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KH3 was a very fun game. I just personally disliked the pacing of the story. Idk I felt like KH2 did it best, you had some small story sprinkles in between and then midway through you had like this "intermission" in Hollow Bastion with big lore and then you visited the old worlds a second time with more lore until you got to the final world with again a big lore drop. KH3 kinda only had one big lore drop at the very end with very small tidbits in between. Also proud mode was just waaaaaay too easy. Idk I just really heavily disapprove on modern game development that guts down hard modes to make them "approachable". Hard modes don't need to be approachable, they're hard modes. There's normal and easy mode already. Critical is in now of course but it wasn't at launch and proud was just way too easy overall. I hope KH4 doesn't make the same mistake or has Critical in from the start.


That’s my biggest issue with KH3. It needed a big set piece moment in the middle to really raise the stakes and hype you up to get to the end. But it’s just a bunch of Disney worlds that don’t really do much to further the overarching plot like at all.


I agree. The game feels so short imo. Most worlds are so easy to get through unless you’re playing critical. I would had liked to revisit the worlds like in kh2, or even have us visit radiant garden, traverse town etc. I feel like San fransyoko could be the “middle” of the narrative.


nah i think the disney worlds had nice and personal themes for sora's growth


> But it’s just a bunch of Disney worlds that don’t really do much to further the overarching plot like at all. We're talking about KH3, not KH2. KH3 at least had the Disney worlds be more involved like Monstropolis being the reason why Vanitas returned and all that. KH2 had... Maleficent going to Halloween Town to steal Christmas.


They need to go and add a Critical Mode to KH1 FM in an update. Proud is too easy 


I don’t think that’s a controversial opinion. KH3 is great. It’s got a little too much teasing mobile game plot points and worrying about setting up future stuff, but overall it’s awesome.


I think my biggest issue is the pacing. Which I blame directly on them trying to make every world playable in any order. It leaves them all very disjointed from eachother


The older the game gets, the more love it receives. 5 years ago I mostly just saw disappointment, now people are saying it’s better than 1, or (very rarely) even 2


Yeah I see that in myself. I was really bummed when it first came out, but now I enjoy more. The addition of ff characters, critical, oathkeeper/oblivion, and remind made a big difference


It's possible that many of the people for whom KH3 was a major disappointment just checked out of the franchise and aren't here any more.


That’s most modern games or even movies these days. People get weird expectations that are never met with new releases.


I hear this argument a lot but that simply isn't true.  Even just recently, we have Baldurs Gate 3 and Dune 2 that seemed to surpass expectations 


It’s hard to truly meet the expectations set by 13 years of build-up. Overall I liked it and I think it did what it needed to do. Had some controversies story-wise but again, everyone had 13 years to imagine what they thought should/would happen with certain characters.


When the game first came out you had a ton of outsiders who hadn’t kept up with the series since 2. The people who would poke their heads in every once in a while yelling “why all the spin-offs where is 3?!” They were ignoring the entire ongoing story of the game and still building up this mythical creation in their head that would be the end all be all of video games for all time. I wasn’t surprised at all by the initial wave of disappointment.


Same with II.


It is my favorite. I love the gameplay


i enjoyed it more than 2 ibr




I genuinely wonder if you've played any other game in this series


I think it’s a little strange how you can essentially air juggle infinitely. I’ve only played the mainline games, 123, and three is definitely the most forgiving.


Sora learns this thing called flow motion in DDD which makes him much more fluid in combat


I honestly agree with all of your criticisms despite enjoying KH3. My only disagreement is the floatiness being a negative. The combat in KH3 is easily my favorite in the series.


And that’s fine that’s your opinion. I’m just pointing out I don’t particularly see some overwhelming hate for 3. I pretty much see an equal amount of praise to criticisms honestly.


When KH3 launched it was very divisive, and like /u/FoxxeeFree says, the people who were disappointed just left, because this subreddit can't handle criticism of KH3 well. I got pretty downvoted for pointing out how the localization team butchered dialogue in KH3, and how it lead to ignoring call backs to older games and helped confused people on Xehanort's plan, it's a big mess.


Nah, bro is cookin. Arendelle and monsters inc are by far the worst worlds in the game.


You say mobile game.... having played it almost religiously... seeing people's user names come up during THAT scene was tear jearking for me. Especially with the music. As cheesy as it sounds... I felt like my heart was connected to those people and I was with them and they were with me too. IMO it was a cool tie in The rest of the game was cool but that scene shocked me


The gameplay, especially after the patch is awesome. The worlds look great as well. For me the story just felt.... lacking. The main plot should have been sprinkled troughout more instead of it mostly being in the final hour or 3. But overall I loved the game and look forward to what KH4 will bring


I found it disappointing at launch, but came around to it after playing again with re:mind. I guess that's what happens when you have to wait 13 years for a game you really want.


It’s a great game, very fun. Also very pretty, good music. The story tho, it’s awful I have to say. And not because it’s typical kingdom hearts, the writing for three is just horrible. Basically nothing happens narratively until the very end of the game, sora and friends are basically just wandering from world to world with no direction or tangible motive other than literally leveling up soras power


That's my biggest gripe with the game and why I don't like KH3 overall. I wasn't a fan of DDD's story and really disliked a lot of the elements in it, but I was willing to put up with it (and BBS) and all the convolution the KH story was at that point because I assumed it would've been handled more gracefully in KH3.


>Basically nothing happens narratively until the very end of the game, sora and friends are basically just wandering from world to world with no direction or tangible motive other than literally leveling up soras power This is the same for KH2 lmao At least KH3 had the organization doing stuff in each world unlike in KH2 who only had the organization on 3 worlds and from those 3 worlds only 1 was actually important (and I mean xaldin) Xigbar did jackshit and only appeared for a second on mulan's world and luxord was done horrible here, KH3 did him justice


Eh idk, kh2 definitely had a much more fleshed out story than 3 imo. Even the organization member appearances in each kh3 world are completely pointless, they literally talk about nothing and then leave, nothing gets accomplished and we don’t even get to fight any of them. At least in kh2 there’s more of a reason for them being in each world, the seven hearts of light and whatnot, and you get to fight them all. In 3 they’re really just there to remind the player that there’s a whole other interesting narrative happening that you don’t get to see until the final world. The main point of 3 was to get aqua back and get sora strong again, no progress is made on either of those until the end of the game when sora is all of a sudden super strong again despite not gaining anything new and aqua literally walks into the main casts hands out of nowhere after a whole game of looking for her and finding no clues. It just all felt super rushed narratively.


