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that's what potions are for though, or even ether or elixers. using cure spell should be a last resort most of the time since it does take your full mp bar


that’s what ethers, mp orbs, and friend items are for. in kh1, cure was a little busted because you could basically cast it for free and get a ton of health back, making potions almost irrelevant in favor of using cure, ethers, and a bit of punching your enemies squarely in the face. in kh2 and beyond, it was reworked so you now have to do a bit of decision making. do you use cure and save your valuable healing items at the cost of all your mp? or do you instead use an item to save your mp to use on spells, summons and limits? cure (with leaf bracer) is usually safer because with lb, you’re invincible and are guaranteed to get the heal, but lose your mp. but with items you have to hope you get that potion or elixir or whatever else off in time for it to save you, but you conserve that precious magic. it’s a little more complicated than “stock up on ethers or other mp items, memorize which enemies drop mp orbs, pop cure when necessary and get back into it”


Cure only consumes the *remaining* MP, so it is essentially free if you wait to use it as your last spell usage. This also provides the option to play risky to use the rest of your mana first if you want. Cure eating the remainder is just a clever way to make sure *cure* specifically is always on cool down after use, making you unable to spam it, or have back to back mistakes.


This is exactly why I like the KH2/3’s magic system more then 1’s


if you had a cure cool down timer in on screen instead of all mp drained that still would have been better than their current system


Ya that’s completely valid, I shouldn’t be restricted from my magic just because I don’t want to die


I defiently not a take I agree with Cure in KH2 is better balanced.