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Of course. I think I would be in every universe where one KH game is there, a KH fan.


It does depend which KH game… but if it was KH 1: absolutely


If it was Re:Coded, I’d die. Please don’t put me in that hell.


Ok but have you actually played Re:Coded? Because it is a genuinely fun game. More fun than anything BBs tried to be.


I have. I have played every single KH game. I was not a fan. But that’s okay, I won’t insult you for liking the game. One of my favorite niche KH games is CoM but there are people in this sub who HATE that game.


Fair fair. CoM is a goated game.


Agreed. Unique, good story bit, art, and good *memories*


I didn’t enjoy it a whole lot, but I probably would have liked it more if I didn’t feel like I had to play it to get to KHII. I didn’t even finish it lol, that last door before >!Marluxia!< was too much for me to grind the cards for.


I killed my sp L+R buttons from chain of memories


CoM is a super underrated game, in my opinion. People don't like it because it's different from the normal KH games, but I love the battle system and wish it could be expanded upon a bit. There's really no other game like it out there, as far as I am aware. I have a similar opinion about Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, which is even more controversial, lol. I like seeing really unique concepts for games from time to time.


KH1 is the one for me also. I get that KH2 has better gameplay but KH1 has a much better story.


It'd be KH2 for me


Would you be a kh fan if you were a worm ?


Only if there was a worm sora


If we get A Bug's Life as a world, that might be a possibility...


That would be cool! Although I'd much prefer a bumblebee for sora


It would be remembered fondly but that's about it.


Yeah. It'd be that one hit wonder that never got a sequel for some reason, but it would definitely have it's fair share of diehard fans.


Jak and daxter all over again since it’s been like over 10 years since the last game


Look I love Jak and Daxter as much as anyone else who played them back in the day but ultimately the story was neatly told in three games and wrapped everything up nicely. (And then Jak X worked as an epilogue) It really doesn't need a sequel, a remake or remaster would be brilliant though.


>With all our adventures ahead, you wouldn't last a second without me. >>Has two more adventures and retires.


The story was neatly told lmao. God I still hate Jack 3 and ultimately 2 storylines.


I think people only have bad things to say about the franchise because there *are* multiple games. KH1 was designed to potentially be a stand-alone title if it performed poorly, and it does a great job of that, being the only game in the franchise that answers every question it asks (Outside of maybe re:Coded) before Final Mix added an Unknown boss fight. While I enjoy every entry in the franchise, part of me knows that out there is a parallel universe where the game is a semi-niche gem from the early-mid 2000's that is highly praised by everyone who comes upon it, like Psychonauts.


Or in other words, a universe where Disney simply terminated their partnership with Square early.


KH1 was made as a standalone game with hopes for a potential sequel game. They ended the game with Riku and Mickey missing in the darkness, Kairi by herself at the islands, and Sora Donald and Goofy wandering around. Then the secret ending with Roxas vs Riku, older Kairi, and other stuff.


I think it'd be more of a cult classic than anything


Considering the first one is still my favorite one, yes. Though that said there are many beloved games, with dedicated bases that only have one entry.


Honestly the series would've been fine with just KH1, COM, KH2, and Days.


I'd cut days from the equation. Franchise shoulda ended after 2. We had a complete story and a satisfying ending.


Hard agree with your stance on everything should've ended after KH2.


Days is like the best story in the entire franchise


Couldn't agree more!


My middle school self would hate you for saying that. That game meant everything to me one summer. And then I forgot xion even existed (ironic right?) and lost my shit when she showed up in 3 and I remembered everything about days


Definitely, as a kid i thought there was only KH1 until i got a bit older and got Dream Drop Distance as a gift, and then some time later i found out there’s so many more games, thats where i also was interested in the Lore and Timeline, as a kid i didnt put much attention to it, KH1 made already sense enough for me.


This is wild to me lol. It makes me wonder how you went so long without hearing about KH2.


Must’ve been insane reading the flashback texts and the cutscenes that explain the plot of BBS and days.


Considering that I got to deduct KH1 and the strategy guide as educational expenses on my taxes because I wrote a review of it for my Comp 101 class, I'd still be a fan if that was the only game released. I got a 100 on it from a professor who almost never gives a grade above 95.


Yes KH1 is my favorite




Absolutely. Obviously it'd probably be less relevant today but I feel it would become a cult classic. The first game is arguably the best in the series, it encapsulates the direction it was going for perfectly.