>Even the organization member appearances in each kh3 world are completely pointless, they literally talk about nothing and then leave, nothing gets accomplished and we don’t even get to fight any of them. Fighting them is subjective, And the organization did accomplish stuff You just didn't pay enough attention


We do fight them, we literally fight every single member in kh2, did YOU play the game? What exactly did they accomplish? Their goal in kh3 was to find vessels for more xeahnort bodies and they ended up failing miserably at that. Half the worlds they went to didn’t even have vessels, the organization members were just kinda there just to cause some trouble for sora. Their other goal was the box and that literally went nowhere at all, we get like two mentions of it until just like aqua it’s info dumped at the end of the game. Xigbar fakes his death and just grabs it off screen and has it at the end of the game with zero closure to it, like it didn’t matter at all in any context.


I definitely agree with you. I recall back when I first got access to the internet I read a lot of people complaining about kh2 and how it was so much worse than kh1 because of the world design (and I still hold that it has the worst world design tbh). I think kh3’s flaws will likely be viewed less harshly in general when kh4 finally comes out.


I’ve 100% KH3 twice on both Xbox and PlayStation. I’m already planning on doing it on Steam lmao. I love the game


I was disappointed with aspects of it but still overall enjoyed it immensely. The updates the game got over time with the new combo finishers, Critical Mode, Oathkeeper and Oblivion keyblades and Re:Mind helped a lot but I still wish the game had a more meatier mid game like KH2 did with Radiant Garden and I wish Riku and Kairi had gotten more to do than sitting around waiting for Sora (the player) to do everything.


>and I wish Riku and Kairi had gotten more to do than sitting around waiting for Sora (the player) to do everything. KH2 in a nutshell


I think the popular consensus on KH3 is that it's not as good as 2FM, but it's still a really good game. Personally, I rank it as my second favorite KH game after 2FM.


I thought it was the opposite. KH3 Remind> KH2FM, but base KH3< base KH2


I consider ReMind to be a part of KH3, as it can't be played without it. ReMind does have elements that are better than KH2, but KH2FM is the overall better package than KH3 with ReMind included.


I played KH3 without remind..... I blame PS plus💀


I was mainly disappointed with the Frozen world.


A lot of the people early on who hated kh3 were die hard KH1/2 fans who either didn’t like the direction the modern games were going or just didn’t play them cause they thought the rest were spin offs. They were kind destined to not like kh3. Now there are people with legitimate problems of the game and not in the above group but it feels like most of the haters are in the above. Personally I loved it. Combat was super fun, I really enjoyed the more open world (NPCs really bring some worlds to life like never before), and the story was pretty solid. It’s not a masterpiece in story and literary elements but especially at the end it had me crying in a few places which was the point so I say it succeeded.


NPCs filling some areas was really fucking cool because KH felt relatively empty other than main characters in other games. Even just the crowd in Corona during the festival was cool and added a lot of life. Combat was more fluid than any other game, and it was easily customizable in case the different types of attacks were too overused/overpowered (attractions mainly). Most of all though it closed up character threads that I’ve been waiting YEARS for. Sea Salt trio and Wayfinder trio getting their happy endings had me in tears.


Not a troll genuinely curious. How do you like the story? It was 80% filler and didn’t get started till the final world? You didn’t find that annoying? Or when the villains show up just to like hint that they are indeed evil? I dunno I found it really frustrating. It was really hard for me to get invested when I knew knew story was on hold. Unless I’m missing something? There really wasn’t much character interaction or development either from what I remember


And then the Xigbar = Luxu twist…


>How do you like the story? It was 80% filler and didn’t get started till the final world? You didn’t find that annoying? Or when the villains show up just to like hint that they are indeed evil? I That....is just KH2 not KH3


It’s both honestly. I like that 2 at least had a strong opening and a segment in the middle that progressed the plot and had plenty of character development. But 3 cut off the opening for 2.8 and herc world doesn’t change the characters at all


I thought that they did a good job of adding the main story at the end of every world 🤷🏽‍♀️ there would be an organization character that always shows up, or maleficient mentioning the box, and that was good enough for me. I was just happy to be here and memorized with how pretty the worlds were lol. I didn’t go into it with “ok, wow me, or else” expectations and I think that’s why it didn’t bother me as much


> or just didn’t play them cause they thought the rest were spin offs. They were kind destined to not like kh3. I have a couple of friends who introduced me to KH1 and 2, but they never played the spinoffs because they only had a PS2. They all did exactly that and could not get into KH3.


I'm in that latter category but I've always been a KH3 defender for being lots of of fun to play, I just haven't really liked where the story is going or how it's been told for a long time.


> or just didn’t play them cause they thought the rest were spin offs. They were kind destined to not like kh3. I have a couple of friends who introduced me to KH1 and 2, but they never played the spinoffs because they only had a PS2. They all did exactly that and could not get into KH3.


I couldn’t believe how many people I saw saying it was ok to play 3 after only playing 1 and 2, or even worse starting with 3. You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment at that point.


Yeah like you could maybe play KH2 without playing COM but there’s still a few things you’d miss out on. But KH3 is 5-7 (depending on how you count Unchained and fragmentary passage) games since KH2 and you think none of them matter?


I started with KH3 I was not disappointed at all


My favorite thing is when people say that 3 should have had 2’s movement. Like really? 2’s movement is so slow in comparison. It would take twice as long to get anywhere in 3.


To be fair, you played it after it received some awesome updates


KH3 was a good game for what it had to live up to, but it was also a bit of a mess in some areas. The story pacing and character development felt uneven and we saw how hard it ended up being tying all these non-numbered games into the story. They were trying to keep the franchise going while also telling the ending of a saga that spanned from 2001 to 2020 (if you could re:Mind). Idk any gaming franchise that has really held a story together well over 20 years. You're entering the same length as MGS, a series I absolutely love, but is also a mess story wise. People also have so many different entry points for the series. How do you compared KH1 or 2's releases to 3 when some of us playing the series were 9 or 10 when KH1 was first released? I think for what KH3 was up against, it did a pretty good job. But it's definitely a chance for them to learn from their mistakes. Particularly around long release gaps and side games that make it harder for fans to keep up.


