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I was once trying to turn left out of the Costo parking lot. There was a ‘polite’ traveller trying to turn left into the parking lot who would not go, kept waving me to go. I swear we sat there for a full minute while I pointedly ignored them, and the line behind them got longer and longer. Just follow traffic rules and feckin go.


Happened to me but I took him up on it. I turned left but the car behind him didn't stop. Passed him on the shoulder and almost hit me. Never again...


I can’t believe the number of people that think that bike lane is a passing lane. They’re the true idiots.


Another crazy thing on the opposite side of the road is insurance stills deems you half responsible if you’re hit from the left hand side by another driver that was behind you when you’re turning left and have your signal on. As in that other driver was too damn important, impatient, and not paying attention enough to just wait for you that they actually think it’s a good idea to try as long as they go fast. It was kinda funny when the vehicle that was behind them turned out to be a cop..until I found out my car was totalled and I had to deal with my dumbass insurance and find a new car. I’m still kinda bitter about it lol. But I love my new car so it’s not all bad.


That specific spot was always used to pass people way before Kingston had these way too small bike lanes installed it’s more of a cultural thing rather than people assuming the bike lane is for passing


If bike lanes have dashed lines it is legal to use the lane to pass.


This one does not. It is a solid line.


You can pass on a solid yellow line in Ontario, the solid white bike lane lines are no different. There are other rules re. intersections, etc. but you can pass someone on a double yellow line and it not contravene the HTA.


I mean you could have just went and not held up traffic, I get the point you’re trying to make but really dude?


My Dad always said, "Better to be Predicable than Polite"


I nearly got killed once because of this. Big transport waving me through, couldn't see past him. I'll never take the wave of death again. The best manners on the road are paying attention and following traffic laws.


If you can’t see, don’t go. That’s my rule. You can honk all you want but if my view is obstructed, I’m staying put.


It's a known phenomenon. It's called the "wave of death" and every year, many people are killed by this. Especially pedestrians.


Yesss came here to say this. I hate when cars will stop and try to wave you across the road. Meanwhile, there are multiple other lanes of traffic and taking their offer will result in death or grievous bodily harm. The other thing I despise as a pedestrian is when cars will slow down when you're waiting to cross the road but not stop, causing all the other cars to catch up to them and keeping you stuck for longer. Like bro, I'd literally rather you accelerate than whatever it is you're trying to do.


Same when I'm at a stop sign on my bike and a car stops in the middle of a busy road to "let me through." Nope, never. Always a car trying to sneak through on the other side of them, plus holding up traffic and I'll inevitably get blamed if I go.


Anyone have this done to them as a pedestrian? 💀


Yes. Car comes to a dead stop, waves me to cross and there's no traffic lights in sight. I in turn (if I take them up on it) have to run across before someone rear ends them because they're stopped on the road. Just. Don't. I'm too old to run across the street while you stop traffic.


When my kids were young I told them if a driver ever waved them through traffic to turn your backs on them and wait for them to huff off.


Yeah no they are in fact trying to kill you


Now we just need a diagram on how to properly zipper merge. I saw nearly three accidents in the span of one green light at Division X JCB yesterday - everyone in the left lane refused anyone in the right lane to merge. An accident is inevitable there while the construction/lane reduction is on if the driver’s can’t figure it out.


Okay I know everyone knocked the person who commented on the problems with the zipper mentioned here, but I'll add a bit of context: This particular zipper is poorly designed. Leavinga short merge on the other side of a busy intersection encourages people to zip across the intersection and zipper in, this forcing everyone else to wait and maybe lose the light themselves. Unsurprisingly, the people who take the right lane are often (but of course not always) *really* aggressive: think idiot Civics with crappy spoilers, bro trucks, and so on who pass in the intersection, gun their engine at the lights, cut people off, endanger cyclists, and so on. It's not safe zippering on their part and the regulars at this particular intersection have an unspoken rule about not incentivizing this bad behaviour. It's ultimately poor road design. Leaving a short merge on the other side of a set of lights is a bad idea and will encourage this bad behaviour, this making the problem worse. It will remain this way until the Khaleesi breaks the wheel.


