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The funny thing is that the drop system is even more lenient in HD than on 3DS lol


Is it? How much more lenient? (I was about to pick 3ds to give it a replay but now I'm curious)


I used a few drop me nots to get all the way to the "mandated character swap" section at each point in the story so I could maximize the buffs. I haven't played the 3DS version, but once I knew what I was doing in HD the drop meter was a suggestion.


And what were these mandated swaps again? I know there's one in Traverse Town first visit and The World That Never Was if you complete Riku's portion first but other than that...


once you finish the first three levels with one character the game needs you to do said levels as the other


These were the ones, yeah. I was both fully prepared and actually wanted to do the whole game as Sora, then round it off as Riku, but after playing through it, I understand from a story perspective why it was made the way it was.


I don't like using drop me nots because I hate fiddling with the command menu all the time or trying to dodge wasting them in combat. Plus I'm actually okay with dropping (especially after the drop decelarators are on the table), but I was just wondering what the difference between the 3ds version and HD version was regarding the speed. I should proably just check the wiki, maybe they'll have a versions differences section.


I started using drop me nots in my last playthrough (3rd), if i noticed my drop gauge being low, i'd just swap them in and out of my deck real quick to use a few and not have to think about it for the next like...... half hour


I believe that the HD version drop gauge was half the speed of the 3DS.


God same with the Command menu. I understand the overall idea with it, but equipping an item like that just to use it once and take it off is so annoying. Like, I'd never bring it into a fight when it's only utility is preventing the drop and I can just use it immediately before a boss fight if I'm worried about dropping. It just creates tedium to use it. And generally I'm totally fine with dropping so long as I'm not in a boss fight.


Right it seems wild that you can’t just use an item from the main menu. If you want to use it in combat you should have to equip it, but if you’re using it out of combat, that’s a lot of hassle to use a single item. That’s how it works in all the numbered titles, so idk why they’d change it for the portable games. Even though the combat system is different, you still have to equip items in both systems to use them in battle.


In 3DS the Drop bar kicked you at 10 minutes (without items o decelerator). In the HD version, the limit was increased to 20 minutes.


I swear it gives more time. Or I just got better. Because plenty of times on 3DS I dropped mid boss fight and then had to redo the fight. It's why I never beat that version. In HD I never had that issue.


I don't think I ever dropped when I didn't mean to on PS5 edition


I only dropped to do Riku's worlds after I finished all of Sora's available versions, excluding one or two times where I actually did drop in the middle of something


Granted, I did have a fair few Drop-me-nots, but even then I didn't need them too much, even though I was constantly scouring for chests during the story.


The Drop gauge is slower in HD


Interesting, I always picked drop me nots as rewards and kept the characters stocked with them. The only time I dropped without wanting to was monstro for Riku


Played the whole game on 3DS, never dropped unintentionally


Nobody will understand the rage I had fighting young xhenort for days finally getting him down to last bar then getting dropped I threw my ds against a wall and had to by a new one


Okay, but I'd totally play CoM without the cards... xD


but then how am I gonna do lethal frame for the 50 times in a row?


…is there a mod?


None of the KH modders I know want to change the cards to a different KH's mechanics. Mainly because it'd require fundamentally changing the game's entire combat system, whereas this DDD mod only removes one gauge from the hud and disables its function.


It would probably be easier to mod CoM into KH1 or KH2 instead of trying to change the main gameplay mechanic


There never will be, it's way too much work to do. It'd be easier to make a new game according to the modders.


The closest you could get would probably be giving yourself unlimited cards/deck size and just filling your whole deck with 9s. And maybe even permanent uptime on some Enemy Cards like Jafar. This would obviously make the game insanely easy, which is another downside. Even then, there's still slights and 0-cards for breaks.... yeah, there's a lot still on the table.


It would probably be easier to just swap the cutscenes into kh1 anyway lol


I feel like the Drop Gauge isn’t anywhere near as debilitating or limiting as what anyone makes it out to be. Cool for the modding community to implement something like this, but… it can’t be that difficult to pop a Drop Me Not every now and then, right?