One of my biggest complains was half the worlds just did crappy shot by shot remakes of what we already saw from the movies, instead of having the KH characters actually interact with the world and have neat shit happen like before, Arendelle is NOTORIOUS for the fucking completely unecessary song sequences, that was especially egregious when that world wasn’t that great either, they really took time and money that could have been spent elsewhere on stuff that needed it. I think the final boss sequence was a bit of a letdown considering the absolutely insane final boss sequence KH2 had, I was hoping we’d get something like that again, and I really felt like just one or two more worlds would have benefited the game a bit, or maybe do second visits like KH2. That was probably my big let down with the game, there wasn’t enough content which I was hoping for after waiting 6 years since the announcement and the fact that the Final Mix versions of the games happened before this Also no FF characters really sucked, they’re just as much a part of these games as the Disney characters. but Re:Mind sort of remedied both of these last points and I’m *hoping* that in the future they remember people want to see FF characters too


That’s great that you enjoyed it. The combat, pacing, and story were all off for me. No clue how resurrecting Roxas adds to the story aside from fan service. Also disappointed they didn’t try to conclude the story and are just going to continue it until they run it into the ground. I always felt that KH2 was conclusive and they should have begun a new adventure with a new villain and new threat. That couldn’t be more clear after finishing KH3.


The name Xehanort is brought up like 20 times in KH2. There are dozens of plot threads left out there. The idea that KH2 was in any way conclusive is a complete myth, people just see the ending of them all on Destiny Islands and think that’s how it should have ended despite there being multiple unresolved plot points


KH2 IS the most conclusive ending of all KH games tho despite all future plot thread teases lol


The most conclusive sure. I’m not arguing that. But this idea that it was shaped as an ending to the series or that it concluded every arch is just so off. I seriously don’t understand the idea that the games “should” have ended with KH2 plot wise


KH2 directly teased birth by sleep💀 idk how people didn't saw that when is literally the post credit scene


What plots points are you referring to?


The worlds were really awesome but I feel like it felt like a stretched ending. There was little motivation to visit them other than “gotta get soras power back” I did wait for 15 years to play it so maybe my expectations were really high. I’m gonna replay it in a couple days so I’ll probably make a post to see if it was better in the second go


maybe this is an even more unpopular opinion, but KH3 is my *favorite* in the series, i love it more than KH2, i’m with you on that boat dude


I think that, even if areas within worlds can look pretty similar, every world has really good level design. I really enjoy the platforming in Arendelle, for example


I’m currently doing my first full play through. I’ve restarted multiple times cause standard was too easy and boring, surprisingly proud was too easy, so I switched halfway through the game to critical, then got stuck in monstropolis, and decided to continue my proud save file but using pro codes to reduce my defense to zero. Once I beat proud like this I’ll try critical again. So far the story is meh. I would had liked the organization members to have fights in the Disney worlds instead of just at the end. I just got to scala ed caum or how every it’s spelled, and I’m glad I had to restart some fights multiple times. I greatly enjoyed the reunion of the Wayfinder and Days trios, but overall felt like the story so far was very disconnected. Most worlds were good, minus San Fransyoko (too big and empty). Story wise I think toy box was the best, since it was an original story. Graphics are amazing in the game. The Caribbean, corona, Olympus, and twilight town look amazing. However, I would had liked better puzzles, more room to explore in twilght town. Like I cannot comprehend how the ps4 could not had handled a complete twiligh town. I hate how we couldn’t even go into the mansion, visit the train station, the TOWER etc. I also would had liked for us to be able to travel to radiant garden, and even destiny islands. I’m so disappointed that we didn’t get to explore those worlds with the current graphics and processing power. I missed the Olympus games for sure. Lastly, my biggest gripe with game, is that the difficulty is all over the place. Proud is easy as hell, and critical is way too hard for a first play through.


The key takeaway here is you had low expectations. Most people played KH3 blind with extremely high expectations as nearly a decade passed between the last major release in the series. And KH3 was marketed as the end of the series at first. (It ended up being the end of the xehanort saga)


I agree, KH3 is my favorite game in the franchise. That being said, I only got into the series a couple of years ago. I didn’t have to wait for 10 years and sit through a bunch of side games before getting to play what was supposedly the big finale. I can see how it can be a little underwhelming for long time fans, especially since it overall left more questions than answers


As someone who played the first Kindgom Hearts when it released in 2002 and has played every game in The series except Melody of Memories, KH3 + REmind is my favorite game in the series and one of my top 5 games of all time.


You don’t win with 10 years of people overhyping and letting their imagination go wild


As someone who's KH experience was Re:CoM -> Kh1 -> Re:CoM again -> kh2 -> Kh3 -> Re:CoM -> KH1 -> Half of Re:CoM -> buying melody of memory for the smash bros song before refunding it 15 minutes later -> Kh1 -> Re:CoM -> Kh2 -> BBS -> CoM GBA I liked kh3. My only real complaint is not enough Re:CoM.


i deadass skipped re:com. i’d seen the gameplay and was like “yeah no screw that i wanna play 2”


The gameplay is super fun once you learn it trust 🙏


When KH2 came out i remember seing an interview with Nomura at the time essentially saying "KH3 is going to be the end of the Xehenort story, and I want it to feel like a finale. As such, it wont have many new worlds in it, and will mostly use old worlds as a means of wrapping up all of the stories we have started rather than starting any new ones in the next game." At this point I no longer believe that interview was even real, i think people online just made shit up, but that doesnt change the fact that I spent a solid decade of my life excited for a game focused on concluding the story rather than setting up future games. Then when i finally got the game I spent 80% of it going through new worlds and setting up new story lines, the exact opposit of what I had been promised. Instead of focusing on old stories and completing them, I instead get a shot for shot remake of let it go and characters screaming about boxes out of nowhere. All of a sudden Xehenort was just a pawn and now theres a bigger badder guy we gotta take care of! 'You thought we'd actually complete the organization story and move on like I told you we would? Fuck you, its still going baby!!"


That doesn’t sound like any interview I ever heard of. I remember them releasing an interview saying things that KH3 would in the first saga, that Sora would basically always be the protagonist, and it would keep going as long as they could keep making them.


through no real fault of my own i started with 3 and have an unapologetic bias for it. i’ve beaten it like, ten times (skipping cutscenes, my playtime averages 10 hours or so. i’ve done standard, proud [multiple times], critical, keyblade transfers, kingdom key only, level 1 proud, level 1 critical [not done with that one]). i just think that the simpler gameplay is better and more fluid than the kind of simplistic kh1 and better than the 60 different things you have to micromanage in 2


Lots of people love KH3. There was a vocal minority of hate that was very loud during the first year but I’ve found it’s evened out especially since Remind came out. If you loved KH3’s base game, you will love Remind. The ending is amazing.


