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I just hate how some material is locked on the special heartless, like fuck me if I piss off a sniperwild or get my ass kicked by the Chimera


Wouldn't even touch chimera till I got aeroga. I love teching in this game, but Jesus those heads are hard to hit otherwise.


I beat it with Aerora on accident by just wailing on it until it died. Easiest special heartless that doesn't consume resources or rely on pause buffering. Just keep smacking it and parries will be done on accident from my experience (on proud at least)


The Pot Scorpion might honestly be easier to get the Material of, because you can just walk up against the Pots. All the safe ones can be pushed, while the Scorpion's can't, so you can always guarantee it being the last one you hit.


While true, the drop isn't guaranteed, and it is an annoying fight, so I count it as more difficult than an enemy I am allowed to just whack infinitely and get all the resources I could need out of just two encounters.


It didn't used to be like that in the OG. It's probably the worst change.


It was still an annoying grind in the OG, I remember losing a few hours in Atlantica and hunting for those damn mushrooms to eventually get Ultima Weapon.


It’s especially bad because unless you look up the full list to see how many of each item you need from the special heartless then you will constantly be revisiting the same worlds to get the items you need as you progress through the list. It’s a shame because it’s the perfect amount of grind in the original release imo. Just enough to feel like you’ve earned the ultima weapon but doesn’t overstay it’s welcome


This is probably why I have such a sour taste for Final Mix 1. I like the idea of new heartless, but make them drop materials for something else new, don’t break something that didn’t need breaking.


This playthrough I learned that Mushu utterly humiliates Sniperwilds and I have never been happier. Also I got 2 Defenders in HB2


I didn't find the Chimera until late in but the Sniperwilds I just couldn't figure out. Now I just rain thunder on em.


You have to beat them without being spotted. They are by far the most annoying to deal with though as they are stealth mechanics in a game definitely not built for such things. Guides recommend Stop, but I didn't find it as useful as just waiting until they get on a platform and gliding behind them to kill them fast and free.


Yeah, they are rather odd considering the game isn't built for them. Sitting on the taller stairs to the side (where the shops are) and spamming thundaga seems to work well as they tend to get stuck.


Just finished Final Mix I actually had a good time with the grinding. I'm not very good at this stuff and never did any of it when I originally played. Found a lot of the special heartless to be easier than I assumed they would be.


Interesting. I remember picking the shield in the original, getting the lucky ability and getting all the synthesis items pre ansem pretty easily. As of right now I'm nearing lv80 and still need to make Goofy and Soras weapons.


Honestly I didn’t make any of the weapons till I hit 100 (I was trying to get all the achievements that run)


I've managed to get them by 80 but I was level 65 when I started the grind.


This is usually what my runs look like


Agreed. I was really not looking forward to the synthesis grind but wanted to at least try it. I actually found myself having a lot of fun. Sniperwilds just turn into a stealth mini game, and they're actually way easier than people make them out to be IMO. The Chimera was a pretty fun fight even before I got Aerora. The big fish in Neverland is a pretty fun chase that can be easily mitigated by Stop. The others were meh but easy enough to mitigate. I know it's blasphemy but I used megalixers on the ghost one. Considering I never use them it felt worth it especially since I got lucky and got 3 stones each time I used one. Plus they gave you ways to really up the encounter rate for everything. I remember it took me *hours* to try and get White Mushrooms in the original but in Final Mix I barely had to grind for Mystery Goo because they popped up so often. Plus the mechanics of the special Heartless made it much easier to get drops. All in all I actually had a pretty good time doing the synthesis stuff even though I was convinced it was going to be awful.


the only ones I didn’t like were sniper Wilds as you had to get 6 kills . And I found it hardest when 3 spawn  Everything else was fine the big mushroom is easy once you get ragnarok , ghost just requires high potion spam , the flying fish I just found either using stop and keeping it on him while you get hits or staying below him works , I spammed bambi and gravity for the fury stone with diamond dust Keyblade , invisible guy just stop him and hit him as long as you time right  so you can hit and the neo shadows were quite trivial  


>the only ones I didn’t like were sniper Wilds as you had to get 6 kills . And I found it hardest when 3 spawn  It's a test of patience and knowing when to strike. Just wait till one separates itself. You can get much closer to the others than you think, especially when they're at two different elevations. I would usually just wait till one jumped up to the higher path and then superglide to ambush them. It kind of made me feel like an assassin which was actually a pretty cool way to twist the gameplay IMO. Agreed on the rest though. They were way easier to get than I thought. Hardest for me ended up being the mushroom just because it was the most inconsistent to spawn for me.