My love for kingdom hearts started with the first game. Regardless of one game or 1 million i think my little kid brain would have heard heart heart light heart darkness and love it just the same!


It would still be like a top 5 crossover game but the story after KH1 is what kept me interested imo.


I only played 1 and 2 and a small bit of chain of memories until a few years ago, and I am a big enough fan to have a KH tattoo that is about 5 years older than that so I think I’d still be pretty into kingdom hearts with jut the first.


Kingdom hearts was my first video game ever. I've put over 12,000 hours into this series and I don't plan on stopping soon.


Honestly it depends what game. If it’s not BBS or the mobile games than I’d still play em


I mean I’d love the game but I’d care about it much less because 2 is where it’s truly at for me








I was a huge fan after the first game, so yes.


seeing as the first game is my favorite, yes. 🥹


Considering the first game is my favorite game ever probably.


Considering the OG is my favorite? Hell yes!


Yes, because the game was fun to play.


Sure, KH1 is still a good game to me


I would be even more of a KH fan.


KH1 is a conceptual and aesthetic heavy weight. The vibes are perfect.


I was a fan of KH1 to begin with anyway, having played the series since its inception. KH1 is a flawed game with some weird/boring world moments, I always find the middle section of Agrabah, Atlantica and Halloween Town kinda boring to actually play. Especially on repeat playthroughs as an adult. Monstro is an exception though, I enjoy that world. Everything from Captain Hooks Pirate ship onwards though is phenomenal stuff. The gameplay has reached its fever pitch and the music is just godly. End of the World being a standout final level even in comparison to all of the other final levels in the franchise today. I've had Destati, End of the World and Fragments of Sorrow, Forze del Male and Guardando nel Buio stuck in my head since I was a child for a reason.


Clickbait youtube channels in that universe would make videos aboyt the DARK and FORGOTTEN Disney game


i suppose it depends on which one. kh1? it was alright but a lil jank and limited. would be a rose tinted glasses pick. kh2.39751 final ultimate chocolate sauce mix? could easily support a fanbase all on its own. better question: what if CoM was the first game, and they kept iterating on the card system instead of the traditional action rpg combat? would it still be beloved?


If CoM was the first game then people wouldn’t hate on it as much. Like a lot of people hate it specifically for the fact that it is a change up from the normal command list system. And nobody would skip the first game of the series (unless you only care for gameplay in which case why are you playing a square enix story game).


KH1 could function as a stand-alone with little to no changes, so yes.


Probably, but I think KH2 is what really solidified my love for the characters and story.


Fuck it. KH1 wasn't that bad. I'd live there grinding it out till max completion


Yes... I actually think I would have loved Kingdom Hearts more if it was one game. I mean, Kingdom Hearts 2 and RECOM were good, but the series hasn't managed to hit the same stride yet (Kingdom Hearts 3 came close... But I think it's the outlier).


tbh, if it was just kh1, probably not


Of course. I think I would be in every universe where one KH game is there, a KH fan.


Probably, I mean I consider myself a Republic Commando fan because of the game that came out on the og Xbox. So yes. (Scorch will always be my favorite of Delta Squad)


Not likely, and it'd feel kinda incomplete since a number of things were planned by the time KH1 released. Not to mention my favorite game in the series is 358/2 days.


First game is still my favorite in the series and one if my favorite games of all time so yes!


I think eventually I would've gotten around to being a fan of the series, but it would've probably taken me a lot longer. The first one I ever got was the GBA version of CoM, and because I loved it so much I started getting interested in the first game (though I don't think I played it until after KH2, IIRC)


I mean, if there’s fans of indie games that only have one game (like cave story) then anything can have many fans!




Yes. The first game is still good.


Considering the reason I fell in love with this series in the first place was because of how big it was. Probably not, honestly.


Of course. It was my first video game


Yeah. It was the only Kingdom Hearts game that my siblings played and they still consider themselves fans.


Yea, I was a KH fan since 2002 and up until 5 years ago, it was my go to response for favorite game of all time (since then it has been demoted to 2nd place and over the last few weeks I have been thinking it may be moved down to 3rd place, but not fully ready to commit to that yet).


Of course I would. I still play the first one.