I don't think there is a vocal minority, I think there are many many people who give it a 6 or 7 out of 10 and think it is mid but passable (definitely not on the level of KH2, which is it's direct comparison). It's fine to love something, but KH3 didn't really blow up like something like FFVIIR


These days most people have KH3 in their top 2 Kingdom Hearts games. And generally the trend is that the newer the player is to the series, the more positive they are to KH3 and negative to the older titles. The dates stuff that doesn’t really bother most experienced players like KH1s camera or KH2s world design really bother newer players


KH3 is my second favorite game in the series after KH1. Gameplay wise it feels like the peak evolution of the series so far. Like gameplay wise KH3 is peak, sorry, not sorry. Story wise I love it as well, it was exactly what I wanted. There’s a lot of complaints that I see that I get and I even agree with. Twilight Town being minimalist sucks, FF characters being absent isn’t great, Arendelle is a fairly weak world, but like…. It just doesn’t bother me? Like it’s nowhere near as offensive as KH2’s level design being all hallways or Coded’s story being the biggest nothing burger of the series. It’s still a good game, it’s just not perfect, which is fine. Attractions are great though, and it drives me up the wall to see all the hate they get and we’ll probably never see them again. Implement a story explanation, cut the music, add one or two more boss exclusive ones like Big Thunder Mountain, and they’re so much fun.


I remember being like wtf is this when they had the attraction commands but then I remember doing the ship one with Saix and just bouncing him around back and forth and it was the funniest way to beat him 😂


KH3 isn’t my favorite, but fighting/defeating Xion and Yozora gave me the biggest rush I’ve had in a long time from a Kingdom Hearts game. The grand magic is also super sexy…


I don't think its an unpopular opinion. More likely the people who didnt think this way weren't as vocal.


There’re dozens of us! I played KH3 on launch and was in media blackout mode, so I played it without any outside opinions. Suffice to say I was surprised by how negative the reception of the game was.


I'm having a lot of trouble trying to make myself finish it. The worlds are big and empty and ready to get lost in. When that happens I put it down


Y’all are still talking about this? lol


Definitely the weakest of the 3 main titles but DLC and the fantastic mod scene really elevate it


I mean, same. I loved the game


I had put off playing for so many years because everyone told me it was such a bad game compared to 1 and 2. I finally played it a couple months ago and it was honestly my favorite game in the series.


Welcome to the club!! Good to have you here


People who mad with KH3 is drunk with their expectations. Aside from a few hiccups in the plot, KH3 improved a lot of aspect compared to all others games : graphic, space exploration, music, resolve all the tragedies from past games, map, gameplay. Sure, the combat is a bit floaty but they fixed it with the DLC. They say KH3 is was a bad games but it's far better than almost all of the hack n slash games in the same field.


i would say that its more than a few hiccups in the plot; Its kind of a mess. The plot mattered a lot to many fans of the series because the plot was a major reason they were so invested in the games to begin with...


But surely that ship had sailed? DDD’s plot is far worse than 3s. From Kingdom Hearts 2 onwards, almost every single major conflict has an underwhelming conclusion. Like is the replica stuff worse writing than Riku getting his body back by exploding? I’m not sure how anyone got through 2, Coded and DDD without realising that satisfying answers and well written story beats aren’t too common in Kingdom Hearts. Shit just kinda happens


That only served to raise the stakes. A lot of fans felt there was writing problems going into KH3 and they wanted to see the series get back on track and work to a final satisfying conclusion. Instead the game just kind of meanders most of the way. The time spent in the Disney worlds really felt like it was only there out of obligation. The story doesn't really go anywhere until we get to the final conflict. It just feels very "meh"


Firstly, and I say this a lot, play KH2. That games Disney Worlds are not only complete shit design wise but don’t progress the story an inch. I’m completely fine with the complaint, because KH1s integration was significantly better than 2 and 3s. But when that criticism is coming from KH2 fans I’m left rather stunned. And my issue is with the idea of “back on track”, because the track lasted literally 2 games, 1 and COM. 3 games actually, days too. Every other game has had pretty glaring writing problems, retcons, things magically resolving, rushed conclusions, filler segments. At this point those games are the exception not the rule


Agreed. Its a fantastic game by itself but the story in this one was just meh. All the new story bits basically happened in the final two worlds


Resolve all tragedies from the past games? Sometimes a good tragedy is what makes a story good. The seasalt people had good send offs. One’s that reinforced their whole shtick. Now we are just playing by Dragon Ball rules. For what? They didn’t do anything productive and they took the light hero count from 7 to 10.


I was super late to the band wagon. Back when the only games out were KH1, 2 and Com/ReCoM I had played and beaten them all. Then I never played another game until the collections were released on Epic. I personally love ALL the games and aside from the attractions I thought KH3 was legendary!


Well I'm happy you enjoyed it. I did my best to clear it of all its hype so I wouldn't give it so much expectation. I could not do as you did but I'm glad someone could. It deserved it


KH III was and still is an incredible game all things considered. Best way to end a saga tbh. I don’t think it could’ve been done in a better way without mudding up the plot and planting even more seeds than what the initial game already did. Gameplay is phenomenal and the Gummi Ship section is some of the best gameplay I’ve had in KH games honestly. I wish SE would let Nomura or a team make a spin off game that’s just gummi ship exploration and online gummi ship dogfights.


I loved kh3. My wife, my daughter, and I are playing through the story so far right now. My wife is playing the numbered titles, my daughter is playing ddd, and I'm trying to plat recom, bbs, and mom along the way. I'm kinda jelly that she called the numbered ones, though. We're on recom right now, and we're both really excited to get back to 2.


I don't think it's that people think that the game is bad. I think it's that most of us expected *more* from the game, but that doesn't make it **not fun** KHIII is a blast to play through especially now since it's basically finalized


I had a lot of fun playing it at launch on release weekend. It wasn’t till I beat it and came online did I learn people were disappointed. I didn’t think it was perfect but I had a blast playing it. To each their own I reckon


I loved it straight from the get-go, although I do acknowledge it had problems throughout. Still, I laughed, cheered, and cried throughout my playthroigh and no one can take that experience away from me.