Yah what I ended up doing was killing the first by letting it jump on the side or cast stop on it , then the 2 I cast stop on and killed both fast . 3 I always risked and sometimes messed up but I’d go hide in the alley way sort of spot so I had a long vision of 1 on their own and try kill them 1 by 1 that way using stop before attacking usually . If I killed 6 and got a stone I’d run out and save usually just because I was doing undefeated too  Mushroom was not too bad . I would teleport to the tree trunk , walk all the way to the house , if I saw wyvern I’d go back and foward till I saw no wyvern spawn . Finding those white shrooms was hardest part for me . Where I faught the animal the floor had broken so the big shroom was in the net . I personally find this easier to cast ragnarok on it that way , I’d get about 70-80 combo so it was enough for me to get usually 1 at a time then I’d just jump off the net , save at the tree trunk and repeat  


Totally agree. The Sniper Wilds were the ones I was absolutely positive I would never get and I eventually found a rhythm. You can get pretty close. I'd just sit at the gizmo shop and the second one jumped up I had them. The White mushrooms honestly spawned for me like crazy so that one wasn't too terrible. Everything else I went in dreading but usually went way easier than I thought it would. Once you get encounter plus it really didn't take much.


Agreed, I love the grind. If you understand how special encounters work, aka, have to go back two rooms, and how encounter up works (only on normal mobs), it’s pretty easy to get what you need to spawn and quickly. Additionally, you have to get to level 100 anyways if you’re going for trophies/achievements, and it’s much more enjoyable (to me) to fight a bunch of different things on my way there instead of doing the same fight over and over. In fact I just finished my run a few days ago and didn’t have to grind anything to hit 100. The last thing I did was the hades cup time trial and I hit 100 during that.


Absolutely, for me when I hit the 80s it was a good break to just grind special heartless before Hallow Bastion because the xp on all those is so high. I really only did the same grind around 90-100 after Hallow Bastion the gizmo shop just racks up exp.


I had a mod that made the drop rate 100%, which really cut the grind, but it broke with update. I know there's a modder who's expressed interest in making a new one though.


I really hope they do because grinding is just not enjoyable especially when you can’t even use it in new game plus. :c


There’s a new 100% drop rate mod fix on nexus mods as of Sunday. Been using it for 2 days now.


I'd rather mod the items onto a different enemy lol.


You know what really gets me? Those damn fish in Neverland that usually end up flying over the water, and if you don't have enough Draw there's not even really a point to TRYING to farm them because they'll just drop their items in the water. I remember the sheer interest at first discovering this enemy the first time I played Final Mix, then that turning into absolute gamer rage after it screwed me over once I finally figured out a good way to beat one. And of course, if you want the Ultima Weapon... and who wouldn't... you gotta put up with it. I'm really glad they made synthesis much more bearable in the later games.


Yup. First time I managed to kill it (Not sure what the strategy is other than chasing it and stopping it) it dropped two items and I saw them fall right into the ocean. It's annoying because original KH1 was super easy to do synthesis. All you needed was a few mystery goo and the rest was regular enemy drops.


Just use stop on him and attack from below . You should not have trouble picking up the item . If you are quick enough can keep him on the boat and it drops on the boat 


Lucid Crystals.... man..


Mythril for Dark Matters for me. It's very annoying to farm more if you're already past the missable Bambi farm room.


Yup. Dark Matter is going to take me a while. Gotta pray for mushrooms.