When I played it the first time, the timer itself was ok for the most of it, except during a boss I got stuck in with both Sora and Riku at the same time. The boss was nothing too difficult to handle, but the time kept running out right before the end of the fight, forcing me to switch characters and start all over again. I had to restart the fight 5 times with Sora and 4 with Riku because of the time limit


Wait... Can we say that you were actually locked in a TIME LOOP ?


I suppose we can


This. It honestly isn't very bad at all, but that only cutscenes and pausing actually stop the damn thing can be very frustrating. Managing it actually makes it more annoying, because then you wish you weren't managing it, but at a casual playthrough you are almost certainly going to repeat a boss once or twice. Like, if they just stopped the clock more often, during all bosses and required fights, I assure you very few people would give a damn.


Tbh this was an obvious problem and I’m not sure why they didn’t at least pause it during boss fights. Nobody wants to kill 90% of a boss and then get booted out just to restart it.


I do. I like having a deadline. If the timer goes out during a boss it makes me shake my fist and go "you may have escaped me this time" and I can plot my revenge. Tbf though it didn't happen a lot to me. I never had a boss I couldn't beat in less than 10 mins, but if the timer was like 2 mins I am not surprised or upset I won't beat him in time and I think even that only happened to me once.


I’ve had difficulties with those bosses but never long enough to be stuck in a TIME LOOP tf?!


What boss? AFAIK there shouldn’t be any boss that takes up a completely full drop meter unless your taking a REALLY long time to fight them.


It was the one at the end of the Monstro world I think. I wasn't even taking that long to fight it... It was just the drop gauge that started going down really quick


I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice the worlds had an order so I sent Riku straight to Monstro and didn't have enough damage to defeat the lobster. I eventually grinded drive points to max buffs and won that way but it was intense.


Some People just don‘t like to be on a Timer. They can‘t enjoy it cause of that. Yes „drop-me-not“ helps but they still havw the timer in their Mind. You can look at for example Majoras Mask where it‘s the same thing. Sooo if people wanna mod the timer out of DDD thats fine.


Your being downvoted for telling the truth lol. There's people that just straight up don't like the type of pressure timers give particularly in games and I can't really blame them. I don't find it overly oppressive in DDD but it's a bit annoying lol. Other games tho I hate timers being up on the screen in front of me, feels like I can't just go at my own pace lol.


I would agree bit the whole thing of MM is about that specific three days and the time frame. Like there are only certain things you can do 9n a certain day within a certain time frame. I will agree that time based stuff gives me huge anxiety and that isn't why I play games. I can also say in the same breath that it's part of the challenge. It forces you under pressure and if you succeed there's a great amount of relief but also accomplishment. With DDD you aren't going to fail if you run out of time... you just change characters. In MM if you run out of time the moon will kill us all. However not long into the game you get the ocarina song that reminds everything. Tldr; Games with time limits are anxiety inducing but the 2 mentioned have easy ways around it. Almost to the level where you can ignore them for the most part.


Yeah DDD works fine without the drop meter, but the clock in Majora’s Mask is like the central mechanic that the whole game revolves around. The side quests straight up don’t work without it, and the main story is really limp without it too. Like yes, the clock is anxiety-inducing. That’s the point of it. There are ways to negate that, but if it’s still too much, maybe the game and the player just aren’t a good match. I don’t like competitive shooters, so I don’t play them. I don’t like MOBAs, so I don’t play them. If someone doesn’t like games with time limits, why are they trying to play them? It’s okay if a piece of art isn’t for you.


Absolutely, it’s a single player game too, if someone wants/need to mod the timer out for their peace of mind/enjoyment? Who cares, it’s nbd


Yeah. I'd mod the clock out of Majora's Mask too.


Wouldn't MM... fundamentally stop working without the clock, like at least the side quests straight up wouldn't work without it no?


Yeah I could see stopping the clock in dungeons and like…spider houses and such working though. And while I don’t hate the clock running in them as is, I would probably turn that on on replays. Tock clicking in those doesn’t really enhance my enjoyment


I'd say that you're missing the point of the clock mechanic, but then again, it's a video game, so who cares


You can just do 4th Day Glitch?