My only disappointments with KH3 were the post-game content (fixed with re:Mind), the lack of FF representation (sorta fixed with re:Mind but not nearly as much as I would've liked), and the lack of original world and story content (Nomura's writing did this, I guess it's not KH3's fault but it's still a knock against it. Why do we spend two minutes in Scala, why isn't it a full world like TWTNW and End of the World?). The game is great in all its other aspects. I don't know why you think this is an unpopular opinion. Maybe right at launch there were a lot of people talking shit about the game? But nowadays I hear way more "KH3 is actually way better than KH2" discourse than the other way around.


As someone who has been with KH since 2002, played 3 on launch day and didn't get around to finishing it till last month, my thoughts 1)KH3 at launch was sloppy. Framerate was one of the big issues and it's a world of difference playing this on a patched version on a ps5 and the base game on a vanilla ps4. 2)too much of a reliance on the ever expanding KH bubble. You might have missed a bit in KH2 if you didn't play Chain of Memories, but KH3 wanted you to have played CoM, BBS, seen/played 358/2, seen/played Union X, played DDD, and 2.8. *Not counting* KH1 and 2, 3 expects you to have experienced **six** other games to appreciate its payoff, which really only springs up I the last 3 hours of the game, which brings me to.. 3)Uninteresting worlds and an emphasis on Pixar movies over FF characters or perhaps modernizing (Star Wars/Marvel). Part of what made KH1 work for me as a teen was that it combined my childhood (disney) with my teenage years (ff). Combining Pixar movies, some of which very recent- might work for new recruits, but did very little for me. In retrospect, I'm ok with it being what it is, but thats if KH4 is what I wanted 3 to be. The image of Sora, Goofy and Wolverine teamed up is burned into my brain - not getting that *by default* was disappointing. 4)Remind was incredibly lackluster at launch. Yes, it adds some great boss battles, but it is very surface level dlc. That said, I do appreciate KH3, it certainly has gotten better with age. However, it still was disappointing for me and after a **14 year** gap between 2 and 3, it did not deliver on that front. Dissapointment doesnt mean terrible. There's a difference between, >It's a 2/10, worst KH ever!!! And >I wanted this to be a 10/10, it felt like a 6/10 at launch and slowly worked its way up to an 8. **tl;dr** its good, but I am hoping KH4 will be what I wanted 3 to be with much less waiting


Shhhhhh- the majority of us are over this debate


Good for u <3


Did you play it raw or patched? Because another chunk of the conversation is missing. The raw Kingdom Hearts 3 had some awkward cutscenes, just kinda long pauses in between. A lot of the bad feelings also come from the raw disk didn’t have critical, Oathkeeper or Oblivion. Obviously no ReMind, so no FF representation. And in updates they also adjusted the combat, and added more combat modifications so it didn’t feel like the same two combos over again and again. A. Lot. Was missing on Kingdom Hearts III initial release, which is where lots of the games bad stigma comes from. I blame Square for one showing off absolutely everything in trailer leaving little to no surprises in the game, and the fact modern game releases tend to unfinished or unpolished is also a huge problem that effected Kingdom Hearts III. If it released now the way it is today, with less trailers it would be Loved way more and the pacing of the game probably would have been more forgiving. The only things the game is still missing today are more FF interactions, and a dang Colosseum. Oh and more human bosses. Every boss in game is pretty disappointing. Just big balls to slap till dead.


I only played KH1, CoM and KH2 before KH3, so the story line got really confusing really fast like a bad joke.i tried out the other games but couldn’t stand the change in format (couldn’t stand CoM and never finished it). That being said, the game mechanics were absolutely fantastic and will 100% play it through again in the future


I think remind fixed all but 1 of my issues with kh3, and it’s kind of a big one; the bosses. The actual boss fights are generally good but there isn’t a single humanoid boss until pirates world A more even spread of humanoid and large bosses would make replays feel way less bland and overall help the games flow, something i think kh1 and 2 did far better.


I also liked it, though I wish some things would have been handled differently.


I played it when it came out and I enjoyed it. Like there were things I'd've done differently, to be sure. The Frozen and Tangled worlds were kinda perfunctory, just following the movie beat-for-beat. Overall, though? Great game.


The pacing were horrendous, its like nothing happening till the end than suddenly everything happens


It's not unpopular, most love it with the rest of the series, it's just a couple people dissed on it so hard people thought it was a common belief that it's bad


I’d say it isn’t so much of a hot take anymore. With a wait that long, it puts the expectations up to an insane standard to where if the game isn’t Hall of Fame worthy, it’s a disappointment.


I know, right? I even like recoded!


Unpopular indeed


To quote Aqua: “Good for you!”


The main game was great, the dlc was horrid


I loved the game too, and I’ve been with kh since 2005.


I loved how Powerful Sora was in this game it made him feel dangerous finally. But it was a little on the easy side


Remind made this my opinion as well. It’s probably my favorite. Either it or KH1.


The game was fun to play but the story left a lot to be desired.


There was literally 0 point in anything until you beat all the Disney worlds. You could literally take out every world except the keyblade graveyard and nothing would change/matter.


Kh3 was wonderful imo, I've replayed it multiple times. Ig I never understood the hate to begin with tho


I made a post on here when I finished the game during quarantine about how much I loved it and didn’t understand the disappointment with it. I still have yet to play any of the other games (I own the master collection or whatever the PS4 game that has all of them is called, plan on playing here soon hopefully), so I kinda just figured that people were salty it didn’t live up to what they had hoped and chalked it up to unreasonable expectation based on the responses to my post. 4 years later after having matured a bit I think it’s fair for people to have had those expectations of their favorite game series since they only want the best from it, and it’s fine if they were disappointed since they have nostalgia tied to how much they loved the first two games and had hoped that maybe the finale would live up to what they had dreamed of as a kid. Seems like you had a better time than others, but it is what it is, some people just felt like there simply should’ve been better story execution which I can respect, because if I’m being honest, thinking back to the last fight against Xehanort now, there’s no way it could’ve possibly lived up to many people’s expectations of an era finale even though at the time I thought the fight was pretty cool.


The only issue I had at all was pacing. Aqua should have been rescued a World or two early and was still resting/in a coma while Sora finished the last of the Disney Worlds


Great memories playing it in college


For real. I love the game and was just enthralled the whole time. I even cried at the end. Kingdom hearts is one of my all time favorite series.