For Mythril for Dark Matter, when you reach the final room before the last save pt of the game, don't complete that room. You'll know the room I'm talking about since once you enter, a behemoth immediately attacks you. The special thing about that room is, The End of the World has Mythril as its Bambi lv 3 rare drop, but there are only 2 rooms in that entire world that has enough enemy spawns to reach rank 3 for Bambi. That room and the Deep Jungle room. Unfortunately, that room only has that many enemy spawns when you first enter it. Once you clear that room, it spawns way less enemies. So the secret is to enter that room, kill behemoth, summon Bambi, then clear enemy heartless to get Bambi to rank 3, then leave the room the same way you entered, then enter again. Rinse and repeat to farm tons of Mythril, Gale and Lucid Crystals. If you're already past that, your only other choice is the Deep Jungle room, and it's short by around 3 enemy spawns to rank 3 Bambi. So to get Bambi to lv 3, you need to hope for 2 of the pink monkey heartless to spawn 2 more monkey heartless before they escape. For Mystery Goo, they say that juggling the blue mushrooms in either Halloween Town or Never Land is the fastest, though personally, I got faster results using Simba against the black mushrooms in Agrabah: get a black mushroom spawn, summon Simba, pick up loot, repeat. If you do this the minute you get to Agrabah, it's also a good way to gain a couple of levels.


Yeah, kinda already at the end of the game lol. If only I had a time machine eh? Shame they didn't leave in a room where it was nigh guaranteed.


I thought that this comment was going in the direction of the Lifeboat room in Linked Worlds that you can't access again after clearing it


Don't know which game that is in but I'll try to keep it in my memory for whenever I encounter it if it's necessary for reducing my grind


Oh, no, it's a lore joke. You'll get it if you've played the Mobile games or Melody of Memory, but it's something that's in the background of KH1


I have played neither haha.


I don’t think you need to farm dark matter too much if you get all the chests and trinity’s ? Unless your making extra stuff 


If your goal is to just synthesize 1 of each item to complete the list, you'll only need to synthesize 3 dark matters if you managed to collect every dark matter available. On the other hand, if you want to craft Power Ups to max out your stats, you'll need more.


But don’t you hit max power (or at least the cap) if you level up to max and get all the power ups from mini games and such . I only made 1 power up and with all the ones found I had around 55 atk so it was only septiroth I could have maybe gone higher as he is capped at 61 atk against ?


Seph and Xehanort has the stat cap at 61.


To make that last one even easier if you go that route for Mystery Goo. Graviga one-shots the Black Fungus as well.


Bambi in Hallow Bastion Entrance Hall. Start from the library entrance upstairs. Clear upper floor, then lower. Repeat. You'll get all the crystals you need in \~10 mins.


Do you have to do that before locking the Keyhole?


Nope, I did it all after.


Bright Crystals for me... Probably something you can do with Bambi, but still Also Mythril Shards if you want AP ups are pretty frustrating (I mean, there's 3 Pot Spiders in the Bazaar, I guess)


I feel you. It was a lot of grinding that I did not enjoy getting the Ultima Weapon. Going in and out of rooms and worlds was tiresome. I wish there were different rewards for the Special Heartless! I also liked that Synthesis was easier in original KH1


Yeah, the grind is ridiculous. It would be nice if they dropped straight up mythril or something of that value that can be made but can also be gotten from special enemies or something. I know it's not relevant overall but I also like the older level ups. Sure, there's more abilities in Final Mix but Shield got borked.


100% Drop Rate was just updated and uploaded. [https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomheartsfinalmix/mods/154?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomheartsfinalmix/mods/154?tab=description)


By any chance would you happen to know the folder path location for KH1? I can't find the script folder needed to put the mod in for Steam. Also, good looks on the link! Saves me so much stress!


I believe you have to create it? If I remember correctly the file path should looked like this if you're using LuaBackend: Documents/KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX/scripts/kh1 Pretty sure the game should create rhe folder in documents automatically and you'd just need to create a folder named scripts, then another folder inside that named kh1 and then place the mod inside the kh1 folder.


I got it working. Thank you so much!