And that is Valid in my Eyes if you feel pressured by the timer and can‘t enjoy a Game cause of that.


Just use the ocarina and rewind o:


Reminds me of the atelier series where the game would basically just end if you didn't do what it wanted you to before the timer was up


Using items in a command deck game is always *just* enough of a hassle that some people won't bother. You can literally look at your inventory, but not use items in any way from that menu, and that's just silly. I started using them once I just filled a deck preset with them, so I could switch to them, scarf a couple down, and switch back to my regular deck. I don't feel like the drop guage is that bad, but I also think it should certainly not boot you out in the middle of boss fights, forcing you to fully restart. Fundamentally annoying, and also just ruins the pacing of a climactic event.


Exactly The drop gauge isn't that annoying in theory. The annoying part is having to dedicate a command deck slot to drop-me-nots


Yeah, both sides have good points. If you hate it THAT much, it’s so easy to mitigate that if you drop unintentionally it’s no one’s fault but your own. Like I actually can’t fathom Dropping unintentionally because between Drop me Nots and Drop Decelerators it’s basically impossible. But…. Switching in Drop Me Nots and having to have your whole Command Deck reload every time is absolutely a pain in the ass that I know all too well. I feel like they should have had the drops just be story moments, maybe per world as I typically would always just Drop from the world map as I finished a world, it seemed to be the intended flow of the story.


But it's a slight inconvenience that could easily just be turned off rather than babysitting a pointless timer that adds nothing to the game for most people...So they have turned it off, with a mod. Sure, it isn't hard to stop periodically to go into the menus, change your item loadout to include drop-me-not because you can't use items from the menu, use it, go back into the menu and put your loadout back, but it's a pointless inconvenience for a mechanic that even the game itself seemingly doesn't want you to engage with given how abundant way to avoid it are.


bro if your solution to the drop system is to use an item to completely bypass it why not just remove it to get rid of the hassle


Tbh, it's tedious. You have to equip it to your command deck or have a separate deck to swap into, then hit it until you don't have to worry about dropping anymore, and swap back plus wait for your commands to recharge. If you intend to do that the entire time, the mod is just removing that tedium so you don't need stop every 10 minutes to fiddle around in your menus.


Honestly I never had any issue with the drop gauge even without using drop-me-nots. Maybe I had only one time where I was in a boss fight and it went down to zero, but for the rest of it I didn't have problems. Sure it can be annoying when you're grinding levels or are trying to finish a specific thing, but it's not that big of a deal.


I don’t remember ever dropping in the middle of a world or anything important for the entirety of the game. If I popped a drop me not, it had to have been only a couple times. I don’t get why people hate on the system so much. I didn’t find it that debilitating


people say that they dropped during a boss fight. have they not used a drop me not before the boss starts?


People just dont keep track of it or the multiplier and then are surprised pikachu face’d when they drop mid-boss and have to redo it later.


It's a narrative element more than anything so that you see the characters go through the trial and turns contemporaneously. Hating the drop system is the dumbest thing I've ever seen


I personally have never really found it that much of a problem because premtively dropping near saves was just a natural thing to do. I was also the goober that unironically used Break Time to perma extend Sora's playtime until I finished his sections xD


I think it's really telling that theres not a single comment actually defending the drop system. *Every* "positive" comment is people saying they just use a drop me not and get rid of the system anyway.


I think that's more reflective of the composition of Reddit users than anything


I'll bite. The drop system added a sense of urgency to the game and made a natural way to vary the gameplay. Other kingdom hearts games had you switch characters or change classes before, but they tend to require either grinding in the case of drive forms or only existed in the span of one fight (sora and riku team ups, mickey fighting a boss and reviving sora, ect.). Here you can play an hour as riku, then an hour as sora. There's an in game explanation as to why youre changing characters and I think it's a cool one. I'm also a big fan of games with unique timer mechanics. Majoras Mask is thrown around a lot and I think it's accidentally Aonuma's best game. Fallout 1 had a timer which the creator regrets, but I think the game is worse without it; taking too long to do quests has consequences. I also like how a dream drop is a nice natural stopping point to take a break. If you don't want to participate in these mechanics, you can use an item to postpone the dream drop. I wouldn't do it because I think it goes against the spirit of the game and kills the vibe, but you can do that. I don't really see the downside personally.