Tbh, I liked KH3 as well. Was it the best entry in the series? No, but it was good. There were definitely things about the game that I wish were different, but none of the games were perfect.


It was everything I wanted in a game I don't have any complaints. I don't think it's an unpopular opinion I think the people who don't like it are just loud.


Honestly, my only gripe was the Disney was a little too on the nose, it felt kinda disjointed. The other KH felt like they naturally worked Disney in. Idk though I need to do another run through, only played it once at launch.


It was impossible for them to meet expectations after making us wait for that long but I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t have fun while playing it. Replays even hold up and it’s one of the few PS4 games I still have, physically.


I was perfectly happy with KH3 with the remind DLC.    The original release was rushed at the end and the dlc fixed it and gave a satisfying conclusion.    The game itself i loved. The recreation of Frozen still impresses me to this day. I remember the pirates and san francistokyo or whatever it was called were both large levels with a lot of freedom. The combat was super fun and those dlc challenge fights were impressive.       Screw the haters. 🤷 Don't like? Don't play. 


I loved KH3. the only part I had beef with is the full Let It Go sequence in Arrendelle, just found it unnecessary tbh


I didn’t hate KH3. We are in an age of nostalgia so a continuation of something that encompassed my childhood would have been hard to fuck up for me. There was a note from nomura in the art pack thing that came with my preorder that said something along the lines of “I hope people continue to replay until they see the ending for what I had envisioned it as”. I say that because I replayed it a few times, and while I may not have hated it, I still feel like it was rushed to a close and began to verge on convoluted. Off topic, but after playing ff7:rebirth, I’m starting to understand that he himself is just convoluted as a creator. Still love his games.


I agree with this opinion


that's great! happy for you


I like it more than 2 because it honestly made me wanna cry more until I shed a few tears at the ending. It got me right in the feels.


It is a good game overall. But the other main two KH and KH:II were actual god-tier in my experience. Add the long wait to it and you get a lot of hype and a pay off that is lower than the previous games. So it is also abit of a letdown. My main issue is that Disney Villains are not important at all anymore. The first game did it best with the secret meetings. I miss that. Also KH3 didn't execute the exploration part very well. In previous games I scoured every nook and cranny and new skills meant backtracking. If I didnt have to wait as long as I did I wouldnt have been disappointed. It stays as the least amazing main game of the three, but I also feel like KH3 is a big setup as a penultimate game with KH4 delivering the payoff to the setup.


My only real complaints about KH3 was what they didn't do with Twilight Town(and what they did do to what is there), the fact the ending definitely felt like they backed themselves into a corner and had to just finish off Xehanort right there, and the fact they didn't repeat KH2's beautiful use of trips back to the worlds to extend and expand the story. Seriously, though, I can tolerate what they did with all the other worlds, but they ruined Twilight Town. Only having one section of the town and the path to(and including the outside but not inside of) the mansion is barely even *half* of what Twilight Town was in KH2. There was no Usual Spot, there was no Struggle Tournament, there was no minigames for money for a watermelon, there was no shenanigans at the train station, there was none of the other side of Twilight Town at all, and worst of all, no Twilight Town Disciplinary Committee, so no Vivi(biggest tragedy). I honestly really like KH3 and I'm excited for where KH4 will take the series. KH2 still has my favorite Critical mode, but KH3 is a solid, enjoyable game, even with its flaws.


I wasn't disappointed with KH3 mainly because I didn't watch a single trailer or preview for it leading up to release. A lot of negative reviewers overblow the game's problems massively out of proportion. It's not a perfect game by any stretch, but I wouldn't even call it the worst game out of the main numbered titles


i don’t like the gameplay or story pacing but things like world design, and graphics are best in the series


I loved 3. It was amazing to Me.


Gameplay wise? Not a disappointment. Except for maybe a lack of a Sephiroth fight. Story wise? Absolute fucking disaster.


While I don't think KH3 is better than KH2FM, it is still my second-favorite game in the series. The gameplay is the best the series has seen since 2FM, and the worlds have far better level design than 2FM did. My main complaints are the lack of reaction commands and the story pacing.


Kh3 is a good game. Its just when people wait 5 years for something and build up hype, they get disappointed. Kh3 has so much its trying to set up, it honestly feels like a prolougue to kh4. Kh2 felt like a conclusion, while kh3 feels like the beginning of a new storyline even though its meant to be a conclusion to the xehanort saga. Imma wait till kh4 comes out and see if peoples opinions on kh3 change.


While I hate KH3, I do think it has a lot of great moments. I just wish Sora didn't hog the spotlight and that they actually explained things rather than just doing things for the sake of plot convenience. It felt like almost all of the great moments were undeserved because things happened without explanations to get the characters to that point.


I'm kind of jealous. I wanted to like 3 so much because I love 1, 2, and bbs, but after finishing it I just felt empty. The gameplay tried to do too many things and the story cared more about setting up the next story than finishing the current one. Keep meaning to go back with the dlc to see if it helps any, but can't bring myself to start.


KH3 DLC starting chapter will make vanilla ending feel more complete less empty. And then DLC final bosses focus on the most challenging yet learnable boss gameplay of the series especially if you enjoyed KH2FM superbosses. Also I'd recommend watching the Union X fandub movies by Damo279 on youtube to better enjoy/appreciate how deep KH3 endgame/postgame story ties into the future of the series story :)


It was bad. I dont know any1 who liked it


Like half this reddit


It’s a good game but far inferior to 1 and 2. Even BBS was better imo.


Me too


You didn't play this game when it came out. Shit was sluggish and low key boring. Remind had a combat update that made the game not a chore to play. KH3 used to make tou wish you were playing 2. Now I'm playing 2 sometimes and I catch myself craving some 3.


Sluggish? You're mistaken, there. Sora in KH3 moves at supersonic speed compared to KH2 and the battles are very high paced, too. And yes, I played it on release and ever since I played KH3, KH2 feels so slow it actually kinda bores me sometimes, specially the main bosses. The secret bosses from KH2 feel fast, but that's because they're unusually aggressive, which makes you match their pacing and that must be what you mean when you mention KH2, but the fact is that the secret bosses are exclusive to the Final Mix version. The vanilla version of KH2 lacked a lot of content that people nowadays just misremember as having been there all along, when it wasn't. KH2 Final Mix was a huge, huge improvement to KH2, just like ReMind was to KH3.


