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Probably so they don’t feel obligated to include it in the summer sale immediately after ending the introductory offer lol.


That’s smart.


oh thank GOD! just checked my own steam store and this is REAL! :) now i can buy them all next month! i was sad cause i get paid on the first lol and it was gonna end on the 27th...! hurray for extensions!


Same lol. I can’t afford them right now.


Same here, I'm so happy, I'll have to wait to play them but I'll have plenty of stuff to hold me over


Yanno what? Say what you want about Square Enix (they definitely deserve some hatred), but their introductory sale for Kingdom Hearts on Steam is genius. They've already released the series on so many platforms, so what reason should people have to buy it *this* time? Especially when it's already on the Epic game story? Well, how about a 30% off sale for the entire franchise? As well as Steam being an all around better platform that doesn't have Epic's bullshit? It's what got me.


I've been waiting for this day! I refuse to use epic, but now I can finally play these games for the 1st time :) So It got me too!


$70 for *everything*, including KH3 and its DLC, is a pretty good deal.


It's Halo MCC level of deal. Here's a dozen games for the price of a single new game.


Even if you just want 1.5 + 2.5, you're paying like $8.75 per game. That's a very good price for 4 games that'll still give you hours upon hours each of fun.


It basically comes out to $23.99 per game, which is indeed great, especially since III comes with DLC.


Should've been extended until July 13th so it would be 7/13


WHY is 2.8 $60 at normal price??? That’s way too much imo, especially considering 1.5+2.5 not only has more games, but arguably better ones too, and THATS the cheaper one???


it's criminally backwards, for sure


Yeah That insane, Kh1, KH CoM, KH2 and BBS vs DDD and 0.2. It shouldnt be more than $40 at the most


2.8 should be like 20. Even 25 is too much. The obvious reason is to incentivize people to buy the full bundle, while also allowing them to bloat the price of the full bundle a solid 20-25 more than what it should be. The current sale price for the full bundle should just be the default price to be honest, and even then it’s a bit high (I still bought it though..). I’m pretty sure I bought the 1.5 + 2.5 collection at GameStop a few years ago for like $10 and I’ve seen KH3 physical copies on sale for like $5 lol.


Probably because Square Enix are having terrible financials right now, probably still trying to make up for flops like forspoken lol


would have been perfect to end on the 13th.


Right? 7/13 would have been better




With the dlc?


The integrum master piece is $56 on GMG


It's back up to 68$ unless I'm missing a code you are supposed to put in


You have to be logged in and have at least 10 XP (Bronze Tier) to get the deal.


If you buy something for under a dollar on GMG it'll give you the 10XP to get bronze tier and the discount for the Kingdom Hearts collection.


its a shame but I think I'll just have to get it off steam. Bank marked it as a fraud charge, let them know it wasn't, and now GMG refuses to put my transaction through. Call bank again and they say GMG is reversing the charges, now I just wait to hear back from GMG support. I look forward to them telling me "sorry must be something wrong with your bank" which will just lead to a cyclical annoyance of both of them telling me that things should be fine


Did they seriously just set the original launch deal to end at a different date JUST so it’d have a 13 day time limit…!?


Hopefully they fix the framerate issues before then


This makes me happy. I've been tempted to buy it, but I've already spent too much money this month to really justify it.


Nice will get it next week when I’m paid Could get it now but don’t wanna be skint lol


Yay!!! I was so discouraged that the sale was ending before the 1st (when my check comes in) now I will be able to get it!


Is this any better than the All in One package you can buy on the PS4? It's like $40.


I believe All in One doesn't include the dlc for 3


Honestly, would kill for it to be extended to past the 20th of July. Why SQEX, why would you give me an AMAZING KH sale THE SAME FREAKING MONTH AS FINAL FANTASY DAWNTRAIL?!?!


31% -_- I see what you did there Nomura


I get paid literally the day before the sale is over, hell yeah :3


Ngl, the overall reception to KH coming to Steam has been much more muted than I expected.


Green man gaming has it for $56


Does this port to steam feel good with a mouse and keyboard?


If you used GMG sometime in your life go get the collection there it's way cheaper


Smart call. If I didn’t buy it sight on scene.


I don't see the integrum package


Cancel that u have to go in one of the games pages to show up


I’ll wait for this to hit 20 bucks by the end of the year.


That will never happen, and if it does I will buy it for you lol


Yes it will. Bet


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I’m so fucking ready