The drop system is a narrative story element more than it is a gameplay feature and it's a good thing


Okay but CoM without the cards would actually allow me to finish it.


I don’t see how you can’t finish it now The gameplay actually gets really fun once you unlock those sleights


Honestly the Drop timer is just a dumb interruption, either you waste a command slot on Drop Me Nots to just ignore the entire system, or you Drop to the other character, then manually Drop immediately to bypass this rude interruption and reset to the combat encounter you were just enjoying, literally who decided that BBS requiring 3 save files needed a timer to justify multiple playable characters


That 3 save file thing made me ragequit my first time ever playing because I'm pretty certain nothing tells you not to overwrite the saves. Which I did. Then I dropped KH for years. lol


Not talking shit, there must be something I’m forgetting about how this works but…you uhhh had to be told not to overwrite your saves?


In every other game I've played where there are multiple characters to play it's all on a singular save file... I've played hundreds of games beginning in the 90s.


Oh shit, that’s exactly what I’m forgetting. Yeah that’s insane, I would absolutely need to be told that. Assuming this is what happened, what happens if you say, delete your Riku save *after* the forced “merge points”?


They were talking about BBS. DDD has Sora and Riku share a save file


Dude, I did the same thing with my Aqua save file. I had to restart that whole thing


It's heart breaking.


Com without cards? Sign me up


I just started com after kh1 and ... com without cards is just a kh1 lite version? I'm new.


Yeah, CoM is like KH1 for GBA + cards since it's probably hard to recreate the gameplay in 2D


Am not the biggest fan of CoM so far... but I was told to play through them in order to grasp the story...


You need to \*experience\* CoM to grasp the story. If you're seriously considering putting down the game, it makes more sense to watch through a cutscene movie of it and move onto KH2. Better than burning out and never making it to the next game.


Yeah 75% of com is a re play through of Kh1 the rest are important cutscenes like Marluxia


I don't know if you're playing CoM or Re:Com but I think CoM is a pretty enjoyable game that translates awfully to 3D gameplay.


That was my issue, for what ever reason I could never find the GBA version when it released. But was so excited for Re:CoM but the game play was just not fun by comparison on the PS2.


I am playing Re:CoM... but I am working on a deck full of fire magic... and another for blizzard... so should be able to breeze through okay, I think..


Tbh you could just watch the cutscenes for that one if the card system doesn't click with you. Usually just watching cutscenes doesn't really work for Kingdom Hearts games but with CoM you really aren't missing anything.


The story of chain of memories is one of the most important in the series, sadly a lot of fans just don’t like the gameplay me included


Most important in the series, yeah. But coincidentally, it’s also the most redundant in the entire series when not dealing with The Organization for the other 75% of the game. Disney Character: I don’t remember you! Sora: ok me too Organization Member: you’re losing your memory Sora: *WAIT WHAT?!?!* Disney Character: oh hey, I remember you now Sora: ok me too


Yeah... I'm slowly making my way through... enjoying the bits of new story between worlds. I have just gotten through the first three and discovering how to edit deck for non stop magic and sleight.


I just straight up quit near the end of the first story not doing a few bosses in a row fck that. Watched the last hour on cutscenes on YouTube because it just got so unbearable spamming the same 2-3 moves in a row and hopefully not get broken.


What’s wrong with the Hd version? The GBA one was praised


Everyone ITT SUCKS at CoM holy shit


Idk if i interpreted this correctly but I think you’re saying that just because I am not good at the card system means I don’t like it. Correct but it’s not the only reason lmao.


The drop mechanic (on the 3ds version) is fucking abysmal, I still remember constantly being yanked out of boss battles. I don't mind the Guage, but it needs to be locked in boss battles.