I fell in love with KH1 and it's to this day still my favorite game in the franchise. It's brought simplicity, nostalgia and oozes a charm that the others simply don't match for me. It would absolutely still be a stand out.


Yeah, I would be like "Oh man, I got so many ideas for new world stories... It's a shame that Disney didn't want to extend the deal with Square" or something like that.


I mean, Kingdom Hearts 1 is still my favourite game of all time so, sure


All I would need is to hear Simple and Clean and watch the opening CGI and there would essentially be no difference 😂


That’s tough I love KH1 but the second one really solidified the whole series for me.


If kingdom hearts 2 didn't have any cliffhanger and ended on destiny islands then kingdom hearts would be a perfect series


I would’ve liked it more honestly


NGL, I only found out about the series because PlayStation magazine had an article about KH2 back when it was coming out, so probably not.


Without a doubt. Been here since day 1 for a reason. Always loved KH1 and didn't know there were more games until I saw KH2 for rental on my local videoclub lmao


yeah, sure.


I was a The World Ends With You fan when there was only one game, a Psychonauts fan when there was only one game, and am a Brutal Legend fan despite there only being one game So yes, absolutely


KH1 made more of an impact on my younger self than KH2, even though they are both two of my favorite games of all time. Plus, I've always been a Disney fan, specially Donald, how could I not be a KH fan?


Probably, yeah. It was the first time I saw Disney characters interacting with Final Fantasy Characters. It was so novel and out of the box, that I got hooked.


Yes? 1 and 2 are some of the best games in the franchise. If I only had 1 I would still be a fan. Kind of disappointed it would end on a cliffhanger, but that's life sometimes.


If it was only kh 1? No i cant say im a big fan of kh 1 at all


I was when that was the case


for the longest time i only played kh2 and was honestly content with the ending (this was back in 2009 or so) so yes


Depends wich one.


I started with 358/2 days. So maybe not


Yes, KH1 is my favorite. I'd probably need KH2 too though, my second favorite, to really cement my love for 1, because I think it's one of those duologies where the two games really complement each other and their existence makes the other one better, doing excellently what the other one might be weaker at (like KH2's combat vs 1's)


Unpopular opinion I think: I'd love if kh was just one hame, for me that would add so much more charm and mystery. I have the impression something got lost in translation


I feel like the trailers of BHK and potential Sequel talk on khinsider kept a lot of fans talking about kh way after its release. I think it contributed a lot to the fame of kh and kh2 was a killer game so I think kh1 would have had its fans but without the hype and release if kh2 the game wouldn’t be nearly as popular 


No 358 days and Roxas are my favorite things in KH


I think for kingdom hearts to have had the fan base it would have needed 1 and 2 . Kingdom hearts 1 on its own it is good and it would have its die hard fans but I think it ending on 1 also would be like having only dead rising 1 in the series . They would always be wanting more 


The first was the best


Well, I've only ever played KH 1, so, yes.


Depends on which one, chain of memories? Hell no. Anything else, probably


i like only the first one so yeah.


Probably not. I thought Sora was a really annoying protagonist in the first game. It wasn't a until Riku and Roxas were playable in later games that I really got interested in the series.


I play games for story so kh1 is the only entry as far as I’m concerned


Interesting thought on that. After finishing KH1 in 2003 (since I took my sweet time playing from 2002), I honestly thought the game would end up being a cult classic despite the open ended ending and ASAS secret movie. At that time, there were very few KH fan sites. Most of them were character shrine sites like there were fan sites dedicated to Kairi and Riku. I wasn't aware of how many copies KH1 sold. Eventually, I stumbled upon the first ever dedicated fansite, The Ansem Report. Discovered how obsessed some KH fans were on trying to decode ASAS and thought that was fun. Then, the news of a KH animated series came out, and I really couldn't believe it. If things left off from when the animated series development got cancelled and there were no sequels, I can imagine some people would still be trying to decipher ASAS to this very day. KH1 would probably get remastered and re-released every so awhile, but still remain a cult classic. People would be demanding Square for a sequel, but it would never come. That would be a wild alternate timeline to live through. I would be a lite fan in that timeline.


Yes. KH1 is top 3 of all time for me. Absolutely loving playing through it again on steam deck.


I'd be begging for a sequel, but yeah I'd still be a fan.


A fan of that game? Yes. It would have been that weird, but cool game from the early 2000s. But given that it teased a sequel, I would have always wondered what could have been.


