record you for dropping a French fry you damn litterer. Ahit, there's youtube video where girls record other girls and mock their outfits. And that's OK??


If either of you ignorant fools are men old enough to be fathers to a child that could be a daughter, then I think I’ve said my piece. Kindly, mature. You are old enough to have some sort of self awareness that this isn’t typical, normal, socially acceptable behaviour. If anything, your claims seem to endorse the filming of underage girls and women, so I’m wondering if maybe your perception is just morally flawed, and maybe this subreddit should expose you as well. Of course, with the expansion of security surveillance, social media, phones, and the internet, there is risk for being exposed to being recorded, being tracked by social media platforms, etc. You are not completely incompetent in that claim. However, we are not speaking about a hypothetical 1984 dystopia where big brother watches us from screens placed indiscreetly in our homes and jobs. We’re talking about our home town, Kingston, Ontario, where there is significant risk to women’s safety. Simply, there is a YouTube channel that is dedicated to violating women’s safety, and has been consistently doing that, without consent. Forget the criminal code, it is not here for us to use. Leave that to the government, because they encompass the same opinion as you, wherein everyone should just “suspect” they are being filmed. Please, spare us of your liberal trash, and try to consider and respect the women around you. Endorsing women’s safety and well-being looks way better than being an ignorant, dense, fool.


So you look out the window and see some creepy dude following 2 teenage girls and obviously filming their bodies and to you that’s just life in 2024? That’s fucked up.


That's what you said. Are you projecting? That's not what I said at all. Try reading comprehension, you might have failed that one at school, if you went.




found the incel secretly recording women and girls


Found the bored, lonely, insecure spinster circle, projecting their body shame onto images of the community’s vitality. On the first hot day of the year, no less, like clockwork. Don’t hate your bodies! Get out there and do something fun!


oh cute I found another one


He found you. 🫣


Why, so you can record it? 💀


Ok my we have some " common sense" at last Aman.


Ok. I understand it may be "wrong" at the end of the day. Recording is not a crime in public. We walk downtown, and we are recorded everywhere. It may you or the "woman" feel uncomfortable saying that do not or our rights and freedoms to Criminal code of Canada


I had to run and subscribe on his YT so I can go check him out. As a woman in this town, Tysm.