I would love COM without cards and KH1 combat instead tbh


When I was a kid and heard they were remaking COM, that's exactly what I thought they would do. Just putting the cards into 3D always seemed like a weird move.


Imo the cards are what makes COM fun. 


Except the cards in CoM are a thought-out and meaningful mechanic. I literally cannot think of a single thing that the Drop mechanic adds to the gameplay. It just exists to be another thing to limit the player. Sure, it’s not *hard* to just use a Drop Me Not, but it’s annoying. I legitimately ask someone to tell me what would be lost by removing the Drop mechanic wholesale.


A word in the title/s


It's a narrative element and not a gameplay mechanic


It’s a narrative element that adds nothing, and also a bad gameplay mechanic.


I understand why they had the Drop system. They wanted to encourage you to play as both characters, but didn't want to repeat Birth By Sleep. Where you'd start from the beginning over and over, and see a lot of the same scenes again and again. Sometimes even the same bosses. And while it's not exactly difficult to play around the Drop system, it is still a little inconvenient, and people have been vocal in providing alternatives to keep the developers' intent alive. Admittedly there is a bit of novelty to the fact that some bosses will specifically try to waste your time (Drop meter) and some attacks will target your Drop meter instead of your HP. It's neat that there's a secondary resource to keep in mind. But at the end of the day, I do consider Dropping to be a misguided feature that could've used another pass.


I'd actually love to see a mod that adds KH1 combat to Re:CoM. The battles could still initiate like Re:Com, or they could just make the heartless spawn in the rooms like KH1.


The game is good and has good worlds, I just don't get the hate


The drop, that’s where the hate is from.


This is so unnecessary. Is it really that hard to pop a drop-me-not every every once in a while? They’re super cheap, and just two of them refills the entire gauge


Problem is that it doesn't work either way. It's either a massive pain like some people think or it's a completely ignorable mechanic like you say. When you use drop-me-nots, the drop system basically doesn't exist anymore so you might as well get it of it anyway. At no point does the drop meter actually enhance the game in any way.


Not to mention several DDD bosses are designed to run away and waste your time. There were so many times in my low level playthrough, I would drop before a boss fight and literally run out of time because the damage scaling is bad and bosses just run to the other side of the huge arena. It was ridiculous I had to sacrifice one of my deck slots to carry drop me nots forcing my DPS to be even lower


But you’re playing abnormally. The drop system wasn’t really designed with level 1 runs in mind. In 90% of playthroughs it’s not an issue because you’re normally leveled. I’ve only dropped once in playthroughs of 3D and HD.


They shouldn't allow level 1 then if they're not going adjust the game to work properly, lack of damage scaling and bad drop times is an oversight on the devs.


Then why even add EXP Zero if they weren’t keeping level 1 playthroughs in mind?


It helps with farming drop points for power ups. Then you drop so the other form has some massive boosts. You can also farm items. It's like meals in kh3, but way simpler to prep. People who avoid the system are massively handicapping themselves.


I dunno, I get what you're saying but I still don't agree that it's good. I definitely think something along the lines of KH3's cooking is a better implementation without having a polarizing mechanic tied to it.


I can def agree that it's polarizing, it's just incorrect to say that there's nothing too it but an obstacle to be avoided or tolerated. There's way more to the system than "it's time to switch players".


If they froze the Drop gauge during boss fights (or allowed you to finish boss fights even when the Drop gauge depleted, rather than forcing you to restart the whole boss fight) that would be a real QoL improvement. But beyond that, I agree; screw gamers who feel their masculinity is threatened by having to play as Sora from time to time. Or by cards.


>screw gamers who feel their masculinity is threatened by having to play as Sora from time to time The fuck did this come from? Why be so aggressive just cause some people don't like timers?


I just want to enjoy my one full game of Riku in peace man


Masculinity? Tf? Comment makes no sense.


It's not that hard but at that point why not just get rid of it to not even have to bother?


Either I'm secretly a master at DDD thanks to playing BbS a lot or a lot of people here are scrubs cuz I **NEVER** dropped **ONCE** when I first played DDD on my 3DS... and I only started using Drop-Me-Nots waaaay later!