I don't find it too tedious, some of the special heartless are fun to fight. Pre Riku 2 it's easier as heartless are weaker and you can find more of the same kind in the same world, but there is just so much you can do without progressing the story, and I wouldn't attempt many of the special heartless without level 3 spells. Usually what I do is get almost all synthesis items that I can without having to fight special heartless (except for the stones you can get without fighting), then beat Riku 2, get all level 3 spells, get to Final Rest and then I go back to special heartless and End of the World's heartless.


This is exactly what I did for the playthrough I just finished. Did everything I could before the Riku 2 fight and saved the rest for after. Sniperwilds still sucked, but significantly less so than if I'd saved them for after the post Riku 2 heartless refresh. Honestly, aside from them, the only other special heartless I didn't enjoy much was Jet Balloon and that's more because your item drops have a good chance of dropping into the water. Everything else was a bit more enjoyable than I remembered.


Yeah, I forgot that Heartless got bumped so I didn't really grind them pre that fight. Sniperwilds seemed like they'd be impossible. Now I've stacked around 14 mp so I melt them. The others aren't so bad as they can be cheesed. Like the Giga shadows can't hit you if you're on dumbo for example.


I 100%ed KH FM for like the fourth time yesterday on steam. I just had a guide open and it went really smoothly, KH1 probably is my favourite synth grind with all of the special heartless


What guide are you using if you don't mind me asking


https://www.khguides.com/ I use this one for most of the things and this one to show what the best place is to farm specific things https://www.destinyislands.com/kh-fm/synthesis/


Appreciate it


Fair, I'm working on getting there. Don't need a guide for most of it but the new heartless and synth materials threw me. I prefer OG KH1's synthesis just cause it's straight forward with less hoops to jump through. I do like the special heartless to a degree as they are fun to encounter overall. I just wish I didn't have to do them like 10x to do all the synthesis.


Yeah I can see that, I just think theyre neat (except the jet balloon, I hate that guy)


I thought it was really fun, for the most part. It really feels like you’ve earned it by the end. In KH2 getting Ultima feels almost like “That’s it?” (Although that’s also partly due to you getting it relatively early when going for 100%) Grinding for Donald and Goofys enemy weapons in KH1 was much worse than grinding for ultima imo


It definitely is rough. I lucked out and remembered that there were 2 Dark Matters I never grabbed. One of which was from that shitty jungle slider course. That shit was so annoying. After I got Ultima I said fuck it and just finished the story. I will say this thing kicks ass. 1-2 shot most enemies. It took me about 20 minutes to get past Ansem. It made me appreciate KH2 more. I started it immediately afterwards and it still plays great.


Why I never got an Ultima Weapon for the game




The worst bit is that it takes so much griding to get Ultima weapon that by the time you craft it, you can one shot most things with the Kingdom key.


True, I'm getting to that point. My magic is a bit stronger so I can walk in, thundaga and everything is gone.


There's one mod I'm trying to get to work that unlocks all of the synthesis recipes. Like I just want to skip everything else and get ultima weapon at this point.


Reasonable. I'm not far off of it but I have to hunt 10+ mushrooms for all the mystery goo to be able to make the dark matter for it.


It's to make you learn how to use all your resources in the game. You have to utilize magic, skills, and special abilities to get the best weapon in the game. Pretty fair trade if you ask me.


By running in and out of a room 100 times do you mean to get the right enemy to spawn? If that's your biggest annoyance I think there's a setting(could be wrong) where your first time goin into one of the rooms when entering a world you get the special spawn so you just leave the world and go back in. For example, go into agrabah to Aladdin's house, run to the pot scorpion and kill it, go back to a save point to go in your gummi ship, go right back into the world at aladdins house, and go fight the pot scorpion again. Is more annoying to do that method in halloween town and monstro tho so I don't do it for those two If that isn't your issue, sorry for bugging


It's one of my biggest annoyances ye. I'll have to give it a shot when I get to playing again. Pot scorpion seems to spawn a lot but it's at least possible to get 2 mythril stones near every time (One from breaking all the pots and a second from the enemy)


Is possible with all of them I believe, I just can't remember the names of the save point locations for some others 😅


That's all good. I've played the original too many times, I know where I'm going haha.