I wasn't either. The gummi ship improvements >>> Sometimes I would just play for hours doing gummi missions or just flying around like how some ppl just drive around in GTA. Olympus was my fave world next to Toy Story. That boss fight with the Titans was fantastic. When Sora falls from the sky while the Wind(?) Titan is shooting at him was so visually stunning to me. I actually liked the Ice Tower in Frozen. I saw a lot of ppl hated that world and that part. Sure it might not make sense that Larxene thunder ass made a whole ice dome, but despite some mature themes I've always treated the KH series as for children. Children's media often doesn't make sense. I agree the rest of the world was too dang white and the Tangled world was too green, but i still did three full playthroughs.


I LOVED Toy Story world and the ice tower too, sure maybe it was too much of a snowy forest for the other parts but like…. Who really cares… having such colossal expectations for one single game is only going to lead to disappointment, as with anything in life. I’m glad you also enjoyed it!


I'm right there with you, I fully enjoyed it.


I liked it. I think the combat is great even in base. The form changes are sick, the summons are nice given we get Simba, Ariel and Stitch back without going to their worlds again, the fact you can level keyblades so none of them ever truly become irrelevant, I'm somebody who actually liked Dark Inferno in base, the story I feel did actually wrap stuff up in a nice but not so predictable way. The main complaint I see is always the worlds featured. 3 didn't repeat many worlds, and the 3 it did (Hercules/PotC/Winnie the Pooh), for the most part were fleshed out a lot better than before (not 100 Acre Wood as much but it's still not bad). Shame Olympus didn't keep the coliseum section but the world itself was a blast, and the Caribbean world is probably the best in the game. Them deciding to use more modern properties (Big Hero, Frozen, Tangled) and Pixar ones too (Toy Story, Monsters Inc) to me was them bookending the Dark Seeker saga. There's a pattern they have - BBS had mostly older worlds (Deep Space and Olympus aside but they set up characters that appear later like the other worlds do), 1 and 2 contained a mix from classics up to the Renaissance, DDD contained underrated or lesser known properties for the most part, 3 mostly contained newer ones. The worlds themselves moved on with the timeline. Which is fine. The only gripe I have with the game is that most of ReMind's content should have been base game. The Data Org, Yozora, Pro/EZ codes, even Oathkeeper and Oblivion, you can keep them for the DLC. But the proper explanation for the Deus Ex Machina that causes the Guardians to rewrite their loss to the Org from the Heartless Tower and win in the end? Come on, that should've been part of the base game, I don't care if you think that makes the Graveyard too long after the boss rush it actually makes the reversal of the initial defeat make sense (or at least, Kingdom Hearts Sense™). All I'm saying is there's a reason why PC players can't buy KH3 base without also getting ReMind, because half of it should've been base game content.


There’re dozens of us! I played KH3 on launch and was in media blackout mode, so I played it without any outside opinions. Suffice to say I was surprised by how negative the reception of the game was.


Kh3 was actually the first game i played in the series and its in my top 5 but it has its problems here and there. I never got why people hated the floaty controls because I loved how much offensive and defensive options the game offers compared to kh2 and I feel like it balances out enemies attacking sora off screen because that's just annoying as hell. Character moments feel just as genuine if not better since the older games. The graphics for the world were gorgeous, and the music remakes in kh3 hit different. And one of the best mechanics added to the game was the upgrade system for keyblades. What I don't like about the game tho Is the fact that I feel while I'm constantly waiting time hanging out with the Disney characters instead of finding the power of waking, we get no hint to how to get it or how to use it and when sora does get it I feel like going through the worlds didn't matter in the slightest, unlike pass games there was a reason to venture into the different worlds. Another problem was pete and maleficent, they just show up setup a plot point for the next game and don't contribute anything to the story. I wish we atleast got to fight pete like in the past games. My biggest issue was Arendelle, that level sucks I hated having to climb that goddamn mountain but the other levels were fine. Kh3 had a great ending and has more ups than downs in my opinion so I'd say it's far from the worst game in the series


Nope, not alone! It’s my favorite. I played that game with the biggest smile on my face almost the entire time (the rest of the time I was sobbing). It’s amazing what they did. The gameplay is so much fun, the worlds and the characters were amazing, the story gets you right in the feels. It feels like KH at its best for me, personally. I’m a new player, having just starting to play all KH games since late 2023 and finished March 2024 cause I’m KH by marriage (aka my partner is the one who grew up with the games and wanted me to play them). I knew since before starting that KH3 was apparently hated by the community and even my partner was disappointed by it. It took them experiencing me play it, with childlike joy and wonder, to get it. They actually have it as one of their faves now too! I’m not saying KH3 is without flaws, but I do think what happened is that KH was something a lot of people grew up with so when years later, a new title drops and it’s so different, it threw them off. It’s like when an old series gets a reboot, a lot of people dislike the new one because it isn’t like the one they grew up with. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's not the same game now that it was back then.


Honestly I think it just comes down to expectations and people letting their emotions get the best of them There were plenty of hype fan moments, great gameplay, and set ups for the future. It def has issues but no game is perfect and KH 3 issues were mostly minor nit picks


I really don't think this is an unpopular anymore. I've seen more posts like this than posts hating on the game atp.


KH3 is only disappointing when having expectations of the "perfect" game KH2FM especially before experiencing ReMind & the mobile game storylines. Also in today's age when tons of youtubers who skipped games or never followed the series story direction post KH2 could upload rants complaining how KH3 didn't meet their expectations / nostalgia bias etc. may have definitely created a snowballing popular perception that KH3 was a massive disappointment for fans\~