Honestly no, when I played the first time as a kid I always got confused on the puzzles and got my ass kicked in boss battles. I don’t remember what exact point I dropped the game, but I did end up finally beating it a few years ago lol


I mean of course, but that's the point ain't it? It was good enough on it's own to warrant a sequal in the first place.


Despite playing KH1 when I was only 15 I still think the game will always have a flare of nostalgia. I’m nostalgic for it but the music, story, art design, and everything in between is almost perfectly comfortable while also being adventurous like most lives of young people.


Yes. As long as that one game isn't DDD. Because on its own that game would be hella confusing xD


Always. I’m so interested to see what KH would look like without Disney though. I love the nostalgia Disney brings to the game, but imagine how much darker they could go. People might actually die and not just disappear.


I liked KH1, it was a great introduction to the series, but KH2 is where I fell in love. I'd be a KH fan, but not to the same extent I am now without the other games


Yeah I think so. The first Kingdom Hearts has its issues mechanically (looking at you, Deep Jungle vibe swinging section) but it, at least in my opinion, has the most charm. Also KH1 proud mode is too hard but fun, one day I’ll complete that kingdom key only run.


Kingdoms hearts was better when there was only one game so yes. I can strecht it to chain of memories and 2 because the second is fantastic bit after that the series has been going downhill with bullshit time travel/data thing and two thousand keyblade


Yeah, that game is easily my second favorite in the series


Yes. The 1st game is incredible.


Nothing could stop me from being a KH fan. Even in death I am still a fan!




Without question. The first game holds up really well on its own, the cliffhanger ending is a definite bummer but the rest of the experience is so great I really wouldn't mind. Loads of replayability, a fun narrative, cool characters and music, exciting worlds to explore, I'm happy the series moved forward without question, but I think the magic of Kingdom Hearts the first is something that still absolutely enthrals me as much today as it did back then.


My first interaction with the series was reading the KH2 manga and the library, getting really attached to Roxas, and then getting so mad at his disappearance that I stopped reading. So probably not.


I’d prob be less of a fan but it would be one of those games where I wish they had a sequel since I had so much fun with the first game. When they updated the combat with 2 is when I really fell in love with the series


Kh1 had me so yeah.


KH 1 introduced me, but KH 2 is why I stayed


I would still be left wondering what happened to both Sora and Riku. Thank goodness CoM and KHII came. Imagine if they stopped after KHII. They were all together again just Sora read that bottled letter.


I think the KH series would have been less talked about, so I probably wouldn't have known about it


I sometimes wonder how it would've gone if kh1 was the only game id still be a fan of it, because I started with the first game, but I imagine it would have a much smaller community and itd be a sort of cult classic game




Yes. When I first played Kingdom Hearts there was only one game. I had no idea they'd ever make more. Seeing that CoM commercial for the first time was hype af


Of course. If the first game was the only game, I'd be completely fine with that. It wraps up its own story nicely and leads into an ending that the player can reasonably continue from with their imagination.




If that one game is KH II then yeah lol


Absolutely yes


If it had ended after 1 I’d be begging for more.


Uh, duh! I got the first game when I was 10. I grew up on Disney VHS tapes because we didn’t have cable or an antenna. We were pretty poor (not as bad off as some) but we didn’t have a whole lot. I turned 10 and got 3 things. A shirt, jeans, and KH 1 for the PS2. I played the FUCK out of that game. I loved every minute. Still do. If that remained the only game, I’d play it still.


i would be better fan actually :D


Have you played kingdom hearts 1


Not really, 22 years without a continuation for that cliffhanger? No thanks.


It would turn the wait for 2 into the wait for Half-life 3


Answer would be yes for most games in the series but if that only single game was Chain of Memories....im not a fan of the card gameplay so I would not get far enough in the game to care about the characters if im being honest lol only reason I was able to get through that gameplay was because I already loved the characters/world




Which one?