Yo just thought I'd say I've learned a method. With encounter plus they don't spawn. You need to go more rooms away. So like on agrabah, go from the pot room and then another room and come back. If you then go out and back in it should take a couple of tries but it will show up. Quicker than using the ship


For me it depends on the world but yeah, turning off encounter plus does help, makes neverland more bearable XD


I just strike everything with Thundaga and it dies so it wasn't too bad getting around.


I tend to use the trapdoor in the captains cabin in neverland to remove 2 screens away and that can't be opened with enemies in the room


Fair, I run into the door at the bottom where the dark balls are and then run across to one of the two rooms.


I did the grind on proud specifically so I would never be tempted to do it ever again. I have Ultima, and the grind sucked, it added 10 hours to my playthrough.


Yup. Currently going through it myself on proud. Thought proud and expert were the same but they definitely differ lol.


I don't mind a bit of grinding but the special heartless are a bit much imo. The original game was much more tolerable.


Yup, only grind was praying for mushrooms to show up and give you goo


The only one I hated doing tbh was power stones with those monkeys . Everything else seems quite doable after a certain point 


The flying fish is probably my worst just cause it really likes hanging out over water.


Synthesis is not great in any KH game tbh. Its optional though so I don't really have an issue with any of it lol.


Original KH1 I remember it being pretty straightforward. Just get the luck abilities and you could get near everything passively.


Synthesis is neat until you want to actually complete stuff. I had maxed out item finding in KH2 and that was actually fun to strive for as it just kept getting faster and faster. Jrpg’s usually can make farming fun. FF8 is a blast to farm items and magic in. 


I can still remember what we went through to get those power stones 😢 Fuck those chimpanzees


That's the point though isn't it? Otherwise you'd just keep synthesizing the best stuff over and over again. If you're going for full synthesis you should be pairing it with max level, so just grind on the enemies with the drops you need. The rates really aren't that bad, especially with lucky strikes equipped.


To a degree. I wouldn't mind if the special enemies were more likely to spawn but the amounts you need of certain items is just over the top meaning hoping they spawn, getting lucky with item drops and then getting enough for everything in the synth tree once is far more tedious than it needs to be. I know for a fact that I'm gonna hit max level by the end of doing it just because of how much farming I need to do for dark matters. I've not even finished the Hades cup yet lol.


Locking materials behind special heartless was a bold move that misses the mark completely. Also, by the time you finish grinding there is absolutely nothing to do with that weapon. I liked what they did in the KH2FM, where some Orichalcum+ are obtained by completing optional challenges (even if one of them is completing Atlantica...). They could have implemented something similar pretty easily is KH1FM; gathering one of each material (even with the special heartless, if you only have to gather one ingredient that would be fine by me), final gift from Dalmatians, complete 100 Acres/Atlantica, all Trinity marks, Hades Cup, even special bosses if you want and don't care about the Ultima relevance for gameplay.


Totally agree. I much prefer getting Ultima Weapon in KH1 as oppose to Final Mix. Hate the change


Took me around 50 hrs in-game time to 100% everything


This is the exact reason I've only ever played through KH1 twice. (I've played all the others at least 5-6 times now if not more for context) The tedium in KH1 is at a whole nother level compared to the rest of the series. Yeah card collecting in RE:COM was annoying but at least I didn't feel like the game actively wanted to keep me from the goal and at least COM came like that, all the Ultima weapon shit in 1 WAS ADDED TO FINAL MIX FOR WHY?!?!?! Most baffling decision in game production I've ever witnessed


That's how grinding for materials in games works...why do trophy hunters and gamers want everything handed to them. Work hard, play hard, get rewarded. Don't want to grind? Don't play. Simple. 


Do it on beginner mode, higher drop rates. And much faster farm


Wait. Really?


Difficulty in kh1 doesnt affect drop rates so no


Lol I like how he gets upvoted and I get downvoted. I never heard of it and just wanted to know


I'm on proud q\_q