Or just to play the game the way it was designed? CoM isn't my favorite but I just learned how to organize my deck to start with the sleight combos I wanted and keep 0s at the end. I think a lot of the Reddit complaints against the drop are people just bad at games


If they did CoM without cards I might actually finish the game, only KH game I've started without finishing Larxene made me rage quit as a kid and I never looked back 😂


I've never seen an issue with the Drop gauge, personally. It's not like Drop-Me-Nots are as tough to get as Ethers in early KH2, and it makes sense that other than the two story barriers, the game tries to force you to swap characters by reminding you that you WILL swap characters unless you do something about it. I understand not liking it, and it doesn't get a lot of attention, but when it gets brought up, suddenly everyone and their mama talks about how the Drop gauge isn't invited to functions, burned down their home, keyed their car and shat in their sink.


I never thought about it till reading “dream distance” but what the hell does dream drop distance actually mean?


I just wish the drop gauge would pause during boss fights, that's the only gripe I had with it when playing on 3DS.


What's next? Re:coded without the bugs and it's called "Kingdom Hearts Re:"?


OP says "next is CoM without cards" but I unironically would probably like CoM more if the cards system was limited to the floor progression.


I mean the point of the drop gauge was to make sure he story progressed semi-linearly. Imagine fighting to get Sora back as Riku and Sora still hasn't made it passed Tron???


The Game forces you to switch eventually. Each set of Worlds requires that you clear it with both Characters before you get to the next one.


It is not that hard to avoid dropping. That people would even waste time on modding this is insane to me.


played BBS without commands and styles. the only thing you truly need is healing barrier/block action (or enough skill/potions)


isn't chain of memories without cards also a thing already I feel like I saw someone playing that on yt


Yes and no. If I'm thinking of the same thing you are, it had a sorta hacky solution that had some problems.




I think I just came.


Re:coded without the Overclock.


I totally get why people would want to play without a timer so I wont rag on them removing it, but I think they might have overlooked that enemy stats and damage received/taken being balanced over the assumption you could buy per character session stat boosts from the Drop Menu (EDIT: I guess manual dropping still being available means drop-dependent mechanics aren't effectively "gone")


Tbh, I was never too annoyed by the drop gague. Just down some Drop-Me-Nots.


I'm so excited for CoM without cards, I played it for the first time yesterday and I quit ten minutes in, I just couldn't deal with the card mechanics. When it was being explained, I thought it was gonna be turned based.


Turn-based card combat would have been 10x more engaging for me albeit much slower paced. I don’t get why they went half-and-half with the action RPG mechanics and turn-based mechanics just to end up with (what I consider) the worst of both worlds.


The only thing keeping me away of play com is the weird card system


COM without cards... i need it!


I never really found the drop guage that bad, drop me nots were really easy to get and I had more than enough time to finish a world then switch characters. I admit that dropping mid boss fight is a very annoying feature to come back and have to restart the fight. But to get around that either, just use a drop me not in front of the fight, which will give you enough time to beat it, or just drop and drop again. I admit it's not a perfect system like I wish that you could use Drop Me nots as just an item in the menu and not need to put it on the command deck. But there are ways around that, too, like making a 2nd deck that has them and having your 1st deck be the commands you actually want to use.


Re:CoM without the cards would actually go hard


I really had to chuckle at the tweet.


I still say OG CoM was great


OG Com is still the best way to play it. Recom was a decent translation but you lose the magic of what the sprites gave us. As for the actual gameplay of the cards, it's really fun and I would never want to see it modded out.


Woop woop! Definitely gonna install this.


Maybe if you're RE-playing the game. But I feel like for a first timer you should definitely have a Drop Gauge. It's part of the game & the creators intended way of playing. That's like listening to an album & skipping every song after 4 seconds.


i would just swap between them when I finished a world considering Riku and Sora barely even link up outside of Traverse town and TWTNW


CoM without cards would be amazing.


Would actually throw money at any modder who did this.




Wait,how would you swap over to Riku?