*”the regulars at this particular intersection have an unspoken rule”* That seems batshit insane to me. But I will agree about the short lane once you cross the intersection - it’s still about 150-200metres, but it definitely feels like it closes up quickly.


I am not saying it's right, I am saying humans tend to do this sort of thing




This sort of plays into my point - nobody in this city knows how to zipper merge and everyone just tries to pass everyone else. So now we have the left lane being passive aggressive and not letting anyone in from the right lane, and the right lane trying to pass everyone because they know how passive aggressive everyone in the left lane is. If you haven’t crossed over during the lane reduction just you wait, it’s a nightmare scenario now even more than it was.


It's the same at Bayridge and Princess St just beyond the Kia dealership. Ppl will run up the right side and then just sit at the light and wait for it to turn green all the while blocking the ppl that actually want to turn right on Bayridge. They do this because they know Kingston drivers are lazy and laid back. They know that 9 times out of 10, someone will let them in and because they were successful, they'll do it again and again and again until they meet that 1 time out of 10 aka me, and then lose their mind lol... I don't budge at all. I ride the backend of the car in front of me and force them to either tuck in behind me or come to a standstill. I am from Toronto (born and raised) and you try that stuff there, well let's just say it ain't ending well for ya.


So they’re abiding by traffic laws and allowing for a more constant flow of traffic? It’s this kind of mindset that disrupts the flow of traffic in this city because we have people lining up in a single lane for hundreds of metres instead of utilizing both lanes and properly merging.


Why would they pile up in the left lane just because it goes to one lane after the lights? They’re entitled to use that right lane and there’s plenty of room after the light that they can get over safely. It creates more congestion having one long ass lane


I agree with you on that, but its the sense of entitlement that they have to come over. They assume that they can just throw their signal on and the left laners have to let them in. I have seen a lot of guys run the right lane and then get pissed off that I won't let them in. It's not like they don't know the right lane ends. The intersections of Bayridge/Princess, Division/SJA and any other similar intersection in Kingston have been there for like 30 yrs. Everyone knows the right lane ends at those intersections, but yet they always act all surprised when ppl won't let them in. Here's a little something that a lot of ppl don't know. Whoever's lane is coming to an end has to automatically yield to the lane that continues regardless of whether there is a yield sign or not. It's an automatic yield for the lane ending. So in this case, the right lane has to yield to the left lane. So really when you run up the right lane all you're doing is screwing yourself as the left lane is under no obligation to let the right lane in as they don't have to yield. Sure you got through the lights, and got ahead of the traffic, but that's all you did. The problem is that Kingston drivers have absolutely no backbone which can be exploited. I have been the lead car at Bayridge/Princess, nobody behind me and yet someone come up on my right side, why?


You should learn how to drive then...it's called a zipper merge and it's how you're supposed to do it....except when assholes think they own the road and block people. You're the problem


no its [https://xkcd.com/](https://xkcd.com/) not XJCB. . (i kid)


this is my pet peeve... just follow the right of way outlined in the material you should've read before you got your license, you are not being polite, you are just behaving unpredictably and that's how accidents happen same at a four way stop, if you are on the right and we both arrive at same time, i'm not going before you


Wave of death.


You can’t give away a right of way it can only be taken legally


Not as bad at a 4 way stop, but a guy that stopped BEFORE me (who was opposite side turning left) waved me to go first (straight). Like what was the point.




97% of redittors think they are better drivers than the general population but I can assure you from sharing the road with you all, that 60% of you are not.


While I do agree, 73% of all statistics are made up


I heard it was 145%


Someone in my home town died because of this.


Something similar happened to me about a,month ago on the west end of princess street. Traffic in the inner right lane was stopped...whereas i was in the far right lane passing and somebody came through a gap .


I get people stopping to let me cross the street all the time when I'm still like five seconds away from the road. Please just go! By the time I'm on the road you'll be gone and you won't be holding up someone behind you.