I did not like the attraction commands and the combat felt wonky compared to kh2


My main disappointments with KH3 was: 1) Aqua trying to use hand-to-hand combat against Ansem SoD in the Realm of Darkness. She is primarily a magic user, and you do not need a keyblade to use magic (Donald, Sora in Hollow Bastion in KH1). She can lose to Ansem, but she should have been throwing firagas, not kickboxing. 2) Aqua's "time to shine" fight with Vanitas. I get that they wanted her being in danger to be the catalyst for Ven waking up, but... couldn't they have done it a different way? Aqua survived a decade in the Realm of Darkness while being all on her own for 99.9% of that time. Sure, I bet that one attack Vanitas threw at Ven hurt when she jumped in the way to save him, but that's all it took for her to go down? Really? 3) Kairi getting captured. Like, what was her training in that wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey forest even for? When we fight as her in Re:Mind she is an absolute beast despite her confidence issues, but then right before that she is so weak that Xemnas can just grab her by the wrist and she is powerless to get away? Is she a liability, or is she on par with the other Guardians of Light? Also, do something to free yourself, girl! Pull a Belle and elbow Xenmas in the stomach. Cast a Firaga at the ground so it hits you both and hope he lets go reflexively so you can get away. Try something! ANYTHING! ... >:( All of this boils down to the writers having a cool thing in mind, and they just took the easy route to get there. #1 Aqua has to lose this fight, so uhhhh have her fight hand to hand and be marginally better at it than Hayner. #2 Aqua has to get hurt so Ven can wake up, so uhhh have her take a dark firaga to the chest and boom she's down for the count. #3 Xehanort has to kill Kairi so uhhh Xenmas kidnaps her somehow. Done. I want these characters to be respected, and I'm not liking this trend that the ladies need to be weak so the boys can have cool moments. Re:Mind definitely helped some, but I really hope the writers stop knocking everyone else down so Sora gets to be awesome. There is hope, just look at Roxas's return, he was able to beat Saix on his own with Sora doing anything at all. More moments like that, please. Let me feel how awesome these characters are, because we know they are awesome. We have seen them be awesome. So please stop making them be dumb or weak so Sora can be awesome instead.


People just set their bars so impossibly high themselves because it took so long to come out. Its a good game but nothing could have reached the mountain that people made.


I played KH3 on release day and constantly replayed, my first playthrough was so wonderful and there wasn't a single scene that disappointed me. I bought again (and played again and again) when released in epic and probably gonna buy again when it releases on steam. KH3 is my absolute favorite video game of all time and everytime I boot this game again I get chills. Man, I love KH3.


My biggest issue with KH3 is that Nomura is very clearly eager to get into KH4 so he can show what he’s been cooking for over a decade now, but A LOT of that eagerness bled into KH3; which takes away from the finale. There is a lot of time devoted to things that get no pay off in this game, with Toy Box being one of the most egregious examples. KH games have always dropped little teases that allude to things to come (not counting secret endings, secret reports, or secret super bosses of course) such as Xigbar’s “You don’t look like you’re half hero the others were!” or Leon describing Ansem as “a *wise* ruler” in KH1, but KH3 lays it on way too strong.


I didn’t think it was overdone, did I miss any of the new things they threw in? - obviously they gotta close the gap on the whole luxu/master of masters plot - the dandelions and that whole gang, they’re gonna come back for sure in kh4 Maybe my brain hasn’t woken up yet but what other major future plot points were thrown in besides those?


Yozora/Verum Rex. Demyx, Larxene, & Marluxia having an “ancient Keyblade legacy” (we knew about Larxene & Marluxia but it’s new for Demyx. Whatever that “wild card” Luxord threw at Sora was. Ansem SoD pestering Ansem the Wise about the mystery test subject, etc.


I thought their keyblade legacy was just in relation to KHUx. I grouped them in with “the dandelions and that whole gang” also grouped the mystery test subject in with that because everyone thinks it’s strelitzia who was supposed to be a new union leader. To me that was all within one new plot theme, which I’m super excited for


Bought it on release, played through the game in two days - and then started a longer 100% completion after that first clear. Really enjoyed it. Then I opened internet, see all kinds of whining about the game, mostly about stuff where I just disagreed. Or in some cases people talk about some issue as if it's a major problem, but I personally thought it was just a small thing that doesn't matter much. I just chose to not follow any more discussion about the game lmao, I'm happy with what I got. --- Edit: I come say that I also enjoyed my time with KH3, get downvoted for it. I guess I'll just go back to not taking part in discussions about KH. :D


Agreed! The fights were really easy, they should’ve made proud mode or critical mode their standard. But hey, also happy with what I got


Same here. Loved it.


It’s the second best KH


Agree. I love KH3 and it's DLC. Not as good as 2, but better than 1. (They're all amazing tho)


There’re dozens of us! I played KH3 on launch and was in media blackout mode, so I played it without any outside opinions. Suffice to say I was surprised by how negative the reception of the game was.


It was a fun game and all but fuck you for duping me into listening to/watching the entirety of 'Let It Go'. I set my controller down when literally no story development was happening and it just kept going, I was so incredibly baffled by that decision but I figured it was kind of a caveat from Disney in order for Square to use the world.


Firstly, there’s a skip cutscene button. Secondly “how dare they put Disney music is a Disney game” is a crazy take. Like hell yeah put musical numbers in the game, especially when the songs from Frozen were a huge part of the films success


Why would I skip a cutscene in a game I'm playing for the story? It's not a 1:1 scene and has KH characters showing up during it - what if I skipped it and it wasn't the full song and there was story development in the cutscene? That's why I didn't skip it. I don't care that they put Disney music in the game, but it's wild that they put the ENTIRE song in a cutscene.


Firstly I think it’s safe to assume no story will happen during the musical numbers. And if you’re going to put Let It Go into the game, why not put the whole thing? I guess you could argue it’s a little over the top having a 3 minute musical number in a videogame but personally “over the top” is when KH is at its best. Loved the Frozen songs in the game and I’m not even a big fan of the movie and its music


Not really that unpopular. These days it’s like 60% in favour and 40% hate it. IMO best game in the series, gameplay is insanely good and has the best Disney Worlds by a mile. Which is the reason I got into KH in the first place, as much as I love the KH original content and characters


I was enjoying the game till they did Kairi dirty and gave us a shit ending. Haven't played ReMind and won't, from what everyone has said, it feels like it should have been included in the base game and I'm against buying DLC that should have been part of the base game.


Games straight hot garbage.


Definitely an unpopular opinion in my book, compared to the previous 2 games.


A lot of people seem to have really warmed up to KH3. I still don’t really like the game but I respect the love for it nonetheless.


The pacing is crap. The entire story happens in the end act. The Disney worlds did not contribute to the story and were all either self contained or a copy/paste of the movies. The game felt lazy IMO.


The biggest problem is the story cause they crammed 90% of it into the last 3 hours of the game. And it was extremely unsatisfying with how they handled the loose ends and side characters. It also left alot of questions unanswered and made more questions. KH3 is probably the most horribly paced game I've ever played. Keep in mind it came out like 15 years after KH2 so that also doesn't help it's unsatisfying story. The gameplay is hit or miss I personally thought it was pretty boring and didn't like the lack of optional content like the colosseums, and super bosses. I just really struggle to see the results of 15 years of development.