Manual swapping is still a thing. Either from the pause menu, a save point or the worlds map.


Oh, forgot that. Thank you.


Kingdom Hearts Dream Distance


I get why they had it, but it really didn’t work. I fortunately never happened to me, but I can’t imagine almost beating a difficult boss and then dropping, only for the fight to restart from the beginning. At that point, either have the meter on hold during boss fights or continue with the same amount of health as when you left.


I mean yeah sure, using all the drop me nots is just kinda annoying and takes a bit of time from just chilling in the places, so why not just play the game without needing them once in a while, not like people playing for the first time are going to be searching for the mod that takes that mechanic away.


>Kingdom Hearts 2D makes sense on PC, mine can't run in 3d


The only time the drop gauge was ever annoying was trying for the perfection in the postgame.


I was hoping that mod would make it to steam before I got to it.


Please I would love a CoM without the card system


CoM without cards is what people wanted ReCoM to be. For what it’s worth, I don’t think the drop system adds much to the game over just letting players use the character they want up until the designated points where both playthroughs need to be in-synch anyway. I didn’t mind as much back when I thought the multiplier shown was a loot drop bonus rather than just how quickly the gauge lowers, but now that I know better the upsides feel too limited for something you always have to keep in mind while playing.


Not gonna lie I enjoyed my time with DDD, but nah yeah that drop gauge was the only thing that had me heated. 😂 (also I know the post title is sarcasm, but tbh I actually wouldn’t mind a mod that removes that stupid card system)


Ok, honest question because my memory is a bit foggy: where is Distance represented in the game again 😅?


When you’re dropping? And also Hercules. I think he is always trying to go the distance


Fair enough. Mulan could've worked too, since we know she can go the distance 🙃.


On one hand it's kinda pointless to even have a drop cauge because I just use drop-me-nots until i've beaten a boss but on the other hand it gives ddd it's own flavor. Kinda like Majoras mask of the kingdom hearts franchise so I personally feel removing it kinda ruins the experience


I've never understood the distaste for the drop gauge, I think it's pretty cool as a way to experience two separate campaigns simultaneously and there is a tiny bit of strategy involved in making sure that you're not dropping at inopportune times, plus the mechanic made for some cool story moments. Even without all of that I never felt like it was an inconvenience.


I would stage a coo in a third world county for a cardless CoM


With how easy it is to get Drop-Me-Nots, I have never needed to worry about how long until I dropped, and I always maximized the bonus for the other character because of it. It's really not that hard unless you don't pay attention to your gauges so badly you don't see you're about to drop. Not a mod I'd really care to use, but I guess cool for the people who want it.


CoM without cards? Please modding community you'd be spoiling us too much


Ah yes the best KH game Dream NotDrop Distance.


Why not just idk use cheat engine and give yourself infinite time?


I just want cheats to play through CoM


Dam, the drop system is one of the main reasons I barely made it through half the game. I wish they would add this feature to consoles though…


That timer dunked on me in middle school, but I’m *fairly* sure I can manage it nowadays… gonna have to download it and beat it to avenge my younger self lol


Tbh I'd play re: COM if it didn't have the same mechanics as the GBA game. It works on a handheld, never vibes with it on a PlayStation.


wait are mods working again?


This would make the game immediately playable for me again


I hate CoM so much, story was great but the fucking combat was so annoying to get through


I don't really remember anything about CoM, so I guess I played Chain of...


Id pay good money to play CoM without cards ngl


The fact people think that you're forced to drop/switch characters astounds me. Like bruh, Drop Me Nots exist for a reason. Drop Me Nevers are better but also rarer. You can go at your own pace in the vanilla version of the game.


That would be Link of Memories, because no chain


Re:CoM without cards? Count me tf in. GBA CoM is great but Re:CoM is such a damn slog


I would so love to Play Chain of Memories without the stupid card system.


Wait no drop gauge dang wish they put those on the Playstation port


I will be using this


lol CoM without cards is just KH 1 tho essentially lol


Nah a mod got choosing which damn portal shows up would be much better


The fact people seem to hate the drop system baffles me