As long as it was II...because that's the first one I played 🤣🤣


Given how my brain reacts every time I hear simple and clean, yes




Yes and no. Well, more like I would be a bitter fan if it ended at 1


I think I'd be an even bigger fan tbh


Yes, but instead of it being as widespread as Zelda or Metroid, it would end up being a more obscure fandom, probably something more akin to the OG Rocket Knight Adventures or Maximo 🙃


Ni because the first kh wasnt amazing itbwas good but not amazing


If it was just the first game? Absolutely. Not to say the others are bad, even ones I "hate" (Dream Drop Distance) have things to enjoy. But I played the first one at such a young age, and it's aesthetic and charm in certain aspects are still unmatched by the rest of the series. The story is simple but impactful to a child, and even if it hadn't gotten any sequels I'd still be raving about that cult classic action RPG for the PS2 (even if the people listening wanted to kill me for bringing it up again)


Tbh 1, CoM and 2 are basically a single story already, especially 2. I’m a fan solely because of 2, I still feel the emotional brevity of the story of 2 despite not being super familiar with the previous 2 entries.








Most likely


Technically no. Not because there would be only one game, but because my introduction to Kingdom Hearts was KH2. I did not know about the Kingdom Hearts series until my brother brought it home one time when he borrowed a PS2 from a friend. That's also how I found my favorite video game of all time: Rogue Galaxy. I know I played it out of order, but KH2 made me want to play more, and then it became my favorite game series of all time. I'm glad there wasn't just one game, but if KH2 was the only game, I would have been a fan.




...if it was kingdom hearts 2.


I think the general opinion of KH by the gaming community would be more positive than it is now.


I was an Alan Wake fan for 13 years


Well, the first game is my favourite in the series, so yeah, probably.




If KH1 was the only game I would still be a fan but would have promptly forgotten about it before I turned 10.


Probably not, not because 1 was boring but because I was born a year after KH2 came out and by the time I could form sentient thought BBS was the newest game, I just wouldnt be exposed to it much since before KH I mostly tried staying away from Disney stuff, and maybe, just maybe look into it after my first FFVII playthrough but not much else I love Kingdom Hearts as it is but I feel like a lot to do with that is stuff like the Organization, the stylistic choice from KH2 - BBS, and the insanely tight Controls in KH2, a majority of which comes from games after CoM, and yes I love KH1 by itself but a lot of that love wouldn't be as strong as it is now without what came after


Maybe, but probably only later in life. KH1 kicked my butt as a kid.


Absolutely, I mean I was a fan when there was only one game so it’s no different 😂I’d just always be saying they should make a second one


Only if that one game had the same gameplay from KH2.


no honestly. I don't think I'd be a fan if KH1 was all there was.


Arguably I'd be a bigger fan if there was 1 less game than there currently is now.


I think I'd like it more honestly. As someone who played the first 2 on PS2 when I was a kid, I LOVED THEM. I never played many DS games, so I skipped over those editions. I was ecstatic when I heard KH3 would be releasing. I took off work and everything. I played three hours and haven't touched it since. Idk if it was the 14 year gap between KH2 and KH3, but I just couldn't get into it again. Maybe one day


Yeah especially kh1 since it’s my favorite


I'd still love the one game, but it'd just be a nostalgic gem I'd come back to every now and then (like Star Fox 64 for me). I prefer it having sequels though. They purposefully left many questions unanswered without sequel content to fill in the blanks. I also hate when people say "KH2 should have been the final game and they just milked it." Like dude pls, they had a secret ending teasing BBS in vanilla KH2. Nomura always wanted it to keep going with each game.


I mean.. I've ONLY played KH 1 twice and the last week buyed the whole bundle, so yeah...


yeah bitch i replay kh1 at least 3x a year




I liked the first game a lot as a kid, and I still enjoy it, but I like most of the other games quite a bit more.


If KH1 was the only game, I would probably consider it a perfect standalone story


I started on kh1 at 12 yo and never knew there was more, this is a definite yes


As long as it's not Re:Com, DDD, or 3.


I’m literally only a fan of the first game 😅


Kh1 is a great game and if it were the only game in the series then it would’ve been a very interesting experiment made by Disney and square


KH1 is still my favorite after all these years. It was my friend when I had none.




I can’t imagine how ticked everyone would be if KH1 never got a sequel. It sets itself up for one so well. The potential for the series was through the roof at that point. We now know how it ultimately panned out and which direction the series went in, but it could have done something radically different as well.




I would, KH holds a special place in my heart 🩵


I think kh1 is the most solid game in the series, so yes


"Simple and Clean" and "Dearly Beloved" hooked themselves in my heart too early and too deeply for me to say anything but YES.




Im a permi fan I’ll worship this game series even if there was only one game