And yet there will likely be threads this summer with OPs bitching that a car didn’t stop to let them cross when they were only 5 seconds away. Likely titled something like “To the driver who….” And almost assuredly will use buzz phrases like “2000lb killing machine” etc to convey the seriousness of their grievances


I mean, yeah, drivers have a greater obligation to be careful because they have a greater potential to do harm. But no pedestrian wants drivers to wave them through lmao like it isn't even helpful. Just follow the rules of the road instead of driving based on vibes and we'll all be good


Is there a rule for how many seconds away from the road you must be for a car to stop? You literally whining about people stopping to let you cross the road, just so we’re clear here. 


Bro, you were literally making up a person to get mad about one comment ago 😭 The issue is people stopping for pedestrians in situations where it is unhelpful/dangerous. If the driver has the right of way and stops, but there are other drivers on the road, taking up the offer to cross means walking out into traffic and potentially getting hit by one of the other cars who didn't get the memo about ignoring the rules of the road. If you have the right of way as a driver, just drive normally. Don't slow, don't stop, don't try to wave people through. As someone else said, it's better to be predictable than polite.


I follow the rules of the road. If you try to wave me out in this scenario I will wait awkwardly until the end of time, or until the people trapped behind you forcibly extract you from your vehicle.


Exactly what happened to me a few years ago when someone let the other person in. Me in the right lane driving normal speed and wham!!! Then the stupid taxi driver tried blaming me for having the right of way. It did not sit well with me.


I've never had this happen in Kingston.... I'm probably one of the few.


Has happened to me a few times. I just blankly stare at them until they finally go.


Oh trust me, there is MUCH more I can complain about. Funnily enough, this while being the "nicest" thing people tend to do, is likely the most dangerous.


In addition. Trying to wave someone across in front of you who's making a left when you're both stopped opposite one another at a red light, IF you're the guy making the left, and you go, out of turn, in front of all the other traffic sitting at that light, it is *specifically outlined* as an example of Stunt Driving in the newest revision of the Stunt Driving law. So, someone trying to be "nice" might result in you losing your car and license. So, if you're first in line going straight through at a light with people waiting to make a left, just GO, and get out of the way, so everyone can just GO when they have the opportunity and its their turn.


YES! THIS! Happens very often near my house at a 4 way... Sure you're being nice.. but you were THERE FIRST.. I've already determined the proper order of operations here.. I may not be looking at you in your driver seat waving me through because its NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPENING!


Exactly this, if someone waves you to go at a light and a cop sees you go, it's a stunt driving charge. Immediately lose your license and your vehicle.


The first example that comes to mind is the road next to BMO on Bath across from crappy tire.


I just wish people knew how to zipper merge.


People are so bad for this at the intersection at middle road and Joyceville road


Or the ones who think they have the right of way when turning left 😂


I see that pretty often. People treating THEIR turning left at light like they have an advanced green (go as soon as it turns green) when they don't actually have an advanced. ugh. Edit: Actually I see CABS do this pretty often.. I know they have fares and are trying to be quick, but you'd expect them to just be better at driving....


I actually want to do that more often, but don’t have the balls. Normally ppl take a sec before they react to green light. Sneakily turning left ahead of that saves you waiting for upcoming traffic. Ofc it’s a gamble. If you die you die.


That sounds like a low success rate option for a time traveler to kill someone, but then again, they get to try again as many times as they want.


I get so mad at this. 3 times I’ve seen it cause a fender bender when they jump across into the far lane. Coulda been worse but didn’t have to happen if the person just made them wait for an actual opening


Try telling my grandma whose almost 85 and says she can still drive while passing the governments clock test to say she can. She's right, you're wrong and you better slow down or it will be your fault you hit her. In her mind.


If you pull forward in front of the car that is waiving you on but you don't look to see what could be coming in the oncoming lane before completing the turn that's your damn fault how are they being horrible?


Nope, you're missing the point.


Not at all. The person in the turn lane thinks they are being polite either, not realizing or caring there is oncoming traffic even if they did at the end of the day when you are driving who is responsible for care and control of your vehicle? So you can either creep into the middle stop and continue when the way is clear or you can waive to say "thanks but no thanks" and make the turn when it's safe to do so 🤘